Sep 17 2008, 12:28 AM
"One last question before I agree. Time frame?"
Sep 17 2008, 12:50 AM
"I believe that three days should be adequate given our proximity to the location."
Sep 17 2008, 01:51 AM
Chester looks the team over. With no more questions to ask, and eager for more information, he nods as he sits back in his seat.
"Alright. Im in."
Sep 17 2008, 03:03 AM
Bule? Bule?! Not sure this is the right job for me... But a split of 15k definitely is. Guess its time to be flexible. Flash thinks as the conversation continues. He focuses to not only keep interest, but the appearance of interest. It appears we have no face on the team. I wonder what each of the team mates do bring?
Looking to Mr Johnson, he rubs his chin. "The offer is definitely interesting and you have my interest. Of course, the details are light to this point and I'm unsure that the team has all the skills that will be required for this mission." he says gesturing to the others at the table before turning back to the Johnson. "Giving the small gaps in our information, we will definitely need an expenses allowance. Though I think it would be fair to discuss the specifics of that after we get more details. So with that caveat, I am in."
Sep 17 2008, 03:54 AM
The troll sits back in his seat. He rubs one of his bull-like horns before replying, "An expense account? That sounds reasonable. I will set the limit at 5,000 nuyen." Turning to the two holdouts he ask, "Are you in or out?"
Sep 17 2008, 01:18 PM
Steve smiles his traditional smile of faith and fairness. Crap hate the woods. Maybe Uncle Phil has a brush cutter or something. It'll have to do.
He raises an eyebrow at the ork managing to grab another 5K out of Mr. J. Not bad suit monkey, not bad at all.
"In. Usual terms Mr. J? Half now, half later?"
Sep 17 2008, 02:35 PM
"Given that you have your allowance, I think that 5 now, 10 upon completion is fair. Wouldn't you agree?"
Sep 18 2008, 01:46 AM
Steve curses his intial greed. Dammit! Suit monkey thought he was gettin' us more. Will J budge on price? No way to fraggin' tell. Grrrrrrrrr
He trys opening with his best line. "Now we're all jest common Southern folk, Mr. J. Leastways, ah am." The accent creeps back into his voice. I'm a dumb as shit greedy ass hick, yah Mr. J. That's all I am
"So jest in case we need ta push some shit around how's about six K now and the rest on delivery. Same spilt, better terms."
Sep 19 2008, 11:22 PM
The troll smiles, almost chuckles and then adds, "Sure."
Sep 20 2008, 02:47 AM
Sensing agreement from those assembled, the Johnson reaches into thin air - an obvious AR interface - and a white noise generator whirs to life. Heavy, thick curtains bearing the logo for the University of Alabama slide into place. It appeared that either Horizon was poaching from the U of A's marketing staff or perhaps it was the other way around. Even for a college town the U of A had a market saturation like none other. The Johnson slides four datachips across the table. "If I insult your intelligence by asking for your comm then you will insult mine by giving me a fake one. Let's cut through that." He waits for the team to collect the chips. "Now, as I said the location is Bule. Your target, a cyberdeck left there during the evacuation some seven years ago. As you may, or may not know, the Bule area is overgrown with Awakened flora and fauna. There was a research facility there. Satellite photos indicate that the facility is overgrown but still standing in the forest. Within the lower levels you will find the research complex. The chip holds all the information I have on the facility. Security passcodes, schematics, et cetera. Included is the last known location of the deck. We assume it is still in place as the reserve power should last for another eight to ten years. Once obtained you will contact me at the comm address on the chip. Once returned I will ensure payment is wired to the account of your choice. Any questions?"
Sep 22 2008, 06:15 AM
Whats this guy doin? It was a fair price and now he's pullin out his best hick accent? Good to know Im not the only new guy here.
Chester sits up, puts his elbows on the table.
"Alright, I think we got the info that we need. Id say after a bit of shopping for supplies, we're ready to go."
Chester glances at Steve.
"Dont ya think?"
Sep 22 2008, 03:23 PM
Kid thinks he's got my number, but boy is he wrong. Thinks I'm just a greedy bastard, and thats my best pose. He smiles a wolf like grin at the kid.
"Almost, kid, almost. Mr. J, the deck itself important or will you take just the paydata?"
