Apr 10 2009, 05:54 PM
Ah shit, dont worry guys, I got this.Chester begins to attempt to summon a force 3 air spirit.
Roll: [4,4,4,5,6,2,1,4,1,5,5] -4 net success's
Apr 10 2009, 06:51 PM
It takes so little effort to summon this particular spirit that Chester is somewhat surprised. On the astral it appears as a tiny, but fierce tornado. There is a light blue glint where the eyes should be. "How can I serve you, great one?"
Apr 10 2009, 08:13 PM
Two things, kind spirit. Purify the air so that we may breathe it safely, and destroy the source of is poison.
Chester points to the goop on the ground.
Apr 11 2009, 07:09 AM
The spirit causes a miniature vortex to form over the liquid and draws it up and away from the team. It also funnels the 'yellow' from the air.
Returning to Chester the spirit asks, "Is there anything else?"
The speakers come back on and the somewhat familiar voice of the AI returns, "Is it gone now?"
Apr 11 2009, 07:19 AM
That will be all kind spirit. Please return to the astral until I call for you again.
Chester looks up at the speaker where the AI voice is coming from.
Yeah, we got it. Your welcome.
He looks at the spots where the mini-gun toting vacums went to.
So how does this work, you'll point your guns at us, but not at the REAL danger? I thought computers were supposed to be logical?
Apr 11 2009, 07:35 AM
Despite being a computer generated voice, a certain amount of sarcasm seems to be seeping through. "I would hardly call a fleet of mouse drone vacuums an army. Also, I suggest you have your eyes checked. They were wielding nozzles, not muzzles. Yes, that ... thing is a real danger but since I can die too, I really don't want to go up against it."
Apr 11 2009, 08:21 AM
Chester looks down and points to the speaker.
This is why I dont rely on machines. The human spirit can only be relied on from those that are and were.
He looks back to the machine.
But a machine relies on percentages and probabilies. You can't die. You just shut down. Sleep. Some computer whiz like our dwarf friend here could bring you back to functioning any time, as long as he had the right tools and pateince. For us, its not that easy. One wrong move, and bam, thats it. No program to reboot us, no computer whiz to fix us when we're sick. Just another human being, hoping he can.
Chester relises he's been rambling and stops himself short. He looks to the rest of the team.
Lets just get what we came for, and get out of here. I dont want to run into tenticles again.
Apr 11 2009, 06:56 PM
"Mr. Dwarf. My apologies but we haven't been introduced so I am afraid I must resort to metatyping which is so crude. When you get the chance, please explain your your petulant young friend why I am not a computer program and could not 'be put back together' as he so eloquently put it. Now, as to gaining your prize, I am afraid that you are either going to have to bring explosives or brave that creature to get the physical keys required to open the door. It would appear that the designer of this facility was a fan of last century's Cold War and the design of missle launch systems."
Apr 12 2009, 12:45 AM
"missile...launch..." place is a goddam fortified bunker. Frag.
MITNick turns to look up at the kid consideringly...
Wouldn't work kid. Tin Man's a mite more complicated than your search engine. Words like "Unique", and "irreplacable" come to mind.
He looks the kid over again.
Look at it like this. Ice and drek like that are the grunts. They Respawn. TinMan's more like a Boss.
Using his comm to link to the computer system, sending his thoughts into the link that the speakers are coming into MITNick sends his computerized thoughts to the talking prog in an Instant Chat.
We're here for the deck, but it's just money. These guys may be focused on that, but I understand how important you are more than they do. I can touch the Resonance. I work the Forms. I can help you.
Apr 12 2009, 03:30 AM
Chester half-grins.
Every boss has a respawn timer.
Apr 12 2009, 03:52 PM
Flash lets the spell slinger deal with the tentacle, focusing his attention towards a second threat that never materializes. Listening to the dwarf talk to the program he becomes concerned. That halfer falls in love with this program and decides not to hand it over for the payday and we're gonna have problems. When the nausia begins, he quickly dons his gas mask.
He starts to cuss about the little things starting to stack up but stops as se is struck by a fact in the conversation. "Hey. How does Tinman know about 2061 news if its been sealed up for decades?"
Apr 13 2009, 01:51 PM
Steve shrugs. "Guessin's he's got himself an uplink." he stops and considers, then coughs a little from the gas he did inhale. "Nah, wait, then how come he din't know we was here till we showed up? Fuck. Details silicon boy. How much info are you gettin' in here?"
Apr 13 2009, 06:01 PM
There is the electronic equivalent of a sigh and then, "I have been sealed up in here for approximately seven years, four months and thirteen days. The Deus incident is on file in the central database. I lost contact with the outside in 2063. Are you certain that you work for competent employeers?"
