Caine Hazen
Jul 6 2005, 04:08 PM
remember ..the mage with the body of 2 only has 9 boxes of condition. Those 6 boxes of damage translate into -2 dice to your pool...thus you won't be able to use that body to soak really REALLY wanna do that?? clarify, IF you buy into awakened status, you start with 3 magic points....and it BLOODY expensive to keep buying up. But then attributes seem to be pretty hefty in points cost
Oh to qualify that first paragraph...I don't know if I mentioned...every 3 boxes of damage (on both condition monitors, Physical and Stun) translate into a -1 to your dice pools. So you'll get less adept at doing things as you get hit. Rob noted in the Origins presentation, although he thought it was less easy to be instakilled in this version of the game, it was a damn amount easier to get knocked then the Corps have a mind to screw with (for mean GMs like me)
Oh and Hobgoblin is on about how drain's damage just like combat IIRC
Oh..Thanos...if you can remember it...what was the automatic success thingy?? I remember liking it (something like if you had more dice than the threshold you could trade in 4 pool for at least 1 automatic success...but I may have misheard that..and don't remember seeing it in the book) if you happen to be able to remember that post that for the good folks
Jul 6 2005, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Er? My problem with it is that if you're just rolling Willpower to soak, anything above Force 3 will be very likely to injure the casting mage. |
A good reason to raise the cost of playing a dwarf.
This would be like conjuring was, with no pool to assist with drain. I know a lot of shamen rarely summoned more than a Force 4 spirit.
Trauma Dampers could become SOP.
Jul 6 2005, 04:17 PM
QUOTE (Caine Hazen @ Jul 6 2005, 04:08 PM) | clarify, IF you buy into awakened status, you start with 3 magic points....and it BLOODY expensive to keep buying up. But then attributes seem to be pretty hefty in points cost. |
I'm going to break a promise to myself and post before this gets out of hand and speculation takes hold. To the best of my knowledge Hazen is incorrect in this respect.
Buying "Awakened status" will start you at Magic 1 and that is then bought up like any other attribute.
Jul 6 2005, 04:41 PM
QUOTE (Caine Hazen) |
Oh..Thanos...if you can remember it...what was the automatic success thingy?? I remember liking it (something like if you had more dice than the threshold you could trade in 4 pool for at least 1 automatic success...but I may have misheard that..and don't remember seeing it in the book) if you happen to be able to remember that post that for the good folks |
Just to clarify, if you're good enough and under the right circumstances, you'll be able to trade in 4 dice for an automatic Hit.
I'll call it a Take 10 in my book. Neat idea.
(Not to mention the possibilities it opens up for devious gamemasters)
Jul 6 2005, 04:46 PM
Even so, 6 boxes of physical damage isn't bad for a force 12 spell. You''re still tossing a mighty big manaball and walking away from it. |
With a single piece of 'ware you can do that in 3rd edition.
Jul 6 2005, 04:49 PM
Thanks Synner.
Okay, not trying to be argumentive, just trying to understand:
Yes you will have a variable damage monitor. Base of 8 modified by willpower for mental and body for physical. Damage mods are +1 for every 3 boxes of damage |
So the mage bod 2 would have ten boxes on their physical, and Will 4 would give them 12 on mental.
So yeah, even if I only had a magic rating of 3 or 4, I'd have no problem taking the potential 6 boxes of damage to toss a level 12 spell if I was in a jam. Knowing I could walk away from it. So I'd be blo0dy and wouned, and -2 dice till I healed, but it's a no brianer if you're in need. (Unless spell ofrce has a limit of 2x your magic rating - which seems plausable, but not yet mentioned)
The question is, how easy is it to resist a level 12 spell? Easy, hard, or medium? I'd like to think it'd be hard, sionce that is the max power of a spell......
Jul 6 2005, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
QUOTE | Even so, 6 boxes of physical damage isn't bad for a force 12 spell. You''re still tossing a mighty big manaball and walking away from it. |
With a single piece of 'ware you can do that in 3rd edition.
Yeah, if youv'e spent the money and karma to learn a level 12 spell.
