Oct 16 2009, 06:42 PM
<<<<@TINMAN, Flash[MITNick] So we're on the same screen, you're moving out of the deck, correct? Might have an issue if we hand the deck over with what our employer might consider "malacious code".>>>>
Oct 17 2009, 02:35 AM
<<@ All [Tinman] Malicious Code?!? How rude! I'll be hitching along with the new wireless-deck you purchased. Where to?>>
Now fully in the city, the team is free to contact the Johnson at their leisure.
Oct 17 2009, 04:15 AM
He smirks at the mention of the trid. As Chester joins the conversation, Flash wonders about MITNick's plans to include the mage...
<<@Team [Flash] Think we're still working on both those angles.>>
Flash inhales deeply as they reach the outskirts of the city, Home crap, home.
<<@Tinman/MITNick [Flash] As long as it pays and we walk away from it... I'm game>>
Oct 17 2009, 04:52 PM
Alright Flash, why don't you ring Mr. Johnson then. I don't think he likes me.
MITNick really just doesn't feel comfortable interacting with anyone in any way that doesn't include the matrix. The so called "Real" world always seems a little soft, a little off to him, like the resolution is set too low. Instead he busies himselfwith the deck.
Oct 18 2009, 10:45 PM
As the matrix link is established the team is treated to a black cube for a trid image. The audio; however, is clear. Do you have the goods?
Oct 19 2009, 12:16 AM
Flash nods to the hacker.
<<@Johnson [Flash/Team] We have the package. How would you like to perform the exchange?>>
<<@MITNick [Flash] So, do we bring the rest of the team into this? We are gonna need magical support at the least. In any case. Time to move Tinman to a new home.>>
Nov 2 2009, 01:34 AM
<<<@Flash[MITN] Depends. If they trust enough enough to walk in and handle their cred, I say you and I go you. I can handle the geek speak,and you can get us outta there if things get royally fragged.
That leaves the mage outside, where the Johnson can't be sure to have an eye on 'im. That makes him dangerous. A little insurance incase he decided lead might be cheaper or somethin'. Can't be to safe, eh?>>>>
Nov 3 2009, 05:58 AM
<<@ Flash/Team [Johnson] I assume you are familiar with River Road park. Tonight at 0400 hours.>>
The kids asks, "We got time for some grub, first. I'm starving. Not to mention, I could get in a few more levels on Halo 17."
Nov 3 2009, 06:31 PM
MITNick nods, checking the time.
Sure, but let's keep it ta' drive thru fur now. Cash only and stay off line. J works for a tech corp, so who's to say that they might not try to track us down before the drop. Pays ta be paranoid. Believe me.
Then we wait.
Nov 12 2009, 04:30 AM
The wait is rather boring - especially with the kid in the back asking for a challenge on this or that ultimate game. Eventually time for the drop rolls around.
Nov 24 2009, 07:21 PM
Steve bobs his head in time to the music he "liberated" from a five and dime a few years ago and hid with his uncle's help. He notes the time and decies to speak up.
"So, we gonna get this show onna road or what?"
Nov 25 2009, 12:49 AM
The team finds themselves at the drop location in the nearly abandoned park. Surprisingly, this park is lit and there are a few people milling around. More than a few appear to be playing Miracle Shooter or ShadowLARP so the idea of a group of people meeting here wouldn't automatically tip off the cops. However, getting "shot" here wouldn't cause them to react until after they saw blood either.
The troll from the first meet stands beneath a tree near a park bench.
Nov 25 2009, 12:14 PM
<<@Team [Flash] Not sure if I like the location or hate it. Whichever, it is what it is.>>
Flash strolls across the distance to the troll with a swagger of one born to the streets and perhaps more confident than cautious, almost as if daring someone to mess with his bad self. "Quaint location. Come here often?" The question comes across with mild amusement; Something to lighten the mood of the payoff exchange between two people in the shadows.
Nov 30 2009, 02:40 AM
MITNick stands, as usual, a bit behind the Action Hero, as he's come to think of Flash. All the people running around with seemingly real, or less seemingly perhaps, gives him the willies. He keeps the shotgun on his shoulder, the deck in his hands. Nervously, he considers searching everyone in the area to see who really is playing Miracle Shooter, but decides that he'd feel better not really knowing, and just assumes that there are people near by who will begin playing for keeps if The Thing goes south. He settles instead for keeping the deck in front of most of his vital areas, wishing it were big enough to protect his Sniper-Happy-Sized dome of a head.