And anything else in yer little lab is ours!
Sep 22 2008, 03:51 PM
Flash sits, watching and listening. It appeared the details were pretty complete on the disk. He forwards the number of one of his shadow LTGs to the Johnson. Any call would go through a couple of relays to get to him thwarting traces, but it is a legitimate number for him. There are of course two questions unasked at this point.
Nodding to Steve, "Good catch." He then turns to the Johnson, "What if the deck is already gone or destroyed? And are we expecting competition for this deck?"
Sep 22 2008, 07:07 PM
Maybe he isnt as bad as he appeared. Foot in your mouth Chester.
Chester, now silently retracting his statement, looks to the Johnson for his reply.
Sep 22 2008, 10:43 PM
Keeping his thoughts to himself for the moment, MITNick only nods his assent to the Johnson's question. It was proavly a forgone fact that he was goign to say yes from the moment he decided to attend the meet. He simply needed the money. Even a percentage of the upfront fee would be enough to keep him going for a couple of more months, as long as he was careful. The details weren't to his liking however.
A fraggin' forest!? What the frag does he need atech geek for in a gaddamn forest!? Does he really expect the power ta' still be up and functioning out there? I just know I'm gonna regret this.
Keeping his best poker face in place, MITNick shows none of his misgivings except for a slight downturn of his already grim expression as he pockets the disc provided.
Plenty of time to go over it later. Gonna need some satlink gear for one thing... three days ... not a lotta time either... Hafta stay bare bones. At least that guy was able ta' bargain a little more cash outta J. Better than my bumblin' hoop woulda done anyway.
Damn... I hope I ain't comin' across as the 'strong silent type'... whata joke that'd be...
Sep 23 2008, 04:58 AM
The Johnson grins. "Glad to see you take some initiative little one. It's good to see the next generation come around."
Turning to Steve he adds, "The deck itself is actually important as it and the information ... or paydata as you called it ... are linked." Pausing for a second, he adds, "Attempting to remove it will likely result in erasing it. Those I represent would not be pleased."
Looking at Flash he continues, "If, by some miracle, the deck is gone or destroyed, then you will need to provide proof that it was not you who caused it. As far as competition ... anything is possible. However, I will say that I am unaware of any who might be looking for it."
Smiling at the group the Johnson sits back. "Oh, by the way, I wouldn't try to take more than the deck as tempting as that might be. The security is ... how should I put this? Ah yes, security is a bitch."
"If there is nothing else?" He lets the question hangs there.
Sep 23 2008, 05:31 AM
By some miracle its gone and destroyed? I thought he wanted this thing safe and sound? I could be looking into this a tad, but that kinda just jumped out at me. Okay, Ill just be careful....yea right, like that ever goes well. Why the frag is that Steve guy keep lookin at me? And the dwarf sure is quiet. Man I wish I had a Mind probe spell.
Chester Grins.
"Thanks. And yes, I have one more. Would it be at all possible to get a detailed report on the wild life in the area, awakened and mundayne alike? Im guessing that Im the magical support, and need to know what we're going to be dealing with, so I can effectively counter any...problems."
Sep 24 2008, 05:59 PM
The Johnson shows a momentary look of surprise at the question but recoveres almost instantly. With hands steepled, he says, "Well ... there are awakened owls and hawks but I can't remember the names. There's the teryotle, teryo ... it's a winged deer with teeth. Everyone's favorite, the devil rat and since there is swamp country farther to the west you might meet up with a will-o-wisp."
The Johnson sits back in his seat and glances at his watch.
Sep 24 2008, 06:27 PM
That was odd....
Chester takes notice to the shock. But also puts his poker face back on.
"R..right? Thats why I need a report. Perhaps just a file? If its not too much to ask."
Sep 24 2008, 09:56 PM
Still sitting quietly, MITNick rolls his eyes.
Ain't that this chumps job? Don't see me asking the 'J what the specs of the damn security system are, now do ya' kid. Jeesh.
Wonder if J's running some sort o' Know soft. Was a quick recovery. Reacted weird....
Leaning forward, getting a bit annoyed with the young man, MITNick finally pipes in.
"I'm sure we can find all that sort of stuff out for ourselves kid. 'S why they call it a "job". Ya' work for it.
