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Send in the My Little Killbots!
and of course the Obligitory Heavy Artillery... Imagine the guards at Aztechnolgy when they try to describe what just crushed the local CEO's limo.
Bwahahaha, it's funny because it's true! ^^
Ok... this one's pretty awesome and for some reason it seems like something we'd see in Shadowrun.

Most likely an iconic representation of hacking a system, or a fight on the astral plane but it would be pretty badass if it was something happening in the 'real' world.
Thirty Second Artbomb
QUOTE (Ryusukanku @ Nov 3 2011, 11:31 PM) *
and of course the Obligitory Heavy Artillery... Imagine the guards at Aztechnolgy when they try to describe what just crushed the local CEO's limo.

Great, now I'm imagining a MIG-67 with that paint job and rainbow-colored smoke projectors. Pardon me while I facepalm in the corner.
QUOTE (Thirty Second Artbomb @ Nov 8 2011, 01:17 AM) *
Great, now I'm imagining a MIG-67 with that paint job and rainbow-colored smoke projectors. Pardon me while I facepalm in the corner.
I was thinking of a Cascade Skraacha myself. *Headdesk*
Hmmm... Better than the Hello Kitty AK.
That's one of the AR-15 family, not an AK.
Thirty Second Artbomb
Well, this is certainly a thing.

And, unrelated to the previous link, there appears to have been Big Lebowski references in this week's episode of MLP. I have no idea what to think of this.
QUOTE (Thirty Second Artbomb @ Nov 12 2011, 04:54 PM) *
Well, this is certainly a thing.

And, unrelated to the previous link, there appears to have been Big Lebowski references in this week's episode of MLP. I have no idea what to think of this.

That is now my ring tone.
Come on, CanRay. You love it. You know it. nyahnyah.gif
Have yet to watch a single episode.

Hell, I haven't even made it through Black Lagoon yet. frown.gif

The first time I heard about Black Lagoon I downloaded the first episode out of curiosity.

A few hours later at 4 in the morning I realized my butt had fallen asleep watching the entirety of both seasons.

I finally got ahold of the 3rd "season" Blood Trail OVAs. I had thought Black Lagoon was already running at dials turned to 11. Season 3 turns it up another couple of notches.

Yeah... I know, I love the show, but... Damnit. frown.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Nov 19 2011, 12:17 PM) *
Have yet to watch a single episode.

It's on youtube. It's one of those shows you can put on in the background while you're working on something else. Especially good when you're having a rough day.

(Not that I'd know.)
Xahn Borealis
I'm in a happy place right now.
Man it always amazes me what fandoms come up with.

Great music in this flash video, and watch the background
can't watch, computer will freeze on me. can't watch, computer will freeze on me. can't watch, computer will freeze on me. can't watch, computer will freeze on me. can't watch, computer will freeze on me. can't watch, computer will freeze on me.
"Last of the V-8 Interceptors... Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice."
Ok... I gotta admit that THIS flash video seems like a perfect fusion of Shadowrun and Ponies... at least the way that a lot of our missions end up.
Wednesday, 7 December, the CBC arts/interview/public interest radio show "Q", which runs from 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST, will have a segment on Bronies.

Check HERE.
this has made my day at least 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!
Thirty Second Artbomb
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 13 2011, 11:52 AM) *
this has made my day at least 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!

Oh...oh dear. That's exactly what it looks like, isn't it?
QUOTE (Thirty Second Artbomb @ Dec 13 2011, 08:57 PM) *
Oh...oh dear. That's exactly what it looks like, isn't it?

Darths & Droids, only substitute My Little Pony for Star Wars. So, yes. It's exactly what it looks like. It's actually not bad, though.
What's next? The Matrix Trilogy as Shadowrun?

GM: "Everyone is playing a Human???"
QUOTE (Ryusukanku @ Dec 2 2011, 01:06 PM) *
Man it always amazes me what fandoms come up with.

Great music in this flash video, and watch the background

So the Pony's some how got a hold of JT's Trans-Am form the Anime "Redline". They should check the glove box to see if He left any of those Nitro burst capsules laying around.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 13 2011, 08:17 PM) *
What's next? The Matrix Trilogy as Shadowrun?

GM: "Everyone is playing a Human???"

Yeah, but imagine the BBEG. (Mr. Smith) A Sprite or AI loose on the 'net. Forcing any program or other AI advanced enough to become a copy of him, black hammering dirty meatbags or controlling them via psychotrophic reprogramming, and attempting to completely take over the matrix just like Daddy Deus.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 14 2011, 05:17 AM) *
What's next? The Matrix Trilogy as Shadowrun?

