Jul 1 2007, 05:31 AM
I will be offline for the next 48 hours as I fly out to Dallas for work. Expect posts from me on Tuesday.
Fenris--Are we puppeting Whizbang/Jeff along at the moment? The plan is for one of us to Astrally project and follow our fearless leader...
Jul 1 2007, 09:00 PM
I can puppet whizbang/Jeff along for the moment. I'll have him follow the group since you're out of town for the next few days
Jul 3 2007, 12:47 AM
Assensing Griot, 15 dice:
2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, [5], [6], 3, 2, [6]; 3 hits
Assensing Leader, 15 dice:
[6], 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, [5], [5], 4, 3, 3, [6]; 4 hits
Perception (for other astral entities), 9 dice:
[5], [6], 1, [5], 3, 2, 4, [6], 2; 4 hits
Jul 6 2007, 07:25 PM
Still here but I did have a question, did we ever give the magical group a name? I was looking over my notes I have our strictures down (Belief, Ex. Membersip, Fraternity, Service - 20 hrs a week, and Oath). I have Jeff down as a member but I know there was more and I wanted to make a note of traditions and mentor spirits if any. Thanks!
Jul 6 2007, 07:43 PM
ES_Sparky - Griot - Magic higher then yours, no medical maladies, currently under an astral armor spell. No cyberware, you will recognize his signature again, general emotional state is suspicious, then suddenly hostile.
Leader - Leader is the speaker from before. You don't get any additional information except that his mood seems to abruptly shift to hostile when you talk about Yolandra, and that name is the source of his hostility.
Only other entity is the spirit you recognize from before. One thing you will notice is that a number of the other villages have small fetishes, etc. A number of these actually have a faint signature, not anything like an actual focus, but there is some sort of magic tied up in their creation.
Jul 6 2007, 08:32 PM
How many, or what kinds of tests do you want, Fen, for Charlotte to make her observations?
Jul 6 2007, 08:58 PM
Per my sheet and because no one objected earlier...
Magical group:
Misfit Toys--Atlantean Foundation Dig team Epsilon 7 Initiatory Group.
Jul 7 2007, 05:27 AM
@ Sparky - Just visual perception rolls please.
Jul 12 2007, 06:08 PM
That name works great I think, thanks for the info. This is me bumping to keep us current and going.
Jul 22 2007, 10:41 PM
Alright, just going to bump forward IC a bit to hopefully kickstart things into motion again.
Jul 24 2007, 06:05 PM
Shall we lock and load?
Ops Lead--how close are we going to camp to the actual site? Obviously, the further away, the longer we have to run like scared schoolgirls when the monsters chase us out of the city, but also the farther they have to sneak in the night to eat us while we are sleeping.
Jul 24 2007, 07:52 PM
I personally wouldn't be surprised if the best spot is somewhere inside the perimeter with walls, and clear approach site lines.
But it might be better to assume it's a case of where Knocker knows far more then I do.
Log 2+ Small Unit Tactics 4 = 6 (If only knocker were smarter!)
2 hits = 6 3 3 6 3 1
See what it's like when we get there, wherever that is.
Jul 27 2007, 12:31 AM
I need a bit of criteria for the concept of "best" location. Are you looking for a spot that has the most controllable entrances and exits? Somewhere you can park the helo and have horizontal cover? Somewhere with clear lines of sight as far as you can see?
Jul 27 2007, 12:52 PM
Knocker would have a preference for defensive position and the ability to bugout quickly.
Jul 28 2007, 04:10 PM
DireRadiant - There is one location in the ruins of the old city that you'll find scanning from above that have 3 standing walls (8m tall) and the ability to land the helicopter.
Jul 29 2007, 06:04 PM
Hey all, Fenris and I are back from the beach (a week of vacation). I would like to see the thread start moving again so what do we need at this point? Sound off!
Jul 29 2007, 10:31 PM
I just need some walking orders. Once we set down, we'll probably need some scans of the area and then some astral scouting.
Aug 2 2007, 07:31 PM
QUOTE (Fenris) |
DireRadiant - There is one location in the ruins of the old city that you'll find scanning from above that have 3 standing walls (8m tall) and the ability to land the helicopter. |
I think we send some drones, followed by some of us to check this out before we risk landing the chopper there. If it's ok then we can use it as a forward staging area.
Aug 3 2007, 05:38 AM
Ready to kick on to the next step.
I took some liberties, presuming that the sensor reports which Knocker is using for her SUT rolls was available to the team.
Aug 3 2007, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ) |
Ready to kick on to the next step.
I took some liberties, presuming that the sensor reports which Knocker is using for her SUT rolls was available to the team. |
I have developed the opinion that liberties are required to keep forum games ticking along.
Aug 7 2007, 01:33 AM
Aug 14 2007, 01:46 PM
All - My apologies on the delays. Real Life has recently become much more complicated. I anticipate picking things back up on a regular posting schedule starting next Monday.
Aug 20 2007, 03:53 PM
Alright, back, finally, and ready to get this thing up and rolling again! IC post should include up through the team hitting the chosen landing spot.
