Dec 16 2010, 08:38 PM
Milspec is rating 4 by default. Though that doesn't make any sense for transcontinental transport planes
So it's either got Rating 4 (1Km) Rating 5(4km) or rating 6(10km). If it has a sat uplink, the sat uplink is a rating 7, which doubles as 40Km range. The Sultan has one right? So unless we're being jammed, then the Sultan and the Outlaw just need to be within 40km of each other to have mutual range.
Dec 17 2010, 08:57 AM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 16 2010, 09:38 PM)
Milspec is rating 4 by default. Though that doesn't make any sense for transcontinental transport planes
So it's either got Rating 4 (1Km) Rating 5(4km) or rating 6(10km). If it has a sat uplink, the sat uplink is a rating 7, which doubles as 40Km range. The Sultan has one right? So unless we're being jammed, then the Sultan and the Outlaw just need to be within 40km of each other to have mutual range.
Well there goes plan A
Stern doesn't seem to be able to contact Sultan via the sat uplink...make of that what you will
Dec 17 2010, 12:35 PM
I'll make of it we're being jammed
Oh damn, that means i can't launch my drones can I?
Dec 17 2010, 12:51 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 17 2010, 01:35 PM)
I'll make of it we're being jammed
Oh damn, that means i can't launch my drones can I?
There doesn't seem to be any jamming per se and you have full communication with all your drones...those in store and those in the field! So what is happening I hear you ask?!? Ah well, that'd be telling
Dec 17 2010, 01:13 PM
As promissed, awards so far (new week starts 20Dec):
Sabs 5 karma & 12500¥
Klink 4 karma & 10000¥
AStar 4 karma & 10000¥
Branmac 1 karma & 2500¥
In line with the 2072 thread I'm going to use Grimm's method for getting 'big' purchases and yes, these can be mid mission (for example via air drop or 'yes Mr GM I did have Move By Wire all along it's just been turned off...').
Here's Grimm's post for reference.
Karma can also be spent in a similar way mid mission
...all subject to GM approval of course but you've already got lots of toys so a few more won't hurt
Dec 20 2010, 05:14 PM
Aria I'm confused.
My understanding was that right now team 1, and team 2, as well as 2 of my drones were all in that ruined building, along with the 2 kids they had captured and were trying to interogate for the location of Hobbiton.
Team 1 was just about to move out, and team 2 was preparing to engage that patrol, along with my drones.
Am I wrong in that assessment?
Dec 20 2010, 05:22 PM
Its 6 minutes later. Looks like we've parted ways. We don't have any helicopters on our strike force do we?
Dec 20 2010, 05:25 PM
We dont no..
Although I was going to engage that team in combat as soon as we parted ways.. i was kinda waiting to figure out what's going on. My sniper drone is still right there..
Dec 20 2010, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 20 2010, 06:25 PM)
We dont no..
Although I was going to engage that team in combat as soon as we parted ways.. i was kinda waiting to figure out what's going on. My sniper drone is still right there..
Hmmm...slight miscommunication then, sorry about that!
My understanding was that team 2 had gone to the school (or were headed there, depending how fast they go) along with your 1 had headed out along the northern boundary to get to Hobbiton and that Dahlia was 'alone' with the
3 children
I can roll things back with some jiggery pokery or we can go from here?!? Your choice!
Dec 20 2010, 07:07 PM
Would we have left Dahlia alone with 3 prisoners/children?
I mean we are professionals
I would think we would have tied up the kids, gagged them, and left them there. I don't think DeepWatch is the kill children type of Merc group.
The children are of no use to us anymore, except that we don't want them telling anyone what we're doing for the next 30 minutes or so. A dose of something that would keep them unconcious for 30 minutes to an hour should be plenty.
Dec 20 2010, 07:09 PM
Ha, we probably should have clarified on the OOC thread our next steps. Team 1 was moving out while team 2 and the fire support drones blew up the patrol. Once the patrol gets taken out, we then relocated to the school (if possible).
Dec 20 2010, 07:10 PM
I should have posted for team 2
my bad
Dec 20 2010, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 20 2010, 08:07 PM)
Would we have left Dahlia alone with 3 prisoners/children?
I mean we are professionals
I would think we would have tied up the kids, gagged them, and left them there. I don't think DeepWatch is the kill children type of Merc group.
The children are of no use to us anymore, except that we don't want them telling anyone what we're doing for the next 30 minutes or so. A dose of something that would keep them unconcious for 30 minutes to an hour should be plenty.
She had another runner with her...
...and she was ordered to 'find out more' so no dosing them before my post!
