Tell me what you think of this character....
Name: Santero
Alias: Hermes Horacio Valdez Medina
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Nationality: Caribbean League (Cuban)
Lifestyle: Low ( 1 month paid )
Karma Spent: 0
Physical Description:
Here's a face portraitPersonality/background: Santero is an elf who is quite literally bursting with different personalities. At the tender age of five began the first manifestations of Loa (spirits) which would force their way into his body to walk the earth for a few hours. Such a talent is quite valued in his community and he was always present for religious ceremonies.....but it was quickly seen by his community that perhaps in Santero's case, it was instead a curse for him. Being such an ideal vessel for the spirit world, forced possessions were a daily burden for the poor boy and not until he was well passed puberty did he begin to commune with Papa Legba (his mentor spirit) and learn to spiritually defend his body against unwanted use by denizens of the meta-planes and only bequeath the use of his body to those servants of the Orishas to whom he chose to call out for help. But as a result of this childhood trauma of constantly housing so many beings he never really developed a cohesive personality of his own which isn't full of contradictions. Most of time you will find him telling jokes in a thick cuban accent spoken through an almost perpetual smirk. He either has to be drinking rum and playing rumba or out on the street finding some adventure to jump into. It's almost impossible for him to resist a thrill... his habit of snorting Novacoke doesn't help...and he will follow his whim's at the drop of hat. But just as quickly he will look up and you will see a complete stranger in his eyes....many times perhaps even a stranger from another plane. He is eternally grateful to Papa Legba for teaching him through his Babalawo to control and harness his powers and use them to protect and heal his community. When it comes to pleasing the Orishas he puts all games aside and will sing and play his bata into the wee hours of the night....thanking each one for the blessings they give.
He lives in a little shack in a caribbean enclave of the Redmond barrens called "El solar" where he and his people try to create a little pocket of sanity in that destitute part of Seattle through a strong sense of community and worship.
Body: 3
Agility: 3
Reaction: 4
Strength: 1
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 3
Logic: 2
Willpower: 5
Edge: 1
Magic: 6
Essence: 6
Initiative: 7/1P
Mentor Spirit - Eshu a.k.a Legba (same as Trickster: +2 Illusion spell,+2 Con, Composure (2) to not play prank) -5BP
Addiction (Mild) to Novacoke +5BP
Incompetent with computer skill (just uses program rating for action) +5BP
Geas - Must perform music with bata for Legba each day +10BP
Thrill Seeker +5BP
Signature (Leaves a small cowry shell) +10BP
Active Skills:
Spellcasting (sp. Health) 6
Ritual Spellcasting 1
Assensing 3
Astral Combat 1
Pistols (Sp. Semi Automatics) 1
Summoning (Sp. Guardian spirits) 4
Banishing 2
Binding 2
Con (Sp. Fast talk) 1
Artisan- afro-cuban music 1
Infiltration (Sp. indoor) 1
Perception 2
Counterspelling 4
Knowledge Skills:
Black Markets (Sp. Magical Items) 1
Magic Background (Path of Lukumi) 1
Street Rumors 3
Street drugs 1
Barrens gangs 2
N: Spanish
English 3
Yoruba 2
Implants: none
Improved Invisibility (Realistic, Single) (F/2+1)
Stunbolt (Direct) (F/2-1)
Heal (damage-2)
Increase Reflexes (F/2+2)
Physical Mask (Realistic, Multi) (F/2+1)
Chaotic World (area) (F/2+3)
Physical Barrier (area) (F/2+3)
Levitate (F/2+1)
Tradition: Lukumi (treat as Voodun)
Possession based manifestation of spirits
Spirits: Combat=Guardian, Detection=Water, Health=Man, Illusion=Guidance, Manipulation=Task
Drain: Willpower+Charisma
Foci: F3 Health spell sustaining (Cowry necklace with a pendant of St. Michael)
Bound Spirits:
F6 Guidance Spirit - 3 tasks
F6 Man Spirit - 3 Tasks
Metalink Commlink (Res 1, Sig 2)
Renraku Ichi (Sys 2, Fire 2)
Sim module
Lined Coat (6/4) -nonconductivity 3
Hammerli 620S ((4+1)P 5/20/40/60 AP(-1)RC-1 6©)
10 clips explosive. Ammo
nice clothing
Armor clothing (4/0)
subvocal mic
Glasses rating 3 -Flare compensation, smartlink,thermo
10 hits of Novacoke
Low Lifestyle
Certified credstick
Fake SIN 2
2 Stimpatches rating 6
1 Trauma Patch
+Wellington Segundo - Babalawo (Loyalty: 5 Conn:3 )
The reason Santero left Cuba and went abroad is because Papa Legba slowly guided him through several people and signs which eventually lead to Seattle to study with Wellington who is the only Babalorisha who was ever able to teach Santero how to control the possessions. Santero loves him like a father and is part of his Bembe (worship) group. Wellington is a about 5'4'' 56 year-old heavy-set afro-cuban human male who's attire of a wife-beater, shorts and a flip-flops effectively hides the awakened power he truly has. He is very much loved in his little afro-caribbean enclave in the barrens and he has been known to be an effective spiritual leader to many local leaders and gang-bosses and has negotiated several truces.
+Abel Maldonado - Fixer (Loyalty: 1, Conn:4)
He's a fixer who works as a mid-level corporate exec who introduced Santero to shadowrunning. Upon hearing rumors of an individual with the talents of Santero, he scouted him to keep as a useful deniable asset. Santero makes him nervous sometimes because he's unpredictable...but it's impossible to deny that magical power like that doesn't come around everyday and especially not for the low rates that a rookie like Santero will work for.