Cirio - You've picked up snippets of traffic that aren't yours. From what you got, it's low signal and encrypted. It seems to fade in and out, and you don't have a consistent signal. If you want to know what you picked up, you can roll Decrypt + Response (10, 1 combat turn) to break the encryption.
My assumption for the moment is that Jeff stayed behind with the villagers, in order to try and gain more information about Yolandra, the Spirit Mask, and/or the ruins.
Aug 20 2007, 07:05 PM
Hey Fenris--if possible, can we get put on the same regiment as Reflections? Layout a scene and objective, and we have the 7 days to clear it before you move us forward?
Team--Does that jive for everyone else? I know we have a couple of people who are holding on by threads, and I don't want the game to alienate you by forcing things to move faster than everyone can keep up.
Aug 21 2007, 07:40 PM
I second the motion, I like the format and it would move things along in a timely fashion.
Aug 21 2007, 09:45 PM
Bishop - Assuming there are no strenuous objections by other posters, I'm fine with that.
Aug 21 2007, 09:46 PM
Works for me.
Aug 26 2007, 05:00 AM
I am going to have to thread Encrypt:
Resonance + Software = 9
2 Hits for Decrypt-2
To actually Decrypt the Signal:
Intuition + Decrypt = 7
3 Hits for Decrypt.
Fading Test:
Willpower + Resonance = 9
3 Hits, no Stun Damage.
Cirio will not sustain the Form.
Aug 27 2007, 04:10 PM
So are we all back together again or are some back at the village and the rest at our new HQ? I am confused, granted it doesn't take much.
Aug 27 2007, 05:31 PM
Jeff is keeping an eye on things in the village atm, and
Cirio has just dropped you all off in some low ruins in what used to be Timbuktu.
Alright, moving forward to the slightly more interesting portion of this run
Can I get perception and stealth rolls from everyone?
Cirio is obviously welcome to use vehicle or drone sensors if you prefer. The stealth rolls are for those of you on the ground
Basically using stealth and perception to decide who sees who first, in the event of a meeting.
Aug 28 2007, 04:27 PM
Perception (Edge for re-roll)
[1,3,5,2,1,3,1] ([1,2,3,1,4,4]) 1 Hit
Visual Bonus [4,5] ([1]) 1 hit
Aural Bonus [6,5,3,4] ([2,2]) 2 hits
Visual Perception 2 hits
Aural Perception 3 hits
[1,5,3,1,1] = 1 hit, Glitch
And it's official, the dice-rollers suck today...
Aug 29 2007, 01:28 PM
Perception 2 + Int 3 + Vision/Audio Enhancement 3 = 8
2 Visual/1 Audio hits 4 2 4 3 5 (4 3 5/ 6 4 1)
Do we get the + 3 actively looking bonus dice?
Infiltration 2 + Agility 5 = 7
2 hits and Glitch! 1 6 3 1 1 4 5
Knocker be stomping around loudly spotting people by where the bullets are coming from!
Aug 31 2007, 05:19 PM
02 03 03 04 04 05 06 06 06 (4 hits)
Cyberware Scanner Rating 6
01 02 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 (4 hits)
MAD Scanner Rating 3
01 02 02 04 06 06 06 (3 hits)
Radio Signal Scanner Rating 6
02 02 03 04 05 05 05 05 06 (5 hits)
01 01 04 04 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 (7 hits)
Aug 31 2007, 07:30 PM
Just need a stealth roll from Yuyi
Aug 31 2007, 08:08 PM
*points up to the post*
Aug 31 2007, 08:25 PM
Crap, right, it's called infiltration now. My apologies ;D
Sep 7 2007, 01:06 AM
Bumping to keep us current and hopefully
Fenris will post so we can be all violent (what the character's built for).
Sep 12 2007, 12:48 AM
Astral Perception
1 1 3 3 3 4 [6] [6] [6] 3 hits
Assensing any spirits/critters/persons (giving 3 rolls), in case there's time...
Assense #1
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] 5 hits
Assense #2
1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 hits
Assense #3
1 1 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 9 hits GOOD GRIEF!
Sep 25 2007, 05:06 AM
What force Ignite spell do we think Mickey needs to cast to relight the fire on this one?
Sep 28 2007, 03:01 PM
So about that fire...
Oct 4 2007, 02:08 PM
Alright boys and girls, it has become painfully obvious to me over the last two weeks that there's no way I'm going to juggle 34 units at University and still run my threads on the board, in addition to studying for the GMAT and still maintaining any kind of social life with family and friends.
So, no offense intended, but you guys are lowest priority on my list. I'm going to go ahead and end the games for the moment. If you're all still interested, I'll have a lot more time after the semester ends (mid-December), so I'll probably check in with you individually to see if you want to revive the threads.
I'm sorry to have to do this, I honestly thought I'd be able to keep the threads running throughout. However, you guys made very excellent, memorable characters, and I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to do more with them. I hope you'll all come back when I re-instate the threads in a few months.
Oct 4 2007, 02:15 PM
Good luck.
Oct 5 2007, 05:37 AM
Agreed, best of luck!
Oct 5 2007, 05:39 AM
My schedule doesn't let up until well into next year, but Charlotte n' I'll be here waiting for the thread to pick back up.
Good luck!
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