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Yep, I think he is mixing things up a bit there. biggrin.gif

oh sorry my bad lol will edit.
Leaving for Gen Con tomorrow. May be a week before you hear from me.

I don't have an NPC to kick the conversation into gear, so its up to you guess to keep it going. wink.gif
Have fun!
Did Revan just reference a hacker named Papa again?
papa was the one that mentioned being able to get the floor plans from a contact was all i was saying and then that jazz can hack in to handle sec footage smile.gif
Papa mentioned that to Zion.
so sorry man i totally mixed it up i will fix IC. i will remove the mention of papa getting floor plans.
FYI i moved into a new apartment and will be without internet until they come to hook it all up.

NVM issue resolved.
Excellent posts. Let's finish up the planning and I will award karma for posting to date and an objective karma for the plan. wink.gif
I will build some more detailed maps for the run. It will probably take me until the weekend to create them.
Added a few maps!

1. McCormick & Schmicks Local Area Map
2. McCormick & Schmicks External View

The conversations have been great.
Are you all ready to fast forward? If so, how far?
Nice maps
Stolen from Google Maps actually...

Ok, I'll pull a wrap up post and move up forward. I'm out of town, flying home tomorrow.
Safe travels RJ. Started new job at att woot!
Posts have stalled out. Are we ready to start the run? Somebody give me the next step for the team...
We need to go to the site and have dinner there at least.
Ok. I've been a horrible GM. I just realized how long I've missed on this game (and a few others). So.. If you all are still around, I'm looking for a FF post. I assume you all want to go to dinner early Thursday evening, call for the package, get it sometime after closing (when?) and pull the run thursday night to Friday morning (time?)
That basically covers it.

I would call for the package at ten pm or so. No need to have it around for too long, really.

And I would take maybe 2-3 am to pull the run.

On the current evening (wednesday), but later, when the restaurant is closed, also like 2 am, Jazz will also hack into their security system using the account she has prepared with the Exploit to figure out what help she can offer from that side.

Kit will do a once over on the restaurant to see if there is any thing unusual.

That means actually going in (in disguise) and eating there.
revan will prepare for the night by researching more about beastys and what one might expect. also he will rest a bit to ensure he wont be tired incase he has to wreck anything. smile.gif
I started working through all my games last night making apologies and catching up, but didn't quite make it here. This game was open in the browser waiting for my attention next. So, that said, if I don't get a post in today (Monday's are crazy), I will definitely get one tomorrow. wink.gif

That didn't work out it seems... wink.gif

life takes it toll.
So sorry. I took over a Scout troop this month sooner than I expected, so all that spare time I expected evaporated. This week is tough, but next week is a complete vacation from everything: work, scouting, etc. So bear with me one more week, I'll post a big write up. The first week of December will be rough again, but life should just return to packed as opposed over whelming.
Ok. I hope that makes up for your wait. wink.gif
I started a parallel thread for the onsite so that we can run in parallel. Anything discovered by Jazz is immediately available to the onsite team, however, Jazz being 17 hours behind them can only discover her on her own. Jazz can also post into the present as well. I'm hoping it doesn't become too confusing... If it does, we'll sync up quick. k?
Hey! Look, who's there! smile.gif

Don't have much time today, but will read through everything and get a post up later.

Ok, took me a little longer than expected...

SoyKaf Adict
Holy crap, you still running this, Redjack? @_@ It's been ages since I've been on here! Sorry I disappeared, I lost every shred of information about my character while my computer was on downtime.
Game is still going. A little slowed due to RL atm, but still going.
SoyKaf Adict
Hmm... Why is there always a consistent set of two people who usually stick with it? XD Good luck with RL, I'd try to rejoin, but at the moment we're getting close to finals at my college, I've gotta hit the books running. That, and I probably botched the job disappearing when I did nyahnyah.gif
You will probably need some rolls from me... Computer + Analyze?

QUOTE (SoyKaf Adict @ Nov 26 2011, 12:52 AM) *
Hmm... Why is there always a consistent set of two people who usually stick with it? XD Good luck with RL, I'd try to rejoin, but at the moment we're getting close to finals at my college, I've gotta hit the books running. That, and I probably botched the job disappearing when I did nyahnyah.gif
I have several long term players. Several people have come and gone though. I don't think I have your character anymore either.

QUOTE (Thanee @ Nov 28 2011, 07:37 AM) *
You will probably need some rolls from me... Computer + Analyze?
Let's work with that.

Computer + Analyze + hot VR = 4 hits

As with the other game: 2 weeks have passed...

sorry it took so long for me to reply. ATT in retail is crazy busy this time of year. i posted in so i hope we can get rolling again once the holidays are behind us nyahnyah.gif
Merry Christmas! smile.gif

Looks like we may be another teammate down. cndblank hasn't been around for about 2 months.
Noooooooo! frown.gif
QUOTE (Redjack @ Dec 26 2011, 02:58 PM) *
Looks like we may be another teammate down. cndblank hasn't been around for about 2 months.

If I may be so bold... I'd like to take the spot. I am a 20+year gamer [PbP and Tabletop], I can post, at minimum once per day [actually much more], and I write well [at least according to others smile.gif]
Work up a character. Spend 390 of the 400bp (we'll negotiate on the final 10 bp). Take Kilroy [L1/R3] Fixer for free. You can pay for up to 3 more loyalty points if you like. No min/maxing please. Give me a history with the character. Post rate is once per week; we are in it for the long haul. This game has been running for nearly 4 years [ starting here ]
Got an email from cnbblank; traveling and will post in as well.
'Neimand' [390bp]

Race: Gnome [25]
{Arcane Arrester, Neotany, Thermographic Vision}

Description:Kaneis stands a little over ninety-two centimeters (that’s about 36 inches) tall with a build more on the slight side. At first glance he might be mistaken for a six-year-old but for white beard and mustache and long silvery-white hair pulled into a pony tail. Kaneis often travels about in a hooded long coat etched completely over with a mish-mash of shamanic and hermetic sigils, equations, and symbols. Many mistake his size for weakness… A lesson they’ll not soon forget.
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
Edited some spoiler tags in to reduce the inline foot print. Shadowrun marathon this week after work. Will provide feedback this weekend.
1. Sorcery Group 3(Illusion)4 is not correct in sr4. What you can do, after you get your first karma award is break up the group into individual skills (free), then spend 2 karma to specialize your Spell Casting skill in Illusions (giving you a +2dp when casting illusions).

2. Skills[126]:
30 Sorcery Group 3 (Illusion)4
30 Conjuring Group 3
30 Athletics 3
08 Whips 4
20 Stealth 2 Group?
10 Biotech 1 Group?
08 Assensing 2
08 Etiquette 2
08 Negotiation 2
152 Build points != 126; Overspent by 26

3. Spells[12]
03 Physical Mask
03 Manabolt
03 Armor
09 != 12; Underspent by 3
OK, athletics, stealth and biotech should be; gymnastics, shadowing and medicine *Fixed* left 10 remaining, added 1 to Sorcery

2. Skills[126]:
40 Sorcery Group 4
30 Conjuring Group 3
12 Gymnastics 3
08 Whips 4
8 Shadowing 2
4 Medicine 1
08 Assensing 2
08 Etiquette 2
08 Negotiation 2

Added Heal

3. Spells[12]
03 Physical Mask
03 Manabolt
03 Armor

A Happy New Year! smile.gif

And Welcome DaedalusK71!

I think you still need some roll for my post from the 16th December. Analyze?

Computer + Analyze + hot VR = 2 hits

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