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  1. High-Power Ammunition compability Question (29 replies)
  2. Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter Question Thread (98 replies)
  3. Dial-a-Bullet (23 replies)
  4. To Soothe the Savage Breast (27 replies)
  5. The difference between "Munchkin" and "Powergamer (104 replies)
  6. Artisan skill or something else? (9 replies)
  7. New Shadowrun video game announced! (386 replies)
  8. Anyone has the SR4 Conversion of Rigger 3 vehicles..? (3 replies)
  9. The Corporate (Meta)Human Resources Department (13 replies)
  10. Canadian credstick (5 replies)
  11. Trolling in SR4 (25 replies)
  12. Shadowrun 2050 4A - What would you do (115 replies)
  13. Playing Styles (50 replies)
  14. Mundane Campaign circa 2050 (26 replies)
  15. Awareness Of The Physical And One's Own Body When In VR (77 replies)
  16. Yucatan (5 replies)
  17. Help me stat out a toxin (22 replies)
  18. Making a on skills? (18 replies)
  19. Naturally limiting magician characters, without it seeming like your picking on them (323 replies)
  20. The Blind-eyed Monk from China (31 replies)
  21. Are young children replete with karma? (32 replies)
  22. Does this Yakuza Character Work? Thoughts? (8 replies)
  23. Trollbows on Trollerblades. (154 replies)
  24. Edge passes/Movement (48 replies)
  25. Evil Stevey talking about Shadowrun... (3 replies)
  26. I've got your back (16 replies)
  27. Weapon Mods - The Silly Mods (42 replies)
  28. Attacking with two weapons at once? (35 replies)
  29. New Spell: combat telekinesis (11 replies)
  30. Knockdown (5 replies)
  31. Organ running (3 replies)
  32. From SINners to Shadows (32 replies)
  33. Guns and ammo rules clarification (65 replies)
  34. Eliminating armor stacking for FFBA? (65 replies)
  35. SR4 - Mechwarrior (37 replies)
  36. Odd drone modifications (0 replies)
  37. Commlink Customization (20 replies)
  38. Vehicle/Drone Noise (2 replies)
  39. Shadowrun [Sega CD] Fan Translation (2 replies)
  40. Potion Making (28 replies)
  41. House Rules : Programs not replacing attributes (270 replies)
  42. Stacking of movement speed increasing things? (18 replies)
  43. 2 sure fire protections against "combat hacking" (92 replies)
  44. Cybered up Sniper/Infiltrator for SR 4A (42 replies)
  45. Strength values in Shadowrun (18 replies)
  46. The tale of two rulebooks. (5 replies)
  47. Horseman Errata? (5 replies)
  48. Shifter Balance (62 replies)
  49. WWSD? (96 replies)
  50. How does a phantasm illusion interact with cybereyes/headware memory? (42 replies)
  51. Dee Cee and the rift (5 replies)
  52. Critter Condition monitors (4 replies)
  53. Borderlands Conversion (7 replies)
  54. Filk Song? (0 replies)
  55. Resisting Damaging Manipulation spells (1 reply)
  56. Move over Soy! (9 replies)
  57. Project Glass goes battlefield (0 replies)
  58. Unofficial errata for Infected in Running Wild (60 replies)
  59. The Eighty-Eights Triad (4 replies)
  60. KE being both the cops and private security (8 replies)
  61. Sakura Fubuki (34 replies)
  62. Dead/Unconscious Magicians (4 replies)
  63. Ally Spirit's and Damage (172 replies)
  64. Players and FBI Agents (23 replies)
  65. need suggestions for a shadowrun city noise/ambiance (1 reply)
  66. Undercover (14 replies)
  67. Concealment power fixes (20 replies)
  68. DIY turret (1 reply)
  69. Inhabitation magic Limitations (0 replies)
  70. Called shots - increase DV (42 replies)
  71. Ammuniton Rules (13 replies)
  72. Zombie preparation map (14 replies)
  73. What can I do about Spirits being the Omnihammer? (93 replies)
  74. Move by wire (37 replies)
  75. Biometric Locks (2 replies)
  76. SR4 dice roller (0 replies)
  77. This Old Drone (101 replies)
