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QUOTE (Smed)
No Wired 2 at Character creation then...

How about the cooresponding adept power?, Increased Reflexes 2?

How much does it cost to be an adept?

I am wondering if wired 2 availability is an error, other "classes" all get boosts.

Increase Reflexes 1, 2, 3 look basically unchanged. They give an extra initiative pass instead of an extra initiative die.

5 points, 10 for Mystic (magician way).
QUOTE (Aborash)
Can you explain the new rules for cyberarms a bit? (Essence costs/upgrades and so on/What are the attributes of Cyberarms [STR/AGI])

I covered that yesterday in another thread, probably the cyberware one.

Essence still 1, but only 15K nuyen. Body (200/point), Str (250/point), Agility (250/point) ratings from 1-7, start at 3, need cybertorso to raise. Availability limits it to rating 4 at chargen.

Cybertorso is 1.5 ess and 25K.
What about the Biomuscles (0,4 Bioindex per rating, around 20 000¥ per rating)?

QUOTE (Blacken)
...That's...indescribably dumb.

EDIT: Matrix crash, I mean.

I personally think it's actually very good, but need System Failure to see the whole picture.

Dammit, I HATE that it didn't make it in time.
By the way: Horizon exists in SR3, with little references seeded here and there across the newest books: I think SotA64 and/or Loose Alliances have some, for example.
QUOTE (tisoz)
If you have some questions about SR4 I will try to answer them.

Just one:

Does the quality of being a mage forbid to have the quality of being a technomancer?
QUOTE (tisoz @ Aug 20 2005, 07:30 AM)
QUOTE (Sabosect @ Aug 20 2005, 12:46 AM)
Out of curiousity: What's the word on how the Matrix crash happened?

Novatech was scheduled to have an IPO. Deus decided to take advantage of the high traffic event to upgrade himself. Pax and Winternight teamed up to release a stolen nanovirus worm which hit as the stock exchange got going and Deus appeared on the virtual trading floor...

So there are normally monkeys on the trading floor?
QUOTE (Cochise)
QUOTE (tisoz)
If you have some questions about SR4 I will try to answer them.

Just one:

Does the quality of being a mage forbid to have the quality of being a technomancer?

Yes. Or at least the other way around.
How availability and Legality work?
What is the magical attribute for spellcasting/conjuring for success tests: magic, willpower or charisma?

Rotbart van Dainig
In some post around it is stated that beta grade ware reduces essence cost by 30%, while both other grades seem unchanged... is that correct or a typo?

What are the grades for bioware?
Is Turn to Goo in the spell list? devil.gif
Ok, one other question - Magic and Cyberware

Does essence loss from cyberware limit the max level one can raise magic to, or does it subtract from the purchase magic rating?

In other words, do you pay once or twice for having both cyber and magic in the same character?
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
In some post around it is stated that beta grade ware reduces essence cost by 30%, while both other grades seem unchanged... is that correct or a typo?

It's probably correct. Delta is almost never worth it in SR3 due to having the largest price jump but the smallest Essence drop. This makes it a lot more attractive.

It has been a while since I last had a post. A very long while. I have been playing fantasy. I know that makes me bad, but I like to change things up every now and again. Anyway, by luck, about a month ago I started to make a stuff up for SR again an looked up the web site and found that SR4 was coming out, since then I have been checking the posts and website every day.
One of the biggest flaws with SR, in my opinion, was the mages. Since we have been playing since 1990, we have figured out how to make a mage almost unstoppable at a little over 100 karma. Armor spell, Quicken attributes, reaction, initiative, detect enemies, invisibility, and a few elementals. We have made house rules to lessen the mages ability, but he is still the bad ass. When I want to make a hard mission, the first thing I do is figure out how to stop, or at least test the mage, and on standard encounters, he is rarely afraid. Does anybody know if SR4 has addressed this issue?
This might have been asked before, but I can't seem to find it.

Exactly *how* does the Edge mechanic work? Does it add dice? Do they have to be rolled separately, so you can see them explode, or do they make all the dice explode? And how often can you use it?

A Megacorp havnig its IPO (which is amazing that it hadn't yet), Deus using the computing power to distribute itself even further (prolly trying to plant itself in as many datajacks as possible, or at least as many computers as possible).. and at the same time Deus was spreading like a vius, Pax decides to release one of her own...

