Oct 8 2010, 02:19 PM
I'm going to be out of town until Sunday. So y'all know.
Oct 8 2010, 03:40 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 8 2010, 07:48 AM)

I've posted a recruitment thread within the IC thread from Ember if anyone wants some action?!? Trip across Redmond, should suit 1-2 PCs.
I've also started a seperate recruitment thread for Emerging Conflict which some of you might be interested in?!? It's my intention to link it in with this thread at some point, although it happens in 2070...
I have a few related and non-related questions...
1. The time/date is different for the thread I am currently in. Can I still respond to the offer?
2. The 1 karma/2500 Nuyen rule. How would one go about obtaining expensive equipment like say a force 4 power focus (100k or 40 weeks of gaming) without taking nearly a year, real time, to get it? Or is that the intention of the system?
b. I get the idea behind the karma but not the money. I'm just looking for some clarity if someone can explain it.
Oct 8 2010, 04:21 PM
QUOTE (DaedalusK71 @ Oct 8 2010, 04:40 PM)

I have a few related and non-related questions...
1. The time/date is different for the thread I am currently in. Can I still respond to the offer?
2. The 1 karma/2500 Nuyen rule. How would one go about obtaining expensive equipment like say a force 4 power focus (100k or 40 weeks of gaming) without taking nearly a year, real time, to get it? Or is that the intention of the system?
b. I get the idea behind the karma but not the money. I'm just looking for some clarity if someone can explain it.
I can only really respond to 1. : I've got no problem with you following a thread out of sequence and provided your character doesn't die horribly in Grimm's thread I don't think it will be an issue - and then there's always quantum physics and parallel universe theory if something aweful does happen

. Anyone else is free to disagree with me - I'd check it with Grimm though to make sure he doesn't mind!
You could follow up on the post sufficiently far in the future that Grimm's mission will be over and you're free to take more work?!?
Oct 11 2010, 06:20 PM
I should have mentioned this in my post but Kayden operates under the persona 'John Smith' aka Kaneis (Greek for 'nobody'). He is not a shadowrunner per se, he just wants to find his brother and go back to Germany to pursue his career in the magical arts and doesn't want any of this to follow him.
Smith is an orc with a penchant for custom suits and smells faintly of onions. Smith is the one who will be meeting Ember.
Sorry for the confusion.
Oct 12 2010, 07:54 AM
QUOTE (DaedalusK71 @ Oct 11 2010, 07:20 PM)

I should have mentioned this in my post but Kayden operates under the persona 'John Smith' aka Kaneis (Greek for 'nobody'). He is not a shadowrunner per se, he just wants to find his brother and go back to Germany to pursue his career in the magical arts and doesn't want any of this to follow him.
Smith is an orc with a penchant for custom suits and smells faintly of onions. Smith is the one who will be meeting Ember.
Sorry for the confusion.
Ok, no problem...will Ember know that Smith is a magic user? Doesn't matter too much about a rep, that's why he wants to meet you in person! I'll amend my post slightly to reflect your orc persona (good disguise!

Oct 12 2010, 12:22 PM
Yeah, I figure being a mage will outweigh being a weefle to potential employers. And thank you
Oct 13 2010, 04:39 PM
QUOTE (DaedalusK71 @ Oct 12 2010, 01:22 PM)

Yeah, I figure being a mage will outweigh being a weefle to potential employers. And thank you
Yes, I'd agree with that. I take it your orc persona is 'Physical Mask' rather than a complicated 'real' disguise?
During the course of the meet I'm going to offer you mundane back up...I'm quite happy for that to be an NPC and I've got a couple in mind but if anyone wants in on this one then that works for me too (assuming Kayden wants backup that is?!?)
Oct 13 2010, 05:57 PM
Yes, the disguise is a physical mask
As for backup, I'll have to leave it to Ember. He's the only one who knows whether or not the job can be done by a single shadowrunner or if more would ensure its safe delivery. (READ: I'm cool with others joining in the fun...)
Oct 14 2010, 07:23 AM
So is there anyone out there who wants in on a jaunt across Redmond?!? If not I'll set Kayden up with an NPC and away we'll go...
ps. Daedalus, do you have an Invisible Castle account for rolls etc? Would be worth adding to your sig...
Oct 14 2010, 06:18 PM
I do now
Oct 15 2010, 07:49 PM
Intuition + Assensing =
4d6.hits(5)=1 for goon 1,
4d6.hits(5)=1 for goon 2
Summoning watcher: Magic (3) + Summoning (3) =
6d6.hits(5)=1 - bleh
Watcher resists:
1d6.hits(5)=0 or not so lasts 1 hour
Charisma + Will vs 2S drain:
8d6.hits(5)=2 - no drain
Oct 17 2010, 09:48 AM
I'm thinking of generating a character over here, either an ex-Aztlan ork soldier with lots of cyber issues, or a hacker girl who uses shadowrunning to pay for her tuition. Now, I have some questions and comments on the whole of 2072. sorry if I seem conceited, these are just ideas, and I know that I do not have much weight to throw these out, and am in no way criticizing the thread and idea and concept (a trio of awesome) in any way. So without further ado:
I noticed an earlier post, sorry if I can't recall whose was it, that mentioned that with the weekly 2500

