Digital Heroin
Jun 18 2016, 03:51 AM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jun 18 2016, 12:26 AM)

"And I'll offer you something much better than a set of eyes and ears. I'll be an ally to you."
Morality is not something Blank has experience with. His education lay more in understanding the many ways in which the human body - even one heavily augmented - is frail. His only formal education had come in the form of practical lessons and arduous drills. His experience had been hard won, often at the risk of his own life. The world he knows is not one of honor, or morality, though he has his own code. His code is cobbled together from stories told by trainers who thought him too broken to understand them, often spoken in a cant they thought he would not understand. It is a strange form of code, one imprinted in him more than understood and learned. Yet it is all he had beyond the parameters drilled into him for when a mission goes sideways.
Left with no guidance from his handler, he has reverted to the code. The code says that younger and more inexperienced prisoners are to be guided, and to be utilized as informants. It does not say that they have to accept that they are being treated as spies. He is not even sure what he will want from the little man. There is no guile to be had with this one, however, and that means the information he desires will be given plainly, if given. When the time comes there will either be a peaceable exchange wherein Blank gets what he wants, or there will be a demonstration given rather publically as to what happens when he is crossed. The boy is, after all, no threat even if armed.
Blank weighs the options. He is outside of his realm of understanding, though he does not betray a single indication of it upon his face. His code-name was given for a reason. The little man may be useful eventually. So after a perhaps uncomfortable silence he lets the larger of the two knives he had recovered slip from the sleeve of his flats into his right hand.
I am Blank.` Without flourish or much in the way of indication of intent he throws the knife so that it buries itself several inches into the dirt by the rock upon which the little man sits. `
If you turn this blade upon me, I will dismantle you slowly.`
The warning given, he turns and continues upstream, his back turned as if to invite a test of the words. His intent is to explore the nearest rise, and to traverse its peak before whatever passes as the fullness of night here comes to pass.
Blank is not idle during the night. The terrain is thoroughly alien to him as he has spent his life either in the controlled environments of training facilities and laboratories, or in the cultivated grounds of the schools and homes of the rich. Some of the kids present may not have been outside their gated communities or barrens before, but Blank has barely been outside of his own compound save for one week dropped into a parkland to survive on his own. He knows the principals of survival, however, and those lessons and missions conducted without an implanted persona have conditioned him to know the value of understanding one's surroundings in order to account for the variables. A lack of fauna would disturb many, but he considers the lack of birdsong and animal life to be freeing from distraction. It allows him to focus on the topography more than understanding the impact of wildlife upon the environment. His first order of business, much as he intended upon leaving the company of the little man. From the peak he surveys the area in the waning light. He casts his gaze to the seemingly endless beyond and tries to process the sight. Never before has he seen the horizon uninterrupted by the artifice of man, and it leaves him feeling disconnected.
While the others establish camps below, and no doubt circle closer to bloodshed within, Blank walks a ceaseless and widening perimeter. He knows that he will need food eventually. Water is more paramount, though the creek will provide amply. His enhanced biology will filter out any but the most nasty of poisons that its waters may hold. Food will be something to tackle when the light returns. Rather than sit quietly and consider his fate, the broken experiment of a young man ranges out for most of the night. The purple of the lightning that strikes in the not so far distance is alien, but not more than the rest of the environ to him. It is noted, but not reacted to in any further manner. He documents the passage of time in his head, assessing just how long the night is for the next one, when he will hunt. For several hours, until he judges the night should be half over by his understanding of the time of year in which he was taken, he explores by the dim light that his cybereyes enhances. Only when so much of the time has passed that he calculates the night to be receding does he reverse his trajectory and start to walk circles back toward the gathered others. They huddle by their fires while he learns the land.
As dawn approaches he crests the rise above the camp again, and he tightens his circle so that he will be just outside of the earshot of those who are unenhanced when the majority of them start to rise. He circles, and observes the patterns of the waking camps. One small and well organized, the other a jumble around the still dying embers of a large fire. Still an outsider he remains, though one who is watching and listening.
Jun 18 2016, 03:52 PM
Maya watches Rick leave and is concerned. She has not asked to be a leader and quite frankly has no real desire to lead. But these kids deserve better than Rick. His comments disturb her and his claims that survival might take a tyrant are frightening. The past is littered with the bones of those who accepted tyranny to ensure safety and then paid for that security with the loss of all freedoms. She realizes that she cannot force others to believe her, but she will never bow to that sort of leadership and will stand up for others that might feel the same. She eventually drifts off to sleep, only to be awakened first by the odd lighting storm and them to pull her watch.
In the morning, Maya uses the latrine and reminds others to do so as well before making the short trek to the stream to wash her face and hands as best she can and drink from the water source. Looking around, she wonders at the source and destination of the stream before returning to the small camp. She helps rouse those who might still be asleep and helps Roger sort out a meal from the remaining rations, realizing that the meager store will need to be increased before long. She gathers the kids together, greeting them in several tongues before saying, "I am not a leader. I never asked to be a leader. I have been a loner for most of my life and have few if any social skills or graces. I do not presume to know what is best for any of you, but I will say that I do not believe that Rick and his brand of tyranny is it. All of you have the right to make your choice, but I do not, and will never, bow my head to those who would be tyrants. I happen to believe in a rule of laws and that all of us are equal under those laws, and will try to live up to that. I will not stop anyone from leaving who has a desire to feel the sort of security that Rick offers. Please, if there is anyone else here who believes as I do and can voice it better I urge you to step forward and take my place. I am afraid that my lack of experience in speaking to others might not be up to the task of swaying others to come with me at the meeting today, but I will do my best if no one else wants to. Are there any takers?"
