Jun 4 2004, 09:56 AM
Drunk, the question here is most underrated weapon, not most underused weapon.
Drunk Lu
Jun 4 2004, 09:57 AM
QUOTE (JaronK) |
Drunk, the question here is most underrated weapon, not most underused weapon.
JaronK |
It's lack of use seems to indicate the underrating of same, but I'll conede the point.
Jun 4 2004, 10:16 AM
QUOTE (Drunk Lu) |
QUOTE (JaronK @ Jun 4 2004, 04:56 AM) | Drunk, the question here is most underrated weapon, not most underused weapon.
JaronK |
It's lack of use seems to indicate the underrating of same, but I'll conede the point.
Well, not sure that was entirely serious. A lot of runners just grab their guns, kick down a door, and figure it out from there. In a serious game, however, this fails to work for obvious reasons, and I do agree: have all the toys in the world that you want— none of it will ever be as important as adaptability, quick thinking, and intelligence. Professionals are what they are for a reason, after all.
Also, note about that oral whip bs: no professional will ever, ever go that route, and there is no reason to take it unless you're playing the hot lesbian elf assassin dominatrix chick, in which case you're on your own.
Omega Skip
Jun 4 2004, 10:23 AM
Well, for the oral whip character I was actually thinking more along the lines of the "female love Troll hardbody", but the "hot lesbian elf assassin dominatrix chick" does seem more reasonable.
But come on, you surely didn't expect me to be serious about this... or did you?
Jun 4 2004, 12:34 PM
"hot lesbian elf assassin dominatrix chick" |
No. Just no.
Too bad SR never had the cybersnake. Really vicious thing that the oral weapons seem to attempt to mimic.
On LS. Isn't first response usually an astral mage? That pretty much sets the tone for the rest of teh incident.
Jun 4 2004, 12:54 PM
One thing to keep in mind concerning LS standard cops. The get a few pieces of cyber, on the company dime, they get a leather jacket and a uniform, the Thunderbolt and a squadcar with a few extras tossed inside. If they want anything else, they gotta pay for it. LS treats the beat cops as canon fodder, however, backup is most definitely not, they are former fodder who take offense to anyone shooting at their brethren with extreme predjudice. You shoot a beat cop, expect the sniper to heart or head shot you in a few.
Keep this in mind, just because the chief tells the reporter that they will make every effort to take the perp alive doesn't mean that the shooters aren't given the order to take the shot if it presents itself.
Jun 4 2004, 02:22 PM
Why do I always only get to the thread as its wrapping up???
One thing in response to cutter, I'm curious which geographic area of the US he's from, because police are a state/county/city thing, not a federal thing. Here in DeeCee, DeeCee cops are very different from Greenbelt, Riverdale Park, PG County, Montgomery county or State Troopers. Each group has their own budget, training and prevailing attitudes. I'm not on the wrong side of the law often enough to know who's fun to be with and who's not beyond rumors, but I do know that a few miles can make a huge difference in how police are funded and run.
LS would obviously not have that problem. LS in Seattle will be the same as LS in Hong Kong (except they follow different laws and may pack different heat, depending on market pressures).
I'm surprised no one mentioned Taz as the runner's street sam (maybe a physical adept? His magically improved skill would be 'consume'.)
I'm kinda glad they didn't include the cybersnake. My only irrational fear are vaginal snakes. rrr... *shiver*
Edit: Oh yeah, what's the deal with park police? I see them everywhere... Anyone know what their jurisdiction is? I hope they're not just there to arrest errant bears... "Hey Booboo, I got napped for stealing a picinic basket! This is my one free phone call."
Jun 4 2004, 02:36 PM
Vaginal snakes? Been done and discussed.
And the results were amazingly...graphic.