Some witty remark almost escapes his lips as Flash makes his little quip, until he realizes that the side kick usually sits back and does side kick stuff .... which is far too often getting shot. MITNick briefly looks down to make sure he isn't wearing a red t-shirt.
Nov 30 2009, 04:53 AM
The troll seems a bit taken aback by the question but quickly recovers and smiles. "Not terribly often but I find the locals ... add some flavor." He gestures to those playing Miracle Shooter. "Given the way your ... sidekick is holding my property, I would assume you are not here to double-cross me." He produces certified credsticks as if performing a magic trick.
"A bit old-fashioned but useful for those of us not playing a game."
He sets the credsticks on a nearby plascrete picnic table and motions for the deck to be put down beside them.
Nov 30 2009, 07:47 PM
Flash grins and takes another looks around the park. He's far enough out of 25th Avenue Maulers not to be too concerned, but just paranoid enough to look anyway. After Johnson speaks he motions to the hacker. "Double crosses do horrible things to one's reputation and then there is always someone, some where who crawls out of the hole and extracts revenge for the double cross. We'd rather just shoot straight and do business again." He ends with a cheesy grin.
He lets MITNik recover the cred sticks as well, knowing that he is the one who needs free hands the most at this stage of the game.
Dec 1 2009, 04:47 PM
MITNick makes the switch, conspicuosly setting the deck down at the same time he picks up the cred sticks.
OK, so the whole "same time" bit might be a little over the top, but so is this drek. These guys could seriously be on the trid..
The trade made, MITNick pockets the sticks, taking a tip from Flash and leaving his hands free. He takes a couple of steps back, to cover Flash for his withdrawl. Better to have his eyes on Johnson from a respectable distance so that Flash can actually safely turn his back to the man, keeping up the modicum of decorum, and covering MITNick's back at the same time.
Dec 2 2009, 06:17 AM
The Johnson nods and picks up the deck. Without further preamble he pulls a cord out of his suits and jacks in to the deck.
"It would appear that everything is in order. You didn't copy anything but you did access the file. Were you satisfied that it was simple data?" The J's face is unreadable.
Dec 5 2009, 05:39 AM
Data's data. We're paid for the hardware anyway, so it ain't no matter anyway.
Dec 5 2009, 07:39 AM
"Discretion is often the better part of valor. I'll remember your thoughts on the subject. Good day."
With that the troll turns and walks away.
A quick check shows that the cred sticks have the agreed upon amount.
Dec 6 2009, 04:35 AM
The sticks in hand, MITNick turns, moving towards the van. He's got the cred, which means that for the moment, he's the "precious cargo." Flash will cover him. The guy's good. MITNick keeps the pace 'brisk' but not too quick. There's still plenty of time for a back stab.
Dec 6 2009, 08:42 PM
A kid runs up to the group points a bright, neon green gun at MITNick and pulls the trigger. He then runs off yelling about 500 points.
Several older folks in the park laugh and point.
Dec 6 2009, 11:42 PM
MITNick growls, siltenly vowing to hunt the kid down and nil his score, then delete his account, and subscribe him to tranny tentacle octagenarion porn, and link the 'choice' sites to all of his social blog sites. He keeps moving to the van... while he scans the kids commlink.
Dec 7 2009, 02:31 AM
As the exchange occurs, Flash is watching the surroundings and Johnson. Would do no good for the both of us to focus on the money and die in a double cross.
As the kids runs towards the hacker, Flash relaxes, slipping his hand around the grip of the SMG under his jacket. His focus goes to the kids and the toy, physical and virtual. As the moment passes, he makes a quick scan around the park again.
<<@MITNick [Flash] Anything to that? Have you been tagged?>>
Dec 7 2009, 06:49 AM
<<<@Flash[MITN]Dunno. Already checkin' him though.>>>
Riiiight that'swhy I'm scannin' him...yeah..
Dec 9 2009, 05:01 AM
The Johnson seems to have slipped out of sight completely. Other than the crazies in the park and those playing Miracle Shooter the team appears to be alone.
Dec 14 2009, 03:05 AM
Flash ushers MITNick back towards the ride.
