Sep 23 2006, 04:59 PM
Ok, I officially open this Out of Character thread for the spirits within campaign.
I've made a list of all the ones who showed interest in the campaign, along with their characters and the changes required before i officially accept them
BlackHat: character is approved.
ColdDragon: character is approved
Ophis: your character is ok, but it still needs a more detailed description/personality
Emo Samurai: character is approved since it is now a materializing spirit.
DireRadiant: ok, tough one. My suggestion would be that you actually inhabit the internal comlink of the drone and issue command to it much like a rigger issuing command to a subscribed drone. The main problem is communication, though. You do not have the astral form power, so you have to rely on matrix commucation, but none of the other spirits have that sort of communication ability. You may want to change your power list so you can add Astral Projection. I would suggest changing Regeneration to Astral Projection, since i would say regeneration only works with living vessel.
Ankle Biter: You still have 2 powers left to choose. You can take armor if you want, and immunity to normal weapon is part of the manifesting power, so you don't have to take it.
Tattered Seraphim: you have some BPs left, and more details about the spirit's personality/background would be appreciated.
Any other player interested in joining have until today, sunday, to post a character sheet.
Sep 23 2006, 06:58 PM
QUOTE (Dentris) |
DireRadiant: ok, tough one. My suggestion would be that you actually inhabit the internal comlink of the drone and issue command to it much like a rigger issuing command to a subscribed drone. The main problem is communication, though. You do not have the astral form power, so you have to rely on matrix commucation, but none of the other spirits have that sort of communication ability. You may want to change your power list so you can add Astral Projection. I would suggest changing Regeneration to Astral Projection, since i would say regeneration only works with living vessel. |
Yeah, normally a spirit inhabiting a vehicle or drone wouldn't be able to access matrix-stuff for communication (considered complex electronics), or for that matter, control a drone via commlink, but I would imagine they wouldn't have any trouble accessing onboard sensors (since, otherwise, they would be completely useless in that form) - so having onboard speakers wouldn't be that out-there... it would allow physical communication, without having to project out of the drone.
If the spirit WAS the commlink, it could move around just by moving the mechanical parts - but I think if a spirit inhbited a commlink, it would be blind, unable to move, and unable to communicate with the world around it.
As for regeneration, its the GMs call if it works on non-living things or not (since everything is a GM call), but I would like to point out that without it, inhabiting spirits are going to become large money sinks, since they cannot be healed naturally (and very difficult to heal magically) - and are just as expensive to repair as to replace.
Course, if they do have it, they become almost invincible, so I can understand either way. =D
Sep 23 2006, 07:19 PM
Aren't inhabiting Spirits dual natured? My thought was that I had the physical body of the drone and could move it as the drone would move. As far as the other stuff works I think it's no different then if it was a homunculus. It doesn't really have eyes or ears, but the spirit can still see and hear? Or am I wrong in thinking that?
The real problem is how would I, as the spirit, communicate to Brenda, the Agent to give it commands or isntructions. I was thinking it would be like talking to my self a lot.
If I inhabited a lump of dirt, would I be able to see and hear and talk?
emo samurai
Sep 23 2006, 07:33 PM
Why didn't you approve of the possessing bureaucrat dude?
Sep 23 2006, 08:57 PM
Sorry I haven't done my character sheet yet. I've had a horrendous last few days with being busy trying to get jobs done, struggling with a chest infection. I'll try and get it finished by tonight or tomorrow at the very latest.
Sep 23 2006, 08:57 PM
Emo Samurai: Because the shinto tradition isn't a possessing tradition. I want to stick with traditions as much as possible.
Dire Radiant: The Street and MAgic ruling about possessed vehicules is: you cando everything you a mechanically able to do, thus moving. Any electronic components/programs/wireless control, etc. are impossible for the spirit to control. Although you may use any of your powers in that form...
Also, after re-reading the inhabitation power, you are still dual-natured even when inhabiting a mechanical device, meaning you can see anything in the astral plane and communicate with other astral denizens.
My ruling about regeneration is that it only affect living or once living material (wood, bones, zombies, etc.), so sorry.
