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  1. Heavy Weapons Guy (47 replies)
  2. Nigel Findley (44 replies)
  3. Background Count (92 replies)
  4. Ork Flash Mobs (26 replies)
  5. Agent question... (3 replies)
  6. Information on Portland 2072 (5 replies)
  7. Weapons expo 2072 (30 replies)
  8. Dawn of the Artifacts 4 Homebrewed (11 replies)
  9. Indonesion collapse :-) (5 replies)
  10. weapon accesories and skills (3 replies)
  11. Firearms (177 replies)
  12. Magic Gun Drone (7 replies)
  13. Magic related questions (72 replies)
  14. Combat Paralysis and riggers (11 replies)
  15. Data Bombs and Spoof (7 replies)
  16. Local Guides/Sourcebooks. (71 replies)
  17. Spells for a Sword-wielding Mystic Adept (94 replies)
  18. Is there a way for mages to conjure all 10 types of spirits? (22 replies)
  19. Combining Martial Arts (20 replies)
  20. Starting BP's and Earning Karma (7 replies)
  21. BP, Karma Gen, or Both (28 replies)
  22. Banishing... the hidden power of it on p. 94 of Street Magic (78 replies)
  23. Technomancer that's not a drone-omancer (9 replies)
  24. Overcasting Mage build (163 replies)
  25. Metahuman Customization (13 replies)
  26. Books You'd Like To See (34 replies)
  27. Baby's first Technomancer (20 replies)
  28. Rover 2068 (11 replies)
  29. Defiance Ex Shocker (55 replies)
  30. Rules for War (19 replies)
  31. Mage Sight goggles? (35 replies)
  32. Imagelink Contacts are almost here (4 replies)
  33. SR4A Books to Purchase (16 replies)
  34. Obese and Fairylike (13 replies)
  35. Electronic skin (7 replies)
  36. Weapon Foci & Melee Defense (34 replies)
  37. Character Flavor (12 replies)
  38. Airburst Link Grenades (58 replies)
  39. Limited Spells after learning? (12 replies)
  40. Shedim (6 replies)
  41. Spy Games now available for electronic download, print pre-order (210 replies)
  42. Preparing for number three.. (15 replies)
  43. Grenade Loads (11 replies)
  44. Vectored thrust aircraft here we come! (2 replies)
  45. Wanted: The Chaingun from "All Tommorow's Parties" (29 replies)
  46. Flight Skill (12 replies)
  47. Help with scenario design (16 replies)
  48. Current Timeline (15 replies)
  49. Spirit Aid Sorcery = limited counterspelling? (10 replies)
  50. Can't search for "SIN" (6 replies)
  51. Urban Brawl (32 replies)
  52. Character Flavor (0 replies)
  53. Direct/Indirect Combat Spells? (65 replies)
  54. Summoning for Beginners (75 replies)
  55. Shadowrun PDFs and Kindle Personal Documents service (9 replies)
  56. Question on Gun Range (12 replies)
  57. So Lofwyr has 35 body, lets do this! (131 replies)
  58. Car Theft (4 replies)
  59. Vehicle Speed (23 replies)
  60. Arsenal's Drugs... (18 replies)
  61. Prime Runners (3 replies)
  62. Shooting out tires? (32 replies)
  63. Crazy question (25 replies)
  64. Psychotropic Black Ice (41 replies)
  65. Spells and Chrome (4 replies)
  66. Share your Heavy Response Teams (145 replies)
  67. Character art (11 replies)
  68. The third session.. (18 replies)
  69. Getting someone IN the game (66 replies)
  70. Getting Pished (7 replies)
  71. Nanohives, cyberlimbs, and cyber eyes (55 replies)
  72. Twist Fate (7 replies)
  73. Mages? (8 replies)
  74. Trainee samurai, fleeing his mentor's murderer (9 replies)
  75. The Captain (40 replies)
  76. Technomancer Riggers (33 replies)
  77. My First Murder Machine (34 replies)
  78. Is this how SINs feel? (1 reply)
  79. The second session... (79 replies)
  80. Nano-biomonitors (6 replies)
  81. Pink Mohawk custom rules? (51 replies)
  82. Pop-up Remote Micro Turrets (29 replies)
  83. Ghost in Hong Kong (2 replies)
  84. Hello rigger (0 replies)
  85. Blandness + Distinctive Style = ? (48 replies)
  86. Getting someone IN the game (1 reply)
  87. A Quick Question on Armor and Cyberlimbs (26 replies)
  88. Some questions on Astral Perception (12 replies)
  89. Elven Street Samurai (24 replies)
  90. Bums in 2072 (65 replies)
  91. RL Drones (5 replies)
  92. Drone Hacking (39 replies)
  93. Where's PACKS? (22 replies)
  94. New Vehicle Mod (45 replies)
  95. Question regarding combat spells (54 replies)
  96. Campaign Concept- Is it do-able? (5 replies)
  97. Legal Vampires (205 replies)
  98. I hate my brain... (25 replies)
  99. New Negative Quality (26 replies)
  100. What happened to Dinosaur National Park? (5 replies)
  101. Hacking a traffic jam (52 replies)
  102. Augmentation Addiction (27 replies)
  103. The Quiet Man (20 replies)
  104. Are Humans unpowered? (443 replies)
  105. Sharpshooters (93 replies)
  106. Alternate idea for Wired Reflexes (16 replies)
  107. wifi cracking aerial drone (2 replies)
  108. Living in Vehicles (62 replies)
  109. Creating Walker Drones (10 replies)
  110. Register/Summoning (20 replies)
  111. Vehicle Weapons (1 reply)
  112. Drone Auto-Shelving Units (34 replies)
  113. Las Vegas 2070 (27 replies)
  114. Help fo Gen Con (1 reply)
  115. Technomancer's 4th pass (24 replies)
  116. im a noob, would this actually work? (9 replies)
  117. Do you armor for the environment? (91 replies)
  118. Quick Question on Control Thoughts Spell (16 replies)
  119. Alternate Damage Resistance Rule (1 reply)
  120. Nasty vibe (51 replies)
  121. Question re: Improved invsibility and combat (10 replies)
  122. The Search power (57 replies)
  123. Shadowrun LARP (38 replies)
  124. Story of Johny Mnemonic in SR (53 replies)
  125. A starting character's capabilities (24 replies)
  126. Hydra (Captain America) (14 replies)
  127. Weapon modding (48 replies)
  128. Question about Adventures (12 replies)
  129. This is what a synthaxe looks like (9 replies)
  130. Gridlink (1 reply)
  131. Your AI house rules? (5 replies)
  132. just found a new way to have games online! (1 reply)
  133. Levitation and Fling (10 replies)
  134. Using Shadowrun rules for a Mass Effect PnP RPG (14 replies)
  135. Is there a WEB based character generator? (19 replies)
  136. The average soldier in the Sixth World (49 replies)
  137. Getting back into Shadowrun (and Earthdawn) (15 replies)
  138. 7 pass rounds (9 replies)
  139. The Burning Man (42 replies)
  140. The size of vehicles - and making them LTA... (40 replies)
  141. I could use a bit of help preparing a run... (20 replies)
  142. Electronic Warfare Specializations (20 replies)
  143. First session retrospective.. (28 replies)
  144. Sunday Night Dumpshock Chat(IRC) Bumfights! (5 replies)
  145. question on mentor spirits (46 replies)
  146. Plasteel Homunculus (13 replies)
  147. Turn to goo and you (5 replies)
  148. Capsule Rounds + Narcojet + DSMO (22 replies)
  149. Spell Resistant Armor (18 replies)
  150. Drone Questions (8 replies)
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