<<@Team [Flash] Time to jet. Let's take our pay and find a less neutral spot to talk about our next steps.>>
Dec 21 2009, 09:24 PM
{Steve@Team: Sounds like a plan. Any faves?}
Dec 24 2009, 08:42 PM
MITnick climbs back into the van, settling into his seat in the middle.
I think we can get rolling first. I know a great steak joint. I could go for a little victory dinner. Best part is, it's right next to a hotel. Catch a shower. I know a few shadow bankers, I can split the cred as needed. Assume everyone's got an account or a cred stick?
Assuming everyone is good to go, MITNick divides the cred evenly, although inwardly grumbling about the contributions of some. He keeps it to himself, as he isn't to keen to get shot over a few hundred yen.
Dec 27 2009, 09:39 PM
<<@Team [Flash] How about the Wet Whistle? Its a good little bar & grill right off the railroad tracks on the edge of the warrens. Nice place to eat, grab a drink and enjoy the scenery.>> And a place where I can mingle.Flash accepts the cred.
. Gonna need a lot more jobs like that to get through this month.
Dec 28 2009, 01:12 AM
..."Enjoy the scenery" .. of the warrens!? Right, ok Flash. 'Least I can dissapear for a bit. Creds' burnin' a hole.
MITNick nods, going along for the ride, hoping he can trust this crew just a little farther. Just to be n the safe side though, he's already virtually depositing his cred, setting a time lock on it. Can't be too careful. Or is it paranoid?
Dec 28 2009, 05:23 AM
The evening passes without major incident. The next several days are rough going. Flash has his apartment broken into and a few minor things taken. MITNick is hassled by a gaunt troll looking for protection money. His pinky gets broken in a scuffle with the troll but he ultimately prevails and the thug leaves him alone.
With a less than stellar start the week isn't looking good.
About a week later, a call comes in.
Jan 5 2010, 09:20 PM
Chester is sitting at home, tinkering with a broken com he found a bit, trying to understand what makes technology so great when his com rings.
He awnsers with the screen blank.
Waddya want?
Jan 7 2010, 03:12 AM
After the break in, Flash tracks down the lieutenant of the Black Dogs responsible for providing security to his building. The conversation is heated, with Flash storming off at the end. He spends his spare time of the next few days doing recon and making sure none of the 25th Avenue Maulers cross over into the wrong turf (aka. his neighborhood).
By the time a call comes in, he's ready for something other than stalking his own neighborhood and dealing with the petty issues of the constituents.
<<@Caller [Flash] What's up?>>
Jan 7 2010, 04:03 AM
Steve glanced up from his workout of doing nothing and enjoying it. He glanced a the comm's blinking light and considered this options. He really didn't have a choice.
{D here, what did you want?}
Jan 8 2010, 07:32 AM
@ Chester
Reesin's voice comes across. <<@ Chester [Reesin] What happened to your comm? Never mind, I know. You fried the damn thing because tech and mojo don't work on the same line. Anyway. Look, Jester, I'm calling 'cause I heard some things that you might be interested in. Some J is looking for a spell slinger and you fit the bill as far as I can tell. Just look out when you meet with him tomorrow. He's giving off weird vibes. Contact info is in the attached file.>>
@ Flash
<<@ Flash [Greek God] Is that anyway to treat Family? Head over to Denny Chimes on campus tomorrow at noon. There's some work that might be in our interest and is definitely in yours.>>
@ Steve
<<@ Steve [Mr. Jones] Jones here. Candice, a little lower, I have a knot there. Nice. OK, wake up sleepy head - time to earn your keep. See the attached file and get your ass to the college clock tower by noon tomorrow.>>
Jan 10 2010, 02:26 AM
Already well enmeshed in the Matrix's gentle embrace, MITNick is barely distracted by the incoming comm call as he continues shuffling around numbers on a key code access panel to a down town strip club. The panel is the virtual representation of the virtual access key to their surveillance system in house. Free show and potential black mail for some Joe Schmoe keeps him working while he brings up the call in another window.
Jan 12 2010, 02:19 AM
Chester pulls up the file from the message.
Jan 13 2010, 05:12 PM
Steve growls subliminally after hanging up on Jones. The fixer didn't give a crap about him or anything he wanted, the man just wanted his money and time back. Steve hated favors.
But a job was a job.
He threw on his letterman's jacket on and walked out of the apartment, managing to avoid his everpresent landlord and the Russian's constant demands for more money. I never shoulda given him a nu
He started walking towards the bus stop and checked the file Jones sent. Please let this be somethin' better'an last time.