Finally, i have a suggestion you might find interesting. Considering buying a single drone would be quite harsh (you would waster around 45 000 nuyens since you can't use any of the programs or communicate with the drone), i suggest you change your regeneration power into a sligthly modifed Vessel Trading power. The power would work only on inanimate object, but you could, as an inhabiting vessel, trade your skin for any other inanimate object. You couldn't survive outside a vessel, though, since you are not a possessing spirit, but that would allow you to buy several drones and switch between them whenever you could also take over other drones instead of fighting them.
emo samurai
Sep 23 2006, 09:14 PM
You mean Wuxing.
Why do you want to stick by traditions? Because you want the metaplanes we're from to be known to many people?
Sep 23 2006, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Sep 23 2006, 04:14 PM) |
You mean Wuxing. |
Sorry, wuxing...yeah.
I want to stick with tradition to add some flavor and put some limits on what players could do.
emo samurai
Sep 23 2006, 09:35 PM
And it just makes sense for a celestial bureaucrat to be materializing, anyway.
Can he Dream Pact without possession power?
Sep 23 2006, 10:35 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Can he Dream Pact without possession power? |
Yeah, that's a good question since taking over someone's body while they are sleeping sounds a lot like possession - but I think any type of spirit can make any kind of pact... the magic of making the pact must allow you to switch bodies or something.
I do like the "keeping things within traditions" thing... otherwise a hermatic earth elemetnal wouldn't really be any different than any other spirit, except in how it looks.
emo samurai
Sep 23 2006, 10:36 PM
Then again, spirits don't have to be bound to a person to make a magic pact or use up his edge, and the nature of the pact is probably to bind the spirit automatically to the body once it sleeps.
Sep 23 2006, 10:37 PM
Hecate, the Dark Magician[ Spoiler ]
Type: Spirit of Man, Hermetic Tradition- Wicca
[Skills: Assensing, Astral
Combat, Dodge, Perception,
Spellcasting, Unarmed Combat
Powers: Accident, Astral Form,
Concealment, Confusion,
Enhanced Senses (Low-Light,
Thermographic Vision), Guard,
Influence, Materialization,
Sapience, Search.
Optional Powers: Fear, Innate Spell (any one spell known
by the summoner), Movement, Psychokinesis ]
50 – 24- 10 = 16 – 3 = 13
force rating of 1 goes to 4(24)
edge of 1 goes to 2 (10)
Astral INIT/IP: 8, 3
Movement: 10/25
powers Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Sapience and Spirit Pact, Materialization (free), Concealment (3)
Magician Quality (with a magic rating 4)
skills Assessing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Perception and Unarmed Combat (free)
Additional background not already provided: Following the death of her beloved Master (whose name she will not reveal) very easily), she returned to her home plane, only to discover that she'd been accused of a great treason, possibly connected to her Master's death- an impossibility. She now seeks to acquit herself of this crime, helping others when possible and staying within the shadows.
Sorry bout the messiness of this working copy. I'm using the rulesbook and am a bit confused about where to locate what spells Hecate can do- she's primarily a magician spirit, and I'm using the goddess Hecate as the inspiration for her style, as well as Dark Magicians in the movies/books Night Watch and Day Watch (Russian masterpieces). Are the powers listed also the spells? Sorry, but I've not played a spell caster before in SR. Can I have some help please? Sorry.
Sep 24 2006, 12:56 AM
QUOTE (Dentris) |
Finally, i have a suggestion you might find interesting. Considering buying a single drone would be quite harsh (you would waster around 45 000 nuyens since you can't use any of the programs or communicate with the drone), i suggest you change your regeneration power into a sligthly modifed Vessel Trading power. The power would work only on inanimate object, but you could, as an inhabiting vessel, trade your skin for any other inanimate object. You couldn't survive outside a vessel, though, since you are not a possessing spirit, but that would allow you to buy several drones and switch between them whenever you could also take over other drones instead of fighting them. |
This might as well simply be Possession, specializing in inanimate objects.
Sep 24 2006, 02:44 AM
QUOTE (Tattered~Seraphim) |
Hecate, the Dark Magician
With Edge of 2, I am fairly certain you get two free powers and not one.
I didn't really go the magician route, but I believe that as a spirit of man, you pay 3 BP for every spell you want to be able to cast.
Sep 24 2006, 03:12 AM
Okay, inhabiting regeneration too powerful. Message received. (Though... akira...)
I would still like to do the inhabited iBall drone.
