emo samurai
Oct 4 2006, 05:36 PM
So what's the point of realistic form if I can get Mutable Form?
Oct 4 2006, 06:04 PM
Mutable form lets you change your form (apepar as a man, a plant, a rock, a chair, whatever) but doesn't make it realistic. If you look like a car, its not a working car. If you appear as a toaster and they plug you in, you don't make toast. If you appear as a chinese man, you don't blink, breath, bleed, give off warmth, etc... and in general probably appear a bit odd to those around you.
You're solid, but not human.
Realistic form lets you appear human, or be a functional object. Since Adsinistrati has both, he/she/it can breathe, spit, pee, have sex, and pass for a real person under the closest inspections AND appear as different people, sex toys, electronic devices, whatever.
I would imagine that to impresonate someone specific you would want ot have both. To pass as a real person, you would want Realistic Form, and to change your appearance at all from your description you would want Mutable Form.
emo samurai
Oct 4 2006, 06:23 PM
I guess Mutable Form will be bought next, after Spellcasting and a few spells.
Ankle Biter
Oct 4 2006, 07:06 PM
I want mutable form now, so I can explode when shot and then reassemble (Using Regen) a la them lil metal doobies off of sg1, that and walking through bars by feeding all my crystal bits around it, would be sweet. 'Course I could go astral to do that, but where's the fun in that?
Can anybody put a bit of background on this whole effane... effave... Spirit loosing forces, and making spirit pacts stuff, please? I don't have the magic book, and want to know how to work those things.
Oct 4 2006, 07:26 PM
Can't change your form while manifested though - just each time you manifest you can chose a different one.... so you'd evffectivly have to go astral to get past them bars.
As for the evanessance thing. i think it works like this. Every month, your force goes down by one. You can avoid this by either using karam to raise it back up, draining essence from people (if appropiriate), or eating magic items. For simplicily, magic-item food is going to be folded into our lifestyle costs, once we get some cred and some jobs.
At the moment though, we dont' ahve an income, so Adsinstrati intends to fight off the Abyss by watching young teenagers going at it.
Oct 4 2006, 09:04 PM
BlackHat is right about evanescence...That's how i intend to play it.
And for Greater power, I'm open to suggestion, but you need a good reason, a great deal of astral exploration and my good will at the moment.
Ankle Biter
Oct 4 2006, 09:22 PM
Doh! spoil my fun.
Is there a flexible form power which literally means that your physical form is, well, flexible? I imagine that engulf is kind of the first step in that direction, but to be able to reassemble myself like lego would be totally sweet. Of course I would abuse the hell out of it, so it is probably not the best idea as a lesser power, but still...
Oct 4 2006, 10:16 PM
Okay Medh is off to do some astral scouting of the area. Have a look round see if there's any cute girls to approach about making "friends".
emo samurai
Oct 4 2006, 11:09 PM
What if we make our own stuff, like orichalcum, and eat that? Then I go around with the extra money and buy karma from people for myself?
And how quickly are we to gain karma? It doesn't seem like we'd be able to get much if we take it from Mr. Johnsons and stuff. It seems like we'll need to take initiative, maybe start a religion or something.
Oct 5 2006, 12:33 AM
Even if you try to get your hands into a cult/religion/magic group, you have to remember that such groups will want more power visible in their spirit too - if you do that, you have to be able to prove yourself, or at least remain mysterious and useful enough not to press lightly.
However, it would be a definite source of power as far as a magic group goes - some of that karma does head to the spirit, and spirits help with initiation too if I recall correctly, which implies they get the karma in trade or else part of it.
And isn't Orichalcum a month long process to make? That's assuming you get the other materials in time, etc, etc.
Not bad ideas, just have their ups and downs.
Oct 5 2006, 12:37 AM
here's a thought....What if we make ourselves claimed territory/domains in the area? Would that help with Evanessance at all? a literal background count domain might. Or else we can 'sleep' and conserve ourselves in these said areas. The more potent or complex the areas, the better for us?
Of course, getting summoned by conjurers now and then and offering kids free answers on the next spelling test might work within a week or two.
emo samurai
Oct 5 2006, 12:40 AM
If you have contacts the way a normal shadowrunner does, then getting the stuff is pretty easy. Gremlin practically invited us to do so.
Oct 5 2006, 12:52 AM
contacts do no good if someone eats them.

*Looks to a certain little boy*
However, we are spirits with Assensing and other skills, we know what magic is, why not look around for those magical capable or surrounded with magical stuff? If we find a talismonger, there's a fair chance they can be bargained for information or food or other such things, and we would develop a potential contact or two. Blackhat can probably find a few shadier types for his contacts.
