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  1. 3 Combat-related questions (44 replies)
  2. ZOMBIES! (35 replies)
  3. Wred Reflexes (22 replies)
  4. Moving LOS(A) spells and astral signature wiping (3 replies)
  5. Security at an Aqualogy (44 replies)
  6. First Real Cyberleg (1 reply)
  7. SR5 - Spell casting through AR Glasses (42 replies)
  8. Toxic vs Bug in Chicago (35 replies)
  9. Did you know? (43 replies)
  10. Improving relations with Contacts (17 replies)
  11. A Question of History... (26 replies)
  12. Deltaware installation. (9 replies)
  13. BUGS! vs TOXICS! vs PIRATES! vs NINJAS! (5 replies)
  14. Reagents and sustaining foci (8 replies)
  15. First Time GM Running a Different (7 replies)
  16. VR and Rigging (6 replies)
  17. How rich do you get? (36 replies)
  18. Programmed Multiple Personalities (2 replies)
  19. Core rulebook release.... (1 reply)
  20. Damien Knight is making moves (9 replies)
  21. Cyberware in the news (2 replies)
  22. Classic cons. (10 replies)
  23. Racial Supremacists and you. (15 replies)
  24. Run idea. (27 replies)
  25. Items more available through the use of Charisma/Negotiation (25 replies)
  26. Shadowrun: Returns is live (646 replies)
  27. Ares Duelist (5 replies)
  28. Mechanical Machinations (4 replies)
  29. Tales of interest! (8 replies)
  30. New e-fiction out (16 replies)
  31. Question concerning damage against vehicle armor. (10 replies)
  32. Cheating in close combat. (54 replies)
  33. Aztechnology (122 replies)
  34. Drain Karma (3 replies)
  35. SR4, Essence loss and Geasa (7 replies)
  36. Ultra-Special LE at Gen Con! (23 replies)
  37. Maximum Bonus Dice? (3 replies)
  38. Judge Intentions (7 replies)
  39. Swords and Era (41 replies)
  40. Imma Charging my....wait... (31 replies)
  41. Rules questions: Assault Cannons, Condition Monitors, etc. (8 replies)
  42. Technomancer/Hacker encounter (57 replies)
  43. Bit part in a long con. (7 replies)
  44. Low cost solutions (15 replies)
  45. Apected magicians. (60 replies)
  46. Must have qualities (50 replies)
  47. When all you have is a hammer... (23 replies)
  48. Stolen Souls predictions (13 replies)
  49. Tasers in Neo-Tokyo (7 replies)
  50. Stupid Plans (42 replies)
  51. The IRAiE. (22 replies)
  52. Karma for background (16 replies)
  53. The Morpher (60 replies)
  54. Using counterspelling against critter powers 4A (2 replies)
  55. I need starting campaign advice and brainstorming help (19 replies)
  56. Self-killing character (20 replies)
  57. Are there any rules which prevent a corp from owning majority voting stock in more than one AAA corp? (62 replies)
  58. Rate this PQ (21 replies)
  59. "My elf Weapon" (14 replies)
  60. Another Rainy Night now released--new fiction with accompanying rules, stats (119 replies)
  61. Hardened Armor example (79 replies)
  62. Target Size Modifier (22 replies)
  63. unit/group moral (9 replies)
  64. Jackpoint Member Status (19 replies)
  65. O My Bazooka has a first name...... (13 replies)
  66. Skeptics Society - are they still around? (1 reply)
  67. Astral Perception (43 replies)
  68. Limited editions for the completist (2 replies)
  69. Companies hacking back (20 replies)
  70. Wireless bonus rules suck. (623 replies)
  71. Faking a Technomancer PAN... (4 replies)
  72. martial artist character (18 replies)
  73. The Astral Recon Problem [4e] (27 replies)
  74. What's Your Team Like? (0 replies)
  75. Ten grand of boom. (14 replies)
  76. Para Law Enforcement (10 replies)
  77. Neo-Tokyo runs (8 replies)
  78. Shadowrun 5e Excel Character Generator (0 replies)
  79. A few rules questions (28 replies)
  80. (Mostly) hacking related questions about sr4 (9 replies)
  81. Unconsciousness (1 reply)
