I'd like to submit a character. This is my first SR4 character so point out any obvious errors or deficiencies to me please. The last time I played Shadowrun the new hotness was 2nd edition so I'm a little rusty on a system that's 2 versions behind the times.
"Doc" John Martell (Knife Nut Nurse) formerly HM1(SS)
Physical Description
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Race: Caucasian
Sex: Male
Metatype: Human
Age: 30 Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg
Tanned and lean (some of his weight is due to hidden cyber), he has hazel eyes and keeps his red-brown hair cropped close in a crew cut. His clean shaven face has no scars nor age lines yet. His left hand is an obvious cyberhand with a bronze finish. He stands very straight, displaying unusually good posture and tends to whistle quietly to himself when not otherwise occupied. Upon closer inspection the edge of a wide puckered scar is visible on the right side of his neck and extends down below his collar. His right arm has the Caduceus symbol of the Hospital Corpsman on the back and the eagle, anchor and ship of the Navy on the inside of his forearm. His left forearm has the eagle, globe and anchor of the Marines on the back and on the inside of his forearm is the symbol of the "First of the First", 1st Battalion 1st Marines complete with motto: Ready to Fight. When his shirt is off the scar at his neck is revealed to extend down along his collarbone and crosses his entire chest ending below his heart. On his left shoulder is the seal of the USS Steven Decatur, a burning wooden ship with the motto: Semper Audax.
Tends to dress in loose casual clothing, mainly earth tones. Will be in (possibly quite bloody) scrubs when just off a shift at the hospital.
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John was born in Denver to Robert and Myra Martel (née Standish) in 2042. He grew up in the UCAS zone, his father a government employee at DLA. (Defense Logistics Administration) He had a sharp mind and always excelled at school, especially in the sciences, but he also has a wild streak that kept him busy with visits to the principal's office. Concerned about his lack of discipline, his parents were delighted when he decided to join the UCAS Navy after highschool. He became a Hospital Corpsman, training at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup.
His first assignment in Chicago would teach John many valuable lessons, especially regarding staying focused and following orders: his recklessness cost him three squadmates and his hand to bug spirits during a patrol. After that John was all business on patrols and would never again have problems with discipline. He served four years in Chicago before transferring to the fleet and becoming the “Doc” on SSN-1021 the USS Steven Decatur an aging fast attack submarine. This new duty station had challenges all its own. He was the only medical personnel on the crew and had to handle any and all medical emergencies himself. As it turned out this included an emergency appendectomy and two heart attacks and a broken neck during his four year tour.
In 2070 at his ten year point he decided he would rather take his chances in the corporate world than in the military. A dull rotation to a military hospital didn't appeal to him. During his time in he had taken college courses online to complete a nursing degree and immediately pursued employment with DocWagon back home in Denver. It was a good paying job, but it lacked the excitement of his military life, and John's restlessness got the best of him. After a year on the job he started moonlighting as a shadowrunner locally. He was out of his element at first and placed a little too much trust in his fixer. He had good contacts made from his job with DocWagon, but he didn't do his legwork and six months ago it caught up with him.
It was supposed to be a routine hijacking of a cargo truck. It had decent security and a high value cargo that would pay nicely. It paid well enough that John was willing to hire on with a group he was unfamiliar with and trusted them to do the research on the job. Unfortunately the truck was carrying biotech and cloned organs owned by DocWagon and guarded by some of the same security forces they used on the HTR teams John worked on. Believing himself compromised during the mission, John hired a hacker to clean up his data trails and set him up with some fake documents then left town without a word to anyone. He arrived in Seattle after a week of drifting westward and northward. When he arrived he discovered, upon checking, that DocWagon had no idea who has been in on the hijacking and didn't suspect him of anything. They were, however, curious why he hadn't called or been to work in a week. He quit for “personal reasons” rather than explain why he had left Denver and decided to make the best of a bad situation. He found a part time job at a mainly elven hospital in Puyallup and a low rent fixer to try to pay the bills. As luck would have it an old friend, the “Chop” (supply officer) from the Decatur was now working
DRMO out of the Everett Naval Yard. John was able to begin getting himself a kit together for running the shadows and started taking jobs from his fixer contact. So far they have mostly been inspecting organ shipments and other medical supplies while providing physical security. He is trying to convince himself that he isn't working for some Tamanous middleman while hoping to make better contacts and get away from needing his current, and very shady, fixer. His conscience is helped a little by his part-time job as a surgical nurse at Deireadh an Tuartheil.
Seattle has changed since he trained here nine years ago and so he is still getting his bearings, starting with the somewhat familiar Puyallup. He maintains a small apartment on the edge of the district and commutes to work on public transit. In his free time he reads history and listens to blues music, even taking a live show when he can. Always having had a knack for languages he is also considering taking some courses in Spanish or Japanese, though he decided he can't quite afford it until he get a better fixer.
