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Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:08; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

"An elf answering to Dominique will take delivery in the mall parking lot. I have left a contact number in the comm on the table."

He pauses for a moment when asked about the vests.

"All corporations fight over R&D. You are for the time being assets employed on our behalf. We would rather not see harm come to you while in our employ, if for no other reason than it works against our interests."
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:08:22; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)

Raven sighs visibly.

"Ok. Let me rephrase the question. Is there anything about those vests, that should prompt us to use those instead of our own, customized body-armor?"
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:08; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

MITNick groans audibly, the first real sound out of him since the meet started. He crosses his arms, looking none to pleased.

I'd scan those vests, then check 'em twice. 'J' here is awfully eager to get outta here quick. So quick he almost forgets to pay. And trying to hack my comms while we're havin' our civil little conversation don't exactly fill a guy with conf'dence neither. 'S long as the pays good, we're good. Just stop givin' us reasons ta be nervous.

His look for the Johnson is not very cordial, but he waits in his seat, while starting a scan on the vests and the comm.

[ Spoiler ]
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:08; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Looking a bit confused, the old man says, "Uh, no, I suppose you can use your own vests. Feel free to check them my paranoid friend. I did not hack your comm. I only ... umm" The man before the team is completely different than the competent individual that was there before. He looks confused. The image that comes to mind is when someone's linguasoft or skillsoft quits working at the worst possible time.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:08; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Ludo; PAN = Active; SIN = Dwayne Johnson (broadcast)

Ludo accepts the vest with gratitude, feeling thankful that a troll-sized anything was ordered.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:08:57; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)

"Thanks, then... I guess, that is all?"

Raven looks at the man, slight confusion written over her face. She looks at his aura again, maybe now she could see something more about it.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:09; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Flash stand a moment, genuinely confused about the Johnson's angle regarding the vests. WTF? A vest? He looks around as his team mates snub the vest, except of course, the troll. Looking back at the vests, he does a quick calculation. Five vests. On hundred nuyen, give or take, fence value. Five hundred nuyen. And there not hot! I might get two hundred per. He scoops up the remaining vests as well as the com with their pay.

Having a little skill as both an armorer and building IEDs, he takes just a moment to see if he's carrying five personal, mobile, high-intensity DNA disbursement systems. He talks as he looks them over and purposely does not respond to the Johnson's suddenly turning into a pumpkin. "Listen, any other gear you feel th'a need to pass on. Just keep a passin'."
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:08; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Step; PAN = passive (skinlink) SIN = Felicia Simons (not displayed)

Step examines the vests for a few moments, raising an eyebrow at them and then at the J. Puppet

"Those look both heavy and uncomfortable, I'll pass" she says before walking past without another look. I guess we know who isn't pulling the strings here then. With the exit open though, the terms settled, and the J being revealed as a stooge, she decides it is worth a look at that system. She waits until she is right at the exit to slip into VR, keeping herself standing with the back of her mind while she focuses on that node. Just as she is about to start threading in preparation for breaking in, she has second thoughts. It'd be safer to wait, no point in tipping her hand like the J just did. It might have even been on purpose to elicit some kind of response.

Instead she accesses the paycomm and transfers her portion of the advance to her own accounts, leaving a note for whoever uses it directly that she's already taken her cut.

Now outside of the establishment and out of earshot of the J, Step figures it is best to get to know the rest of the group. "You can call me Step, and I'll most likely be matrix overwatch for this little job." she turns to the troll "So I'd appreciate it if you kept between me and people with bullets, I don't exactly have the armor or anything to take a hit." She tells him quite bluntly. Even though he doesn't look to be wearing a ton of armor himself, he is still a troll, and thus naturally good at being shot. "Should we keep calling you Mr. Johnson?" she asks with a slight grin in the Ork's direction, a reminder of the earlier confusion.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:09; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Ludo; PAN = Active; SIN = Dwayne Johnson (broadcast)

"Hello. Very nice to meet you, Step. My friend calls me Ludo, I am not sure why. I have to admit, although you are all probably aware, that I'm a novice at this kind of work. I will be happy to be your protection, if that is what is required. I can be very good cover, with the earth as my ally." He says this last part with a small smile.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:09:00; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)

As the others are about to leave, Raven stands up and moves around the table to the side of the old man, extending a hand towards him.
If he doesn't take her hand, she will just tap him on the shoulder lightly. She wants to see, if he is actually there in flesh and blood.

