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Edge is probably a term grandfathered from the old FASA RPG Mechwarrior (the RPG companion to Battletech). It functioned exactly like Karma Pool did (a reroll pool that refreshes every so often). It also was "bought" like an attribute.
QUOTE (lord_cack)
Does anyone think its possible for "Essence" to be replaced by "Humanity" rating or that the new system for "Essence" will work like WoD's "humanity"?

No No No NO and errm No!!
I hope your taking the piss.
QUOTE (Phantom Runner)
Attribute splitting isn't such a bad thing...

I disagree. Six attributes plus two derived attributes was a nice balance between excessively broad stats (Tri-Stat) and an altogether unnecessary profusion of stats (Fringeworthy). Personally, I think we're moving off of the balance with these splits.

Hmm... I actually like this. Not so big on the int/qui splits, for the reason Kag mentioned, but I do like the idea of buying magic and luck... I mean "edge". Just as long as we don't have to buy our movement rate, like in CP. This really does give a chance for more roleplaying, since you can make someone who's neither chromed to the gills nor the epic mage, but can still at least survive fighting next to them.

Now we just need to get willpower renamed "cool" ;P

One other thing I'm interested in, since I guess it links more here than anywhere, is the possible of variable essence cost for cyber. The cyber cost is say 1d6/3 essence points. You roll, and it's between .3 to 2 points, depending on how lucky you are (or not). But then again, as I've said before, I don't pay quite as much attention to what the rules actually say as I should.
QUOTE (NightHaunter @ Apr 12 2005, 10:08 AM)
QUOTE (lord_cack @ Apr 12 2005, 03:03 PM)
Does anyone think its possible for "Essence" to be replaced by "Humanity" rating or that the new system for "Essence" will work like WoD's "humanity"?

No No No NO and errm No!!
I hope your taking the piss.

I was not wondering because I hoped they would. Just a passing thought. Another passing thought:

Reaction+Logic (or Intuition) for initiative....?

So far I haven't had many good passing thoughts, but thats a good thing.

I am also, still, wondering what effect this will all have on the way magic functions.
I suspect the Awakened will be, over all, less powerful than before since they have a new drain on their attribute spending, unless we see a corresponding increase in attribute points.

QUOTE (nezumi)
One other thing I'm interested in, since I guess it links more here than anywhere, is the possible of variable essence cost for cyber. The cyber cost is say 1d6/3 essence points. You roll, and it's between .3 to 2 points, depending on how lucky you are (or not). But then again, as I've said before, I don't pay quite as much attention to what the rules actually say as I should.

I think that's possibly the worst idea I've ever heard of. smile.gif

QUOTE (mmu1)
QUOTE (nezumi @ Apr 12 2005, 10:19 AM)
One other thing I'm interested in, since I guess it links more here than anywhere, is the possible of variable essence cost for cyber.  The cyber cost is say 1d6/3 essence points.  You roll, and it's between .3 to 2 points, depending on how lucky you are (or not).  But then again, as I've said before, I don't pay quite as much attention to what the rules actually say as I should.

I think that's possibly the worst idea I've ever heard of. smile.gif

Hey, it was the standard mechanic for humanity loss in CP 2020.
The notion of variable humanity loss kept things interesting.

Cyberjunkies in SR tend to be number-crunched exercises in accounting because you know a smartlink, for example will cost you exactly this much essence.

In SP, you knew your loss would be in the range of X to Y, but it made min-maxing harder since you had no idea how much you'd suffer for each piece implanted.

However, I don't think SR is re-writing the mechanic that drastically.

Variable essence loss would be quite interesting but while it would certainly doom some people there would be others who somehow manage to always roll the minimum essence loss (legitimate or not). In general though I disagree with random elements during character creation as it makes balancing characters a total bitch. Now if there was a mechanic for after generation optimal and non optimal implantion (beyond the cyberware grade rules) that might be an interesting optional ruleset. It should be way easier to use than the M&M surgery rules though.
QUOTE (Phantom Runner)
I've been really happy with all the changes so far, but I would really hate to see initiative change too much. I really loved the SR initiative system, so much so that I've attempted to adapt it to other games. I think SR3 got initiative right (as opposed to SR2) in that everyone takes and action, subtract 10, anyone left takes an action, subtract 10, continue...lather, rinse, repeat...

That SR3 change was definately an improvement over SR2. But the clumsiness of how you get the Init, and the extremes of numbers that it generates i think are an issue. There is plenty of room for improvements and to still keep the spirit of the Init.