And if you have the Trauma dampner (I assume you are taliking about)
You're still taking 9 boxes of your ten in damage. Thats a different thought process in my mind. Thats the difference between "We're in a tight jam" and "Were gonna die right now unless someone does something." I wouldn't risk 9 boxes of phys damge for "We're in a jam" but 6? yeah. Big difference. (To me anyway)
Demonseed Elite
Jul 6 2005, 04:55 PM
Posted by Eldritch: (Unless spell ofrce has a limit of 2x your magic rating - which seems plausable, but not yet mentioned) |
Posted by Vors: First, regarding the force of a spell, it could be cast at any force up to twice your magic |
Jul 6 2005, 05:08 PM
Argg Demonseed was quicker on the draw.
Jul 6 2005, 05:21 PM
QUOTE (Caine Hazen) |
remember ..the mage with the body of 2 only has 9 boxes of condition. |
Base of 8 modified by willpower for mental and body for physical.
Incompatible statements. I would vote for the first one (base of 7 + Attribute), just to have 10 boxes for the average human.
Jul 6 2005, 05:23 PM
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) |
QUOTE | Posted by Eldritch: (Unless spell ofrce has a limit of 2x your magic rating - which seems plausable, but not yet mentioned) |
QUOTE | Posted by Vors: First, regarding the force of a spell, it could be cast at any force up to twice your magic |
Do'h! Okay, yet mentioned.
Okay, so I guess the next question is; how hard is it to raise that attibute to 6 - at gen time (Which they mention is very expensive) and post gen.
Is it possible to have an attribute of 6 with the medium and high power chars (And still be palyable)?
Jul 6 2005, 08:39 PM
Just to clarify since there's a lot of dicsussion, it's 8+1/2 Attribute for condition monitor.
Caine Hazen
Jul 6 2005, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (Taki @ Jul 6 2005, 01:21 PM) |
QUOTE (Caine Hazen) | remember ..the mage with the body of 2 only has 9 boxes of condition. |
QUOTE | Base of 8 modified by willpower for mental and body for physical.
Incompatible statements. I would vote for the first one (base of 7 + Attribute), just to have 10 boxes for the average human.
sorry..the original post should have read (cause I just used modified by and not the exact wording) This:
Your condition boxes are = to 8 + 1/2(body or willpower) not entirely incompatable mate...just left vauge
Thus...a mage with 2 body is gonna have 9 boxes...and yes...this means Trolls are gonna stay up way longer than before
Jul 6 2005, 09:34 PM
that depends, if he is wearing a lot of armor he may well go down from mental damage (rember that any damage thats stopped fully by armor converts to mental/stun damage).
so while he may just be seeing stars or birds he is still out for whatever fight thats going on. and most likely he will be behind bars unless the team wins
SL James
Jul 6 2005, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Just to clarify since there's a lot of dicsussion, it's 8+1/2 Attribute for condition monitor. |
Do you round up or down?
Caine Hazen
Jul 6 2005, 09:49 PM
up I assume...average human 3 body...= 10 boxes of condition..but that's an assumption cause I didn't look closely at it, but I seem to remember a 3 body character having 10 boxes of physical
Caine Hazen
Jul 6 2005, 10:30 PM
On another note Kage has been kind enough to host the vidoe I can now see what a crappy photographer I am..and remember this is the Srun4 stuff...not the whiole thing
it's down I will remove that link
Jul 6 2005, 10:36 PM
As posted in the other thread, it's been pulled by request. Sorry for the inconvenience to all involved.
Jul 7 2005, 12:10 AM
Oh..Thanos...if you can remember it...what was the automatic success thingy?? I remember liking it (something like if you had more dice than the threshold you could trade in 4 pool for at least 1 automatic success...but I may have misheard that..and don't remember seeing it in the book) if you happen to be able to remember that post that for the good folks |
Yeah the mechanic was something like that. Good call to bring it up. Can't really remember the specifics as I don't have a tape of it to watch
Kyoto Kid
Jul 13 2005, 03:05 AM
Biotech (Bioware?) now affects essence? Definitely a minus, particularly since it already costs more than comparable cyber implants. The elegance of Bio was that it had a better stealth factor than Cyber since it had a lower "impact" on the character's metahumanity.
Jul 13 2005, 03:43 AM
If it has lower essence costs and it's done well (by not simply duplicating cyberware, but having different, more natural-seeming abilities), then it could retain its magic-friendly feeling (or even enhance it). If it's just a different way to spell "betaware", then that's rather dull.
