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  1. AI question (16 replies)
  2. How noticable are shock hands and retracted spurs? (3 replies)
  3. Introduction to Shadowrun (17 replies)
  4. Why does the magic cost so little in 4e (41 replies)
  5. Magic and Manifesting (56 replies)
  6. Radiation Spell (12 replies)
  7. Bio Drone and Essence ? (18 replies)
  8. Something Feels Vaguely Familiar Here (56 replies)
  9. The X-treme Sports Runner (5 replies)
  10. Everyday items in 2070 (15 replies)
  11. Combined spell effects (9 replies)
  12. PCs with multiple characters or GM 'PCs'. (10 replies)
  13. Walk me through the steps of a typical shadowrun (13 replies)
  14. Looking for Logic Skill Boosts (43 replies)
  15. Thoughts about Vice (40 replies)
  16. dice pool max (22 replies)
  17. NANers (41 replies)
  18. table top discussions (11 replies)
  19. My commlinks (1 reply)
  20. A few new mundane and common toxins (8 replies)
  21. Goblinization. (13 replies)
  22. Combat test? (5 replies)
  23. SR3 Cybercowboy (Combat Decker) build. HELP! (4 replies)
  24. Shock Frills (10 replies)
  25. Gun-Fu (23 replies)
  26. Commlink security for non-hackers (17 replies)
  27. Astral vs. Physical (11 replies)
  28. Hacker vs TM (51 replies)
  29. Unwired questions (43 replies)
  30. Technomancer questions (SR4A) (139 replies)
  31. Demolitions skill question (7 replies)
  32. Con Jobs (32 replies)
  33. Changelings and Distinctive Style (26 replies)
  34. Second hand gear - Oddities (30 replies)
  35. Importing Cyber (5 replies)
  36. Floating test (3 replies)
  37. Need help with a comlink. (8 replies)
  38. Skillwires for magicians - Guardian and Task spirits? (17 replies)
  39. Shadowrun Missions: Corporate Affiliation (0 replies)
  40. Weird discovery for me (25 replies)
  41. Vehicle/Drone Stats (36 replies)
  42. can you abandon a hacking attempt? (13 replies)
  43. Question about a GMs ability (78 replies)
  44. Ghouls - Which rules apply? (7 replies)
  45. Cuz sometimes Raid jsut doesn't cut it... (12 replies)
  46. 80s Hacking (5 replies)
  47. Wards 101 (7 replies)
  48. Spell Sustaining (8 replies)
  49. How does High Pain Threshold work? (21 replies)
  50. Character help (4 replies)
  51. Will this make the game Gun-Fu [Mk II] (4 replies)
  52. Endowment (20 replies)
  53. Shadowrun Matrix Dice (27 replies)
  54. Becoming infected...what happens to magic? (34 replies)
  55. possessing vehicles (48 replies)
  56. I have to ask... (2 replies)
  57. Capsule Rounds (55 replies)
  58. Sacramento 2072 (8 replies)
  59. Fluffy Gear (63 replies)
  60. SIN and the Law (10 replies)
  61. Harvesters (16 replies)
  62. Campaign Setting [New Orleans] (24 replies)
  63. Underbarrel Weapons and Gyro Mounts (4 replies)
  64. Submersion Question (4 replies)
  65. Race Generation (4 replies)
  66. Ummm... Are all flying vehicles deathtraps in shadowrun? (34 replies)
  67. Free spirits questions. (11 replies)
  68. Full-Auto Fire (37 replies)
  69. Private Dicks (20 replies)
  70. Disorientation and Red Mescaline (5 replies)
  71. Strains of HMHVV or where's the consistency? (18 replies)
  72. First comeback topic (15 replies)
  73. Direct Damage Spell Successes = Increased DV Question (20 replies)
  74. Hacker Commlink question (4 replies)
  75. Shadowrun-Themed Motivational Posters (85 replies)
  76. The updated Street Magic (60 replies)
  77. SR4A - Mage/Hacker? (22 replies)