Mr Johnson, I assume your contact directions are on the disc for once the job's finished?
Assuming so, I think we're pretty good at this point."
He gives a questioning look at the other two runners to confirm, not bothering to talk with the big mouth shot kid.
Sep 24 2008, 10:01 PM
Chester glances at the dwarf. Then looks down at the table nodding.
Frag, he's right. Just pace your self Chester. You need this job. But that look the J had....wonder what that was about.
"Yeah, sure. I'd say we're covered. Thanks."
Chester sits back now, attempting to appear out of the conversation, as he looks at the other two, waiting for some response.
Sep 25 2008, 04:30 AM
The Johnson nods to MITNick.
"Well gentlemen, I will take my leave." He slides three certified credsticks across the table. Based on the coloring they are 5000, 5000 and 1000.
"The booth is yours for the next several hours and I have arranged for one round of drinks. After that you are on your own." Smiling at his own joke he adds, "I got the kid a milkshake."
With that the Johnson slides out of the alcove and through the curtains leaving his four guests behind.
Sep 25 2008, 01:19 PM
Steve snakes the credsticks up. "Nice to see a Mr. J who still goes the old fashioned route. Anybody know where we can spilt these up? You guys wanna stay here or light out?"
He shuffles the credsticks impatiently. "Huh, nice work suit boy, looks like J gave us that extra 5K"
Sep 25 2008, 10:31 PM
The dwarf eyes Steve sideways for a moment, looking pointedly at all of the credsticks in his hands.
"I can get those taken care of. But you'll want to be a bit more careful in the future, before snatching 10 grand worth of other people's money off a table.
I'd suggest that we take the Johnson up on his offer of food, but take the chit chat about work somewhere else. Anyone know a quiet place for a discussion?"
Sep 25 2008, 11:31 PM
Chester looks up, now smiling. Eager to appear usefull.
"I know a place. I got a friend named Reison who runs a bar not for from here. Calls it The Den. You may have heard of it. I can get us a private place there. Waddya say?"
Sep 26 2008, 05:09 AM
Cut scene
The Johnson steps into the private elevator near the back of the top floor. He begins his downward descent while shedding his trenchcoat. There is a black towncar waiting for him at the exit. He steps into the car and begins putting on a powder blue suit while the car moves. As the car begins to cross the bridge into back into Tuscaloosa proper, he finishes getting dressed and opens his cell.
"Yes, I heard you. ... You scared me half to death while I was in the middle of business. ... See that you don't do it again. Now, what is so damn important that I need to rush over to represent another job? ... I see. Very good then."
The car drops him off at a new bank building near the center of the city. A waiting cab scoops him up and heads down to the river area and toward the Country Club.
Sep 26 2008, 12:56 PM
"Eleven grand, short stack. No worries, just wanted to say I've had more than nine thou." Steve grins maniacly. He hands the cred sticks over to the dwarf one at a time beginning with the one thousand stick first.
"Lets get that round J promised us, then we're out. I'll take another beer."
Sep 27 2008, 02:10 PM
" 'Den' should do. Name's MITNick by the way."
Nick orders up a generous meal while waiting, more than willing to fill up his belly before getting down to work.
Sep 28 2008, 02:33 AM
"Names Chester, Chester the Jester. Pleased to meet ya."
Sep 28 2008, 06:43 PM
Nick nods to the kid as he stands, making his way out of the restaurant, leaving little remaining of his meal. As he steps outside, he pulls a cigar tube out, along with a simple cutter, allowing himself a little smile. He pops the top off, dropping the Hondurean wonder into his palm. A quick snip and a light and MITNick is taking the first puffs off a treat he's been hanging onto for a while with a little smile. He waits for the crew to assemble outside while pulling up an autocab for a lift.
"So chummers, why don't we exchange numbers before we break." Suiting action to words, Nick sets his PAN to public, sending each of the runners an invite with a thought.
Sep 28 2008, 07:52 PM
"Sounds good. Geez, tone down that display down a notch, hurts my eyes."
He shuffles his feet in the lingering wet.
"Why not just split a cab?"