After reading this thread i get the impression that a lot more characters will be at least weak awakened. I once tried to build a half-burnout shaman, but it was horrible.

I disagree. In SR3 'ware based characters have a real edge to begin with, but hit a ceiling long before awakened characters. It is a bit tricky, and somewhat relies on GM goodwill regarding geas, but an awakened character that uses 'ware is a very powerful character that can combine the starting edge of 'ware with the longterm room for growth of magic.

But now, with maybe the possibility to buy only two or three magic points, it will become much easier i guess - and much more common. Don't know what i should think of it.

This only works if you geas up for every bit of 'ware you install. In SR3 the 'wared awakened only works because you start with 6 points. So you can install 2 or 3 magic points worth of 'ware and still be left with some semblance of magic without geas, or geas up to return to mostly full magery. In SR4 (assuming magic loss works in a similar way) you'll still need to either geas up to overcome all the 'ware or spend the build resources for full magic that will get reduced to partial magic.
Vuron - which is why my old CP GM always either rolled the humanity loss himself or carefully monitored people when they did.

And some cheese monkeys you know you have to watch more closely than others.

I am concerned that there will be a sudden surge in Awakened characters (sorry) unless Magic still becomes a Yes/No proposition with a high priority cost or 4th edition equivalent.

Now I'm not rounding up villiagers and getting torches and pitchforks ready....yet....because maybe....just maybe.....they're doing an abysmall job of explaining/selling what it is they're trying to do....

I think we are seeing an inherent difficulty in trying to explain where they are going before they know the final destination. I've gathered from Patrick [EDIT:for clarity]that even the designers[/EDIT] don't know specifics yet of how it will work, so they can't give those details since they don't actually exist yet. They must be very guarded in what they release otherwise they either limit the design possibilities or later have egg on their face for giving false info in the FAQ.

So they say they are removing something, but can't tell you what they are replacing it with. Uncertainty leads to fear. Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to the darksi...erm, it leads to clinging to the devil you know.
Wounded Ronin
I never liked karma pool anyway. I am glad to see it eaten.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
I never liked karma pool anyway. I am glad to see it eaten.

Twas unbalancing at high levels but very useful at low levels.
That and Patrick as well as other writers involved with the project are under non-disclosure agreements and risk severe legal, financial and professional repercussions for violating those agreements.

So even if they did know more than the writers are letting on, we can't really fault them for their reluctance or inability to discuss specifics.

QUOTE (blakkie)
This only works if you geas up for every bit of 'ware you install. In SR3 the 'wared awakened only works because you start with 6 points. So you can install 2 or 3 magic points worth of 'ware and still be left with some semblance of magic without geas, or geas up to return to mostly full magery. In SR4 (assuming magic loss works in a similar way) you'll still need to either geas up to overcome all the 'ware or spend the build resources for full magic that will get reduced to partial magic.

I forgot the magic loss caused by cyber. Damn! After more than ten years of playing/gming SR,... i'm getting old. You're right. smile.gif
Well if the magic attribute is equal to the other attributes in cost yes I think there might be a significant jump in semi-awakened characters however if magic attribute cost is 1.5 or 2 times the cost of other attributes then I think there will be an even amount or even a decrease in awakened characters.

If the physical adept needs to sacrifice his attributes to gain neat magical edges it suddenly becomes a lot less appealing to do so at least short term. Now long term they will probably have the same edges they do now (although depending on what format initiation takes this might be debatable) but if you want fewer or more awakened characters in your game it would be simple enough to change the point cost for the magical attribute up/down according to your desires.

Overall I think it allows more flexibility in character generation over the current system.

As for shamanic/sorcerors/conjuring adepts I can the various magical abilities we accept now as being part of a package deal being individual purchased during the augmentation phase. For example you might want a sorceror who has strength with combat spells but no ability to astrally percieve or you might want someone who can astrally project and summon watchers but nothing else. I'm not sure if they might go with this sort of design but it might be interesting to make magic more modular than it is currently.
QUOTE (NightHaunter @ Apr 12 2005, 10:10 AM)
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Apr 12 2005, 05:06 PM)
I never liked karma pool anyway.  I am glad to see it eaten.

Twas unbalancing at high levels but very useful at low levels.