Cynic project
Jul 13 2005, 05:05 AM
Okay is boosted reflexex bio or cyber....
Look Why would have having cat eyes make you more human than cybereyes? i wish they would get rid of the socail bullshit. let's face metal bones do not make people react to as if you were a freak. If they can't see the ware, they shouldn't be acting if you were different.
Jul 13 2005, 05:12 AM
QUOTE (Cynic project) |
Okay is boosted reflexex bio or cyber.... Look Why would have having cat eyes make you more human than cybereyes? i wish they would get rid of the socail bullshit. let's face metal bones do not make people react to as if you were a freak. If they can't see the ware, they shouldn't be acting if you were different. |
We've always house ruled that to get a charisma penalty, the cyberware has to be visible or change your appearnce.
Jul 13 2005, 06:14 AM
Alright, though this is off topic I'm going to reply to it anyway. According to the BBB once your essence hits 3.5 or lower you should start suffering social penalties rather the 'ware is visible or not. This is because as a person loses essence they also start to lose empathy with other people. It's not a reaction from others seeing him as a freak for his 'ware. The +1 per 2 essence lost rule does only apply to visible 'ware, any sort of reflex enhancements that are active are classified as visible 'ware because the effects are apparent.
Alright, on topic, reading over this thread's getting me anxious. It sounds like the new rules are going to be a nice change of pace. My question is if there's any word on adepts and what direction they'll be taken? I really liked some of the less combat intensive powers published in SoTA and hope to see more of the same.
SL James
Jul 13 2005, 03:20 PM
Looking back at them, a lot of them seemed to be dice mods which should be ported into Fourth Edition relatively easily.
Jul 13 2005, 04:29 PM
Yeah. I'm wondering if Adept powers have been balanced differently. But it seems I read somewhere that the main book will include rules for converting the older stuff.
Any news on Knowledge skills? I always felt that was a good change from 2nd to 3rd. Allowed for alot of fleshing out of a characters interests through them.
SL James
Jul 13 2005, 04:30 PM
No, the conversion rules will be on the website.
Jul 13 2005, 06:04 PM
I would not want to try "converting" a character from SR3 to SR4 except by converting them into karma/build points, and rebuilding with the same goals in mind. There are all sorts of aspects of a character that could have been signature characteristics which are now effectively impossible (for example, if I'm understanding the attribute comments correctly, you can no longer have an elvish bodybuilder who, unaugmented, is as strong as most trolls, even after devoting tens/hundreds of karma to developing strength). There are all sorts of reasons for past choices that no longer exist (being a shaman instead of a hermetic because you needed fast access to spirits). There are all sorts of barriers to converting mechanics (+3 TN does not have the same effect as -3 dice or +1 threshold), cyberware (bio index + essence being collapsed to essence will make characters run out of room, or have extra room, or both), deckers (they had to learn new skills and get new hardware in the intervening 5 years anyway), and so on.
Adepts might have the easiest time of it, since dice bonuses map well onto dice bonuses. Those things that give bonuses to combat pool are less obviously dealt with, however. Assuming they're in there at all, I would not worry about adepts changing terribly much (I think overall they worked pretty well before), although I suppose it's possible they could change things substantially just to be different.
Jul 13 2005, 06:17 PM
While I do agree with your technic for conversion, I would hardly consider a shaman being converted in a hermetic mage ... Because I would probably end up with a very different character (since you use your totem as background and roleplay)
SL James
Jul 13 2005, 07:04 PM
QUOTE (Taki) |
While I do agree with your technic for conversion, I would hardly consider a shaman being converted in a hermetic mage ... |
Ellery didn't say that, but specifically stated, "There are all sorts of reasons for past choices that no longer exist (being a shaman instead of a hermetic because you needed fast access to spirits)".
Big difference.
Jul 13 2005, 07:11 PM
That and now it's a role-play vs. meta-game factor. i like this. Also, I'm sure with the tradition building rules, you can come up with some funky hermetics and some studious shamanic.
SL James
Jul 13 2005, 07:13 PM
If they're new Traditions, why would you be using the term "Hermetic" and "Shamanic"? Those are already in the main book.
