Mar 30 2011, 03:27 AM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:34; Mitnicks van, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Ludo kept his eyes closed as the others discussed what their next move would be. He hoped the others would think he was meditating again. He couldn't help it, he just needed to rest his eyes for a second...
Apr 3 2011, 07:11 PM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:36; Mitnicks van, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Flash nods. "Then on to the club. Let's circle two blocks out, then one block out. See if there's anything unexpected waiting or watching nearby."
Apr 6 2011, 04:07 PM
MITNick nods, following Flash's suggestion. There's one thing he learned from their last go round; listen to the guy with the gun. He's good to have on your side. That, and it feeds into his inherint paranoia.
He takes the van around a couple of times, in no real hurry, grumbling to himself about the loss of pay on this most recent mess. He'd had a nice photovoltaic system for the van already picked out, so that it wouldn't stand out in situations just like this. Irony.
Apr 7 2011, 03:04 AM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:36; Mitnicks van, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
The deep, bass rumble of Ludo's snores shook the van as it traveled. The sound was almost inaudible, not heard but rather felt, felt in a person's very bones.
Apr 16 2011, 06:03 AM
Someone from the bar leans out the front door and yells at the van, "We ain't no Sonic. If you want soy-burgers and beer you gotta get yo ass in here. It ain't coming to you."
Apr 17 2011, 12:25 AM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:37:00; Trip's Roadhouse, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Raven; PAN = Passive [Skinlink]; SIN = Sabrina McCoy (not broadcast)
Sustained Spells - none
"Ok, he definitely has a point there," Raven says.
"Let's get a nice table or whatever they have, and continue our planning via comm."
The shaman gets out of the car and slowly strides towards the entrance, giving the others ample opportunity to catch up.
Apr 18 2011, 01:33 AM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:37; Trip's Roadhouse, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Snorting awake at the sense of motion as Raven exited the vehicle, Ludo caught the tail end of the conversation. A deep rumble issued from him again, but this time not from his nose.
"I could use some food as well - I believe I missed lunch. Let us see what kind of meal we can have here."
Having said this, Ludo followed Raven towards the entrance.
Apr 18 2011, 02:52 AM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:37; Trip's Roadhouse, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Flash hesitates, looking at the case with his SMG. He decides in the end to leave the weapon as the briefcase would be a little conspicuous in the roadhouse.
Apr 21 2011, 06:18 PM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:37; Trip's Roadhouse, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
MITNick lets the "troops" file out before going to park the van. "Road House" doesn't give the image of safe and secure to him, so he keeps his gun on him. He locks the van, setting a micro cam on one of the parking blocks nearby and letting out his fly spy.
Paranoia. *Pshw* "Survival."
He heads into the road house, thinking it's exactly the sort of place a bounty hunter would like to hang out. His mood gets darker by the moment.
Apr 22 2011, 03:48 AM
Sunday, May 3rd, 2071; 14:37; Trip's Roadhouse, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Following his two companions, Ludo entered the bar slightly behind them, allowing his eyes to slip into the thermographic spectrum as he pushed through the door.
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