The "Edge" attribute might actually be the designer's answer to a question that happened to be tossed out here last week or so that came out of someone noticing that in the FAQ the Karma Pool was the one significant pool not explicitly mentioned as gone. The question was, paraphrased If you were to replace the role of all other pools with the Karma Pool would you, and if so in which way how would you change it's starting size and progression.

When asked that I immediately thought about the problems inherent in the Karma Pool. Starts out nearly insignificant, grows to a playable size, and they becomes so large that it overdominates the game.

Q. Are any of the attributes changing?
A. Yes. Specifically, we have expanded them:
— Intelligence has been split into Intuition and Logic
— Quickness has been split into Agility and Reaction
— Obviously, Reaction is no longer a derived attribute

I like this idea. It addresses the fact that any combat-anyone tends to get a high Intelligence and Quickness to bump up Combat Pool, yet often show ZERO Intution, LOL. I do like the relation of building Reaction from a combination of other Attributes so it will be interesting to see what comes of this.

— Karma Pool has been replaced by an Edge attribute. Edge is used in many similar ways as Karma Pool was–it is still a “luck factor,” but it is now an attribute rather than a mark of experience. This makes it especially useful to non-cyber and non-magic characters, as they will have a way of keeping ahead of the game.

I am not sure if I follow why "non-cyber" characters where behind the curve here. Sounds like Edge might be an important part of rolling more dice.

— Magic no longer starts at 6. Magic must be bought up just like any other attribute. This means that magical characters are not as powerful right out of the box as they were in previous edition.

I like this idea too. It's funny how even a burn-out mage "technically" couldn't start off with low-magic without taking Cyberware or pre-gen background story. Although it does appear to soften the line between mundane and awakened a bit, I think it's a good idea.

Overall, some very interesting changes.

This whole restructuring for SR4 reminds me a bit of InterPlay's "Fallout" computer game. IIRC it was based (loosely?) on an RPG although I never could remember which one, or even heard of it except in the "ReadMe" file.

Still too much of a gray cloud to make a decision but I am starting to lean more towards "Revolutions" vs. "Reloaded".
QUOTE (Cougaar)
I'd love to see them split up Charisma - make it Charisma&Looks..

Maybe in SR5 rotfl.gif
Some thoughts:

-Splitting up Charisma is unlikely to happen because it would require splitting up Strength to maintain the attribute pairity. Previously, this was STR/CHA, BOD/WIL and QCK/INT. They split up both INT and QCK as they did for more reasons than to correct their over-usefulness. The new pairity might have INT/REA and LOG/AGL.

-Variable Essense loss would be a deal breaker for me. As would a drastic change to the initiative structure. If one of these things happens, I will have to seriously reconsider buying SR4. The first is a horrid idea that breaks any previous understanding of SR I have, and the second would just sadden me because I like the current system and minor variants on it so much.
One thing that can be done is rather than have Edge be a constantly regenerating resource that steadily increases with karma awards is to make it burn once then it's gone. Granted you'd likely want to dramatically increase it's power for the one time burn and be more liberal in awarding it but then it becomes more of a fortune favoring the bold style mechanic rather than a fortune favoring the old style mechanic.

Say starting characters have 5 Edge dice that they can spend on rerolls etc but once they are spent they are gone. The characters might then get 3 or more edge dice at the completion of a mission. That way most characters might have a handful of dice or points available to generate cool effects but they never have so much as to totally overwhelm the effect of skill and experience except during very brief periods of time.

With a mechanic like this you can do something like 1 edge point will automatically stabilize a dying character, reroll all dice. 2 might allow you to reroll all failures or generate a critical effect like instantly incapicitating a mook NPC. 3 would allow you to do really cool things like buy successes etc.
What the hell. I mean, geeeeeez. No karma pool? This isn't going to be the same game.
Q. Are any of the attributes changing?
A. Yes. Specifically, we have expanded them:
— Intelligence has been split into Intuition and Logic
— Quickness has been split into Agility and Reaction
— Obviously, Reaction is no longer a derived attribute
— Karma Pool has been replaced by an Edge attribute. Edge is used in many similar ways as Karma Pool was–it is still a “luck factor,” but it is now an attribute rather than a mark of experience. This makes it especially useful to non-cyber and non-magic characters, as they will have a way of keeping ahead of the game.
— Magic no longer starts at 6. Magic must be bought up just like any other attribute. This means that magical characters are not as powerful right out of the box as they were in previous editions

And they're trying to simplify the rules?? By adding more attributes??