, it is difficult to gather the money for some higher end stuff and gear. While I have NO SR experience, for me the payout for the jobs seem to be one of the highlights of the whole setting, most of the time, you are doing it for the money and reward. May I suggest removing the weekly nuyen, and establishing a rate for missions instead. If there are characters without a run, but actively posting, they can get the weekly dough maybe.
Second, what I noticed in the IC thread is that there were all sorts of places and interactions within. While awesome, maybe it is a little bit tedious to find a reply for your post, or finding a way for characters to meet for a run. Could we maybe make a separate 'tavern' thread, a place where runners go because they now there are good chances for runs? Sorry if its too D&D, it just seems a little bit less daunting for the newb here

Now, back to generating that char, which could take up to a month, kinda swamped at work now, but highly interested in the game

Oct 19 2010, 05:48 PM
Where's everyone gone? Seems like it is only myself and Daedalus in the IC thread at the moment?!?
Oct 21 2010, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 19 2010, 11:48 AM)

Where's everyone gone? Seems like it is only myself and Daedalus in the IC thread at the moment?!?
I'm here...I just lost on next steps...unless AStarshipForAnts has anything else, I'll go run down leads on the mage...
Suicidal Street Sam
Oct 21 2010, 10:01 PM
QUOTE (TheDoctor @ Oct 21 2010, 04:59 PM)

I'm here...I just lost on next steps...unless AStarshipForAnts has anything else, I'll go run down leads on the mage...
Ditto. I feel like we've run the planning-meeting about as far as we can, but unsound hasn't given us anything else to work with.
Oct 22 2010, 12:28 AM
QUOTE (Suicidal Street Sam @ Oct 21 2010, 07:01 PM)

Ditto. I feel like we've run the planning-meeting about as far as we can, but unsound hasn't given us anything else to work with.
I'm feeling the same over here.
Oct 22 2010, 08:04 AM
Come back Unsound...all is forgiven!
Oct 25 2010, 08:00 AM
I'm happy to GM for those waiting for Unsound...we could skip ahead in the timeline to around March which should neatly miss anything that you are currently on, just keep a point of edge ready to avoid death when Unsound gets back

Let me know if there's anything sort of run you'd particularly like to do otherwise I'll see what my imagination can dredge up!
The other alternative is to come and play Emerging Conflict which I'm going to try and relaunch today...that would be a prequel to 2072 so I don't see why you shouldn't submit your current characters there if you like?!?
Oct 25 2010, 10:28 AM
QUOTE (Grimm @ Oct 8 2010, 04:19 PM)

I'm going to be out of town until Sunday. So y'all know.
I have also been out of town for a bit. Will get a post up for Copperhead tonight.
Suicidal Street Sam
Oct 26 2010, 07:34 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 25 2010, 03:00 AM)

I'm happy to GM for those waiting for Unsound...we could skip ahead in the timeline to around March which should neatly miss anything that you are currently on, just keep a point of edge ready to avoid death when Unsound gets back

Honestly, this sounds like the best idea to me. That way, unsound still gets to run his story, and the rest of us IN that story get some facetime. I'll take you up on that, even if others don't.
Oct 26 2010, 08:23 PM
I'm fine with that. It looks like my other PbP is also dying, so I'll be free to join the Emergence PbP as well.
Oct 26 2010, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (Suicidal Street Sam @ Oct 26 2010, 08:34 PM)