And I bet you ANYTHING that the dude in southern Florida, who was trying to destroy Novatech, did everything he could to help the situation. I can't wait to learn what happened to him.
QUOTE (blakkie)
Huh? Why am i dusting off this old canister of Raid i had stashed away? Oh, no reason in particular. Say, you wouldn't happen to have a spare fly swatter about this long? *holds arms outstretched*

Nonsense. I'm sure that Horizon just employs an innovative new social Network in their intercorporate structure.

A Megacorp havnig its IPO (which is amazing that it hadn't yet), Deus using the computing power to distribute itself even further (prolly trying to plant itself in as many datajacks as possible, or at least as many computers as possible).. and at the same time Deus was spreading like a vius, Pax decides to release one of her own...

Novatech was a privately held company, if you remember Corporate Download.
Cain, Bull explained how Edge works in his Demo thread. Hope that helps.

A Megacorp havnig its IPO (which is amazing that it hadn't yet), Deus using the computing power to distribute itself even further (prolly trying to plant itself in as many datajacks as possible, or at least as many computers as possible).. and at the same time Deus was spreading like a vius, Pax decides to release one of her own...

Novatech was a privately held company, if you remember Corporate Download.

I wasn't surprised it was privately held, given its status.

I'm surprised that in the 6-7 years of its existance, it hadn't gone public yet. My 2064/65 history's a little shoddy, as I have become lax in buying the "shadows of" books... my wallet cries.
QUOTE (Wireknight @ Aug 20 2005, 11:29 AM)
QUOTE (blakkie @ Aug 20 2005, 04:31 AM)
Huh? Why am i dusting off this old canister of Raid i had stashed away? Oh, no reason in particular. Say, you wouldn't happen to have a spare fly swatter about this long? *holds arms outstretched*

Nonsense. I'm sure that Horizon just employs an innovative new social Network in their intercorporate structure.

Could be. Do they make a spray for dealing with that? cyber.gif

EDIT: I mean something a bit more selective than Green Ring 8.
QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (Wireknight @ Aug 20 2005, 11:29 AM)
QUOTE (blakkie @ Aug 20 2005, 04:31 AM)
Huh? Why am i dusting off this old canister of Raid i had stashed away? Oh, no reason in particular. Say, you wouldn't happen to have a spare fly swatter about this long? *holds arms outstretched*

Nonsense. I'm sure that Horizon just employs an innovative new social Network in their intercorporate structure.

Could be. Do they make a spray for dealing with that? cyber.gif

You know the old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it's probabbly giant bugs from another plane who want to suck your soul out and use your body for havock".
QUOTE (Athenor @ Aug 20 2005, 11:22 AM)

A Megacorp havnig its IPO (which is amazing that it hadn't yet), Deus using the computing power to distribute itself even further (prolly trying to plant itself in as many datajacks as possible, or at least as many computers as possible).. and at the same time Deus was spreading like a vius, Pax decides to release one of her own...

And I bet you ANYTHING that the dude in southern Florida, who was trying to destroy Novatech, did everything he could to help the situation. I can't wait to learn what happened to him.

Wouldn't Pax be trying to help resurrect Deus-proper using the nanovirus? EDIT: Er wait, Pax is D. Voices. So Deus would have to be piggybacking in. Ya, typical convoluted SR plot. wobble.gif Unless Deus was behind the Disonance and the formation of the anti-Resonance in the Matrix.

Deus is stealling computing power under cover of the dataflow generated by the IPO rush, which means that the center of that rush would be the *cough* logical place for Deus to materialize.

Yes, that geek from Threats 2 could have been an unwitting part of this while trying to gain control of, or ruin Novatech in his very own nanosecond buyout. To attempt such an operation he'd need need a sizable team of the hottest blackhat deckers he could put together, which means the team would be vulnerable to infiltration by Deus' minions and/or D. Voices.
QUOTE (blakkie)

Wouldn't Pax be trying to help resurrect Deus-proper using the nanovirus? EDIT: Er wait, Pax is D. Voices. So Deus would have to be piggybacking in. Ya, typical convoluted SR plot. wobble.gif Unless Deus was behind the Disonance and the formation of the anti-Resonance in the Matrix.