  78. concussion grenades and vehicles (15 replies)
  79. Making damage spikier? (34 replies)
  80. Horizon advertising gone wrong, or gone horribly right? (9 replies)
  81. Hackers taking over (13 replies)
  82. Sawed-off PJSS Model 55 Shotgun (20 replies)
  83. Physical Barrier Spell (37 replies)
  84. Funny things to do with a free inhabitation spirit (13 replies)
  85. Returning to Shadowrun (8 replies)
  86. Money, money, money, money! (52 replies)
  87. In a plane you fly, in the Graf you voyage. (55 replies)
  88. Big house rule experiment (actually, more like "Homebrew 5E") (13 replies)
  89. Seattle Neighborhoods (10 replies)
  90. Is there any reason one can't mount two sidecars? (40 replies)
  91. State of the Art: 2073 - PDF out now! (88 replies)
  92. Heads Up! (4 replies)
  93. Think Tank - Naked Street Sam (46 replies)
  94. I just improvised my characters into taking another Run. (132 replies)
  95. 1st Session Plans (10 replies)
  96. Weapons World (Corporate Guide) (13 replies)
  97. Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter (1 reply)
  98. Looking for a few suggestions and some advice. (12 replies)
  99. Astral Surveillance (25 replies)
  100. Extreme Drone Modifications (12 replies)
  101. Question about turning a magician into a vampire (53 replies)
  102. Shadowrun mission with vampires (9 replies)
  103. Tricks of the Trade (24 replies)
  104. To Build a Fire (5 replies)
  105. Corp Security Matrix Style (6 replies)
  106. Texas Succeeds (40 replies)
  107. Speeding up character creation for older editions? (3 replies)
  108. Analytics Adept Power (6 replies)
  109. Vampires (20 replies)
  110. New and Improved Archetypes (16 replies)
  111. Brainscan Timelines (6 replies)
  112. New Weapon Mods (28 replies)
  113. Troll Art (22 replies)
  114. Drone transformer as personal mount (32 replies)
  115. April Fools from the Shadowrun Crew! (16 replies)
  116. Where do your groups runs come from? (84 replies)
  117. Thoughts on a players character idea? (41 replies)
  118. Equipment Sizes (9 replies)
  119. Suggestions on dealing with invisibility & mind control (193 replies)
  120. Free Spirit Pact (6 replies)
  121. Synaptic Boosters and Genetic Heritage (26 replies)
  122. New Shadowrun Novels (1 reply)
  123. Question about commlinks and cyberlimbs (137 replies)
  124. Hacker House Rule Question (30 replies)
  125. Need info on damaging weapons, especially barrier ratings (25 replies)
  126. Milspec versus normal armor (83 replies)
  127. Rules to melee a car? (13 replies)
  128. Bounty Hunting (10 replies)
  129. interesting Movies,Trailer & Pics for Shadowrun (1 reply)
  130. Shadowrunny Movie (3 replies)
  131. Quick Qu: UK Police Force...? (5 replies)
  132. Alternatives to the Pass system (54 replies)
  133. What happens if you break wireless/wired connectivity to Black IC without jacking out? (38 replies)
  134. Mana enera (3 replies)
  135. Medusa Char. with Karmagen... (15 replies)
  136. Discussing Karma in character (5 replies)
  137. Reconstruction of the vehicle rules (0 replies)
  138. DIY Worth the cost? (20 replies)
  139. Winternight (22 replies)
  140. Task spirits, skills and endowments (74 replies)
  141. Sex and Seduction in the Sixth World (9 replies)
  142. Sustaining Foci? (34 replies)
  143. Martial Arts. what do i pay for? (5 replies)
  144. Boomer, pixie heavy weapons specialist (25 replies)
  145. Shadowrunish clip - pink mohawk style (10 replies)
  146. Archery Made Better (41 replies)
  147. Sixth World Magic: Mind Probe (128 replies)
  148. Spike Babies (44 replies)
  149. Public Perception Of Shadowrunners (20 replies)
  150. Converting Karma into Nuyen (8 replies)
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