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does not compute. input?
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 20 2012, 07:24 PM) *
does not compute. input?

Apparently I'm to tired to type short links correctly. Rocky Horror Picture Show... You can probably guess the name of the song. Love them musicals, and yes it's weird...
Oh no you didn't... eek.gif
Now there's definitely sexual undertones
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 20 2012, 06:42 PM) *
Oh no you didn't... eek.gif
Now there's definitely sexual undertones

Eh? You're not talking about the latest bits of Empire of the Moon there, are you?
Oh, by the way, I just found a fucking awesome picture of Derpy and Rainbow Dash girded for war and looking like they're about ready to settle their differences with violence.
That's it ... we need a Rocky Horror PONY Show! biggrin.gif
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 21 2012, 01:54 AM) *
Eh? You're not talking about the latest bits of Empire of the Moon there, are you?

No ponies singing Sweet tranvestite, RHPS is very much about sex...

QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Dec 21 2012, 09:09 AM) *
That's it ... we need a Rocky Horror PONY Show! biggrin.gif

That's exactly what stealthsigma linked nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 21 2012, 08:13 AM) *
That's exactly what stealthsigma linked nyahnyah.gif

Only Sweet Transvestite and Time Warp....
Oh, the whole of it?
That would be interesting... I can picture Columbia as a pony however
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 21 2012, 08:13 AM) *
No ponies singing Sweet tranvestite, RHPS is very much about sex...
It's Fandom. Rule 34 is very much in effect.
Mollestia Agrees.
All the ponies are female right?
That would make Chicago a good... if very disturbing fit xD
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 21 2012, 02:15 PM) *
All the ponies are female right?
That would make Chicago a good... if very disturbing fit xD

There's plenty of male characters.
If by "Plenty" you mean "1 in 10" or something like that.
Oh no problem someone have to be the husband and the prison director and the attorney.
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 21 2012, 02:28 PM) *
If by "Plenty" you mean "1 in 10" or something like that.

Big Mac. Shining Armor. Prince Blueblood. Mr. Cake. Flim. Flam. Soarin'. Rapidfire. Fancypants. Filthy Rich. Hoity Toity. King Sombra. Featherweight. Pound Cake. Snips. Snails.

That's 16. I'm sure there's plenty more that play more than background.

On the other hand...
Mane 6. Molestia. Luna. Cadence. Mrs. Cake. Pumpkin Cake. CMC. Granny Smith. Cherrilee. That's 16 without even thinking.
How many goddamn ponies is there?!
You forgot Doctor Whoves.
Does he travel through time and space in a Horse transport?
There is a whole world of Ponies out there. In there. Somewhere.
And yes, Dr.Whooves is THE Doctor in Pony-Form.
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 21 2012, 03:23 PM) *
How many goddamn ponies is there?!

Far too few.

Until there's a pony "plot" for each brony that desires one, there is not enough ponies.
Its all so clear now!
Ponies is Dakka!
Dakka is Ponies?!
OH MY GOD Dakka is Ponies!
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 21 2012, 09:13 PM) *
Its all so clear now!
Ponies is Dakka!
Dakka is Ponies?!
OH MY GOD Dakka is Ponies!
I love the Dao battlesuit.

Then again, Tau are my favorite army, so that should come as no surprise.
Only exposure I've had to 40k is the DoW games, liked Tau because you could shoot someone from halfway across the map biggrin.gif
... Tell a lie, there was also those times when I worked the wardrobe at a local con. Hard to beat the look on the face of the thirty something with his massive battlebox, just after he got beaten by a 10 year old.
Yeah, i only really KNOW the DOW Games too . .
I shelled out 65€(100$ or so i think) for the Black Reach starter set once.
opened it up.
3 differen rulers, 3 different kinds of dice, no assembled miniatures, no brush, no paint, no glue.
closed the lid on the box and wrote it off as not worth my time . .
Were there any changes made for the german version of DoW? You guys tend to have it quite rough with anything over Rated E.
Nah, the animations were still funny and gory enough for my liking.
Pentagrams and such intact aswell?
yep, there we have much less problems with the censorship . .
blood and gore is usually the main rason for censoring to appear on anything.
nudity and religious symbols(aside from the swastika of course) are no problem at all in most cases.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 21 2012, 02:17 PM) *
Big Mac. Shining Armor. Prince Blueblood. Mr. Cake. Flim. Flam. Soarin'. Rapidfire. Fancypants. Filthy Rich. Hoity Toity. King Sombra. Featherweight. Pound Cake. Snips. Snails.