Jun 4 2004, 03:22 PM
I don't follow my advice, I live it sir. QUOTE (cutter07 @ May 8 2004, 07:38 AM) You should really learn more about firearms before you start correcting people. [...] Read, learn, then correct. QUOTE (cutter07 @ May 21 2004, 07:42 AM) Skin blocks radiation about as well as toliet paper blocks rounds from a .45.
Yeah, you sure do live it alright. |
Your point is missed? Provide proof where my statements about firearms are flase.
Also as we've said in the post you've quoted from your skin only blocks alpha, we went over this. Plenty of good articles on the web supportign this. Go stand in a reactor for 10 mins then call me. I'll send flowers to your next of kin. Thanks la~
Also read BitBashers sig link, A List of Logical Fallacies used often on these boards. Read them and stop using them... as you might find they apply to you last post.
Jun 4 2004, 04:29 PM
He's talking about you telling people to do research before they start spouting about things they're completely ignorant of. This, however, is something you're more guilty of than anyone else i've yet encountered on Dumpshock. That's not just hyperbole, either.
Jun 4 2004, 04:44 PM
While I can show several insults from you to me in this and other posts theres no need to. I wasn't refering to you and have nothing against you. In fact I've said sorry more then once in this post for the record. |
THat's cool Cutter, but just as a side note, it's a good idea to quote what you're replying to, or even mention a name regarding whom you are replying to as it drastically cuts down misunderstandings like this!
Jun 4 2004, 05:07 PM
Hunting Lone Star officers takes work and planning, but there's no more satisfying prey. They are cannon fodder if you plan well enough and don't let them respond.
Jun 4 2004, 05:10 PM
A high rating jammer can do wonders for your hunt as well, though I still don't recommend it
Jun 4 2004, 05:35 PM
QUOTE (Siege) |
Vaginal snakes? Been done and discussed. |
Umm... Ick. The cybersnake (the original, at least) was an oral weapon. From Hardwired.
Jun 4 2004, 08:26 PM
Point taken Bit.
He's talking about you telling people to do research before they start spouting about things they're completely ignorant of. This, however, is something you're more guilty of than anyone else i've yet encountered on Dumpshock. That's not just hyperbole, either. |
Its ironic that the people most ignorant about a subject resort to name calling or insulting ones intelligence/skill/knowledge on a subject in attempts to hide their own inability. Seems every time I prove a point someones got to bury their head in the sand. just as you have done here, with no proof what-so-ever. The real ignorance here is accusation without proof, based purely on your dislike for a person. Just because you don't like me doesn't have me ignorant nor make what I say untrue.
This started out as a thread asking for hidden little gems of knowledge in the firearms/gear, things players or GM might actually find useful. But it quickly turned to a personal quest of some to better their own reputation by belittling someone elses ideas/knowledge without adding any real value to the discussion at all. Maybe this is because they had nothing to share in the first place and we angery about it, not sure. Its just funny watching the wheels of hostility turn powered by a persons own self-loathing for lacking. If you had a point and a topic perhaps you'd have soemthign worth discussing.
Jun 4 2004, 08:34 PM
Cutter, do we really need to break out the .45 through tissue paper quote again? You're guilty of holding up a thread for ages with rediculous statements, all the while spouting off about how you at least knew how to shut up when you were wrong. It's going to take a long time to live that one down... in the mean time, I suggest you avoid comments about the ignorance of others.
John Campbell
Jun 4 2004, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (cutter07) |
Its ironic that the people most ignorant about a subject resort to name calling or insulting ones intelligence/skill/knowledge on a subject in attempts to hide their own inability. |
I totally agree. I assume that's why you start flinging insults around and calling people names like "shortbus" whenever anyone contradicts you.
The White Dwarf
Jun 4 2004, 08:37 PM
BLah blah blah, I am so right. You are all wrong. I knwo this because I know I know the most and you all know nothing, as evidenced by all the posts where you say wrong things. I dont need to quote them, its evidenced enough by the fact that I said it which means its right.
Oh, um to include something about underrated weapons... Id have to say flashpacks. And body compartments. Thats some fun waiting to happen right there.
Jun 4 2004, 08:41 PM
I was playing around with a blind swordsman character who, with the right edges and flaws, ended up with a +1 TN when using his sword for visibility, regardless of lighting (since he's blind). Then, grabbing the idea from another thread, I can strap a flashpack to his chest, giving everyone who looks at him a +6. Wheee! That would sure slow them down.
Jun 4 2004, 08:45 PM
THat's cool Cutter, but just as a side note, it's a good idea to quote what you're replying to, or even mention a name regarding whom you are replying to as it drastically cuts down misunderstandings like this! |
Thank you for bringing this up BitBasher. I might not be the only person who doesnt know how to add someone's name to the quote box, (then again, I might be the only one