Just what are they thinking?

This isn't getting any better.

Q. What haven’t you changed in SR4?
A. Many things. There are still 5 basic metatypes to choose from in the basic rules. Contacts remain an integral part of the game. There will be 16 Sample Characters that you can start with. Karma is still used as the experience award. The focus of the game is still on teams of operatives combining skills and resources to accomplish criminal or psuedo-criminal missions. And so on.

This is ever so useful. So basically everything is changing except the setting? Why not just say "Everything is chainging except the setting."

Okay, now the sky is falling. what we are getting is an entore new system - jsut like SR1 was back in the day. It's supposed to be simpler - but it kinda sounds like there will be more rules - that are just more detailed.

Yeah, it's being dumbed down.

Strength and Body are more or less pretty self-explanatory. Perhaps my imagination is lacking, but is there anything to be gained by splitting Strength and/or Body into new categories?

Ugh, that "What haven't you changed?" reads like a joke. "We still use dice, honest!" I'm surprised they didn't work in "we still number the pages".

I think the idea is to increase ease of play relative to the previous versions of the game rather than neccesarily looking for simpler rules. Just because on the surface it seems like there are added complexity in the base rules doesn't mean that the game will be harder to run. There are plenty of games with simple rules that are hard as hell to adjudicate and there are complex games that are breezes to run.

Yes I do think that fundamentally that the underlying system behind the world is getting wholesale mechanical revisions (in fact I've been suggesting this since we heard the base dice rolling mechanic) rather than a facelift or simplification of the rules. Overall I don't think this is a bad thing as game design has advanced signficantly since SR3 and keeping sacred cows really hampers innovative designs.

One thing I would say is that conversions between systems is quite likely to be kludgy at best. I'd say planning on updating characters will like the updating of materials between 2e DnD and 3e DnD; possible but hardly advisable. While the people that have faithfully held upgraded characters from 1e through 3e might be disappointed I pretty much anticipating redesigning characters rather than trying to upgrade them.
The Burning One
Hmm, not sure if anyone mentioned this as I got kind of put off after reading some of the less sensible more rantish comments and as a result skipped a few pages. However it's entirely possible that since you now have to buy up the Magic attribute as per a normal stat there may be no additional cost associated with playing a magically active character. Instead the cost to play a magic user could simply be the cost of buying up the Magic stat and the associated skills to use it.

A possibility at least grinbig.gif

It is indeed. A very, very unpleasant possibility, but as you say a possibility.

So..the very scenario we feared most is coming to pass. The demise of what could have been the most realistic system in RPGs (with some revision) to a Ninja-Turtle rip off. Great. I guess I'll just go back to tinkering with SR3 and doing what the developers should have been doing all this time. Oh and that edge thing...that is really sad why don't they just call it "karmic edge". "Buying" luck is such a poorly thought out concept.
And if so, what would one point of magic get you? Anything? Nothing? Everything?

I suppose they could stagger it;

You need at least 2 magic points to be able to percieve and cast spells; 4 to conjure, and 6 to project.

This whole thing = bad idea.
QUOTE (Siege)
Strength and Body are more or less pretty self-explanatory. Perhaps my imagination is lacking, but is there anything to be gained by splitting Strength and/or Body into new categories?


Can't think of a good split for Strength off the top of my head, but splitting Body into something like Toughness and Fitness makes sense realistically speaking. A football lineman and a marathon runner currently need to have extremely high Body stats, for example. (not that I'm necessarily saying that I think it's needed in SR, or would be a good thing)
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
A very, very unpleasant possibility ...

I don't think it's an unpleasant possibility at all. Mages would still have to buy up the Magic Attribute (at some as yet undetermined cost), and still have to apply other starting points towards spells and powers that could otherwise go somewhere else if the character was not awakened. If they were also made to pay a cost just to be awakened in the first place, they are getting doubly shafted in comparison to the non-awakened.
Ol' Scratch
I hope there's more to this "Edge" attribute than meets the eyes, like implants and magic directly lower it in a fashion similar to Essence/Magic in the current system. Because otherwise, just like it is now with any purchased attribute, implants and magic don't stop players from maxing out any attribute they see fit. Sure, their other attributes might not be as beefed up as they could be (assuming the player didn't prioritize Attributes), but that still wouldn't change the fact that the "Edge" mundanes are supposed to have isn't truly a mundane "Edge" at all... no more so than Strength or Logic would be at least.

