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  1. Meta-Plane quests (MPQs) - how do you do yours? (4 replies)
  2. Resonance items (0 replies)
  3. Char background (5 replies)
  4. Developing a story arc (16 replies)
  5. Halloween Run (24 replies)
  6. Just noticed (8 replies)
  7. What exactly can fix, fix (9 replies)
  8. Shadowrun Encounter Ideas (4 replies)
  9. Putting wound levels back (10 replies)
  10. Writing/Structuring advice (6 replies)
  11. "Moves" - a Shadowrun Novella (3 replies)
  12. Updating the wiki (0 replies)
  13. The seeds of real life HTR teams (4 replies)
  14. Group Bond Ritual Question (1 reply)
  15. Semiballistics? (3 replies)
  16. Ostentatious Heists (4 replies)
  17. What if (5 replies)
  18. Australian Weather (2060's) (10 replies)
  19. Need a little help rgd. GridGuide (15 replies)
  20. Theoretical question (20 replies)
  21. Unaugmented mundane humans (8 replies)
  22. DocWagon Contract House Rules (12 replies)
  23. Non-human Vampire Attributes (5e) (3 replies)
  24. Can dual natured creatures protect themselves from background count (11 replies)
  25. Tetrachromic vision vs cybereyes (44 replies)
  26. Shadowrun 5 Charactersheet Generator (17 replies)
  27. Help me Build: The Mundane Decker (3 replies)
  28. Renting a workspace (2 replies)
  29. Free Spirits earning karma on their own (9 replies)
  30. Chummer SR4 - Chummer Character Sheet Redesigned (7 replies)
  31. [Tutor Me] How do I properly have a character cast 5e's Punch spell? (4 replies)
  32. Ares Owns Dodge? (4 replies)
  33. [Theorycraft Discussion] SR5 Economy (33 replies)
  34. Alchemy activating triggers? (3 replies)
  35. Stuff the ballot box RL Shadowrun (1 reply)
  36. Some House Rules (16 replies)
  37. The Megas are releasing magical items usable by anyone - even mundanes (1 reply)
  38. Shadowrun Cosplay from Gen Con (1 reply)
  39. Modular cyberlimbs (23 replies)
  40. [Theorycraft] SR5 Matrix (43 replies)
  41. What command would stop a bound free spirit from attacking. (35 replies)
  42. Attune Item (6 replies)
  43. Merging Spellcasting and Summoning (47 replies)
  44. Lightning reflexes (17 replies)
  45. Power points (35 replies)
  46. Drake quality (12 replies)
  47. [SR4] - Essence and Magic loss e.g. via infection/cyberware/etc. (4 replies)
  48. Revised Mystic Adept (35 replies)
  49. Spirits, and what they can and can not do (39 replies)
  50. [SR5]Building a versatile Mystic Adept (3 replies)
  51. Threading Edit (1 reply)
  52. Free or wild spirit contacts (4 replies)
  53. Draco Foundation (7 replies)
  54. Binding free spirits (22 replies)
  55. Karla (2 replies)
  56. Caduceus 7 (2 replies)
  57. If you were making a Shadowrun movie... (4 replies)
  58. "Cloning" an agent (14 replies)
  59. Life style mod (2 replies)
  60. Shop vs Facility (3 replies)
  61. Biff the troll (11 replies)
  62. Why (imho) the new Matrix is stupid (94 replies)
  63. Hunting Someone Down (14 replies)
  64. License and registration (9 replies)
  65. Smartlinked gun w/ datajack (50 replies)
  66. Initiation and Karmagen (7 replies)
  67. Translation of German Source Material (11 replies)
  68. Character Art commission (7 replies)
  69. Spirit contacts (1 reply)
  70. Run Fiction (15 replies)
  71. Emergent critters (3 replies)
  72. Characters (2 replies)
  73. Running Wild: Mischief clairification (3 replies)
  74. [SR4] Reduction of Background Count (2 replies)