Stealling computing power under cover of the dataflow generated by the IPO rush, which means that the center of that rush would be the *cough* logical place for Deus to materialize.

Yes, that geek from Threats 2 could have been an unwitting part of this while trying to gain control of, or ruin Novatech in his very own nanosecond buyout. To attempt such an operation he'd need need a sizable team of the hottest blackhat deckers he could put together, which means the team would be vulnerable to infiltration by Deus' minions.

So did deus just buy himself extraterratorality?
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle @ Aug 20 2005, 01:19 PM)
So did deus just buy himself extraterratorality?

Well a media company that uses lots of deckers to manipulate it's paydata would be great cover.

But i seem to remember something about a silver tree (Deus' Matrix 'world tree' form?) getting a corrupted branch and the corruption spread and felling the tree. So Deus might have instead bought the farm...again....and brought down the rest of the Matrix with him.

So Plan C is for an inside position on a AAA to get him the computation resources required to rebuild once again instead of using the risky theft of other people's cycles.
SL James
QUOTE (apple)
QUOTE (Critias @ Aug 20 2005, 07:45 AM)
It was a long shot, but I'm just horrifically curious as to what the Tactical Comp can do without combat pool existing.

Bonus Dices?
Better Defenses?

Rob Boyle mentionend, daß tactical programs in your commlink can give you some bonus dices in corresponding situations.


Yeah. THis was in the Origins mp3 when he was discussing Unwired (which for some improbable reason was scheduled at the end of the release period of the major supplements, so for like the end of 2006, maybe).

Anyway, he mentioned a tactical program for commlinks that would construct the visual map a Tactical Computer ostensibly does and which under the right circumstances would provide your teammates with extra Initiative dice.
Cain, Bull explained how Edge works in his Demo thread. Hope that helps.

Thanks! Going over there to check it out, now... beret.gif
Hmm... With everyone waving flags saying 'Horizon is made from people', who thinks the designers are actually making a friendly, efficient and ethically good corp without bugs or evil spirits, just to watch us all get super paranoid and reject all of their easy, high-paying jobs and regularly bomb their homeless shelters and soup kitchens?
QUOTE (Cain @ Aug 20 2005, 03:45 PM)
QUOTE (JongWK @ Aug 20 2005, 10:36 AM)
Cain, Bull explained how Edge works in his Demo thread. Hope that helps.

Thanks! Going over there to check it out, now... beret.gif

Careful, he may have made a mistake in it. Apparently the 6's don't explode for longshot tests (when Edge is used when your normal dice pool has dropped to 0 or below). Or is it the other way around? He said they didn't but they do? wobble.gif
QUOTE (nezumi @ Aug 20 2005, 03:54 PM)
Hmm...  With everyone waving flags saying 'Horizon is made from people', who thinks the designers are actually making a friendly, efficient and ethically good corp without bugs or evil spirits, just to watch us all get super paranoid and reject all of their easy, high-paying jobs and regularly bomb their homeless shelters and soup kitchens?

Hey, how about you send your character over to their Human Resources department to get a job to check things out? Maybe they'll give him a position in one of their soup the Tuesday supper Casserole Surprise.
QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (Sabosect @ Aug 20 2005, 12:46 AM)
Out of curiousity: What's the word on how the Matrix crash happened?

Novatech was scheduled to have an IPO. Deus decided to take advantage of the high traffic event to upgrade himself. Pax and Winternight teamed up to release a stolen nanovirus worm which hit as the stock exchange got going and Deus appeared on the virtual trading floor...

Oh Hell Yeah, that 400k worth of gold I invested in is going to go through the roof!
Out of curiousity, what paranimals are included? And can you give an example of their stats?
I'm curious how drain now works, also about foci. What are the bonding and nuyen costs? Are there still sustaining foci? How do they work? I think I saw that power foci are now quite cheap, like 25k per point. What are the benefits?
QUOTE (SL James)
QUOTE (apple @ Aug 20 2005, 06:49 AM)
QUOTE (Critias @ Aug 20 2005, 07:45 AM)
It was a long shot, but I'm just horrifically curious as to what the Tactical Comp can do without combat pool existing.