  78. Things you don't use in your campaigns (80 replies)
  79. Physical mask / Vehicle mask (26 replies)
  80. Hacking, 4th edition rules before 2070 (9 replies)
  81. Motion Sickness (15 replies)
  82. Romero Zombies (14 replies)
  83. Concerning the Hobgoblins (15 replies)
  84. Metagenetic Qualities - Claws (6 replies)
  85. Dwarf jokes (19 replies)
  86. legal charcter? (15 replies)
  87. Stolen/Used gear at begining of play (37 replies)
  88. Nosferatu for elves? (15 replies)
  89. You'll find him at the crossroads at midnight (23 replies)
  90. Why So Fast? (18 replies)
  91. Hacking on the fly (9 replies)
  92. RL boat- just made for runners. (38 replies)
  93. no Leprechauns? (18 replies)
  94. Cyberware scanners, security checkpoints, social infiltration (8 replies)
  95. .458 SOCOM (58 replies)
  96. question about magic resisting (2 replies)
  97. Just don't ask them for thier lucky charms (4 replies)
  98. Actors for Shadowrun Characters (48 replies)
  99. AI from skillsoft database ? (5 replies)
  100. Lightning Bolt Spell vs Cyberwear (44 replies)
  101. [New to Shadowrun] Questions, Altering the backstory & incorporating Horrors (33 replies)
  102. Back in Shadowrun, with some new ideas. (2 replies)
  103. Software Theft (23 replies)
  104. Isnt Ares Alpha a litte Unbalanced (118 replies)
  105. New group, new campaign, new plans (8 replies)
  106. Questions on Magic (11 replies)
  107. "You Know Who" in Shadows of Asia? (5 replies)
  108. Space survival. (127 replies)
  109. What happens when a mage is knocked out (10 replies)
  110. Visit Rapture (9 replies)
  111. what affects dicepool cap of 20? (4 replies)
  112. Over the Top Cyberware Suite (10 replies)
  113. Religious Characters (88 replies)
  114. How to fill out this party (34 replies)
  115. What can Drones be commanded to do? (4 replies)
  116. [Seattle 2072] Population/Hospitals (29 replies)
  117. Why are they called dwarfs? (29 replies)
  118. Large group (19 replies)
  119. PC -> NPC Romance (35 replies)
  120. Karma generation (17 replies)
  121. Best Combat Program Options? (2 replies)
  122. Trans Latvian Enterprises? (25 replies)
  123. top 10 signs the signularity has arrived (68 replies)
  124. Cybercombat in AR (5 replies)
  125. SpaceRun (60 replies)
  126. AAA Special Forces (8 replies)
  127. Retinal Implants (16 replies)
  128. Ultrasound (48 replies)
  129. Getting Airborne - Cheap (12 replies)
  130. Should hardened armor give auto-hits? (41 replies)
  131. Reckless and lucky (14 replies)
  132. High Velocity Weapons (21 replies)
  133. Speed (19 replies)
  134. Shadowrun meet-up (5 replies)
  135. Device Ratings (10 replies)
  136. Robot bears? (27 replies)
  137. A little muscle (69 replies)
  138. Upgrading 'ware (33 replies)
  139. Looting Dumpshock for Ideas (34 replies)
  140. Restricted gear for legal SINs (14 replies)
  141. Poll:How to bake a PC (11 replies)
  142. Astral Combat, Perceivers vs. Projectors in SR3 (12 replies)
  143. Technomancer matrix damage (10 replies)
  144. Hardened armor (34 replies)
  145. Arsenal, Augmentation, Unwired, RC - Good, bad, ugly? (95 replies)
  146. Wolf Shifter vs. Leopard/jaguar (31 replies)
  147. Firearms group (72 replies)
  148. Hand to Hand combat questions (1 reply)
  149. HEY WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? (137 replies)
  150. Tailored Pheromones (2 replies)
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