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  1. The Fey (1 reply)
  2. The little things (2 replies)
  3. Shadowrun 2071 + Adventures continuity (11 replies)
  4. I need some gang colors (12 replies)
  5. A Stuffer Shack Map (43 replies)
  6. Go-Gangers of London (25 replies)
  7. Frakking Chemical Compounds (34 replies)
  8. Shadowrun 2050 - Decking Errata (3 replies)
  9. Houserule: Commlink Memory Upgrade (58 replies)
  10. Sasquatches (3 replies)
  11. Napcabs (16 replies)
  12. TM's connecting through the realms (1 reply)
  13. Immersion Lifestlye Hackers (1 reply)
  14. Rescuing a bad concept (45 replies)
  15. Question about B&E characters vs magic security (21 replies)
  16. Corporate Intringue (0 replies)
  17. Effects of reduced-Essence-cost cyberware on gameplay (30 replies)
  18. Agents and IC's detecting runners (7 replies)
  19. House Rule: Magic and Perception (46 replies)
  20. Just found this (1 reply)
  21. Odd character idea (28 replies)
  22. Five word story (243 replies)
  23. Quasi-Random Run/Campaign Generation (5 replies)
  24. Please Review - Magic Changes (23 replies)
  25. Cyberware-Scanner Houserule (15 replies)
  26. Powered Slide Mount (1) (10 replies)
  27. Has anyone ever run a Dragon campaign? (22 replies)
  28. Page Citation for Spellcasters Who Took a Bullet (45 replies)
  29. Ritual Sorcery - Did I Do It Right? (23 replies)
  30. Transhumanism? (48 replies)
  31. Solo Campaign (25 replies)
  32. Spell Force and Edge (36 replies)
  33. Body Mod Racial MAx (6 replies)
  34. NPC Callbacks (9 replies)
  35. Opinions on PACKS? (6 replies)
  36. Double-Check on Armor Numbers, Please (114 replies)
  37. Close combat skills (60 replies)
  38. Quick question about Herolab (30 replies)
  39. AI with Replicate (34 replies)
  40. Dual-wielding w/ SMG & Heavy pistol (1 reply)
  41. How do Dragons care for their dead? (17 replies)
  42. Tetrodotoxin / Fugu-5 (0 replies)
  43. Manascape (6 replies)
  44. Clarification on Mental Manipulation Spells (5 replies)
  45. How many throwing knives can be thrown in a simple action? (27 replies)
  46. Legalese for a pbp Post (6 replies)
  47. Average Joe Campaign (38 replies)
  48. Ancient Pawns (6 replies)
  49. Explosives Calculator (3 replies)
  50. Imbuing (25 replies)
  51. Elemental Melee Attacks (2 replies)
  52. Nanomancer (19 replies)
  53. The tales of Marvin the Munchkin (24 replies)
  54. Do Martial Arts DV boni stack with Shock gloves? (50 replies)
  55. Mirror Shades kit for new players (17 replies)
  56. Drones Swarm (8 replies)
  57. Is There Any Way To Make Activesofts Cheaper (47 replies)
  58. Most awesome books for fluff (3 replies)
  59. Mystic adepts (22 replies)
  60. Corporate citizenship (2 replies)
  61. Solo Campaign Missions adaptation (8 replies)
  62. The Charisma Attribute (44 replies)
  63. Cyberware (36 replies)
  64. What firearm wielding warrior do you prefer. (117 replies)
  65. Dead men walking. (32 replies)
  66. Power and Penetration of "Renfield" (69 replies)
  67. Setting Up For a First Run (21 replies)
  68. 30 million Seatlle (32 replies)
  69. Edge and Glitches (368 replies)
  70. New Adept Power (3 replies)
  71. New Magical Tradition...ish (7 replies)
  72. Convert SR chargen BP to Pathfinder and D20 systems (46 replies)
  73. Will a power focus give an adept additional power points? (8 replies)
  74. Using tutor sprite proficiency power (4 replies)
  75. In Tune lifestyle quality and sprites (5 replies)
  76. TM Autosoft complex forms (3 replies)
  77. Living Cheap (38 replies)
  78. Programmable Cyberlimbs (7 replies)