Apr 13 2009, 11:25 PM
Absolutely not, but that the breaks eh?
Chester turns to face the team.
Alright guys, I think we've made enough small-talk. Lets do what we gotta do. I dont know about you guys, but Ive got someone important waiting for me.
Apr 17 2009, 05:56 AM
Chester starts to get a little impatient.
Guys, did ya hear me? I said lets go!
Apr 17 2009, 11:11 PM
MITNick goes over the system maps, looking for the camera locations, and begins searching for signs of this "creature", beginning with live feeds, then searching back through the logs for movement.
Apr 17 2009, 11:37 PM
Despite his best efforts the "creature" never shows up in the footage. The area goes dark before anything is recorded. The power seems to be drained away. There is one file of interest. A security guard pointing out what appears to be a root in a junction box to a young man in a lab coat. There is a moment where the young lab tech seems to shrink as if in recognition of what he sees. The audio for this file is corrupted.
Apr 18 2009, 12:36 AM
MITNick brings up the pertinent file, showing it on everyone's comm, then runs a search to try to locate the junction box.
Well I'm fresh out of blow torches. We can check their tool locker, but I doubt they left a cutter of any real use around. I could see about hotwiring the doors, but it'd prolly be lots quicker to find the access key.
Apr 18 2009, 04:46 AM
Chester muses over this a moment.
I could always blow it down? Or just get a spirit to break the lock?
Apr 18 2009, 09:54 PM
... Could work.... Hey Tinman, we need that key card for anything other than this door?
This designer was no World War II fan, he was a fuckin' gamer freak!
Apr 18 2009, 11:15 PM
The computer voice replies, "No, not that I am aware of." There is a momentary pause and then the computerized voice responds with what could be described as a muted voice. "I suppose I will use Tinman for now. It's not a bad name ... I suppose."
Apr 18 2009, 11:34 PM
Alright, I'm all for it then, if the kid can break the door down, without jamming it up at the same time. What're yer chances?
Apr 19 2009, 02:38 AM
Flash tilts his head, having kept quiet after Tinman's last rebuttal of his observations. He fails to resist the urge to comment again.
"Hey Tinman, why can't you open this door?"
Apr 19 2009, 02:45 AM
"Fail safe design. The door can only be open with the appropriate physical keycard. It was deemed more safe than other methods. However, for those that worked here, it was often referred to as 'the prison'."
Apr 19 2009, 01:07 PM
"So this deck is in the prison? What else is in the prison?"
Apr 19 2009, 10:36 PM
"Despite you willingness to free me, I can not betray my masters' secrets. I will assert that there is nothing that should harm you. 'The prison' was a nickname for the researches who labored there."
Apr 20 2009, 12:13 AM
Well then, lets get in there and find out for our selves.
Chester chuckles.
Ya know? I thought maybe one day Id be breakin out of a prison. Never thought Id be breakin into one.
Apr 20 2009, 01:37 AM
Flash bites his tongue, thinking how much he'd rather just tell the bucket of circuits off at this moment. Let me get the fragger on a deck and I'll format the system. We'll see how well he stands up to a heard system wipe.
"So let's open the fraggin' thing and get on with it."
Apr 20 2009, 03:58 AM
The darkened area of the complex beckons. From the edges, the team can see what appear to be vines and roots covering the floor. There is a light coating of yellow dust (or perhaps pollen) on everything. The whole area reeks of decaying plant matter.
Apr 20 2009, 09:12 PM
MITNick calls up the system access again, this time calling up the lighting controls to activate the lights in the darkened sections.
Apr 21 2009, 03:09 AM
Defying all logic, the power comes on and then fades away. The various subsystems of the power distribution grid indicate that power is, indeed, being drawn by ... something. However, there is no indication of exactly what is drawing the power. The so called 'normal' loads are not being used.
Apr 21 2009, 07:09 PM
Running through the system, MITNick attempts to locate and isolate the power drop.
If there's somethign drawing off from the circuits, there has to be a break point, or a section showing substantial resistance or amp drop . .... What the frag sucks power?...
Somethin' suckin' on the power lines. That's why the lights are out. Even amping up the lights, it ets drawn off. I'm tryin' ta figure out 'xactly where it's at. ... friggin' mynock
Apr 24 2009, 01:27 AM
Flash pulls down his thermographic goggles, adjusts his gas mask, turns on his chameleon suit, levels his weapon and moves forward.