Jul 13 2005, 07:15 PM
Tradition in the sense of Dog shaman vs. self-taught street mage with a copy of grimmorim for dummies,v.1.0
SL James
Jul 13 2005, 07:36 PM
But those aren't Traditions. They're variations on a theme. I wouldn't even consider each totem a sub-Tradition, nor the Paradigms from State of the Art.
Jul 13 2005, 08:10 PM
Ah, then we have differing views of traditions I think.
Kyoto Kid
Jul 13 2005, 09:04 PM
QUOTE (Edge2054) |
Alright, on topic, reading over this thread's getting me anxious. It sounds like the new rules are going to be a nice change of pace. My question is if there's any word on adepts and what direction they'll be taken? I really liked some of the less combat intensive powers published in SoTA and hope to see more of the same. |
I agree. I have an NPC "Social Adept" whom none of the characters feel comfortable dealing with face to face. negitiating anything or lying to her is almost an exercise in futility. I do hope these powers will retained under the new version.
Jul 13 2005, 09:02 PM
LOL. Those powers suck for Johnson's. Half the fun sometimes is lying to them. now, if they don't immediately act on those lies and the group has no idea of the powers, then we have some interesting turns to take.
Jul 13 2005, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (Taki) |
While I do agree with your technic for conversion, I would hardly consider a shaman being converted in a hermetic mage ... Because I would probably end up with a very different character (since you use your totem as background and roleplay) |
If your "shaman" was not really played as a shaman with totem and traditions, it is a special case that could turn the "hardly" and the "probably" into different words.
Hum that's not clear.
Just to say that shaman and hermetic can have a flavour, and keeping the flavour is the most important thing in the conversion (wich could actually mean turning a shaman in mage)
Jul 13 2005, 11:33 PM
Clears throat, so no clue on knowledge skills then?
As far as conversions go, I hope bioware conversions cause less issues then the 2nd-3rd cross did, though from what I'm reading I sort of doubt it. Bioware has always been one of my favorites. I'm also hoping it will retain it's nigh-impossible to detect by cyber-scanners factor.
Kremlin KOA
Jul 15 2005, 04:56 AM
Actually I am anticipating watching a large numbher of my characters suddenly drop dead from 4thEDitis as they will now have too many wares
Jul 15 2005, 05:15 AM
Jul 15 2005, 06:04 AM
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA) |
Actually I am anticipating watching a large numbher of my characters suddenly drop dead from 4thEDitis as they will now have too many wares |
What makes you think that's going to happen?
Jul 15 2005, 06:03 AM
If I would hazard a guess, I'd say .01 Essence and plenty of Bioware.
It's certainly not guaranteed, but not a wholly unreasonable assumption.
Jul 15 2005, 07:08 AM
i am reasonably certain that this will not be an issue.
Jul 15 2005, 07:38 AM
Good to know.
Jul 15 2005, 12:04 PM
Didn't someone mention a reduced pricing scheme in cyberware? It's reasonable to extrapolate from the incorporation of bio and cyber ware into one mechanic for impact of the body, mfb's comment, and the general idea that a viable 3rd edition character should not just up and croak cause a new got published that the essence costs are overall reduced, possibly significantly. To that end, i hope they rectify the atrocity that is the cyber-eye camera and video camera implant.
Jul 15 2005, 02:26 PM
I'm not sure if reduced price means not only a reduced
-cost but also a reduced essence cost. I hope so, even more when having in mind that bioware now will also cost essence.
Jul 15 2005, 06:09 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
I'm not sure if reduced price means not only a reduced -cost but also a reduced essence cost. I hope so, even more when having in mind that bioware now will also cost essence. |
Since you end up subtracting bio-index from essence eventually (If I'm reading this right) if they just halved or thirded bio index for converting characters wouldn't it work out the same?
Kremlin KOA
Jul 15 2005, 07:48 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Jul 14 2005, 11:56 PM) | Actually I am anticipating watching a large numbher of my characters suddenly drop dead from 4thEDitis as they will now have too many wares |
What makes you think that's going to happen?
The Troll Sammi I had die from 3rdEDitis
10 bio index of bioware... perfectly legal in 2nd ed... 5 essence but instantly dropped dead in 3rd ed
Jul 15 2005, 07:47 PM
Fair enough
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