Oh, and Charisma is fine as it is. They just need to fix how it's used in the game (ie, drop it for use with Conjuring, or make Conjuring into more of a domination/negotiations ordeal than the quasi-Willpower Test it currently is). Apperance and its affects should be handled purely as an edge/flaw type of mechanic at the most, not as a core attribute. "Looks" attributes are just stupid.
Patrick Goodman:
Because Intuition/Perception and Logic/Intelligence/deductive reasoning aren't the same thing? You can be very intelligent, very logical, and not notice the naked woman standing in the door of your lab (you laugh, but I've seen it happen). You might notice all 23 clues at the scene of the crime, but you can't put any of them together. Neither is an unlikely scenario, though in the SR3 system you either had it all or you had none of it.

It's not a perceived difference. It's an actual one.
I guess I could take it, because they´re just words. But Intuition really has very little to do with perception as perception is used in games. Intuition is sub-concious logic. It´s seing coherence without analysis. It´s going to be hard to convince anyone that intuition is what gives your character the ability to see that twitch that gives away a lying Mr Johnson.

I agree to what you are saying, and I wouldn´t mind a Perception attribute. But the terms logic and intuition does not cover everything the SR Intelligence attribute does. At least not really. Maybe in english the words have a different meaning in casual conversation.
Ol' Scratch
You may notice the twitch, but you're still relying on your intuition to know what that twitch means. Perception = mindless senses (best reflected in modifiers due to implants, situations, and that sort of thing). Intuition = interpretating that data.
I'm still trying to figure out why mundanes (non-cyber/non-awakened) should have an 'edge' over their counterparts in the first place.
QUOTE (Fortune)
I don't think it's an unpleasant possibility at all. Mages would still have to buy up the Magic Attribute (at some as yet undetermined cost), and still have to apply other starting points towards spells and powers that could otherwise go somewhere else if the character was not awakened. If they were also made to pay a cost just to be awakened in the first place, they are getting doubly shafted in comparison to the non-awakened.

Unless it's prohibitively expensive or some other significant limiter is placed such that people just buy up to 5 or 6 anyway, it opens up the ability for a lot of characters to just buy a point or two of magic. I personally don't like the idea of increasing the magic content of the world that dramatically.
QUOTE (Fortune)
I'm still trying to figure out why mundanes (non-cyber/non-awakened) should have an 'edge' over their counterparts in the first place.

Agreed in spades.

Ol' Scratch
It's a metagaming thing. Believe it or not, at its core, this is a game (gasp!), so there should be some leeway for suspension of disbelief regarding game balance and that sort of thing. I'm very glad to see they're at least trying to make true mundanes a playable character concept. I always hated the fact that you pretty much had to be cybered up or magicked up in order to be a competitive force in the game (and yeah yeah, I know we all have that "super cool" mundane character running around that's nigh-on invincible -- bite me). biggrin.gif So it's groovy that they'll at least have a possibility in the game for making them both playable and more common in the setting.
QUOTE (Fortune @ Apr 12 2005, 12:31 PM)
I'm still trying to figure out why mundanes (non-cyber/non-awakened) should have an 'edge' over their counterparts in the first place.

I think it's been said before, but it was my understanding that the only thing that gave mundanes more "Edge" is that they didn't have to alocate points elsewhere during character creation.

But they can still get Cyberwhere later, and then they'll be inately better and still have more Edge than other types of characters. So it's really not that big of an advantage.

(Edit: And cybered/magical characters could buy more Edge later, for that matter).
Do you actually use the word intuition casually in english? As a filosofical term it is highly problematic and some argue there´s no such thing, even. In swedish it has come to mean an almost supernatural ability to predict things that no one refers to eccept as a figure of speech.

All words changed their meaning in time. I guess intuition is a common word with a wide meaning in english. I did not know that. Maybe the split up isn´t such a bad thing then.
I don't have time to slog through the rest of this thread, but I have to say that this sounds like a fucking mess unless there are complete changes to the way things work with, say, perception tests. Because, right now, we have more attributes and still all the problems that came with not having many attributes. Why wasn't Intelligence split into Perception and Intelligence? Why wasn't Quickness split into Agility and Dexterity? Why the fuck does this not make sense?