Honestly, this sounds like the best idea to me. That way, unsound still gets to run his story, and the rest of us IN that story get some facetime. I'll take you up on that, even if others don't. you want to pick a time and post an initial post like before...whoever posts first sets the time

Any requests for run themes?
Doc Chase
Oct 26 2010, 10:14 PM
Film Noir for a thousand, Aria.
Suicidal Street Sam
Oct 27 2010, 01:07 AM
Will your little prize be joining us, then, Doc?
Doc Chase
Oct 27 2010, 02:07 PM
Probably not. I've been far too busy putting .308s in every raider, Legionnaire and rampaging tribal in the Mojave Wasteland to actually finish the character.
Suicidal Street Sam
Oct 27 2010, 08:41 PM
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Oct 27 2010, 09:07 AM)

Probably not. I've been far too busy putting .308s in every raider, Legionnaire and rampaging tribal in the Mojave Wasteland to actually finish the character.
I'm not going to lie: I've been spending a fair amount of time toppling the government of a small island nation. But
I'm still here....
Doc Chase
Oct 27 2010, 09:31 PM
You aren't trying to roll a hacker and an AI that is a first for both playstyles.
And Jagged Alliance 2 is a fantastic game.
Oct 28 2010, 12:17 AM
While I too love Jagged Alliance 2 especially with the v1.13 mod, I think he might be talking about Just Cause 1 or 2. Same exact plot, different ways of approaching it.
To save you time in researching, JC2 involves fewer characters but more explosions and gunplay.
Suicidal Street Sam
Oct 28 2010, 05:36 PM
Rastus is correct, I'm playing Just Cause 2. It is absurd how much fun it is.
Nov 4 2010, 04:58 PM
Any players need a game? I run my section of the 2072 game in my own thread to minimize confusion in posting since we did have two fairly active groups. Right now I have one person I'm running for and wouldn't mind another one or two if anyone is interested.
Nov 4 2010, 05:49 PM
QUOTE (Grimm @ Nov 4 2010, 05:58 PM)

Any players need a game? I run my section of the 2072 game in my own thread to minimize confusion in posting since we did have two fairly active groups. Right now I have one person I'm running for and wouldn't mind another one or two if anyone is interested.
I'd be interested (as Silk or another PC depending on timelines) but I haven't been keeping up with your seperate thread...would you start something new in the 2072 thread or are you thinking of a continuation of yours?
Nov 4 2010, 05:55 PM
The only reason I branched to another thread is there was a period of time where a couple of people were quoting off my story posts for other plot-lines. As for storylines, I'm in between jobs at the moment with the other player; they are meeting a Johnson. So it would be no real problem to integrate anyone in. I try and run things in a modular fashion that way people can step in and out of the story and pursue other ventures with other Game Masters of the 2072 world. I do have an overarching plot for all of it. Just the people that stick with it are going to be the ones that get to explore the whole story rather than just dealing with what's known up to that point.
Nov 4 2010, 07:32 PM
QUOTE (Grimm @ Nov 4 2010, 01:58 PM)

Any players need a game? I run my section of the 2072 game in my own thread to minimize confusion in posting since we did have two fairly active groups. Right now I have one person I'm running for and wouldn't mind another one or two if anyone is interested.
The Doctor, SSS, and I are kind of...well, nothing's going on in our adventure. Unsound has kind of left us for the moment.
Nov 4 2010, 10:00 PM
You know I probably could mesh it together and work something out for the lot of you for my next segment.
What players from Unsound's story thread are still present and interested in exploring their characters? I'll probably just shelf Scar for the time being then.
Nov 4 2010, 10:31 PM
I know The Doctor just posted in the IC thread. I'm still interested, and I'll talk to SSS tonight. I haven't seen anyone else posting for a while.
Suicidal Street Sam
Nov 5 2010, 01:44 AM
Yeah, I'm still around. I've been mostly lurking, since nothing was happening, but I'm still here.
Nov 5 2010, 09:03 AM
QUOTE (Grimm @ Nov 4 2010, 11:00 PM)