Bonus Dices?
Better Defenses?

Rob Boyle mentionend, daß tactical programs in your commlink can give you some bonus dices in corresponding situations.


Yeah. THis was in the Origins mp3 when he was discussing Unwired (which for some improbable reason was scheduled at the end of the release period of the major supplements, so for like the end of 2006, maybe).

Anyway, he mentioned a tactical program for commlinks that would construct the visual map a Tactical Computer ostensibly does and which under the right circumstances would provide your teammates with extra Initiative dice.

that sounds more like what battletac is for.

tactical comp uses your own senses to track threats and insert subconcious suggestions into your mind. yes it can allso serve as a battletac master unit but thats not its primary function, it needs a addon to do that...
QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (Sabosect @ Aug 20 2005, 12:46 AM)
Out of curiousity: What's the word on how the Matrix crash happened?

Novatech was scheduled to have an IPO. Deus decided to take advantage of the high traffic event to upgrade himself. Pax and Winternight teamed up to release a stolen nanovirus worm which hit as the stock exchange got going and Deus appeared on the virtual trading floor...

now thats a party cyber.gif
SL James
QUOTE (JongWK @ Aug 20 2005, 08:34 AM)
By the way: Horizon exists in SR3, with little references seeded here and there across the newest books: I think SotA64 and/or Loose Alliances have some, for example.

Page 161 in State of the Art. Did a search for it in Loose Alliances, though, and Acrobat didn't find anything.

QUOTE (hobgoblin)
QUOTE (SL James @ Aug 20 2005, 09:36 PM)
Yeah. THis was in the Origins mp3 when he was discussing Unwired (which for some improbable reason was scheduled at the end of the release period of the major supplements, so for like the end of 2006, maybe).

Anyway, he mentioned a tactical program for commlinks that would construct the visual map a Tactical Computer ostensibly does and which under the right circumstances would provide your teammates with extra Initiative dice.

that sounds more like what battletac is for.

tactical comp uses your own senses to track threats and insert subconcious suggestions into your mind. yes it can allso serve as a battletac master unit but thats not its primary function, it needs a addon to do that...

Yes, but BattleTac still requires you to use your Small Unit Tactics skill to give your teammates a bonus, whereas a Tactical Computer gives it to you inherently.

He described it as a tactical program, but if it works exactly how he described (which surely isn't set in stone) then it's a combination of the two because the way he described it, the program gives the bonus to linked teammates.

One last thing. When was Colloton elected? (BTW, she's a Major General by the time of State of the Art).
Considering the new Matrix, is it possible this is a program that interprets brain waves and sends out suggestions?
SL James
What he said is what I posted. I am not going to even begin to guess at how it works.
QUOTE (nezumi)
Hmm... With everyone waving flags saying 'Horizon is made from people', who thinks the designers are actually making a friendly, efficient and ethically good corp without bugs or evil spirits, just to watch us all get super paranoid and reject all of their easy, high-paying jobs and regularly bomb their homeless shelters and soup kitchens?

Then when nobody likes them, they'll get bought out by a normal coperation, as used as proof that companies need powerful people...then the bugs come
QUOTE (apple)
What about the Biomuscles (0,4 Bioindex per rating, around 20 000¥ per rating)?


Back from day 3 of not getting the Limited Edition. $27*3 for admission wasted.

Muscle Augmentation, the one that was 0.4 and 20,000, is now 0.2 and 7000 with an availability of rating *5.
QUOTE (apple)
What is the magical attribute for spellcasting/conjuring for success tests: magic, willpower or charisma?


Magic Attribute.
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
In some post around it is stated that beta grade ware reduces essence cost by 30%, while both other grades seem unchanged... is that correct or a typo?

What are the grades for bioware?

I have no idea about typos.

