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Fen/Buddha--will either of you see Cirio before Monday?
Not I, said the fly.

Whiz - I understand the writers block, and to be honest, there are days when I just don't even want to bother posting. Has nothing to do with the games, I'd just rather be doing something else wink.gif

So, I'm more then willing to keep you on board. Your posts, when you're active, are great. But, I do want to keep the thread bumping along as well.

What do you guys think is a reasonable time limit to put on posting? At least once every 4 days? At least once a week? We'll give everyone two chances. If someone doesn't post within the limit more then twice, we'll replace them. This gives everyone (including me biggrin.gif ) a clean slate, and should be a good compromise between needing to move the thread along and giving people space so this doesn't become some sort of chore or dreaded obligation.
I'd say once per week minimum. My personal schedule sometime gets bogged down for 4 days at a time, but I can always find 5 minutes somewhere in a week to get something up.
I agree once a week is more than reasonable and I think we're all open to life's occasional bumps that could throw that off. Just post something in the thread so we all know what's going on. I would prefer to see a post saying you are still here but can't muster a post this week due to fill in the blank then the nothing that has been happening.
To be honest, having a deadline would probably help me post more frequently. As it is, it's too easy to bump the need to post here when confronting with other activities that have a time schedule behind them.
Guh. I'm really sorry. I love Charlotte. And I love the team and the premise. And especially the players (GM included, natch).

I'll be better. Promise. I'll need some help, I've never played 'the leader' type. It's stressy.
Sorry to cut the meeting off... I didn't have time to wrap it up better. Have to go, will post more later. OOC.
No biggie hun. I think the plan is to kick the thread back into shape with the new year and have people promise to post at least once a week. wink.gif
Placing a call to Jonathan McFarlane (L3/C5). He's an archaeology professor and amateur pilot at Cambridge (and new department chair)

Etiquette: 06 05 03 03 01 --2 hits

I'm hoping he can forward me some treatises on Archaeological digs in Africa for the appropriate time period. Trying to get a gauge on how the people of this region treated their temples and palaces--were there traps like the Egyptians used, what are the common found artifacts etc. And of course promising to bring back some pottery if I can...
Gah....knew I was forgetting one of my boards when I was reprogramming my favorites. Fortunatly...or unfortunatly seems like I haven't missed anything....oh well, happy new year.
Happy New Year all!

Ok it's the new year and let's see if we can get this thread back up and running. Can people sound off so we know who's out there?
Sounding off. Howdy! Happy New Year!

Hey all!

At last glance, we were all going to grab showers and what not, before meeting back up for dinner and a final go at the information before we headed out to the Heart of Africa.
For reference, the showers aren't because anyone smells funny, but rather that we are supposed to come back with clear heads and tackle the intel.
Bumped my bit. wink.gif
Fenris--I forgot to add my Loyalty rating to my above etiquette roll.

05 03 02
Holding off on some contact responses to maintain something similar to a consistent timeline wink.gif

But I did note rolls and availabilities!
ok here's my roll to see if I can get anything from Spider.

02 02 03 03 03 03 04 06 (1 hit)

Edge Reroll
01 02 02 03 05 05 06 (3 hits)
As they are touched:
Assensing O'Henry: Assensing (7) + INT (4) + Specialization: Touch (2) + Enhanced Perception (4) = 17 dice
3 1 4 [5] 1 [6] 2 1 3 4 3 3 [6] [5] 2 [5] [6]: 6 hits

Assensing Zuramawe: Assensing (7) + INT (4) + Specialization: Touch (2) + Enhanced Perception (4) = 17 dice
[6] [6] [5] 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 [6] 2 [5] 1 4 [6] [6]: 7 hits

As they speak:
Assensing Daniels: Assensing (7) + INT (4) + Enhanced Perception (4) = 15 dice
2 [5] [6] 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 [5]: 3 hits

Perception Daniels: Perception (1) + INT (4) + Enhanced Perception (4) = 9 dice
[5] 2 2 2 3 4 1 3 [6]: 2 hits

Perception O'Henry: Perception (1) + INT (4) + Enhanced Perception (4) = 9 dice
1 3 4 3 3 [5] 1 1 4: 1 hit

Perception Zuramawe: Perception (1) + INT (4) + Enhanced Perception (4) = 9 dice
3 6 2 1 5 4 2 [5] 4: 1 hit

Etiquette: Etiquette (3) + CHA (3) + Kinesics (4) = 10 dice
2 3 2 1 4 [6] 3 [5] 4 [6]: 3 hits

First Impression (for O'Henry and Zuramawe): 2 dice
[5] [5]: 2 hits - 5 total hits for the new folks

EDIT the 2nd:
Street Cred: +4 dice to Daniels
4 1 [5] [5]: + 2 hits - 5 total hits for Daniels
Right, I'm so glad that you're on our side when it comes to the astral raping...