) so any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Jun 4 2004, 08:49 PM
Oh, um to include something about underrated weapons... Id have to say flashpacks. |
I have to wholesale agree with you on this one!. Flashpacks rock. They just gave a very poor description of them in the current books, buch better was the original Street Sammy Catalog I believe. Same function, better description.
John Campbell
Jun 4 2004, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (KillaJ) |
Thank you for bringing this up BitBasher. I might not be the only person who doesnt know how to add someone's name to the quote box, (then again, I might be the only one ) so any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. |
Well, the easy way is to just use the "Quote" button on the post you're responding to and have the forum engine do it automagically. If you're quoting more than one post, you can add the quote boxes in by hand, and put names in the tags like so:
[quote=KillaJ]Stuff being quoted.[/quote ]
Except without that last space inside the closing tag. That'll produce an attributed quote like above.
Jun 4 2004, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (John Campell) |
Well, the easy way is to just use the "Quote" button on the post you're responding to and have the forum engine do it automagically. If you're quoting more than one post, you can add the quote boxes in by hand, and put names in the tags like so:
Look at me Ma, I can use the forum like a big boy!
Thanks for the tip.
Jun 4 2004, 09:01 PM
Yeah, ditto. Thanks a bunches. Next question:
[ Spoiler ]
Can the word spoiler be changed to something else?
[spoiler=Test]Let us see how this fares[/spoiler]
Jun 4 2004, 09:02 PM
whenever i'm outtof ammo, i use debri. dunno why, it doesn't always help, actually most of the time it doesn't, but there's just something funny about throwing tables and office chairs and a deck or a bottle or something at some red samurai...
then again, my troll is just plain dangerous to work with.
Jun 4 2004, 09:03 PM
My trolls tend to throw the mothy little elves first, then the debris, never know what that solid oak desk might be worth
Jun 4 2004, 09:04 PM
My GM wouldn't let me take clubs specialized to (dwarves).
Jun 4 2004, 09:05 PM
Hehe, that's because it's Clubs(Metahuman body)
Jun 4 2004, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
My trolls tend to throw the mothy little elves first, then the debris, never know what that solid oak desk might be worth |
Thanks for the warning. I'll try to stay out of reach.
Jun 4 2004, 09:31 PM
We all think you r0x0rz, nezumi |
Sorry, I had to try...
I remember my shapeshifter's first (and last) combat scene, he threw his (fully loaded) gun.
Jun 4 2004, 10:25 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
Hehe, that's because it's Clubs(Metahuman body) |
Seriously, I don't see why not.
It's not like trolls are bothered by the weight of dwarf-tossing.

Jun 4 2004, 10:43 PM
I still think whoever went with clubs (municiple property) had the best idea. Though I think a parking meter is a poke arm.
Jun 4 2004, 10:48 PM
Well, since they can apparently take down rigged Lone Star Yellowjackets, I would have to say that the most underrated weapon would be a flashbang "nade."
Jun 4 2004, 10:48 PM
QUOTE (JaronK) |
I still think whoever went with clubs (municiple property) had the best idea. Though I think a parking meter is a poke arm.
JaronK |
Poke arm?
I guess it depends on how it's handled...

Jun 4 2004, 10:50 PM
Errr... yeah. Typo. Ouchie.
Jun 4 2004, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (JaronK) |
Errr... yeah. Typo. Ouchie.
JaronK |
S'all good -- it was the funniest typo I've seen in a long time.

Jun 4 2004, 11:31 PM
Never got the flashpaks. They seem to be help raise your enemies TNs but never really blind them (unless I missed something on the reading). I want something like like a Mark 141, something that leaves you completed blinded and deaf. Of course that might be a little too overpowering in a CQB.
What skill would pulling up a stop sign and impaling someone fall under?
Jun 4 2004, 11:38 PM
Edged weapons (municipal property)

Luke Hardison
Jun 4 2004, 11:39 PM
QUOTE (Siege) |
Edged weapons (municipal property)

-Siege |
Gah! Stop signs are huge, much taller than me at 6'2". That's a polearm. Or, as you prefer, poke arm.
Jun 4 2004, 11:41 PM
I have a hard time believing that anyone besides a troll would routinely rip up stop signs and use them as melee weapons.
Although, an augmented samurai could use the actually "STOP" part of the sign as a thrown weapon with some amusing effect.