I'll take it for now that the drones and squad 2 are at the school...
Dec 20 2010, 10:33 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Dec 20 2010, 10:24 PM)
She had another runner with her...
...and she was ordered to 'find out more' so no dosing them before my post!
I'll take it for now that the drones and squad 2 are at the school...
That's fine with me
just wanted to know what I was doin ':)
Since we made it to the school. Can I get a quick recap as to where that combat patrol is?
Also, do you remember I have my 3 rotordrones on the way to provide air cover at the school.
Dec 21 2010, 09:34 AM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 20 2010, 11:33 PM)
That's fine with me
just wanted to know what I was doin ':)
Since we made it to the school. Can I get a quick recap as to where that combat patrol is?
Also, do you remember I have my 3 rotordrones on the way to provide air cover at the school.
I'll update the map with the squad location/route at the moment...
...and I haven't forgotten the drones...just don't forget that rotadrones are hardly silent
Dec 21 2010, 04:52 PM
<<@Farman Get on the horn with HQ, get one of the Docs working on the Captain ASAP.>>Sabs: Remind me who Farman is please?!?
Don’t forget you are cut off from main HQ because the satlink is down…the Cpt didn’t manage to get it online! That leaves you with Dahlia and the Squad 2 Medic as your only medical knowledge onsite! The combat mage might have some mojo to fling too…Sgt. Lee who is with you doesn’t!
Are you going to try and re-establish contact with Outlaw or just wait for them to come back in range? They shouldn’t be out of range for more than another 5mins so you could just wait…
What’s the gun on the Centaur? Range isn’t really an issue, just the intervening cover…a bullet will only go so far through a wood before it deflects on a tree! They won’t be out in the open really until they get the playing fields around the school! The squad is approx 350m from the school at 22:39.
Klink: How fast are you pushing around to the North? Just want to get an idea of how long you’ll take to get to Hobbiton
AStar: Sorry for dropping you in it but if you will hang about by yourself ‘behind enemy lines’ then a GM really can’t resist
Dec 21 2010, 04:58 PM
Faraman is the Sultan's Pilot program.
Well, I was hoping we weren't cut off anymore, Faraman will just have to report its' all broken and shit
Once that comes back, He'll try to contact Dahlia and get her back to the Sultan.
He doesn't have the skills really to re-establish communications. (I mean other than a really good EW skill)
You said I still had communications with my 2 drones that are on the Outlaw? Is that still true, if so, I'm gonna try to piggyback off them and get comms to the Outlaw that way.
The Centaur is a 9P Sniper Rifle with ADPS rounds. Although, really if I had access to War! I would have filled the damn thing with AT rounds
-6 AP for the win.
Depending ont he ammo the weapon does 9p -9AP or -11AP damage.
That bullet can cut through probably a couple of trees and still be dangerous
Dec 21 2010, 05:31 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 05:58 PM)
You said I still had communications with my 2 drones that are on the Outlaw? Is that still true, if so, I'm gonna try to piggyback off them and get comms to the Outlaw that way.
No, sorry, you're out of range of the drones on Outlaw (more misscommunication from me sheesh
) can however move the retrans drone closer to the Redmond border to establish a connection that way!
AT rounds might be a bit overkill against soft targets!
Dec 21 2010, 05:35 PM
Yeah, he'll move the retrans drone see if he can get into contact with the Outlaw that way. The Captain is after all down for the count.
So lets say it's got ADPS rounds
That's still 9P -9AP
I've edited my post to show some changes in plans.
Dec 22 2010, 12:54 PM
I did say 'fast paced' in the intro block
I hope you're enjoying how things are going so far (even if they aren't entirely going your way!)??? I don't want to overwhelm you with stuff you can't deal with but I certainly don't want things to be too easy for you! Any comments on things so far?
Dec 22 2010, 01:05 PM
I'm having a great time. Fast paced is fine by me. We'll just adapt as things progress.
As far as speed of movement, we're sneaking around the patrol thats heading to the school/house area. So not that fast. Once we break away from them, then we'll speed up.
Dec 22 2010, 01:07 PM
I do like it.. I'm just adjusting to having way less players than originally
And you know, I'm playing a Sgt support guy. Not a take charge guy!
Dec 23 2010, 09:11 AM
J. and Sabs - from 22:40 we'll be in a combat round between you, squad 2 and the centaur...still not pvp exactly as there aren't any active PCs in squad 2 at the moment
Initiative please. Note on combat mods: partial light, good cover, I'm assuming neither of you are moving much yet...
