Using this old thread to remind a certain player who's name starts with G and end sin "ilga" that they still need to provide a description of Anna.
Also using it to post all the information we've provided all in one place.
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Jul 11 2018, 12:14 PM)

Good news, my expendable minions:
Obidancer has expressed interest in portraiting our little group - it will just take a while since he is pretty busy with his day job.
In other news, I think I have found the real life equivalent of bnc -
should she get older and decide to go into cabaret AnnaQUOTE (Gilga @ Jun 3 2018, 01:51 PM)

I envision her wearing a fancy black dress and then sneaking away to steal something. Or perhaps on stage in open mic night with the guitar. Or trying to study - but bored to tears in the university. The challenge is that she does not have any distinctive tattoos or drones or fancy tech on her. I also did not give her such a distinctive appearance all I have in mind is an attractive woman, a bit curvey for the 'elven' standard of beauty but she does not even try to imitate it. She likes having tits and ass and 'something to grab'. She likes her body, nurtures it, trains a lot, eats well and grooms herself.
I'll try to crystalize it into something more drawable though.
Green eyes, short hair (not marine short but shorter than her shoulders), tan skin, average height human. She is wearing a fancy night dress (say black?). She can either be singing or be trying to hide a magic ring from the rest wink.gif E.g holding it behind her back or something, in a closed fist where some aura is visible from that hand, something like that.
bncQUOTE (Volker @ Jun 5 2018, 02:39 AM)

I imagine bnc sitting in front of Krestov. I'd like him very much to rest on hand casually on his shoulder, protecting her in a non-invasive way. bnc would have control AROs in front of her, like the decker in the CRB. It would be really awesome if we could somehow fit her persona into the image. Maybe she's editing it or something, and thus hovers in front of her. She'd be absorbed in whatever she does on the image.
And yeah, maybe her eye drone hovers over the whole image, surveilling the whole group. I think it would be fun, if the image feed of the drone could be visible on a small ARO screen in front of bnc, somewhere at the top left, visible to her without being distracting.
What do you think?
I know Volker has provided a more detailed description of bnc at points in IC threads, but I wasn't able to find them.
From my memory
Short/slight build. Unhealthily skinny and frail. Pale skin. Drug problem.
Fashion: Punk/Street Look
Gear: Cyberdeck in her head
Key Cyberware: Hair that changes color. Cybereyes, one that can actually come out of her socket and fly around
Armed with: Ingram SMG (not that she's likely to use it)
Schmitt (Mr. Johnson) & MikeQUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Jun 4 2018, 04:11 PM)

Description Schmitt:
About 185cm tall, weight ca. 75kg,
Western European phenotype, lightly tanned skin, blue eyes, dark blond hair: Schmitt is tall and has the physique of a marathon runner - more lanky than muscular, but with wirry strength.
Usually clean shaven, hair cut rather short with slightly receeding hairline, wears rimless glasses, but not for corrective purposes, has a discreet datajack at the base of the neck.
Wears tailored, dark/marine blue suits with no visible jewelry like rings or a watch.
About 170cm tall, weight ca. 90kg
Broad shouldereed orc, light brown skin, amber eyes, grey/salt'n pepper hair: Has the physique of a prize boxer, although he is visibly aged with sagging skin and a clearly broken and badly set nose.
Usually sports some unstylish stubble, but no full beard, close cropped hair with very large, slightly pointy ears. No visible cyber, wears contacts.
Wears grey jump suits and heavy boots and occassionally a base cap (shield facing front), usually smiles and carries most often a broom or some other tool with him.
Slobbertooth / Krestov / TorrentQUOTE (SquirrelDude @ Jun 4 2018, 03:52 PM)