Would adding speakers to the drone be possible? If so would both the drone pilot and inhabiting spirit be able to use them? (Think schizophrenic iBall talking to itself)
I understand that the inhabiting spirit might not be able to talk to the pilot program. That's part of the charm, the inhabiting spirit asking some astral friend to relay a command to the pilot to maybe perform, and then the communication being a problem the other way, where the pilot might not be able to relay information to the inhabiting spirit.
Alright Alternatives.
Inhabited weapon focus, large black swords with runes, featuring Energy Drain power.
'50 Studebaker vessel....
Looks like inhabiting inanimate vessel is not going to work out, too bad.
I think the same basic concept, Possessing Guidance spirit, or materializing, I don't feel much like inhabiting a living vessel.
How about this one?
Hermetic Qabbalistic Possessing
The all seeing Eye
[ Spoiler ]
Qabbalistic Hermetic
Force 4
Edge 2
- Possession
- Astral Form - An eyeball
- Banishing Resistance
- Sapience
- Spirit Pact
- Divining (Free power from edge)
3 - Engulf
3 - Influence
3 - Search
5 - Regeneration
Magician Quality (with a magic rating equal to its force) and the skills
- Assensing
- Astral Combat
- Dodge
- Perception
- Unarmed Combat.
50 bp
24 bp = add 3 force
10 BP = add one edge
0 BP = Skills
14 BP = Powers
2 BP leftover
Leftover odd BP. Can this be turned into Gear such as fake sins. license, datasofts, e.g things that could be stored online, and starting money which could be accessed while possessing? Contacts? 20 BP of contacts would be useful.
Sep 24 2006, 03:25 AM
I thought Inhabitation required a living vessel (or else formerly living) to work, and not objects? I should probably re-read the section to double check, but I don't recall there being rules for the human/hybrid/spirit forms that depends on the dice rolls of inhabitation with objects involved.
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 03:52 AM
Can you post advancement rules?
Sep 24 2006, 04:13 AM
Just looked it up. I guess you can do that with objects...though I'd laugh at a hybrid orb drone thingy. XD Dunno why there's no astral form outside of inhabitation though. I miss something else there?
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 04:16 AM
I was wondering if you'd advance the way an ally does, 5 karma per power, 3 karma for a spell you should know.
Sep 24 2006, 05:14 AM
QUOTE (Cold-Dragon) |
I thought Inhabitation required a living vessel (or else formerly living) to work, and not objects? I should probably re-read the section to double check, but I don't recall there being rules for the human/hybrid/spirit forms that depends on the dice rolls of inhabitation with objects involved. |
If you look at the Vessel preparation rules you can see there are lots of non living vessels are possible.
Sep 24 2006, 05:37 AM
Like I said, I figured that out. Thanks for doubling though.
I guess we wait on Dentris and the other parts then. *fine tunes spirit*
How is it I end up as a female so much? I swear, I have a habit or something *thinks about it* Oh, well that could be one reason why! Perhaps I need a girlfriend? XD
Sep 24 2006, 09:21 AM
Apologies for late reply, yesterday turned very busy by surprise
7 bp left, damn thats an annoying number, what do I do with left overs.
Oh wait, I can get resourses right? Cool money ago-go.
Okay here goes with a revised sheet
[ Spoiler ]
(new bits in bold)
Force 4
Edge 2
Skills: Assensing, Astral combat, Dodge, Perception, Unarmed combat, Exotic ranged weapon(fire)
Powers: Accident, Confusion, Elemental attack(fire), Energy aura(fire), Engulf, Fear, Astral form, Banish reesistance, Sapience, Magician quality, Materialisation
Resources: 1 build points worth
Sep 24 2006, 10:05 AM
Thanks BlackHat. Just to check (this is where my confusion's come in) is a spell classed as any of the powers listed in the square brackets? It's knowing from where I can choose my spells from thats the trouble.
Sep 24 2006, 12:05 PM
Tattered Sheraphim: With your edge of 2, you have 2 free powers. Additionnaly, a spirit of man may learn any spells at the cost of 3 BPs.