GM: "Everyone is playing a Human???"

Join the Herd Canray!
You know you want to!
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 13 2011, 02:52 PM) *
this has made my day at least 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!

I read a few pages in. It didn't really grab me. Does it get better later?
depends on what you mean by it getting better.
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 14 2011, 05:59 AM) *
Join the Herd Canray!
You know you want to!
Still haven't watched the show. Still haven't gotten through Black Lagoon, damnit.
Magic... Cybernetics... Heavy Ordinance...

Yeah. We're screwed.

Typical Day in the Fourth world
Thirty Second Artbomb
"Berlin Parliament's 'Pirate Party' calls for Pony Time."

I saw this post yesterday and I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that this is a real thing that has not only happened, but stands a chance of happening again. WTF, Berlin?
To be fair I thought that WotC's april fools MLP RPG would sell that comic just brings it full circle.
QUOTE (Thirty Second Artbomb @ Dec 21 2011, 05:24 AM) *
"Berlin Parliament's 'Pirate Party' calls for Pony Time."

I saw this post yesterday and I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that this is a real thing that has not only happened, but stands a chance of happening again. WTF, Berlin?

I wish the U.S. Congress would take some Pony Time every now and then. Maybe it'll help them remove the colossal sticks they all seem to have jammed up their rectums.
Because we Germans and especially us Pirates are awesome.
QUOTE (Thirty Second Artbomb @ Dec 21 2011, 05:24 AM) *
"Berlin Parliament's 'Pirate Party' calls for Pony Time."

I saw this post yesterday and I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that this is a real thing that has not only happened, but stands a chance of happening again. WTF, Berlin?

I love the modern world.
Yeah, totally didn't know there was a pony thread until last night when Ravensmuse showed me it. Can I just say how *WEIRD* it is that there is a pony thread on here and like all over the intertrons in general? I've been a MLP fan for over 20 years and while I enjoy FIM, I still don't *get* it.

Although Pinkie Pie rocks my socks. I could watch that trans-am flash for hours...

And yes, Pony Time in Parliament is *AMAZING*! Only Deutschland!
Well Shadowrun is a very versitile game and can absorb many concepts from other sources easily. Especially when you realise that the people in it are just like they are today and can become obsessed with the same stuff we do.

(Maybe there is a small undercurrent of Wizards who cast magic by checking Sheets with their personal information on them and then rolling dice)

That being said, I'm currently trying to decide if this image could be most used as inspiration for Shadowrun or the Abney Park inspired RPG, Airship Pirates
And let's not forget that in both MLP:FIM and Shadowrun you learn that you just don't mess with Dragons...

It doesn't matter how badass you think you are...

...Or your choice of weapons

OK... One exception, but come on man, she can outstare a cockarice.
QUOTE (Ryusukanku @ Dec 25 2011, 12:11 PM) *
OK... One exception, but come on man, she can outstare a cockarice.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU JUST TALK SMACK TO THAT DRAGON???" "Permission from his parents." "You got to be kidding me." "I'm babysitting."
The latest products from Ares Macrotechnology... why? Because there are people who would buy them.

For when you have a statement to make

Demolishes structures 20% better in 10 seconds flat

And proof you should never let your ballistics engineers have access to the pharmecutical division.

Found this fairly relevant to this thread smile.gif
QUOTE (tehana @ Dec 30 2011, 01:40 PM) *
Found this fairly relevant to this thread smile.gif
Oh drek, it's PonyRun!

EDIT: I really should just go back to bed.
That's been around since G1! Just need a little glue to make your own!
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 30 2011, 02:38 PM) *
Oh drek, it's PonyRun!

Now I want to make an uplifted warform horse street sam. Why? Because FUCK YOU, that's why.
Well, we HAVE Centaurs you could use . .
Or go with an equine form anthropoid drone and an AI in it . .
Seeing how many robotic horses i have seen in different animated series, i was kinda tempted to try and make a stable for the "Pony Express Corp."
Either a single Rigger with Agents / Dronomancer with Sprites or one AI/Group of AI's inside several Robotic Horses in different Paintingstyles.
Of course, all being taken from MLP:FIM Including Personalities =^.^=

For example, the Robotic Horses from Saber Rider. Both the tamed and the wild ones. Or the robotic horses from Galaxy Rangers.
Please tell me you people remember these <.<

Or the ones from Vampire-Hunter D. The ones pulling the carriage of the "bad" vampire.

I decided against it, because
a: i don't know my way around the SR4 rules.
b: i don't know my way around the SR3 rigging rules.
c: because fuck you, that's why!
I can't believe I'm doing this again...
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