That's 16. I'm sure there's plenty more that play more than background.

Cranky Doodle. smile.gif
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Dec 22 2012, 03:25 AM) *
Cranky Doodle. smile.gif

He's a donkey, not a pony. Just like Zecora is a zebra not a pony.
And? He's still a character in the series, even if only an of-the-week variety.
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 21 2012, 02:59 PM) *
There is a whole world of Ponies out there. In there. Somewhere.
And yes, Dr.Whooves is THE Doctor in Pony-Form.

Sometimes he changes it up for variety.

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Dec 22 2012, 04:43 PM) *
Wonder when we'll see the Fourth Doctor. He's MY Doctor.
newest episode is here:
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 22 2012, 06:00 PM) *

Say it with me, y'all, follow Twilight Sparkle's lead, with as much annoyance as you can muster: Applejack!

Thank Celestia she wasn't sleep deprived, or the obstacle course like as not would have involved live 'gators and hoops of fire.
i haven't seen this and the last episode yet, i will be away from internet for at least one day and i wanna build up a little buffer to stem off withdrawal syndrome, so i will probably watch them tomorrow evening or monday morning or something like that . .
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 18 2012, 10:58 PM) *
So... None of you shadowbronies took a peek at my fanfic? frown.gif

I read through it. Seems like it's missing the end, so hard to give it a proper review smile.gif

Some quick comments (if you don't mind reviews. They'll feel like very long comments otherwise.)

1) Establish the conflict early. Reading through, I found several, but no single, overarching one to pull the plot together, and on page 60, you seem to be laying seeds for something totally different.
2) Eliminate everything unnecessary;
-- Any sections or plotlines which do not contribute to developing your conflict (in most literature, scenes that develop your characters you should also keep, but your characters are already developed, so unless you're doing something new, keep that to a minimum).
-- Unnecessary lines, especially references to previous episodes. If your reader saw the episode, they already will make the connection. If they haven't, it doesn't help them and breaks the narrative.
-- Words which are superfluous, especially extra adjectives.
3) Pay careful attention to your white space. Towards the end, you have two people talking back and forth in the same paragraph. It makes it very dense and hard to follow.

Aside from that, it was an enjoyable, easy read. I'd be very curious to see what you do to pull together the newest threat you brought up in the last pages.
QUOTE (nezumi @ Dec 23 2012, 04:47 PM) *
I read through it. Seems like it's missing the end, so hard to give it a proper review smile.gif

It is a Work in Progress, I admit.

Some quick comments (if you don't mind reviews. They'll feel like very long comments otherwise.)

I welcome them, even if I don't agree.

1) Establish the conflict early. Reading through, I found several, but no single, overarching one to pull the plot together, and on page 60, you seem to be laying seeds for something totally different.

[ Spoiler ]

2) Eliminate everything unnecessary;
-- Any sections or plotlines which do not contribute to developing your conflict (in most literature, scenes that develop your characters you should also keep, but your characters are already developed, so unless you're doing something new, keep that to a minimum).
-- Unnecessary lines, especially references to previous episodes. If your reader saw the episode, they already will make the connection. If they haven't, it doesn't help them and breaks the narrative.
-- Words which are superfluous, especially extra adjectives.