Emo Samurai: after considerable thoughts, i decided the advancement rules will be just the same as creation rules. (BP cost is simply transfered into Karma cost, allowing leftover BP to be used later)
Ophis: Only inhabiting spirits may get ressources
Dire Radiant: you can inhabit any kind of vessel. In fact, an inhabited sword would be considered a weapon focus with a force rating equal to the spirit's force/2, and since it is a dual-natured sword, it is usable against astral creatures too. If you do not wish to inhabit a living spirit, you still have the opportunity to inhabit a cyber-zombie equipped with occular drones...(at the cost of 3000 nuyens per eyes...

Oh, and by the way, i edited my first post to take into consideration your new character stats.
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 04:04 PM
So metamagics will cost 15 karma? How about initiation grade? Will that just equal Edge? Because there are rules for free spirits advancement in the book, they're just really harsh on Force increase.
Sep 24 2006, 04:12 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
So metamagics will cost 15 karma? How about initiation grade? Will that just equal Edge? Because there are rules for free spirits advancement in the book, they're just really harsh on Force increase. |
Actually, the creation rules i meant was the free spirit creation rules i made up...To stay balanced, i would say metamagic costs 5 karma to learn, while initiation costs 5+1 per initiation level...
Sep 24 2006, 04:28 PM
Dentris, did you get a chance to look over the Qabbalistic Possession Character, I'd be willing to play that instead of trying to struggle through figuring out how to do the drone inhabitation.
Sep 24 2006, 04:52 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
Dentris, did you get a chance to look over the Qabbalistic Possession Character, I'd be willing to play that instead of trying to struggle through figuring out how to do the drone inhabitation. |
Dire Radiant: your character looks perfectly fine that way...It only needs a more complete personality/background.
Sep 24 2006, 05:16 PM
Dentris: Thanks. That I was able to understand. My problem's purely down to knowing what spells are available to be learnt that I'm having trouble with, and where the list is in the main rulesbook.
Sep 24 2006, 05:22 PM
QUOTE (Tattered~Seraphim) |
Dentris: Thanks. That I was able to understand. My problem's purely down to knowing what spells are available to be learnt that I'm having trouble with, and where the list is in the main rulesbook. |
The available list is at the end of the chapter about magic, and you may learn any of the spells presented...
Sep 24 2006, 05:39 PM

Now I should be able to finish off Hecate's profile. Is her background ok?
Sep 24 2006, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (Tattered~Seraphim) |
Thanks! Now I should be able to finish off Hecate's profile. Is her background ok? |
It's ok, but it needs a little bit more details, as well as an outline of its personality.
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 06:38 PM
How much does 1 BP buy? I'm thinking of changing my spirit's powers.
Sep 24 2006, 07:07 PM
Right, I've pretty much finished Hecate now. Just have 1BP left over. I thought I'd given her personality, ah well.
[ Spoiler ]
Hecate, the Dark Sorceress
Type: Spirit of Man, Hermetic Tradition- Wicca
force rating of 1 goes to 4(24)
edge of 1 goes to 2 (10)
powers Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Sapience and Spirit Pact, Materialization, Enhanced Senses, Mystic Armour
Magician Quality (with a magic rating 4)
Spells: Chaos, Mob Control, Shadow, Manabolt
skills Assessing, Astral Combat, Spell-casting, Dodge, Perception and Unarmed Combat (free)
(1 BP left over)
5 4 6 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 2
Finally, a spirit has 2 IP in physical form and 3 IP in astral form.
Lifestyle: Medium
Personality: Despite the dark nature of her spells, Hecate is generally quite a fun-loving, at times mischievious spirit, enjoying taking to the stage with her last master, an elven dark magician called Mordred. However, she has a dark side to her personality that can take over without any notice. At a whim, she can become malicious and uncaring for the magicians and witches who she at other times enjoys helping.
Tradition: Hecate follows the tradition of Wicca, especially the ways of her namesake deity Hecate, the sorceress goddess.
Background: For a long time, Hecate has been a guide and helper to witches and magicians of black magics. And then, a few years ago she was summoned to do the bidding of the dark elven magician Mordred, a fairly successful illusionist and stage magician (think of Chris Angel), and at some time Shadowrunner from England. He bound her to him, and she aided him both personally and during shows. He was repetatively rebinding her to him, so her tenure to service increased. Meanwhile, 'she' had found herself growing fond of him. But then tragedy struck, and Mordred died as a result of a dangerous stunt trick going horribly wrong. It may have been due to the intervention of another rival magician, or an enemy from his past, Hecate doesn't know. Downhearted by the death of her pet magician (as she saw it)/ master, Hecate returned to doing as she had done previously. However, disater struck when she tried to return to her home plane. She found herself banished, having to live on the astral plane. With that, she also left England for the time being.