Also: Dentris, how far off would it be to use my essence drain on the bodies of the lone star for a boost or temporary method of sustaining myself? Sure they're dead, but maybe they have some leftovers? (waste not).
emo samurai
Oct 5 2006, 01:36 AM
Hmm... Tu Shu Guan looks human, though, and he's the only dude with social skills. I'm sure he could manage. In fact, that's what I built him around. He will be indispensible, and as a result, you shall ALL pay him karma! Muahahahahahaha!!
Oct 5 2006, 02:23 AM
The roll for Karma drain is willpower+Magic, not that it changes a lot of things...but anyway.
After a minute, you haven't drained anything...I would prefer you tell me how much time you are willing to stay there. Be aware the longer you stay there, the more likely you are to be seen
Oct 5 2006, 03:14 AM
possible spirit pacts
Drain pact
Mage gets to use Spirit Edge for Drain resistance. Spirit can withhold at any time.
Dream Pact
Spirit gains control of body while owner is asleep. Spirit gains karma as body, just like a character.
Formula Pact
Character gets Formula, character gets Immunity to Aging.
Life Pact
Character spends complex action to gain 2P heal. Spirit gets 1 karma.
Magic Pact
Character gets to use half spirit Magic for Force Combat Turns. Spirit get's to use characters Edge anytime.
Power Pact
Character uses spirit Power, Spirit uses character spell. 24 hour pact.
Oct 5 2006, 03:16 AM
Yeah, its the same roll for me, since my force = my magic = my willpower.
But yeah, I guess I wait until they... you know, climax. If they see me, they see me - but them having sex without me watching doesn't do me any more good than them not having sex with me watching.
And, if I can see them, can I make anything out about them?
Oct 5 2006, 03:28 AM
I thought I had essence drain similar to a vampire, not karma drain like Black seems to have.

It just means I pack a bit more life in me and I could boost an attribute if so desired....by 1 point really, heh. But if you're saying I have a karma drain instead...do tell!
Ankle Biter
Oct 5 2006, 04:50 PM
Note that the park that Mr Twinkle indicated was just the Random nearest park to wherever the spirits popped out.
Mr Twinkle is wondering off behind Medh, looking for a wandering troll to ask where the hell he is, and somewhere to set up shop. Abandaonded building, with no background count. He is not bothering to assense the other spirits as he hasn't got tracking anyway.
Oct 6 2006, 01:26 PM
Influence power - 1,5,6,4,6,2,4,4 = 3 hits.
Oct 6 2006, 01:35 PM
The Eye looks into the car. Who is in there?
Oh heck... Possession TIME!
5 1 2 5 4 3 3 1 = 2 hits. Hmm, well maybe not. Possible screaming from interior.
This is why Free Spirits being loose is considered with horror by mundanes. They have no idea what to do in the physical world, yet wield incredible powers.
Oct 6 2006, 01:43 PM
Lol. Awesome.
If you do manage to get control of her body, could ya help a brother out and get back to work on this guy while he makes that commcall? Three birds with one stone? Well, two stones, I guess....
Oct 6 2006, 01:51 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat) |
Lol. Awesome. If you do manage to get control of her body, could ya help a brother out and get back to work on this guy while he makes that commcall? Three birds with one stone? Well, two stones, I guess.... |
That might be biting off more then we can handle...
Oct 6 2006, 01:56 PM
*grumble grumble*
Wish *I* could possess people...
Oct 6 2006, 02:01 PM
What is the POINT of possessing mortals, if not to make them have sex with things?
emo samurai
Oct 6 2006, 04:07 PM
Being badass. Tu Shu Guan'll get the Possession power just so he can take over a Plasteel Homonculus and destroy shit.
Also, are there other spirit pacts we can make that aren't in Street Magic?
Plus, DireRadiant, what do you mean "feeding the Mandarin to the women's various lusts?" Do you mean letting the women kill him? Why?
Oct 6 2006, 11:55 PM
Possession failed...
Emo Samurai: I'll stick with the spirit pacts included in street magic, and you can't have both materialization and possession.
emo samurai
Oct 7 2006, 02:49 AM
He'll just have to content himself with being the magician of the group, assuming he gets to karma hoard.
And will we ever get greater spirit powers?
Oct 9 2006, 12:04 AM
gah...heh, sorry for being MIA the short while. busy weekend. >.<
Will catch self up shortly.
Oct 9 2006, 12:12 AM
Hecate's a magician type- she follows the tradition of her namesake, so is likewise a potential for the group's magician.