--Sections or Plotline: I tend to follow the train of thought that says "Just go wherever." If something monumentally doesn't work, it's not like I can't go back and cut it out later. I'm also doing rather a lot of character development and reconstruction.
-- Unnecessary lines? I'm not sure there are that many of them. Besides, I like the call back. smile.gif
-- Superfluous adjectives? Feel free to highlight any you see with a comment, I may nix it if it's pointed out to me. (And with the lines, too.)

3) Pay careful attention to your white space. Towards the end, you have two people talking back and forth in the same paragraph. It makes it very dense and hard to follow.

That is a bit of a problem for me, I admit. If you ever find it ambiguous who says what, comment it and I'll clarify the text.

Aside from that, it was an enjoyable, easy read. I'd be very curious to see what you do to pull together the newest threat you brought up in the last pages.

Heheheh. Which threat might that be, praytell? smile.gif
[ Spoiler ]

Also, i watched Wonderbolt Academy . . that one was a bit of a let down for me actually . .
And Apple Reunion had me laughing like crazy in the first 5 to 10 minutes, but then petered off sadly <.<
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 23 2012, 07:35 PM) *
And Apple Reunion had me laughing like crazy in the first 5 to 10 minutes, but then petered off sadly <.<

Apple Reunion... Chinese labor farm..... then barn gets destroyed.... then everyone willingly gives labor.... wat?
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 24 2012, 07:15 AM) *
Apple Reunion... Chinese labor farm..... then barn gets destroyed.... then everyone willingly gives labor.... wat?

Because AJ getting to lead a song is so rare it was inspiring.

More likely, though everypony wasn't too thrilled about the stuff Applejack had them doing, largely because she dramatically missed the point of a family reunion in her hurry to make it the best one ever; they understood that. Meanwhile, the family barn had been destroyed through an accident, and the Apple clan couldn't just leave the old homestead barnless, it's unthinkable! They had a shitload of heavy-duty workponies there, ranging from Braeburn to Big Mac and AJ herself, all of whom pitched in to raise the barn, because that's what you do when your family farm gets knocked down.

What's kind of amazing, though, is that they managed to do it all in a few hours, with no planning whatsoever; time that had to include clearing away the remains of the old barn and tearing it down to reuse bits of it. Even assuming that the Apple family contains numerous carpenters and engineers (not a bad assumption given that some of them arrived via airship,) and thus no paid labor would be required, and even presuming the family had enough nails and other equipment on hand, and assuming that the land didn't need to be leveled or anything because it already had been, and assuming they already had plans on-hand from last time, erecting even a basic barn in a whole day would have been challenging, even given the far greater amount of strength and mass that an Earth Pony stallion (or mare) can bring to the party compared to an equivalent volume of adult human men.

That they managed to erect a huge, multi-story barn, finish it, and paint and decorate it, in the time remaining in the day for the reunion? Well, I'm going to call "(Friendship is) Magic" on that one and say Applejack did it.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 24 2012, 03:08 PM) *
Because AJ getting to lead a song is so rare it was inspiring.

I've never really liked any of Applejack's singing and it was extremely repetitive compared to other songs from the show. All in all it's my least favorite.
isn't squaredance kinda repetitive too?
maybe that's what that was supposed to be.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 24 2012, 08:08 PM) *
Erecting even a basic barn in a whole day would have been challenging, even given the far greater amount of strength and mass that an Earth Pony stallion (or mare) can bring to the party compared to an equivalent volume of adult human men.

That they managed to erect a huge, multi-story barn, finish it, and paint and decorate it, in the time remaining in the day for the reunion? Well, I'm going to call "(Friendship is) Magic" on that one and say Applejack did it.

The only logical explanation! the ponies are amish and have generations of barn raising experience, and magic amish labour powers!
QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Dec 24 2012, 08:00 PM) *
The only logical explanation! the ponies are amish and have generations of barn raising experience, and magic amish labour powers!

We know the Apples go through about a barn a year for normal-sized barns, so that's probably true.
if they were amish, they would not allow stuff like airships i think ^^
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