Sep 28 2008, 08:51 PM
Three autocabs pull up near City Cafe. They are virtually omnipresent for the establishment. Heat lightning plays between the clouds as dusk lingers in the city. The smell of rain along with all the less pleasant odors float through the air. One of the bouncers eyes Chester with extreme dislike on his face. There is no sign of the Johnson.
Sep 28 2008, 08:54 PM
MITNick smiles a wicked little green.
"Yeah, sure thing. I'll pay it off my 'link ,you can forward your half to me."
Ungraciously holding the end of his smoldering cigar in his teeth, MITNick sets his thick fingers flying across the AR screens he calls up. First is the AutoCab router, showing the projected price at

32 nuyen. He shows the route and price to the others with him, shares divided by 2, 3 ,or 4 riders.
As soon as that's done, Nick begins working behind the screens. Working within a layered PAN that only he sees, he preps his programs.
[ Spoiler ]
Compiling Crack Sprite
Compile (S) Crack4
Resonance 4
+1 Crack (BlackHat) = 9 dice
Compile R III Sprite
= 2 hits
2nd if necessary =4 Fading
Will 5 + Resonance 4 = 9
1st = 1 hit if Req. =3 to sustain Threading - Initiate threading once the cab comes within signal range
Threading Exploit - Software 4 + Resonance 4 = 8
= 3 hits to Exploit Complex Form for total of 7 Form Rating
Fading for Threading = 2 hits Stealth C.F. at full rating, hacking fast with Exploit
Exploit to Security Lv AccessC.F. Rating 7
Hacking 4(S)Explt 2 =6
BlackHat 2 = 15 dice
1st = 4 = 6 as necessary 7
1st = 2 =3 = 3 = 3 11 (Better be enough to crack the encryption on a frickin' cab)
Assuming he hacks it clean and clear, all he's doing is a simple edit, to show that the balance has been paid in advance, at time of call.
Edit 3 + Computers 4 = 7
= 3 hits
Sep 28 2008, 09:04 PM
The closest auto-cab moves out of the way a larger cab can move in. It pops the doors open and the specifically designed neutral female voice says, "Please get in. We at Druid City Cab appreciate your business."
A short cab-ride later the four of them find themselves in a seedy part of town north and east of the University. The Den is before them. The crumbling brick and cinder block appear to be from another age. Somewhat surprisingly there is a line out the door and the bouncer doesn't look too happy tonight either.
Sep 28 2008, 09:20 PM
MITNick smiles to himself as he enjoys his cigar on through the ride. Even if it was an easy hack, he always felt better after flexing his virtual muscle. He likened it to the same kind of addiction weight lifters had, and the same sense of satisfaction as a good workout at the gym. The thumping in his temples he felt only reaffirmed it for him. The ache would last a while, but it let him know that he was still alive. That was saying something these days.
He kept a virtual chat running with the sprite through the ride, enjoying the privacy of the Private node among the unfamiliar company. Stepping out of the cab, he gives a little grimace at the delay, and takes another few puffs from the mostly spent cigar, letting someone else more familiar with the situation take the lead.
Sep 28 2008, 11:35 PM
As Chester climbs into the cab, he smiles wickedly at the bouncer.
"Bye friend. Smile, you're not dead yet."
Chester steps in front of MITNick.
"Ok guys, let me handle this. Ill get us a private spot."
Chester aproaches the bouncer at the Den.
"Hey! My man! Reison in?"
Sep 28 2008, 11:44 PM
"Well, if it isn't the pipsqueak. Alright shorty, far as I know he's inside. Now when is that sister of yours gonna come see me again?" His voice is steady and even - the voice of someone who wants better for himself. "You vouching for the three with you? Place's packed and ..."
He steps out and snatches a streetline special off some female elf in line. "The sign says you can carry not use." She drops her eyes and he gives the gun back to her. "Stupid elf," he mutters to himself.
"Like I said, the place is packed and I'm not letting just anybody in. Mellow Mushroom is playing tonight."
Sep 29 2008, 08:45 AM
Mellow mushroom eh? Reison's finnally lookin up. Good to hear.
And I resent the stupid elf comment." Chester points to his ears. But then smiles.
"Dont sweat it man. Anyway, about these guys. I can vouche for all of them. Solid guys. We just need a private place to discuss a few things. Do ya dig?" Chester looks back at the group, gives a breif smile. Then back at the bouncer. "Now if we could head in and talk to the big guy, that'd be wonderful."