Jun 5 2004, 12:13 AM
Missile Mastery + Improved Throwing Weapons 6 + Karma Pool = some of the funniest deaths I've ever seen.
Jun 5 2004, 12:49 AM
QUOTE (Hasaku) |
Missile Mastery + Improved Throwing Weapons 6 + Karma Pool = some of the funniest deaths I've ever seen. |
Ahhhh..."AOL Demodisc Ninja", for starters, I presume?
Jun 5 2004, 01:04 AM
Missile Mastery + Improved Skill: Thrown Weapons + grenades = insult to injury

Jun 5 2004, 01:06 AM
Take a splash grenade filled with liquid salt.
Make the grenade spiky.
Give it to an Adept with Missile Mastery + Improved Thrown Weapons who happens to be wearing padded gloves so he doesn't spike his hand.
Now you really CAN rub salt in their wounds!
Jun 5 2004, 01:55 AM
Uhm, liquid salt? You mean liquid NaCl? What the fuck kind of balloon is that?
Jun 5 2004, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Uhm, liquid salt? You mean liquid NaCl? What the fuck kind of balloon is that? |
...*slaps himself upside the face* Dayamn, I'm tired...
Correction: Salt water.

I THINK that'd work, anyway. Though it might clog up the grenade, if it's anything like glop grenades from Star Wars...
Jun 5 2004, 03:06 AM
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jun 4 2004, 04:28 PM) |
QUOTE (Nikoli @ Jun 4 2004, 03:03 PM) | My trolls tend to throw the mothy little elves first, then the debris, never know what that solid oak desk might be worth |
Thanks for the warning. I'll try to stay out of reach.
I have yet to play a troll in pbb so, it's all good.
And it was supposed to be mouthy, damned Slips by Freud showing when they ain't s'possed to
Jun 5 2004, 07:09 AM
I have a character that was for a while anticipating a mob of about 300 storming his compound because it was one of the only things in the ash dunes of puyallup with heat during the winter. The GM had forgotten that yes, actually I HAD taken the time to design and build a trebuchet. When a running group is too poor for machine guns, a trebuchet is a VERY handy thing to have lying around. And given how many laughs I got when I said I wanted to build it compared to how impressed everyone was when I whipped it out, I would definitely say it was the most underrated weapon I've ever seen in an SR game.
Omega Skip
Jun 5 2004, 11:46 AM
All this talk about grenades got me thinking... Did anybody here besides me play Halo? Remember those plasma grenades? For those who didn't play Halo, a plasma grenade was just a regular grenade (plus flashy blue light and particle effects) that stuck to whomever you hit with it. For example, you'd see a bunch of aliens run towards you. Now you could take a plasma grenade, stick it to the alien that's closest to your position, and watch it run back to its buddies, screaming "Get it off of me, get it off..." BLAM!
As for Shadowrun, I'm thinking along the lines of grenade, covered with tiny gel packs containing some sort of super-glue. Only problem is, how do you prevent it from becoming sticky before you throw it?
Any input from people who've actually handled grenades would be highly appreciated.
Jun 5 2004, 11:57 AM
Well, I'm not speaking from experience, but here's a few ideas. First, what about magnetic grenades? With all the cyberware around it might work... it would certainly work on a lot of vehicles, and wouldn't scatter much in metal environments. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard with a small electromagnet to have it engage when thrown.
You could also have a "sticky grenade" that was thrown via a small stick like attachment... basically, it would be very sticky on the whole grenade, but would have a small handle sticking off it that was for gripping. You simply throw from the handle and the grenade sticks. If that doesn't work, perhaps the handle could detach with the press of a button, allowing a flinging motion.
I seem to recall something about WWII soldiers using grenades placed in grease covered socks, which they'd fling, and would stick to tanks. It's been a while, but I think those actually existed and worked... but I could have the details wrong.
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