SlobbertoothMetatype: Ork
Height/Weight 6'2" - 6'5" / 240-260 LBS. I never really got a good idea of how much I wanted him to weigh or how tall he would be. I'm usually one to roll this stuff on random tables.
Skin Color: Pale white. Almost grey. Both from orc ancestry and his tendency to work at night.
Eyes: Grey-Red
Hair Color: Black, poorly maintained. Hair usually kept in a ponytail. A scruffy beard that runs along his jawline from ear to ear. No mustache. No neckbeard.
Key facial features: Abnormally large tusks, and scar lines on his left cheek that could be claw marks.
Mentor Spirit: Wolf
Cyberwear: None
Build: Large and Athletic. Damaged from his profession and lifestyle, but in the condition necessary to run the shadows. Not
this or
this. Closer to
this or
this with the usual proviso of "less handsome".
Key body features: No cybernetics. No tattoos (
last I checked...location No Foci tats). Maybe he'll get a tattoo after this is done (his parent's names with the date of their death, and the date he killed the woman who signed their assassination contract), but it wouldn't be visible for this.
Clothing: An unzipped and loosely fitting black armored jacket and jeans. Well worn boots or athletic wear for shoes. Motorcycle/combat helmet sitting next to his feet.
Armament: Customized
Yamaha Raiden w/Grenade Launcher, optics, and slide-rails on each each side, hanging from a sling.
Ruger Super Warhawk in a holster.
Next to him would be Zelda, a
Tibetan Mastiff rescued from some Triad gangsters. Slob could be either kneeling or maybe sitting with her head resting on his thigh. Slobber would be giving her a big smile and petting her head or scratching behind the ears.
I'll also put here what we have on Krestov and Torrent
If the words "troll pretty boy" could ever possibly fit together into the same sentence, it would be in reference to this man. Clean teeth, evenly symmetrical horns that aren't too large, smooth skin, and an Adonis-like body fitness nuts only dream about. His golden blonde hair is kept long and straight, a veritable mane extending just past his jawline, reflecting the sunlight almost as well as his ice-blue eyes. Only a few scars here or there mar his otherwise perfect features, but those only do to accentuate a rugged, fearless disposition. When comfortable, he dresses comfortably, loose jeans and a snug t-shirt donning his frame, a lined trenchcoat covering that for when he goes out. On the job, though, that changes quickly. Gearing up, his armored jacket covers what seems to be a sort of BDU outfit, his head covered by a stylised helmet decorated with golden feathers etched on the sides. His voice rumbles with power, giving off the notion that this man could hurt you...but chooses not to
Good, but It's a bit out of date. E.G. Krestov doesn't have natural eyes anymore.
Height ??? Avg troll height is 2.5m/8'2"
Weight ??? Avg weight is 300 kg/661lbs
Notable Cyberwear: Cybereyes are the only visible chrome.
Ares Crusader II Machine Pistol (Most likely hidden in his jacket). More importantly, carries a Ballistic Shield
Outfit: Purchased a Sleeping Tiger, which doesn't have an official description. It's apparently pretty garish piece of clothing designed to catch the eye and mesh with the world of high fashion. Maybe something like
this or
this, but with a bit more color.
Bodytype. Typically a troll in shadowrun looks something
like this. Tall and Wide. Doesn't really work for a troll pretty-boy though. Something like
this or the
current-standard fantasy orc would work better for maintaining that stereotypical male ideal triangle shape that Krestov should have. He'd obviously be more handsome than the first example, less green than the second two,
something like this, but with horns. Don't know what type of horns they would be though.
Street name: Torrent
Metatype: Elf
Height:1.90 m
Weight 82 kg
That's all we got, but that makes sense for how often Torrent changes his appearance.
Clothing: Chameleon Suit, Ballistic Mask
Armament: Silenced
Savalette GuardianNotable Gear/Features: Gecko Tape Gloves, Qi Focus Tatoo Improved Sneaking
Notable powers: Face Sculpt, Melanin/Keratin/Voice control.
Mentor Spirit: Raven
That torrent changed his appearance so often makes this difficult, obviously. It's why I proposed the symbolic act of him hiding half of his face behind his ballistic mask. Perhaps also have some kind visual to indicate the purposeful manipulation of his appearance with magic.