Sep 29 2008, 08:55 AM
"Mellow fraggin' Mushroom". Wow. How Special. Maybe t'marra night, fraggin' Dirk Diggler and the Tea bag's'll be playin'. Jack ass'. At least therell be plenty of people for the conversation to get lost in the buzz.
See how this kid handles himself with the muscle.
MITNick sticks to the back, quietly watching the exchange It's tempting to hack the club's node just for the exercise, but such places are more trouble than they're worth in his experience. And that tends to distract from the drinks anyways.
Sep 29 2008, 08:46 PM
Flash nods at the complement for thinking about the expenses, then remains quiet through the next bit.
When the Johnson leaves, he treats himself to the fine cooking to be had here. Far from a connoisseur, his eclectic choices serve to fill the lack of such food in his normal life, rather than a plotted combination of tastes.
When finished, he follows the team to a cab.
When they arrive at the Den, he follows the rest of the team. When Chester steps up and chums it up with the bouncer, Flash allows him the lead.
Sep 30 2008, 12:27 AM
"Alright pipsqeak. Come on in. He's on the second floor. 'least he was when I saw him last." He opens the curtain and allows the group to find their way inside. The music from Mellow Mushroom isn't great but definitely better than passable. Reison is found on the second floor just as the bouncer said. Wearing an outfit that hasn't been in fashion for a while, he smiles and says, "Chester. How are you? Do you need me to watch your sister?"
Sep 30 2008, 04:32 AM
What the frag is this? Fraggin' Shadowrunners Junior League? Fraggin' kid stoppin' in at his goddam babysitters!?
MITNick mostly avoids looking at anyone, keeping to himself with his hands in his pockets, looking arond at his surroundings.
Sep 30 2008, 05:23 AM
Reison, you big mouth! Shut your trap!
Chester glances at the team to see if anyones face tells a story. Then back at Reison.
"Not this time Reison, but thanks for the gesture. Actually, Im here with a few of my co-workers, and we needed a quiet, private place to talk. Think you can help a kid out?"
Sep 30 2008, 05:59 PM
Reison looks shocked for a quick second. "Yeah ... umm ... you guys can use my office for now. The blue room is full with a private party as well."
Sep 30 2008, 07:51 PM
"Thanks Reis, Ill re-emberse you when Im finished with this job."
Chester turns to the team.
"C'mon guys, Ill show you where it is."
Oct 1 2008, 02:06 AM
The club is packed as Chester leads the group back downstairs and to the area near the stage. A sour-looking dwarf nods as the group passes by. He taps a few AR windows with his gloves and the door to Reison's office pops open.
The inside is covered in a jungle print wallpaper and picture of Reison with many different girls line the walls. There is a Murphy bed poorly concealed behind false cabinets. The office has a definite lived in feel to it.
Once the door is closed the silence is almost deafening.
Oct 1 2008, 02:24 AM
Steve barely supresses a snort as the club owner mentions the kid's sister. His face however remains totally calm. HAH! Meh, it's a prolly better reason than I got. But still kid c'mon.
"Alright kid I'll admit, not bad. We know if Mr. Big keeps this place wired?"
Oct 2 2008, 02:51 AM
Flash follows the team through the bar, feeling the beat of the music. The band is considerably better than most who play in his neighborhood. As they reach Reison, Flash smirks about the sister comment. He starts to comment himself, but decides to wait.
Once in the office, Flash looks around. Now, this is happening. He spends a moment admiring the pictures then turns to Chester, "Which one is your sister?"
Oct 2 2008, 03:30 AM
Smiling at the human's question, MITNIck can't help that Chester's sister is somehow older and more attractive than he brother. Figuring it unlikely with his luck, he quickly scans the room for wireless devices.
[ Spoiler ]
Scan extended test - rolled 4 (equal to Computers Skill)
= 6 hits
Oct 2 2008, 03:55 AM
MITNick[ Spoiler ]
He finds three comms - all with different identities, three wireless mics and four wireless cameras. The mics and one of the cameras are pointed at the desk. One camera is pointed at the door and the other two are looking at apparently blank spots on the walls.