I talked with Whizbang--she's still with us, but buried at work.
Sparky - Daniels actually isn't the one with the street knowledge, but I will take note of the rolls ;D

To clarify for my own sake, does the astral impressions on contact have to be skin to skin? Zuramawae is wearing gloves. Regardless, even if I pull two dice off, I think you've still got plenty of successes, so I'll post based on that. This is more of a "moving forward" question.

O'Henry - Generally healthy, general emotional state is nervous because of this meeting with you, subject is mundane, subject has headware, recognition of aura (if you see it again). Subject's essence is 4.78, no astral signatures present.

Daniels - Generally healthy, general emotional state is nervous, mundane, has headware, recognition of aura (if you see it again). Subject's essence is lower then yours.

Zuramawae - Target is generally healthy, general emotional state is calm and curious about you, subject is mundane, you will recognize the aura, subject has multiple bioware mods throughout the head and body, subject's essence is a 4.5, no astral signatures are present.

Quick question - in the past has the Foundation paid us back for money spent in the course of investigating/contact pinging in the past? Has there been a dollar limit set? I am curious since Yi only has so much money at her disposal. wink.gif
The dollar amount for expenses like those are generally as much as Charlotte has been able to wrangle out of the Finance department. Small sums are obviously easier.
This Land-Rover? 40,000 nuyen. Destroyed.
This experimental rapelling harness, 5,000 nuyen. Destroyed.
Over 1,000 rounds of EX-Explosive ammunition of various calibers. Gone
Damn, we must have had a lot of fun with that one...Sparky, mind filling us in on how we destroyed a Land Rover?
I was hoping you knew. biggrin.gif
I can vouch for the harness, but the ammo and rover are on someone else's blame list.
I think Fenris has some explaining to do. My recollection was we drove out of danger so while I am sure the rover was shot up, destroyed seems a little harsh. biggrin.gif
They're dredging up stuff from our prior work. Bean counters. Feh!
Ok posted for the hook back up phase of the program.
Posting my bit now.
Gah....already falling behind on my New Years resolution. Posted a bit, will probably add more at a later time.
Welcome back!!

I'm not certain if we're going to see Blitz again on this thread. She seems to have dropped off the face of the earth so I was wondering what everyone wanted to do about her character/ I know McQuillan is out this week with training out of town for work but everyone else can certainly chime in.

I am for Fenris writing her character out in some neat way that would allow her to come back later if she should come up for air at some point. She was our leader type so we mght new a new player to step into that role or one of us might need to step into it. That's my two bits. biggrin.gif
That works. Shame too, we had a good team vibe. And Cirio was fitting in nicely, what being the knight in shining armor and all... speaking of Cirio... anyone seen him?

Turns out that I have spotty internet, so I will be checking the boards if I'm needed.
Cirio and Blitz will no longer be joining us.

Expect a large update on Monday and a more rapid pace. Beginning of the semester rush is starting to slow, so I'll have more free time and be around to update more often.

As a quick question, where exactly is Jeff?

And are there any outstanding questions or issues I need to get to besides contacts?
He headed to the museum where he works between missions.
Just bumping to keep us currnet. We seemd to have stalled a little bit, was there something anyone needed? I can apply direct pressure to Fenris so let me know. biggrin.gif

Did we come to any sort of decision about replacing our lost/dropped members? Is it something we're leaving in Fenris's hands or do we want to pop up a recruitment thread on our own and run the canidates past him for approval?
Was kinda expecting some sort of response from Fenris....dropped him a note awhile back, and hadn't heard from him other than that last question.
He said he was updating today... which to me means tonight. Can't wait to see what's coming.

But, Whizbang, you might want to get Jeff into the conference room - we're supposed to be meeting back up.
Adding one piece of heavy muscle would be good to replace Dakota. I'm not sure how much we are going to need a rigger, thoughts?

The only outstanding issue I had was my contact follow up from the professor.
Yeah, guess I waited too long to try to do something in the downtime. Oh well....will post in the morning.
Rumor has it that Cirio has resurfaced and will be posting today...
Could just be a vicious rumor though wink.gif

In the meantime, I know I have contact stuff for both Sparky and McQuillan that's taking place after you guys' planning session. Anything that I'm missing?
Not all rumors are vicious. Some are kindly. wink.gif

If you want to take any actions during the weeks of downtime or before this point in the meeting, please feel free to either flashback through it, dump it in OCC, or put it in a PM to me.
Already posted on IC- one question though- am I missing something about Timbuktu? The city still exists today, although usually the French spelling is used on maps. Or, are we positing that that was not the real Timbuktu?

Either way, the city was sacked twice: once by the Moroccans, and once by the French, so...wink.gif

Edit: Out of Character, Cirio more than likely left the compound to visit associates in Goa.
As far as I am aware, and the premise that I'm putting out for this game, the actual city of Timbuktu was abandoned after the two sackings and some issues with water supply. There is a city with the name today, but it is not on the original site of the city.
Got it. wink.gif
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