"Thank you and good bye!"

Then she turns towards the exit as well.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:09; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Angel watched Flash in silent amusement, wondering how he was going to manage five vests and a briefcase. With a mental shrug, she headed for the tunnel, planning out a couple of calls, one she'd definately be making, the other only a maybe 'til she talked to the others.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:10; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Flash takes a moment to put the vests, one over another, smallest to largest then puts his right arm through the arm and neck holes then picks up his briefcase with the left and nods to the old man. "I'll make sure these get put to good use." He then follows the rest of the team out through the tunnel, squatting as walks out.

Once outside, as the others talk, he pulls up the map of Tuscaloosa and searches for pawn shops. Hearing the word novice, he wonders the potential impact on the 6k bonus as he hands the com to Nick. He looks to the team. "Anybody drive here?"
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:10; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

"Depends how silly you want to look." Angel replied, raising her bike helmet and giving Flash a grin.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:10; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Flash looks at the helmet, then the stack of vests, the briefcase and up & down the block.... "That's possible?" Then over at the troll. "Oh. That's how." He looks back at Angel, a malicious smile forming on his lips before turning you Nick. "You drive?"
Whilst Flash was sorting out a ride that didn't involve the back of a motorcycle, Angel stepped off to onside, pulling out her commlink and putting in a call to Dex.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:10:00; Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)

Seeing the others heading out already, Raven moves towards the exit as well.
Nick nods to Flash, still a bit distracted by the magical Brain Dissapearing Johnson.
Wha... uhh... yeah. The van from the last ... uhh.. get together we had was kinda nice. Bought me one. Seems like a bad cliche. You know, little nerd guy with a van full o' tech and shit. Mines mostly full o' wrappers and has a booster seat.

Nick shrugs as if to say "it is what it is". He gives Flash the traditional head jerk for "come on".

Those vests scan clear, but don't be think' I'm carryin' any o' that shit for ya'. Sides, just cause they don't have trackers in'em don't mean they can't track 'em. They could use a custom chemical and trace the vapors. They coulda been stolen from the cops. Hell maybe a mage could trace 'em.
MITNick looks about suspiciously.

Ya' never know.

Quickly, Nick scans the comms around him, shooting a contact number to each. He takes an extra moment to check out what Step is doing and how her comm looks, although he's not so intrusive as to pick away at it. He's still itching from the Johnson's intrusion.

Hey, any you think the J's usin' something like a data filter or some shit? Corp spies use that kinda stuff ya' know.
As the newly minted team mills about the mall parking area, a car detaches itself from the herd and begins heading toward them. The windows drop and automatic weapons fire rings out with bullets not so much aimed as sprayed in their direction.

As quickly as it started the car is moving away.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Turn 1 | Pass 1 | Init 7
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits)

When the bullets start flying, Raven ducks down to take cover, and she is lucky to not get hit.

The shaman then concentrates on a spell, in case more trouble abounds, while moving a few steps back into cover.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Step; PAN = passive (skinlink) SIN = Felicia Simons (not displayed)

Though she notices the car coming around faster than it should be, and sees the tell-tale signs of barrels poking out of the windows, Step's body simply isn't able to keep up with her mind, and she catches a bullet very poorly, the metal slug ripping through her lightly armored dress as though it wasn't even there, making a clean little hole in her side.

Setup! Step limps closer to the troll so that his bulk will provide her with cover and then collapses as she slips into VR, allowing her senses to be more fully cut off than normal for her to dull the pain of her new wound.