<<@team [Flash] Time to earn our pay->>
He resists the urge to finish his sentence with a slur and simply begins moving forward.
Apr 24 2009, 02:16 AM
As Flash moves forward into the darkness the smell begins to come through the filter. Unlike before, there is no shortness of breath. The view through infrared indicates that the majority of the ceiling and floor are covered in what appears to be ropey organic matter. However, with the reduced clarity of infrared, it is hard to make out details.
Apr 25 2009, 12:35 AM
Steve who had been silent ever since the mention of prison links in.
@Team: Can we just get this done?
He flips on his lowlight vision mode and follows Flash by a few paces.
Apr 26 2009, 03:32 AM
"Earn our pay?!" Earn your pay ya' mean! I been working!
MITNick grumbles, staying back with his shotgun leveled at the ground.
I'm uh ... right behind ya'. Got yer six ....
Apr 26 2009, 04:37 AM
The darkness swallows the team whole after a few feet. Between the root-like structures on the ground and the vines hanging from the ceiling, it gets hard to see more than a few feet.
Steve[ Spoiler ]
Steve hears the rustle of something in the darkness. It sounds very similar to the tentacle that attacked the group earlier.
Apr 26 2009, 07:41 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Audible perception test for Flash: Perception(2) + Intuition(3) + Audio Enhancement(3) + Actively Listening(3)
[2,6,5,4,2,3,5,3,4,2,4] 3 hits
Sonar, radar, echo based perception of some type would really pay off right now.... What the hell good does it do for me to be up to my neck in debt if I get flat-lined for simply not going underwater and getting the next step up in gear?<@Team [Flash] Sound like more psycho-mutant-killer-vines ahead. How far to target?>>
May 8 2009, 12:42 AM
<<<<< @Flash [MIT] I've got nothing on the cams. No idea. ... Is it to late to go back for some WeedBGone?>>>
May 8 2009, 03:17 AM
The fly spy can't transmit much from the area. There are obvious vines hanging down. It seems that every time the fly-spy gets close it has a miniature power surge.
May 9 2009, 04:19 AM
This drek deals with my little bug like elves deal with people ..... sucks the life outta everythin'
MITNick pulls the drone back, instead positioning it over himself, being at the back, to make sure nothing comes up behind them.
May 11 2009, 02:03 AM
Flash looks at the hanging vines both in his vision and the fly-spy's.
<<@Team [Flash] Gallons of the stuff. Is there another route or another option to reach the target?>>
May 11 2009, 03:46 AM
Why don't we fall back out side and have magic boy whip some fire at it?
May 12 2009, 04:55 AM
Chester sneers at the implied insult. Sure. Step back and let a real man take care of things.
Chester pulls at the air and a flame elemental steps forth. A squat little thing similar to a dwarf made of flame folds it's arms and grins lopsidedly.
Chester points to the vine-covered area and the spirit begins to burn the area. Although smoke begins to fill the area, there is a tunnel-like space through the vines. In short order the area is clear and the spirit stands looking over it's shoulder.
May 12 2009, 05:40 PM
For once, the dwarf has no problem or no smart ass remark. Anyone with half a wit knows enough to get away from a mage working his wooju.
That goes double for summoning. MITNick thinks as he quickly backs away.
Who knows how long he can control that thing.
Make sure it's all gone! he calls from the far back.
May 13 2009, 02:13 AM
Flash pulls the back just outside the vines standing a little closer than most would, but not close enough to get burned. As the spirit materializes, he gives a little whoop! "Now we're getting somewhere."
May 13 2009, 05:54 AM
Chester shrugs. "The big fiery guy doesn't want to burn down everything. He's good with burning through the area. I got it covered when it comes to attacking the big plant thing." He steps toward the spirit, looks around and asks, "Y'all coming?"
May 14 2009, 03:29 AM
Steve gives the others a lopsided smile and hollers back "No, we're waiting for you to clear out the whole place by yourself."
He moves carefully into the hall once more, weapon drawn.
May 14 2009, 09:44 PM
I kinda was...
MITNick mutters under his breath in response to Steve's "little joke". Holding the shotgun up, MITNick again takes the rear, trying to watch their backs, since shooting the roomsweeper forward would only end up with bloody team mates.
May 15 2009, 03:54 AM
As the team marches forward there is the acrid smell of burned plastic and other synthetic materials. The team is quickly able to locate a burned out cluster of plant material. Soon they see another cluster of vines just outside the 'tunnel'. It pulls its tentacles back as they pass by. Soon enough they reach an area where there are about a dozen active clusters. Several of the tentacles begin reaching for the team. The security station is just beyond this group.