You know I probably could mesh it together and work something out for the lot of you for my next segment.
What players from Unsound's story thread are still present and interested in exploring their characters? I'll probably just shelf Scar for the time being then.
Count Silk in then...Abs isn't able to GM for her at the moment.
Nov 5 2010, 02:01 PM
Also; I don't particularly want to overstep my bounds as some guy that half-knows the game and decided to run it to help make it better. But I'm of the opinion that since unsound has been awol for going on 2 months; someone should probably take over the management of characters and distribution of karma/resources and so forth so that players can actually advance their characters instead of having them sit in a void. Which is not at all fun.
I'm volunteering to do it as I like the way this game is organized to allow flexibility for participants; but I want to make sure that no one else will have a huge problem with it before I try and get everything updated.
Doc Chase
Nov 5 2010, 02:38 PM
Anyone who would have a beef with that, Grimm, has been incognito for at least two months.
Nov 5 2010, 04:58 PM
Hehe, aye. I want to give the players still here a chance to voice their opinions though.
Nov 5 2010, 05:17 PM
Go for it!
Suicidal Street Sam
Nov 5 2010, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (Grimm @ Nov 5 2010, 11:58 AM)

Hehe, aye. I want to give the players still here a chance to voice their opinions though.
As long as you can actually keep up with it--and I mean that in the, "My life has no particularly surprising things coming up which will distract me from such administrative duties," way--then I would welcome it.
I would recommend, however, that everytime you DO update the logs, you append a little
"Updated -- dd/mm/yy"thing so if unsound ever comes back--or if you ever get distracted--it'll be easier for someone else to piece together how far along we are.
But otherwise, yes: A GM in the hand is worth two in the
Nov 7 2010, 12:31 AM
I'm currently working on getting the game updated and moved to a new thread, which I've pretty much done. My next goal is to retroactively award active players since Unsound went AWOL. Since I don't know when the last time he updated the thread was, I'm going to use the last day he was present as the cut off date for back awards. So that will mean the last seven weeks. I am also going to start sliding inactive players off the character list to a new post so they are not cluttering things up.
I am going to attempt to have a post up Mondayish to start another plotline moving forward for the people that were interested.
If I file you under MIA and you're not. Let me know. Remember, I'm looking through a crapload of information to try and organize it.
Nov 7 2010, 12:46 AM
Another note. I'm going to award all active players 4 Karma + 10000 Nuyen for the run up to that period. I realize that while Unsound might have been here, it doesn't appear that awards were given out appropriately. So everyone will get at least 4 + 10K to represent what should have been awarded prior to Sept 19th.
Nov 7 2010, 01:08 AM
This is my final count. Everyone should receive 4 karma/10k nuyen at minimum. So add four to the number below when doing your figuring.
I have posts for the last seven weeks counted as follows:
Abs: 0
Aria: 5
AtomicCommunist: 1
Astarshipforants: 3
Combat Mage: 1
Grimm: 6
Karoline: 0
NotsoevilDM: 7
Red_Cap: 0
Solon: 0
SuicidalStreetSamurai: 1
TheDoctor: 3
DaedalusK71: 3
If there is any conflicts or errors, please let me know. Once again, add 4 to the number listed next to your name for the total reward.
Nov 7 2010, 01:41 AM
Alright. I think I'm done with organization crap for now. I slid the people off who are MIA to their own section. I added DaedalusK71's character to the list. Karma and Nuyen are awarded.
Oh one final thing, I removed the PVP flag thing. If unsound wants to reinstitute that when he gets back; that's up to him. But I honestly don't see how PVP interactions will work out in the slightest in this type of format with the wide range of experience of players that we have.
If I missed anything or anything looks off to you, drop me a PM or leave a message.
Suicidal Street Sam
Nov 7 2010, 06:02 PM
It looks like you've done a good job, here, Grimm. My congratulations.
Nov 8 2010, 01:32 AM
Fffffuuuu. It also reminds me that I need to spend some of that money and karma. This always happens.
Nov 8 2010, 08:39 AM
Nice work Grimm!
If I've got it right I have an extra 11 karma and 10k nuyen on top of the 2 points and 5k that were awarded by unsound.
Nov 8 2010, 09:53 AM
@Notsoevildm: It wouldn't be 10k Nuyen. For every one karma awarded there is 2500 nuyen awarded. So 11 x 2500 = 27500. Then that should be in addition to the 2 and 5000 already awarded by unsound.
@All: Thanks for the replies so far. I'm going to sit down and figure out what to do with the current plot today.
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