She focuses improving her scan and then begins looking for the car's node, hoping to be able to hack in and then bring it to a stop, despite the pain nagging at her mind even through the dulling effect of VR.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Flash; PAN=Passive [datajack] SIN=John Simmons

The swerving of the car, the crackling of gunfire.... Sounds like home. Flash ducks slightly, but not quickly enough. A number of rounds impact into the pieces of armor under his suit, putting bullet holes in his suit. As he ducks, he is dropping the vests, hitting the release catch of his briefcase with his left hand and grabbing his Ingram Smartgun with his right. As his hand touches the grip, cross hairs and range telemetry immediately appearing in his field of vision. He swings the weapon out of the case, leveling it towards the vehicle. He flips open the stock, locking it in place. A second later the Ingram begins coughing rounds towards the shooter.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The bullets rip through the offending car and flatten the tires. Despite the lack of pressure, the car keeps trying to move.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Ludo; PAN = Active; SIN = Dwayne Johnson (broadcast)

Ludo felt the bullets hitting him in an abstract kind of way, like getting punched by four little fists. He centered his body to absorb the blows, balancing on his feet and rocking slightly with each impact. The bullets weren't nearly powerful enough to distract him from seeing blood erupt from Step's body. He moved quickly, putting his bulk in between the screeching car and her limp form. He then hunkered down protectively over her.

Putting his hands palm-down on the ground, he began to sing, weaving his pain and the pain of his friends injury into the melody. The slight ache left by the bullets was forgotten as he requested the aid of the Great Spirit. In his mind he saw the energy swiftly erupt out of the earth in response to his distress, more fierce than normal, and a voice spoke powerfully in his mind.

"What do you need, brother? Ask, and you shall have it!"
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Step; PAN = passive (skinlink) SIN = Felicia Simons (not displayed)

Step can tell that the pain is having a detrimental effect on her threading, but pushes on regardless, not having the time to refocus on another attempt. Her long familiarity with hacking however pays off as she feels herself sliding through the firewall of the car's node almost without effort, attempting to leave it as undisturbed as possible so as not to draw any attention to her intrusion. Her first objective is to stop the vehicle so that they can't get away. Then she can focus on gathering what information she can on these people between travel records that might still be on the car and that non hidden node she saw earlier. Provided of course she doesn't bleed out first...

Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Not having enough cover (behind Flash) doesn't help, as Nick takes a round hard. Diving for cover, he takes a moment to assess himself and what's around, making sure that no one else is coming from a different angle. He's already dragging out his medkit when the cry for "MEDIC!" goes out. He takes a look to where Step is to see how bad she is, and if he can help her get some cover of her own.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The car slows to a halt and four ganger-types pile out with weapons way outside their collective weight class. They take up positions behind cars and begin to try to sight in on the team.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

(Before the gangers pile out)

Distracted by making the call, Angel was a little slow to react to the gunfire, spinning round as she taking a round in the vest. "Chingada Madre!" sounded a little odd coming with the Alabama accent attached to it but she didn't stop to consider it as she stuffed her commlink in a pocket and pulled her Walther. The gun felt warm in her hand as crosshairs floated into her vision and she snapped off a quick shot before breaking into a run. Two more quick shots followed as she headed for her bike and perhaps more importantly, her shotgun.
Sunday May 3rd 2071; 14:11; Outside Dr Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Step; PAN = passive (skinlink) SIN = Felicia Simons (not displayed)

As soon as the assailants pile out of the car, Step turns the engine back on and orders the car to floor it, hoping to deprive them of any sort of cover or means of escape. She might also be able to turn it around and have it run over one of them, but that will take some time. Instead she focuses on the non-hidden commlink she noticed earlier on them. Maybe she can get into their communications and learn something or mess with their coordination.

<<Car is mine>>
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Turn 2 | Pass 1 | Init 13
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits), Improved Invisibility (F3, 3 hits; sustaining focus)

Since the gangers stay around and thus stay a threat, Raven figures that it's best not to be seen for now. She quickly takes a few steps back down the ramp into full cover and casts a spell which promptly turns her invisible.