Klink, I'm going to assume that you'll be on the edge of Hobitton by 22:45
AStar, what's happening to you is more or less down to you...your commlink is buzzing off the hook though
I might not be able to post much in the next week and I'm sure you lot will be busy too but will do what I can to keep things moving!
Dec 23 2010, 02:02 PM
Back, and sorry for the wait. Outpatient and last-minute holler-day errands have me running all around the city.
Dec 24 2010, 09:42 AM
Sabs, which way are you sending Dahlia? East towards Sultan or south towards the school (which is where I thought your rotadrones where headed?!?). The school is nearer and squad 2 is there...on the other hand it really won't take long for the LAV to go 1 klick! That is once you restrain the Cpt
Dec 24 2010, 11:47 AM
East towards the sultant.
I'm redirecting 1 of the drones to meet her and escort her.
Jan 4 2011, 01:02 PM
Ok, back at work after the 'break'... sorry for not posting but my son was sick and there was all sorts of chaos to deal with
Will try and pick up all the loose threads and give you all some more action
Jan 4 2011, 04:11 PM
Couple of things:
1) My TacNet doesn't get a perception test to know Ice is there?
2) The Drone he's shooting at has 4 body, 12 armor, a soak DP of 16.
Jan 4 2011, 05:38 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Jan 4 2011, 05:11 PM)
Couple of things:
1) My TacNet doesn't get a perception test to know Ice is there?
2) The Drone he's shooting at has 4 body, 12 armor, a soak DP of 16.
The tacnet isn't registering him at the moment so there could be several reasons why...I had assumed the team tacnet was running on the nexus to avoid clogging your commlinks but point out why I'm wrong if you like...!
It's your drone...feel free to roll damage resistance (taking in to account cover!), and J, you don't seem to have any negative mods on your shot...sure I listed them in an OoC post?!? Not that it'll make a huge dent in 22 dice!!!
Jan 4 2011, 05:39 PM
One more thing, would prefer to keep rolls etc here in the OoC rather than in the IC...
J. Packer
Jan 4 2011, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jan 4 2011, 10:38 AM)
J, you don't seem to have any negative mods on your shot...sure I listed them in an OoC post?!? Not that it'll make a huge dent in 22 dice!!!
Didn't see any negatives posted, but did post a link to my roll, so it'll be easy to shave off the last dice based on negatives ought to be imposed. The thresholds are five dice of penalty for one hit reduction, seven dice for two hits, nine for three and ten for four.
QUOTE (Aria @ Jan 4 2011, 10:39 AM)
One more thing, would prefer to keep rolls etc here in the OoC rather than in the IC...
I hear and comply. For completeness sake: Skill 8 + Agility 6 + Improved Ability 2 + Smartlink 2 + 4 standard actions aiming (taking shot at top of the third IP) = 22 dice
22d6.hits(5) → [3,1,2,3,3,5,4,5,1,4,5,2,6,6,3,6,1,6,3,4,4,2] = (7) 7 hits
DV is 9, +1 for EX Explosives; -1 AP
Jan 4 2011, 06:41 PM
The TacNet is infact running off the Nexus. If that's no longer available, ouch that sucks. He'll have to switch to using his own commlink.
I had btw, a connection to the nexus as well. I assume that's disabled?
Ice, that DV of 9.. did you fire a sniper rifle? or was there burst fire involved?
J. Packer
Jan 4 2011, 06:55 PM
Single shot, sabs. No burst mods at all.
Jan 4 2011, 07:13 PM
pout, that's armor defeating.. my beautiful Centaur!
need to find a diceroller that's not blocked by my work.
I used
15d6: 5 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 3 5 4 6 2 6 3: 6 dice of damage resistance.
Actually it looks like Good Cover would give the drone a defense pool, and does not effect the damage resistance roll? am I wrong? So I should get 4 dice for having good cover, to try and reduce his to hits?
.. or what?
So either he's a success test with good cover providing modifiers, or it's an oppossed roll, and I get to roll 4 dice.
J. Packer
Jan 4 2011, 07:32 PM
I'd have thought your drone would roll response to evade, potentially reducing the number of hits I get against it, and thereby reducing the net hits that get added to the 10DV from the EX EX bullet. First time I have ever fired at a drone, though, truth be told.
Jan 4 2011, 07:40 PM
I wasn't sure if you have surprise or not?
Then yes, I would be rolling response+4 (good cover)?
8d6: 4 5 3 5 2 1 6 2 (3 hits)
That drops your hits to 4.
10+4=14, which is still over 12, so you do damage.
15d6: 5 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 3 5 4 6 2 6 3: 6 hits of damage resistance.