  82. FAB cost & availability in SR4 (2 replies)
  83. I made an automated character sheet and summoned spirit statblock generator. Give them a shot! (1 reply)
  84. Off the rails (15 replies)
  85. Rigger vs Decker (13 replies)
  86. Porting 5e rules in to 4e system (29 replies)
  87. Functional Wings 'ware. (18 replies)
  88. Gangs. (16 replies)
  89. My ShadowPony (62 replies)
  90. Rules exploit? (19 replies)
  91. Cyberdeck Upgrades (5 replies)
  92. Gene tech/splicing (19 replies)
  93. Self Repair (0 replies)
  94. Technomancer priority shift (46 replies)
  95. Dispelling and Drain Issue in SR5 (2 replies)
  96. Maps? (8 replies)
  97. Are there any house rulesets that make hacking simpler and faster? (40 replies)
  98. Unstoppable Elven Technomancer Assassin! (105 replies)
  99. Health Spells and Rounding in SR5 (11 replies)
  100. Open topped vehicles (15 replies)
  101. SR5 Smartgun System, Trodes , Smartlink (58 replies)
  102. New Technology and Critters! (27 replies)
  103. Everyone is always recording (28 replies)
  104. Area spells in SR5 question (8 replies)
  105. Augmented Adepts: What 'ware to go for, and how to go about it (52 replies)
  106. Rigger Questions (3 replies)
  107. Character that one-shot kills, every time (40 replies)
  108. Balance of power. (8 replies)
  109. Canon Rulings on Skill Maximum Ratings for NPC Free Spirits, PC Free Spirits and Ally Spirits (30 replies)
  110. FORCE of an increase attribute spell (29 replies)
  111. Ship questions for any available Seattle-lite (15 replies)
  112. Max number of unbound spirits (8 replies)
  113. Character Creation and Initiation (25 replies)
  114. 4th edition positive quality in 5th (25 replies)
  115. Camoflouge vs chameleon suit (123 replies)
  116. Help me making the Asatru tradition in 5ed (0 replies)
  117. How would you run a campaign with two different Police forces? Eg Lone Star and another AA Law-Enforcement Corp in the same city? (58 replies)
  118. Run liners (2 replies)
  119. Role Call. (43 replies)
  120. Evo Majority Shareholder who is a Vampire bastard child of Japanese Emperor Kenichi and a female Korean Yakuza Ninja (13 replies)
  121. It's time to retire your character when... (98 replies)
  122. Can multiple spirits Aid Sorcery? (3 replies)
  123. What do wage slaves do? (25 replies)
  124. SR5 How do you learn a Ritual Spell? (5 replies)
  125. Positive qualities after chargen (4 replies)
  126. Home made weapons (30 replies)
  127. Shadowrunner by Night, ? by Day (20 replies)
  128. General question to you all... (15 replies)
  129. Issues with control actions (1 reply)
  130. Stargates (23 replies)
  131. Simplified and faster hacking rules for Sr4e (0 replies)
  132. Fireproof, like, really Immune to Fire (28 replies)
  133. Heavy Weapon Mounts for riggers in 5e (2 replies)
  134. Potential "how it actually happened" Chargen - input desired (117 replies)
  135. Why is a Corporate SIN such a bad thing, anyway? (109 replies)
  136. Number of available spirits (13 replies)
  137. NPC I wrote up - The Eraser (0 replies)
  138. Gas mask, Helmet and Respirator (39 replies)
  139. The original pornomancer (0 replies)
  140. SR5, TMs are now matrix supporter role. (90 replies)
  141. Program: Virtual Machine (13 replies)
  142. SR5 Centering Dice Limit (12 replies)
  143. Difference between sr 4 and sr5? (28 replies)
  144. Custom Programs (1 reply)
  145. The best class for a face is... ? (46 replies)
  146. Public/Evil Faces of Mega's (1 reply)
  147. [5e] Mage/Face Character (30 replies)
  148. Does Loss of Confidence + Specialization = -4 (9 replies)
  149. [4e] Simsense Complex Forms (1 reply)
  150. House rules re wireless bonuses (29 replies)
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