Just in case there is an awakened among their opponents, she protects all of her new team-mates (at least those she can see) with her counterspelling abilities.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The two gangers behind the stopped car open fire on Flash while a third takes aim at Angel off behind some shopper's car.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Starting to get his groove back, Flash stares down the gangers taking one step to the left as he sees the reflexive tell of an impending attack. Bullet wiz by, striking the wall of the building behind him. The adrenaline beginning to course through his body, insuring him that he is not only alive, but fully in the moment. He begins a zig-zagged walk towards the gangers, using the parked cars to his advantage. He also lays a bead on the first and gives the trigger of his weapon a long, gentle pull. The result is a burst of lead death bearing down on the first ganger.

He taunts the gangers as he walks, "This suit's coming out of your ass!"
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass1/Init: 9
With lead flying, "out there" is no place to be, but Step is already down and wounded. For a moment Nick considers firing off some rounds, but there's too many of their team betwen him and the gangers.
"No problem.." I said " Go down to a little meet.." I said. "We'll have some champagne..." Ah hell...

Nick leaves the medkit behind cover and dashes out to Step Grabbing her under the armpits and dragging her back towards cover.
Picked a damn good time to be short!
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass1/Init: 10
A sudden bright burst of light flashed from Ludo's eyes and was just as quickly extinguished, to be replaced with a more steady glow. His back arched as his mouth opened in a slight rictus, all the more menacing because of his pronounced canines. His body seemed to stiffen all over as he rose up on his toes. To those with the ability to perceive the Astral, Ludo appeared as a glowing, shifting shape now, his normal aura augmented with a feeling of...solidness. Earth-ness. Even though his physical form hadn't changed, he now appeared bigger, more powerful.

His body relaxed. Those glowing eyes passed over his teammates in a slow sweep, then turned towards the gangers.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass1/Init: 7

A clanking sound is heard in the middle of the team and with a hiss a white cloud starts flowing out of it. A voice from behind and above the team says, Ya won't be getting that there bounty wif me around. They's mine!
Ahhh frag it!
First aid kit already open, MITNick uses the CPR mask as an improtu gas mask in reverse. He jumps to the canister holding his breath, intent on clamping the mask over the canister and using battle tape to seal it.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Turn 2 | Pass 2 | Init 13
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits), Improved Invisibility (F3, 3 hits; sustaining focus), Levitate (F5, 5 hits)

Seeing that the gas now fills the whole ramp, Raven looks up and decides to fly out of harm's way for now.

The shaman concentrates and soon her invisible form levitates upwards at a decent speed, ending her move between some cars on the next higher level of the parking area.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Turn 2 | Pass 2 | Init 18

"My brother, our newfound charge needs our assistance. Let us aid her now."

Mentally communicating with the spirit that was now as much a part of him as his own self, Ludo envisioned how he thought the rescue could be carried out. Faster than thought, the spirit saw the plan and agreed to lend it's aid.

Ludo's form blurred into motion, too quick for the un-augmented eye to follow. As he approached Step's coughing form, he reached into his satchel and pulled out his respirator. In one smooth, effortless motion Ludo scooped Step up with one arm, clamping the respirator down over her face with the other. Ludo's movement continued uninterrupted and carried the pair out of the haze created by the shell that MitNick was attempting to subdue. Setting Step gently back down on the ground, Ludo stood protectively near her, providing what cover he could.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass2/Init: 11

One of the gangers pop up from his position and he throws a few gang signs at the something or someone over the head of the team. He yells, "You're on our turf, esse! Don't be stupid!" He levels his gun at whomever he is addressing and opens fire.

Another ganger jerks his head up and starting frantically screaming, "I don't see the Mage! I know they've got a frakin' mage. We've got to KILL IT!" He starts squeezing off shots at random.

The third ganger calmly takes aim on Angel before unloading.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits), Improved Invisibility (F3, 3 hits; sustaining focus), Levitate (F5, 5 hits)

One stray bullet finds Raven's side and even though it does not manage to penetrate her armor, it still hurts a bit (granted, Raven's always a bit squeamish when it comes to that, it could be worse). The shaman glowers down to the ganger who just shot her with angry eyes, though he still cannot see her.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Mall Parking Lot, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass1 & 2/Init: 11

Angel kept running towards her bike as bullets started flying. Rolling over the hood of a car she felt one whisltle past her, another tugged at her jacket as she ducked behind an SUV parked just yards from her bike.