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Body: 3 (+2 on Damage resist tests, 2 Impact Armor)
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction: 4 (5)
Strength: 3 (4)
Cha: 3
Int: 3
Log: 5 (7)
Wil: 3
Initiative: 7 ( 8 ) (2 Passes)
Edge: 3
Essence: 2.03
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Day Job (Part Time Surgical Nurse) 10BP
Records on File (DocWagon and their parent corp) 10BP
Linguist 5BP
Martial Arts (Wildcat) 10BP( +1DV unarmed, +1 to Subdue)
Active Skills
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Automatics: 4 (Assault Rifles +2)
Blades: 4 (Knives +2)
Chemistry: 3
Cybertechnology: 2
Dodge: 2
Etiquette: 1
First Aid: 5 (Combat Wounds)
Medicine: 4 (Trauma Surgery)
Pilot: Groundcraft: 1
Pistols: 3
Swimming: 2
Thrown Weapons: 2 (Knives +2)
Unarmed Combat: 4 (Subduing +2) +1 to Subdue from Wildcat, +1DV from Wildcat
(Final Unarmed damage: 5P)
Knowledge Skills
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Biology: 4 (Anatomy +2)
UCAS Military: 2
Blues Musicians: 2
History: 2 (Classical +2)
Street Docs: 2
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English(n): Military Jargon
Sprethial: 2 (+2 Linguist)
Or'Zet: 2 (+2 Linguist)
German: 2 (+2 Linguist)
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“Skuzz” Low-rent Fixer Connection: 3 Loyalty: 1
LT(SS) Roger “Chop” Warfield Connection: 2 Loyalty: 4 ("Chop" is the standard nickname of a submarine supply officer, just as every Hospital Corpsman is called "Doc")
Siobhán Dal Raida (Chief Resident) Connection: 2 Loyalty: 2
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Alphaware Cybereyes (Rating 3)
Image link, video recording, flare compensation, low light vision,
Smartlink, Microscopic Vision
Ceramic Bone Lacing 4P (Unarmed Damage)
Alphaware Wired Reflexes (Rating 1)
Obvious Cyberhand: Str:4 Bod:4 Agi:5
Shock Hand 6S(e), 10 charges, -half AP
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Muscle Augmentation (Rating 1)
Muscle Toner (Rating 2)
Cerebral Booster (Rating 2)
Platelet Factories
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2 Combat Knives: 3P
Cermaic Knife: 3P
Cougar Flineblade Long Knife: 4P -1AP
Vibroknife: 4P -2 AP
10 Throwing Knives: 3P
Defiance EX Shocker (Taser): 8S(e)-half AP 4 prongs 20m range
Colt America L36 (Light Pistol) legally obtained under actual SIN: 4P SA 11r/mag
3 spare magazines
200 rounds regular ammo
Fichetti Security 600 (Light Pistol): 4P SA 30r/mag
detachable folding stock (RC1), laser sight, smartlink
Concealable Holster
3 spare magazines
300 rounds regular ammo
Colt M23 (Assault Rifle): 6P -1AP SA/BF/FA 40r/mag
smartlink, low light flashlight, shockpad, forward grip,
sling (2 points recoil comp)
5 spare magazines
500 rounds regular ammo
200 rounds Stick n Shock ammo 6S(e) -half AP
10 Flash Grenades
10 Flashbangs (6S -3AP, 10m)
Smart Pouch System:
Combat Load Vest
4 Ammo pouches
Butt Pack
Armor Vest 6/4
Commlink: Novatech Airwave running Iris Orb OS w Basic Plus Software Suite (Analyze 3, Browse 3, Command 1, Edit 3), Sim Module (cold sim), Trodes, Skinlink
Response: 3 Signal: 3 Firewall: 3 System: 3
Earbuds (Rating 1)
Subvocal mic
Spanish Linguasoft (rating 3)
Chinese Linguasoft (rating 3)
Japanese Linguasoft (rating 3)
Fake (UCAS) SIN: Rating 4
Fake (Horizon) SIN: Rating 4
Fake gun license: Rating 4
Tag Eraser
Goggles (Rating 2): Thermographic imaging, Vision Magnification
50 Plastic restraints
Medkit (Rating 6)
5 medkit refills
Respirator (Rating 4)
10 Rating 4 Antidote Patches
10 Rating 4 Stim Patches
10 rating 5 Tranq Patches
10 Trauma Patches
Basic DocWagon Contract (1 year)
Lifestyle: Low (paid for 6 months)
Starting Nuyen: 850
here is my roll, I had a little over 1000 Nuyen left overEdit: As far as legal licenses are concerned I'd imagine Doc is a licensed Paramedic and now Nurse. He has veteran status so he would probably also have some VA benefits, he might be able to go to a VA hospital for routine maintenance and have access to software patches for his hand as well as basic medical care, even if the lines are long. (As a veteran myself I know just how long you can end up waiting at those places) He also legally obtained his Colt America L36 and carries it to and from work for protection.