Sep 24 2006, 07:28 PM
TS: Doesn't matter that the physical form is elven. It could be an elephant and the stats would be the same.

It should be listed under "spirit of (wo)man" dependant on your force.
Anyone: Do spirits suffer drain? If so, is can they take stun damage in physical form if manifesting - or is all damage physical to them?
Sep 24 2006, 07:28 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
How much does 1 BP buy? I'm thinking of changing my spirit's powers. |
1 BP = 1 Karma after character creation.
It won't buy you anything at character creation.
Sep 24 2006, 08:12 PM
Ta again BlackHat.
Sep 24 2006, 08:41 PM
QUOTE (Tattered~Seraphim) |
Ta again BlackHat. |
I hope "Ta" is a good thing.
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 08:44 PM
Can we use Edge to augment initiation grade? It says in Street Magic that we can...
Sep 24 2006, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (Tattered~Seraphim @ Sep 24 2006, 02:07 PM) |
Right, I've pretty much finished Hecate now. Just have 1BP left over. I thought I'd given her personality, ah well.
[ Spoiler ] Hecate, the Dark Sorceress
Type: Spirit of Man, Hermetic Tradition- Wicca
force rating of 1 goes to 4(24)
edge of 1 goes to 2 (10)
powers Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Sapience and Spirit Pact, Materialization, Enhanced Senses (free), Chaos, Mob Control, Shadow, Manabolt, Mystic Armour
Magician Quality (with a magic rating 4)
Spells: Chaos, Mob Control, Shadow, Manabolt, Mystic Armour
skills Assessing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Perception and Unarmed Combat (free)
(1 BP left over)
B A R S C I L W EDG ESS M Init IP 5 4 8 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 2
Finally, a spirit has 2 IP in physical form and 3 IP in astral form.
Lifestyle: Medium
Personality: Despite the dark nature of her spells, Hecate is generally quite a fun-loving, at times mischievious spirit, enjoying taking to the stage with her last master, an elven dark magician called Mordred. However, she has a dark side to her personality that can take over without any notice. At a whim, she can become malicious and uncaring for the magicians and witches who she at other times enjoys helping.
Tradition: Hecate follows the tradition of Wicca, especially the ways of her namesake deity Hecate, the sorceress goddess.
Background: For a long time, Hecate has been a guide and helper to witches and magicians of black magics. And then, a few years ago she was summoned to do the bidding of the dark elven magician Mordred, a fairly successful illusionist and stage magician (think of Chris Angel), and at some time Shadowrunner from England. He bound her to him, and she aided him both personally and during shows. He was repetatively rebinding her to him, so her tenure to service increased. Meanwhile, 'she' had found herself growing fond of him. But then tragedy struck, and Mordred died as a result of a dangerous stunt trick going horribly wrong. It may have been due to the intervention of another rival magician, or an enemy from his past, Hecate doesn't know. Downhearted by the death of her pet magician (as she saw it)/ master, Hecate returned to doing as she had done previously. However, disater struck when she tried to return to her home plane. She found herself banished, having to live on the astral plane. With that, she also left England for the time being.
Tattered Seraphim: Ok, the points are ok, but you are missing a power (you only took one free power while you could have taken 2) and you are missing a key element for any spellcaster: spellcasting skill. Also, your physical attributes are not right. They should be Body: 5, Agility: 4, Reaction: 6 and Strength: 2
Emo Samurai: Yes, you use edge instead of initiation grade when dealing with metamagic. Thus, you won't need to initiate...I've just noticed it.
Black Hat: When materializing, you are considered a normal spellcaster, and suffer stun drain if the force of the spell is equal or below your magic, or physical if the force is higher than your force.
Sep 24 2006, 08:58 PM
Damn it, what is there to do with one character point? unless I drop my edge to 1 and grab the power back and go for force 5. Which is a tempting option.
Sep 24 2006, 09:13 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
Damn it, what is there to do with one character point? unless I drop my edge to 1 and grab the power back and go for force 5. Which is a tempting option. |
Ophis: You can keep your BP for later, because it is worth as much as one karma point...Or you can be a force 5 spirit if you really want to...