Jan 14 2010, 07:40 AM
The file shows a stylized suit with nothing inside it and an antiquated top hat. The name is listed a Mr. Johnson and the contact information is scrambled. Only a single link providing a way to indicate interest seems to work.
<< [Mr. Johnson]You have been contacted because you seem to fit the bill for what my associates and I need accomplished. You will have the opportunity to earn some funds as well as send a message. We, in turn, will gain data we need for our own purposes.
Those interested should be present at Denny Chimes on the campus of the University of Alabama by noon tomorrow. Come unarmed and with your SIN broadcast. The remote scanners will find weapons and the campus police take a dim view of those threatening the trust-fund babies.
Questions will be answered when you arrive.>>
Jan 16 2010, 03:29 PM
<<Greek God [Flash] You've mistaken me for some other ork that owes the family yen. I assume the dress code is casual and light? Am I looking for you or someone else?>>
Jan 17 2010, 08:42 AM
<<@ Flash [Greek God] Meh. Maybe I did. Does it matter? After all, one ork is as good as another in my book. If you don't want me to call you about work anymore, just say so.>>
Jan 18 2010, 12:50 AM
<<@Greek-God [Flash] Pull your loin cloth outa your crack, you know I need the work.>>
Wow. His old lady must've been all over his as this morning.
<<@Greek-God [Flash] I'll be there.>>
Jan 18 2010, 07:15 AM
<<@ Flash [Greek God] Understood. Hey! Are you calling that bitch again? I told you to leave her alone. Shut up! Gotta go, Flash. Just be there on time ...>>
The University of Alabama campus has grown over the years and has become more dense as the land outside was a premium for development. The quad, formerly a drill grounds for cadets more than 200 years ago, is still the playground of the students. Being one of the few places in Tuscaloosa where people are safe (mostly, anyway) comes at the cost of incredibly security. It is known that local business is sometimes conducted on the quad and rumor has it that SK once performed an op on campus.
Jan 18 2010, 11:04 PM
"Unamred?" Unlikely.
MITNick shows of course, more than willing to make an additional deposit into his credit account, but he has the previously acquired skimmer drones on standby well within range of his signal, sitting in the back of a dubiously acquired rental vehicle.
His MyBook dtstud id on public, and is displaying his status as a "Ne'er-Do-Well".
Jan 20 2010, 12:51 AM
Unarmed? That aint gonna happen without a little compensation. A spirit will do nicely.In his "living room" Chester prepares a summoning.
Attempting a force 5 spirit of Air
Roll-6 1 5 6 6 6 3 3 5 1 1 following the roughtine of dropping his sister with Jezzabelle, Chester heads for the school. He isnt far so the walk isnt too terrible.
Jan 21 2010, 01:07 AM
Suprisingly Steve blends into campus fairly well. He often visited girls here when Gwen was mad at him. And one more letterman's jacket goes unnoticed in the wash of uni colors.
Showing up unarmed isn't hard, guns even here in the CAS will get you noticed unless your "goin' huntin". Besides Steve was itching to try these new powers on a full scale test, true enough he didn't know what the crap he was doing but it sounded like a good idea.
Steve showed about a hour early blending with campus life and scoping out the meet locale.
Jan 22 2010, 09:19 AM
The quad isn't crowded this time of day. There are a few students studying in the grassy area near some trees. On the other side of the quad was a group of wiccans or perhaps neo-pagans conducting a morning ritual. The atmosphere is relaxed. As groups mill back and forth between classes, campus police zip back and forth on personal transports. There is no one near the old clock tower or the multitude of cherry trees.
Jan 24 2010, 09:12 PM
Stupid kids and their stupipd partents money...*grumblegurmblegrumble*
MITNick waits by the clock tower. Screw the damn trees. They're just books waiting ot happen (which are just files waiting to be scanned).
Jan 29 2010, 10:29 PM
Life on campus seems to flows in a different time reference than that of the city around it. Students mill about going and coming from classes. Professors can be seen taking a walk or a run at lunch. As the shadows close in on their shortest, a couple of young extremely attractive women, one human, one elf walk up to the clock known as Denny Chimes. They sit down and pull out a picnic basket complete with a checkered blanket like all the old holo-vids.
They glance around and then begin to eat their sandwiches.