8 boxes of damage on my drone. Damn.. that's brutal.
J. Packer
Jan 4 2011, 07:49 PM
I'm willing to accept those numbers, but I suspect there may be other mitigating factors that might knock a hit or two off the top of my damage.
Jan 4 2011, 07:49 PM
well, problem is, if I get you down to 11.. the drone takes 0 damage
J. Packer
Jan 4 2011, 07:54 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Jan 4 2011, 12:49 PM)
well, problem is, if I get you down to 11.. the drone takes 0 damage
I hope I don't have nine dice of unaccounted-for penalty then.
Jan 4 2011, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (J. Packer @ Jan 4 2011, 08:54 PM)
I hope I don't have nine dice of unaccounted-for penalty then.
yeah.. need to shave 3 hits
Jan 5 2011, 09:36 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Dec 23 2010, 10:11 AM)
J. and Sabs - from 22:40 we'll be in a combat round between you, squad 2 and the centaur...still not pvp exactly as there aren't any active PCs in squad 2 at the moment
Initiative please. Note on combat mods: partial light, good cover, I'm assuming neither of you are moving much yet...
So that isn't likely to affect the outcome of that first shot...plenty of flying sparks! You do have IP4 to do something though I believe...
To recap on the Nexus:
1. You seem to be cut off from the outside world
2. You don't seem to have admin access any more
3. You still have control of the drones that are being routed through the Nexus
4. You are still receiving vid and tac feed from all your drones and team 1 and 2
5. Everyone is still connected to the Nexus apart from the Cpt!
J. Packer
Jan 5 2011, 09:40 PM
I don't have a fourth IP - only two levels of reflex enhancement on me.
Jan 5 2011, 09:41 PM
He ment me
I am btw, waiting to hear from you if our little combat exchange is legit, or if we missed some modifiers?
How much damage did my Centaur take in the end?
J. Packer
Jan 5 2011, 09:46 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Jan 5 2011, 02:41 PM)
He ment me
I am btw, waiting to hear from you if our little combat exchange is legit, or if we missed some modifiers?
How much damage did my Centaur take in the end?
You already accounted for good cover, and partial light is no skin off my low-light vision eyes... I'm pretty sure your Centaur took the 8 boxes of damage.
Jan 5 2011, 09:52 PM
yeah, so physical stress for a drone is 8+body/2 right?
wow, you cam within 2 hits of 1 shotting a Large combat drone
that's so freaking wrong.
Drone is at -3 to all actions and has 2 boxes left. (only a 4 body for some reason)
I need to read up on some of my options.
1) I want to do a signal check to see if I can pick up Ice's commlink
2) can I do reverse impact geometry to figure out where the shot came from?
Jan 6 2011, 09:08 AM
QUOTE (sabs @ Jan 5 2011, 10:52 PM)
yeah, so physical stress for a drone is 8+body/2 right?
wow, you cam within 2 hits of 1 shotting a Large combat drone
that's so freaking wrong.
Drone is at -3 to all actions and has 2 boxes left. (only a 4 body for some reason)
I need to read up on some of my options.
1) I want to do a signal check to see if I can pick up Ice's commlink
2) can I do reverse impact geometry to figure out where the shot came from?
Well he was firing an anti-materielle (spelling?!?) rifle at you - that's what they are designed for!
1. Despite the tower cutting itself off from the plex there are still loads of wireless signals around it - not sure you could tell a commlink from a drone node?
2. Your tacnet will still support that so I'll let you make a perception+tacnet check
J. you'd better roll me an infiltration check! Hope for a good one
At least you'll be able to 'defend' against an incoming attack!
Jan 6 2011, 12:53 PM
@ J. : ...and we'll gloss over the fact that your weapon should be -5AP with that ammo! I think that drone is toasty enough don't you?!? (Although I can't actually remember if weapon AP applies to vehicles as I'm away from my books at the moment...)
Jan 6 2011, 01:32 PM
if his weapon was -5 AP, then uh.. the drone exploded
Which I have no problems with, it's not like I posted IC yet.
J. Packer
Jan 6 2011, 03:53 PM
It is -5AP. That's what I get for posting from work. I knew the ammo stats, but forgot the weapon itself was designed to punch holes in big metal things.
Infiltration: 9d6.hits(5) → [1,4,3,5,2,3,1,6,5] = (3)
If it's relevant, camouflage gear is on, so -2 to visual perception dice pools.
Jan 6 2011, 04:50 PM
btw, if you use -1 AP on a weapon that has -5ap, do you have -6 AP?
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