  79. Ok, so wha'ts the general opinion on cyber vs bioware? (16 replies)
  80. cyber limbs (6 replies)
  81. Detecting concealed weapons (52 replies)
  82. Successful test of 'Counter-Electronics' weapon (0 replies)
  83. Afghan Nuke!? (12 replies)
  84. DakkaDakkaDakka! (298 replies)
  85. For an orignal char conept, I am thinking about adding cyberarms (32 replies)
  86. How obvious is an obvious cyberarm? (19 replies)
  87. So, what is Tarislar like, anyway? (15 replies)
  88. spell needed fora grifter (6 replies)
  89. New Campaign (0 replies)
  90. Collapsible stock conceal modifier? (7 replies)
  91. Frangible Rounds (6 replies)
  92. Questions about Diagnostics & Proficiency Sprite Powers... (6 replies)
  93. Firing a mortar? (22 replies)
  94. Item attunment metamagic (3 replies)
  95. Shadowrun: The Heist. Campaign idea help, please. (7 replies)
  96. Run idea: Advice requested. (34 replies)
  97. How many printings of SR4? (0 replies)
  98. The dutch art hiest, a shadowrun job? (9 replies)
  99. Trolls and the duel wield rule (82 replies)
  100. Grasping the idiot ball (28 replies)
  101. Increasing Maximum Natural Charisma... (3 replies)
  102. The boys are back in town! (8 replies)
  103. New to techies, so the TM and the hacker (24 replies)
  104. What makes a fixer (22 replies)
  105. High power chambering (5 replies)
  106. Dirty Secrets (0 replies)
  107. Your favorite runner type, either one you played or played with (6 replies)
  108. Help me work out hobbys (9 replies)
  109. Fun with Glitches (35 replies)
  110. Shadowrun - SUPERHEROES (27 replies)
  111. Item attunment metamagic (2 replies)
  112. Shadowrunners: sanity not required? (37 replies)
  113. The Idiot Troll who wasn't: (9 replies)
  114. Retired runners (4 replies)
  115. Stupid Questions : Dwarves. (24 replies)
  116. The Zombie Apocalypse (34 replies)
  117. Silly Shadowrun Reference? (14 replies)
  118. Be prepared (30 replies)
  119. Speed Limits (31 replies)
  120. Androids? (59 replies)
  121. Matrix Questions (2 replies)
  122. Vehicle Sensors (45 replies)
  123. Any new Echoes or toys for Technomancers lately? (1 reply)
  124. Identifying marks and scars (22 replies)
  125. Whatever happened to the Seattle Underground book? (2 replies)
  126. Sweet Jeebus w/ a chainsaw.... (8 replies)
  127. Initiative Passes (36 replies)
  128. Question about the Traceroute Echo in Unwired... (16 replies)
  129. After 1 month of 2050 (0 replies)
  130. I don't want to get shot at any more! (28 replies)
  131. Weapon brands - You WANT the ARES Alpha...why? (18 replies)
  132. How to earn/purchase more contacts (15 replies)
  133. Non-stay in the van rigger possible in SR3? (40 replies)
  134. Command rigger vehicles (12 replies)
  135. Motion sense? (34 replies)
  136. Breaking out of Knight Errant HQ (37 replies)
  137. Just a little section for discussion on archtype (12 replies)
  138. Converting Matrix systems to 3rd Ed? (5 replies)
  139. What does Seattle's LTG look like to you? (37 replies)
  140. Martial Arts Questions (19 replies)
  141. HK XM-30 - How is it built? (34 replies)
  142. Sixth World Location: St. Louis (54 replies)
  143. Unarmed stronger then melee weapons? (157 replies)
  144. Mathematical Analysis of Daka (57 replies)
  145. Shadowrun Photoshoot (46 replies)
  146. Manservant to Otomo (24 replies)
  147. Combat on runs (41 replies)
  148. Beta grade obvious Cyberlimbs (19 replies)
  149. Multiple Hackers? (24 replies)
  150. Give me you strange character concepts (94 replies)
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