It says bioware and cyberware are available in 4 grades, and goes on to say about the bioware that is only available as cultured.
Is Turn to Goo in the spell list? devil.gif

Yes, turn to goo has returned.
QUOTE (Gondor)
It has been a while since I last had a post. A very long while. I have been playing fantasy. I know that makes me bad, but I like to change things up every now and again. Anyway, by luck, about a month ago I started to make a stuff up for SR again an looked up the web site and found that SR4 was coming out, since then I have been checking the posts and website every day.
One of the biggest flaws with SR, in my opinion, was the mages. Since we have been playing since 1990, we have figured out how to make a mage almost unstoppable at a little over 100 karma. Armor spell, Quicken attributes, reaction, initiative, detect enemies, invisibility, and a few elementals. We have made house rules to lessen the mages ability, but he is still the bad ass. When I want to make a hard mission, the first thing I do is figure out how to stop, or at least test the mage, and on standard encounters, he is rarely afraid. Does anybody know if SR4 has addressed this issue?

Yes. Mages are wimpier.
QUOTE (tisoz in Aug 2005)
Novatech was scheduled to have an IPO. Deus decided to take advantage of the high traffic event to upgrade himself. Pax and Winternight teamed up to release a stolen nanovirus worm which hit as the stock exchange got going and Deus appeared on the virtual trading floor...

QUOTE (mfb in Oct 2004)
and i can't quite seem to get a good handle on what it might mean, but i keep seeing these odd links between Winternight and Deus.

can i get an i told you so from the congregation?
QUOTE (Cain)
This might have been asked before, but I can't seem to find it.

Exactly *how* does the Edge mechanic work? Does it add dice? Do they have to be rolled separately, so you can see them explode, or do they make all the dice explode? And how often can you use it?

Edge is a bought Attribute. You may add a number of dice up to your full edge attribute to a roll and all dice on that roll explode.

You may add edge dice after a roll, only the edge dice explode.

You may spend a point of edge to reroll failures, like Karma pool use in #rd.

If dice pol was reduced to 0 through modifiers, longshot test, you may use edge dice, but they do not explodYou may spend a point of edge to go first in an initiative pass.

You may spend edge to gain an intiative pass in one combat turn..

You may use edge to negate a glitch or critical glitch..

You may use edge to invoke the Dead Man's trigger rule, take an action when your condition monitor is full.

Edge renews when GM decides.
QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (Cain @ Aug 20 2005, 03:45 PM)
QUOTE (JongWK @ Aug 20 2005, 10:36 AM)
Cain, Bull explained how Edge works in his Demo thread. Hope that helps.

Thanks! Going over there to check it out, now... beret.gif

Careful, he may have made a mistake in it. Apparently the 6's don't explode for longshot tests (when Edge is used when your normal dice pool has dropped to 0 or below). Or is it the other way around? He said they didn't but they do? wobble.gif

Edge does not explode on longshot test, page 67.
QUOTE (Sabosect)
Out of curiousity, what paranimals are included? And can you give an example of their stats?

Barghest, devil rat, ghoul, hell hound, merrow, naga, sasquatch, thunderbird, vampire, wendigo, spirit of: air, beasts, earth, fire, man, water, watchers, eastern and western dragons, feathered serpents, leviathons and great dragon mods. Funny how they did not scale back dragons as far as I can tell.

Hell hound: B4 A4 R5 S4 C3 I4 L2 W3 EDG3 ESS6 M3 INIT9 IP3
Movement 15/50, bite DV 4P, AP 0
QUOTE (Babel)
I'm curious how drain now works, also about foci. What are the bonding and nuyen costs? Are there still sustaining foci? How do they work? I think I saw that power foci are now quite cheap, like 25k per point. What are the benefits?

Power foci add their force to all tests in which magic attribute is included. No help counterspelling.

Drain value is F/2, round down, =/- modifiers, minimum of 1.

Roll Willpower + Charisma for shamans or willpower + Logic for mages. Each hit reduces Drain Value by 1, wound modifiers and sustained spells do not effect drain test.

Foci are inexpensive, but max at chargen for any is 3 and 2 for weapon or power foci. Sustaining, binding and weapon foci are 10K*F, Spellcasting and Summoning foci are 15K*F, Counterspelling and banishing are 5K*F, and Power foci are 25K*F. They are still expensive to bond. Sustaining 2*F, weapon (3+reach)*F, power 8*F. BP can be used at chargen like karma to bind foci.

Max no. of foci bonded equal to Magic attribute, only one focus may add to any single dice pool. No mention of addiction.
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