Sep 24 2006, 09:20 PM
Thanks Dentris. I thought I'd included enhanced senses and materialization as my free powers. Oh well. Have added spellcastign now and corrected reactions. I got the reactions 8 from the book, which gives spirits of man as
F+1 F Fx2 F-2 F F F F F F F Fx3 2.
As Hecate's force is 4, 4 x 2 = 8, rather than F + 2 = 6.
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 10:11 PM
I'd like to replace Tu Shu Guan's free power with Realistic Form. He is mr. face, after all.
Sep 24 2006, 10:21 PM
QUOTE (Tattered~Seraphim @ Sep 24 2006, 04:20 PM) |
Thanks Dentris. I thought I'd included enhanced senses and materialization as my free powers. Oh well. Have added spellcastign now and corrected reactions. I got the reactions 8 from the book, which gives spirits of man as B A R S C I L W EDG ESS M Init IP F+1 F Fx2 F-2 F F F F F F F Fx3 2.
As Hecate's force is 4, 4 x 2 = 8, rather than F + 2 = 6. |
Tattered Seraphim: Yeah, it is in the errata...
As for spellcasting, you included it in the power section while it should be in skills...
Emo Samurai: As long as you remove one of your powers to acquire a new one, no problem.
emo samurai
Sep 24 2006, 10:26 PM
Influence is gone.
[ Spoiler ]
Tu Shu Guan
Force 5 [32 BP]
Edge 1
Skills [15 BP]:Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Enchanting, Etiquette, Negotiation Perception, Unarmed Combat
Powers [3 BP] :astral form, banishing resistance,, possession, Realistic Form, sapience, search, spirit pact
Tu Shu Guan used to be a bureaucrat bound to peruse the endless files of the Celestial bureaucracy; he prided himself on the speed and efficiency with which he carried out requests. He assumed it would always be his lot in life to do so, and this thought did not trouble him. Then one day he was wrongly accused of taking files without authorization and cruelly exiled from the only life he ever knew.
Sep 25 2006, 12:57 AM
The All Seeing, All Knowing Eye
[ Spoiler ]
Qabbalistic Hermetic Guidance Spirit
Force 4
B = F + 3 = 7
A = F - 1 = 3
R = F + 2 = 6
S = F + 1 = 5
C = f = 4
I = f = 4
L = f = 4
W = F = 4
Edge = F = 2
Ess = F = 4
M = F = 4
init = F X 2 = 8
IP = 2
movement 10/25 = accel 3/15 speed 15
Edge 2
- Possession
- Astral Form - An eyeball
- Banishing Resistance
- Sapience
- Spirit Pact
- Divining (Free power from edge)
3 - Engulf
3 - Influence
3 - Search
5 - Regeneration
Magician Quality (with a magic rating equal to its force) and the skills
- Assensing
- Astral Combat
- Dodge
- Perception
- Unarmed Combat.
50 bp
24 bp = add 3 force
10 BP = add one edge
0 BP = Skills
14 BP = Powers
2 BP leftover
Number 6, or the All Seeing, All Knowing Eye, as he is known to his friends enjoys traveling the mundane world, touching the minds of the mundane, helping various researchers find things. A lot of his time in the metaplanes he finds very boring. But dutifully he returns to take his turn as part of the cog of spiritual machinery, he knows it's important for him to make up the numbers. But now he can't go back, the codes that he uses to enter, the routines to return, no longer work. He's desperate to find the answer to let him get back and take his turn. Now that he's missed his duty, he realizes he needs to go home. Someone is plotting something bad.
He's not averse to possessing pretty much anyone, a common trick is to possess someone hurt or ill, making them better. However, when called upon by hermetics, he traditionally inhabits inanimate objects. One of his old favorites is an old human skull. In these modern days, he found anew trick of pretending to be the voice or ghost in the machine.
Do we start with en edge of 1, and get a power with that one edge?
Sep 25 2006, 01:17 AM
Yep. 1st point of edge and force are freebies, and that free edge point means you get a 'free' power.
Sep 25 2006, 03:46 AM
As Cold-Dragon said.
emo samurai
Sep 25 2006, 04:08 AM
So... we starting tomorrow?
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