  75. Program descriptions (3 replies)
  76. Research question (2 replies)
  77. Beating spirits (22 replies)
  78. Thresholds (4 replies)
  79. Negative Health Spells (1 reply)
  80. Vending machines (0 replies)
  81. Hosts (21 replies)
  82. Careful Where You Browse (11 replies)
  83. Shadowrun ties to Earthdawn still a thing? (19 replies)
  84. Miniguns and gasventing (7 replies)
  85. Day Job Negative Quality: Quitting & GM Opinions (12 replies)
  86. Hosts (0 replies)
  87. Metahuman and Changeling Demographics (10 replies)
  88. Submerging, initiating (4 replies)
  89. Knasser's WWSD (26 replies)
  90. Casting through a ward (8 replies)
  91. Resonance channel (1 reply)
  92. Taking another swing at the Automatics problem (15 replies)
  93. TÍR TAIRNGIRE (12 replies)
  94. Day Job (5 replies)
  95. First Campaign Concept! Ideas/ C&C (4 replies)
  96. Do Crystal Spine & Lightning Reflexes stack? (9 replies)
  97. SR3 Smuggler game (0 replies)
  98. Pets (2 replies)
  99. "green/(street level?)" setting: question (27 replies)
  100. Qualitys (6 replies)
  101. Skill Groups (2 replies)
  102. Skill Groups (0 replies)
  103. Skill Groups (0 replies)
  104. RESONANCE SPIKE vs DATA SPIKE (19 replies)
  105. Professional vs academic knowledge (3 replies)
  106. Somewhat weird character concept question (10 replies)
  107. Tour of duty (0 replies)
  108. Paramedic/EMT (8 replies)
  109. [SR4] - Ally Spirit communication (8 replies)
  110. Life modules (8 replies)
  111. Adventures and Modules involving Megacorp Headquarters (6 replies)
  112. Cleaner (3 replies)
  113. Rules for custom commlinks (12 replies)
  114. All-Cash Experience Rewards (24 replies)
  115. State of the Art ADL (Germany gadgets book) (15 replies)
  116. Hiding your cyberdeck (7 replies)
  117. Ripping Reality (1 reply)
  118. Interesting way to avoid Link Locking (3 replies)
  119. 5th ed Drakes (2 replies)
  120. Internet Game (2 replies)
  121. Cybermancy and Technomancers (3 replies)
  122. Shadowrun 5 - What have they done well (21 replies)
  123. Link to assembled SR lists? (7 replies)
  124. Something to amuse Shadowrun GMs (and maybe some players) (1 reply)
  125. German Seattle maps available from DriveThruRPG (1 reply)
  126. 555-5555 Tribe (3 replies)
  127. Shadowrun: Seattle Sprawl Digital Box is now LIVE (61 replies)
  128. Sleep Spell (4 replies)
  129. Spirits, dispelling & astral plane (3 replies)
  130. Revised Rules for Essence (18 replies)
  131. MatrixRun (7 replies)
  132. [SR4] Character fine-tuning (3 replies)
  133. Run Faster errata sheet posted (14 replies)
  134. Monopoly, Shadowrun Style (13 replies)
  135. The old Tempo shadowtalk tanscript (3 replies)
  136. [SR4] - Analyze device (3 replies)
  137. 5e Mandatory accessories for a face (4 replies)
  138. Sr5 core rules index - fnord (2 replies)
  139. Getting up to speed, new edition ahead? (34 replies)
  140. Five editions and we still don't know what a magazine is? (110 replies)
  141. It's 2017 so.... (16 replies)
  142. Ice Capades (3 replies)
  143. Irc-Chat (6 replies)
  144. Assensing Question (4 replies)
  145. Commcode examples? (6 replies)
  146. Interesting pdf in german? (2 replies)
  147. Rules Questions (1 reply)
  148. Manifested astral forms on camera? (25 replies)
  149. Permanent Lifestyles and the Trust Fund Quality (2 replies)
  150. Not quite the SR5 matrix, but .... (1 reply)
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