Just to be clear, do not misunderastand me. I like some of the changes. Magic and Edge are good ideas, and I'm with Funk on that. But splitting the mundane attributes seems to have fallen through all kinds of wrong.
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
It's a metagaming thing. Believe it or not, at its core, this is a game (gasp!), so there should be some leeway for suspension of disbelief regarding game balance and that sort of thing. I'm very glad to see they're at least trying to make true mundanes a playable character concept. I always hated the fact that you pretty much had to be cybered up or magicked up in order to be a competitive force in the game (and yeah yeah, I know we all have that "super cool" mundane character running around that's nigh-on invincible -- bite me). biggrin.gif So it's groovy that they'll at least be a possibility in the game for making them both playable and more common in the setting.

Hence the word: "mundane". They are average, normal, not cool, not invincible and not deserving of any kind of "edge" over Awakened or cybered characters. You shouldn't need to dangle a carrot for people to play mundanes. The true, real RPers will do it anyway, be damned the disadvantages. This reeks of communist-derived "we are all exactly the same and we will rule it so that even the old lady mundane can succeed". I hope htis isn't the case.
QUOTE (Arethusa)
I don't have time to slog through the rest of this thread, but I have to say that this sounds like a fucking mess unless there are complete changes to the way things work with, say, perception tests. Because, right now, we have more attributes and still all the problems that came with not having many attributes. Why wasn't Intelligence split into Perception and Intelligence? Why wasn't Quickness split into Agility and Dexterity? Why the fuck does this not make sense?

Um, I am pretty sure the whole game is changing considering the whole "Fixed TN" core change as well as a slough of other items.

It might be SR in spirit, but the mechanics are going to take alot of getting used to.
QUOTE (Arethusa)
I don't have time to slog through the rest of this thread, but I have to say that this sounds like a fucking mess unless there are complete changes to the way things work with, say, perception tests. Because, right now, we have more attributes and still all the problems that came with not having many attributes. Why wasn't Intelligence split into Perception and Intelligence? Why wasn't Quickness split into Agility and Dexterity? Why the fuck does this not make sense?

yes this is shaping up to be quite the cluster **** hopefully things shake out in the end. I think they should just stop the blog now because the more they lift the lid the more it stinks.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Unless it's prohibitively expensive or some other significant limiter is placed such that people just buy up to 5 or 6 anyway, it opens up the ability for a lot of characters to just buy a point or two of magic. I personally don't like the idea of increasing the magic content of the world that dramatically.

But assuming (hopefully) that implants still adversely affect magic, that point or two will be useless to anyone who gets cyber/bio, unless they screw the pooch and leave voluntery Geasa in the game to offset implant/magic loss.
Arethusa: I had the same question. Adam said Intuition=Perception. indifferent.gif As I said in a post above, I figure it´s my understanding of the way the word functions in the english language that is lacking.
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (mintcar @ Apr 12 2005, 11:44 AM)
Do you actually use the word intuition casually in english?

It's as good a word for the intent of the attribute as anything else. Hunch, perception, acumen, inspiration, gut instinct, ESP, clairvoyance... whatever. Call it what you want, but in the end, it's basically there to cover your ability to interpret your surroundings. That could come from a direct sense, or it could be a completely "sixth sense" sort of thing.

I have no problem with them using the term "Intuition" and think it fits in much better with the theme of the attribute than "Perception" would or does. "Perception" feels more like a learned skill, much like Aura Reading, than a natural ability any.

EDIT: Gadzooks, I sounded like I was drunk.
QUOTE (Solstice @ Apr 12 2005, 12:48 PM)
I think they should just stop the blog now because the more they lift the lid the more it stinks.

I disagree, especially now. If there's good to be seen in all of it they may desperately need someone better capable of showing it, but since they've already started giving us info I'd vastly prefer they keep giving us the news, good or bad, rather than leaving us waiting until August for news as to whether the blow will fall and if it does, how hard it will be.
QUOTE (Fortune)
But assuming (hopefully) that implants still adversely affect magic, that point or two will be useless to anyone who gets cyber/bio, unless they screw the pooch and leave voluntery Geasa in the game to offset implant/magic loss.

That's not actually true. Unless magic is significantly toned down, a lightly cybered character with some magic can ride the intersection, having a decently versatile character out of chargen and extremely powerful advancement options down both roads. There's even a possibility that they may be able to game the system with Edge and get the best of all three worlds. Either way, I don't see a middle ground between letting the lightly to moderately cybered pick up some magic on the cheap, making everything exorbitantly expensive, or resulting in a situation where mages just buy to six anyway.

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