Finally making it, a little out of breath but otherwise unscathed, she dropped down beside her bike, ditching her helmet and walther before grabbing her shotgun.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass2/Init: 10

The seemingly bodiless voice above the team yells out in pain and a metal sphere drops into the middle of the team.
Nick looks over at the little death ball rolling around on the ground way too close to where he is.
Ahhh hell, 's just rainin' shit that's gonna ruin my day today...
Clearing away the gas canister as quickly as possible, he moves back to his downed "team mate". At this point, he doesn't know anyone but Flash anywhere near enough to risk his own life for them, but as they are doing all the shooting back at the people who happen to be shooting in his direction, it[d be good to do his part. Besides, the chick was shot. If not for the sake of life, then at least for good karmic balance.
Seeing through his eyes, which were the spirit's eyes, which were his eyes, Ludo felt a slight tinge of vertigo. His vision - it was so sharp, he could barely believe the detail he was able to discern. For instance, the grenade that had dropped in their midst. Himself having a moment of panic, he was confused to feel the spirit's amusement. As the spirit focused their eyes more fully, more capably than he ever could alone, Ludo could see that the grenade wasn't armed. Ah.

Suddenly a small shape darted forward, headed towards his friend's supine form. Ludo could feel the spirit rise up in him, ready to smash this intruder, this foe that would try to harm his new charge. As quickly as this happened, as quickly again the spirit relaxed. This one is also a friend

Feeling his own muscles tense and relax so quickly, which were the spirit's muscles, which were his muscles, Ludo felt a slight tinge of vertigo...
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

For Flash, time slows to a virtual standstill. A silver sphere seems to float down from the roof toward the team. It moves so slowly that he has time to admire the craftsmanship and determine that it's a stun grenade. One of the new Saeder-Krupp models the guy in 3-H keeps drooling over every time he gets a new post from Mercenaries of Fortune. This one however, is not armed. Flash could tell because the indicator lights aren't on. Further, this one has the thumb-switch manual activation for those times when jamming is used. Almost as quickly time one again marches in its normal order.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11; Dr. Chen's Happy Chinese Wok, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
CT#2/Pass2/Init: 7

Flash watches the grenade fly through the air and notes the apparent state of not being armed. He, however, continues to move laterally around the gangers and opens fire on the next one.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Turn 2 | Pass 3 | Init 13
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits), Improved Invisibility (F3, 3 hits; sustaining focus), Levitate (F5, 5 hits)

Raven looks down from her elevated position, aiming at the three gangers, and sends a stunball into their midst.
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

The ganger flailing about yelling about mages drops with neat holes in his chest and the one beside him drops for no apparent reason.

The last, the apparent leader, throws down his weapon and yells, "I surrender!"
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Turn 2 | Pass 4 | Init 13
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits), Improved Invisibility (F3, 3 hits; sustaining focus), Levitate (F5, 5 hits)

Now that the gangers are no threat anymore, Raven turns around to look for whoever was throwing the grenades.

Her eyes make out a large troll nursing a gunshot through his knee. He looks rather pale like the blood loss might be getting to him.

She calls out to him, her voice seemingly coming from nowhere as she is still invisible.

"I guess that's it then. Now, if you would be so kind to tell us, what the heck is this all about?"
Raven is treated to the scent of fear and ammonia. The troll - still in obvious pain - grows still. He whispers so quietly as to be unintelligible. Then in a slightly louder voice he squeaks, "Oh, god. I didn't know the bounty included a ... that you were ... a mage. Please. I have a family, don't rearrange my brain. I don't want to forget my kids."

For their parts, the gangers rush over to help their downed friend. "Damn whores and sons-of-bitches, we take care of our own!"
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:11:00; Mall Parking Area, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - Increase Reflexes (F4, 4 hits), Improved Invisibility (F3, 3 hits; sustaining focus), Levitate (F5, 5 hits)

"What bounty? I want details!" Raven demands.
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