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 12:21 AM
Yeah, but besides buying Con, there's nothing he can do to better himself as the face besides increasing his force, which will be pointless, since after force 6, he'll be rolling more dice than anybody but a social adept. So the logical thing for him to do is to utilize his Spirit of Man status and buy as many spells as possible.
I'll do my best to make him able to function on his own and yet be complimentary to the group. Maybe he'll take Absorption and use it to stage down all kinds of bigass spells when the shit hits the fan.
Oct 9 2006, 12:23 AM
And it'd be logical for me to be, well, hippy?
Nah, just a healer and a killer I guess. We have to get karma first before we'll know what any of us will ultimately do with it!

Assensing roll against Mr. naked cell phone man, just to get a deeper feeling about him.
6 dice - 3 attribute, 3 skill.
2,5,5,4,3,6 = 3 successes
...and now going back to fix my post, which I accidentally lost. >.<
Oct 9 2006, 01:32 AM
Influence roll: [5] [4] [1] [1] [6] [3] [2] [5] = 3 hits
Oct 9 2006, 04:59 AM
Waiting until after I ask about the guy's response to turn influence on the girl.
Influence on chick. [1] [2] [2] [5] [4] [6] [6] [5] = 4 hits
Of course, turning influence to her means I am no longer influencing the man.
Hoping he is all hopped up on hornballs and that it was his idea to make it in a park in the first place.
Oct 9 2006, 06:23 AM
Wait, why can't you influence them both??? Can't a spirit sustain multiple powers equal to their force or something? Or is this a fluke of Influence?
Oct 9 2006, 06:27 AM
I might be able to sustain the old suggestions... so he might be willing to still help me, but I wouldn't be able to give them both suggestions at the same time - only because its a complex action to do so. I suppose that, if I can (not sure), that sustaining the "please help me" suggestion on the guy would be good enough here.
Oct 9 2006, 05:26 PM
Well, influencing someone to have sex in front of a boy is possible, but for someone to willingly do it...is another matter.
Stay with me until help arrives is perfectly acceptable for anyone to do, though.
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 06:03 PM
I'll wait.
Oct 9 2006, 07:22 PM
I'm pushing the story forward.
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 08:01 PM
Tu Shu Guan flies off in astral space to find the others, following Medh's astral signature.
Oct 9 2006, 08:26 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Tu Shu Guan flies off in astral space to find the others, following Medh's astral signature. |
How do you do that without some sort of astral link or material? It's not like we leave astral vapor trails.
Search Power Threshold 5, Interval ten minutes. Assuming they are not hiding and are within one kilometer. Searching for Mr Twinkle.
4 6 6 3 4 4 2 4 = 2
4 1 5 3 1 5 6 3 = 3
So two intervals, which would be twenty minutes.
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 08:56 PM
Then ignore the above post. Tu Shu Guan's joining in on the negotiations.
Oct 9 2006, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Then ignore the above post. Tu Shu Guan's joining in on the negotiations. |
Oh knows!
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 09:20 PM
It's "Noez."
Oct 9 2006, 09:42 PM
The All Seeing All Knowing Eye has been quietly hovering around, but will leave to fetch Mr twinkle and his hot date, leaving the talking to the more then capable Succubus. He will IC (Astrally) mention he is leaving to find them.
However, in the twenty minutes that he's gone, if it's really that long, he will be glad he's missing hte negotiations.
Oct 9 2006, 09:43 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat) |
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Oct 9 2006, 03:56 PM) | Then ignore the above post. Tu Shu Guan's joining in on the negotiations. |
Oh knows!
I see you recognized my ploy. Smart Succubus. -- The All knowing....
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 10:45 PM
Why do you want to miss the negotiations? You hate my character that much? I'll metagame a vendetta if you do.
Oct 9 2006, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Why do you want to miss the negotiations? You hate my character that much? I'll metagame a vendetta if you do.  |
IC I would rather not miss the negotiations. However, being the All Seeing All Knowing Eye, I actually can find the others. (Plus I have a good idea how they'll go... or at least will claim to )
Really I'm missing the negotiations because I am a Team Player. Really...
Besides, what do you care, I think I've said eight words IC so far, I'm just the astral floating eyeball.
Oh wait, I forgot, somehow you know everything I'm thinking!
emo samurai
Oct 9 2006, 11:52 PM
Damn right I do.
Oct 10 2006, 10:25 PM
Well, it's been an hour since the man left with his car, I assume you had some time already to find the others. You could actually show up during the negotiation when you feel it ''fits''.
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