Jun 18 2016, 05:56 PM
Rafferty approached the smaller camp just in time to hear the speech of the disfigured girl.
His body hurt from a cold night sleeping amongst the unforgiving limbs of a tall pine tree.
He former nemesis and given his name and not waited long enough to hear Rafferty's. It had been clear that while he might acceptance a working accord, he had no desire for cameraderie or even a functional companionship. By then darkness had been rapidly encroaching. Along with the cold. Rafferty had looked down at the fires, but felt that to take advantage of their warmth at this stage, having contributed nothing to their preparation, would smack of freeloading. Especially since he had no intention of surrendering his knife to any sort of collectivist scheme that might be afoot. No, he could make it one night. He ate one of the small supply of rations he'd pocketed, then spent some time watching the two camps from a distance. One was smaller, and seemed to be made up of smaller individuals. But it was quieter and more orderly. The other was larger and raucous; his impression was one of profligacy and unseriousness. He used some of the pioneering tricks his father had taught him to cope with the cold, managing an uncomfortable but sufficient rest. It was enough to know he didn't want to do it again. After what he'd seen the night before, he decided to make for the smaller camp first.
And there was the girl. She was older than he was. Lean and strong. He imagined she must be self-conscious about her marred features, but that was none of his business.
What was apparent from her speech was that the leader of the other camp was named Rick, and that his guesses about the management style in the other camp were impressions that she shared. Of course he'd eventually have to observe for himself, but it was clear that after only twenty-four hours there was already some sort of power struggle taking place. And she was asking someone else to lead it. He liked her speech - it was clear she was an idealist, and that sat well with him indeed. And the very fact that she did not seek for power...He stepped forward. Held up a hand.
"Pardon the intrusion. I fear I am coming in at the middle of the story. But I know, well, rather, I have been taught, something about leadership. And what that training tells me is that you are indeed the one that should carry that torch. Sorry for the bad news."
Jun 18 2016, 07:41 PM
Tiger girl did not seem in the mood of talking, so Dana allowed herself to fall a sleep by the fire. "Hi I am, Nora... I watched you fight earlier do you have anywhere to sleep?" asked the girl next to her. Dana repressed the fact that had the girl watched her fight she also watched her bath. It was awkward - too awkward. Joining a shelter seemed like a good way to stay under cover for another day - but how long can Dana hide the fact that she can command the earth to do her bidding? That she need no tools and can probably build a robust, defendable building for all of them? Would they thank her if she did? How risky it is to be perceived as a mage in a crowed of people with unknown backgrounds and prejudice?
"Thank you Nora... I am kind of tired, and cold." Said Dana.
"Come then, it is not very far from here. " Said Nora and led Dana to an improvised shelter that was nothing more than a hole in the ground covered with some vegetation. It seemed so fragile that a wrong move and the two girls would be exposed to the elements.
"Here, I have brought a warm rock by the fire, make yourself comfortable and I'll just find some place around you."
Dana did not need an invitation tough the girl's hospitality seemed awkward to her. Why would anyone be nice to her? She probably needed something, but Dana was cold and her now reddish hair was still somewhat wet.
"You are very kind Nora" Said Dana and looked for some comfortable positions. It was odd not to sleep alone and Nora's body was warm and comforting as she spooned the significantly taller elf.
As sleep crept in and Dana begun surrendering to its warm embrace, Nora said "You can actually fight can you?" Dana half way a sleep just hummed. Nora stroked Dana's hair and requested "Teach us how to fight, would you Dana."
Dana just closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth -she mumbled "what ever you like" in an uncharacteristic generosity. Not even wondering who 'us' were.
The next morning started at dawn. Dana woke up refreshed and was quickly on her legs. She unceremoniously left the improvised camp, and allowed the shorter human to continue her sleep.
Dana opened her day with an hour of jogging around both camps, to get her muscles warm and body ready for the torment of the day. After jogging, Dana begun a very intense training session down stream - where she trained yesterday. Dana did not need anyone to train, her sensei spirit - the Shark, was always happy to train her but he required complete and uncompromising dedication. Dedication that Dana gladly gave back, embracing her warrior side with every thing she had. Having the Shark on her side allowed Dana to train alone quite effectively, as she could dodge, punch and kick enemies that only she could see.
The sun was already high in the sky when Dana received a painful remainder of last night and the odd conversation she was having right before falling a sleep. There was a group of five teenagers that approached her and observed her with curiosity. Nora was one of them and in the light of day she seemed a bit chubby, and short - her arms while great for stroking seemed to lack the muscle required to actually hurt people. The rest of the teenagers seemed not much better, some of them clearly did their exercise in VR.
The sweaty teenage girl did her best to ignore the group and continue her session - but the group did not move - only an hour later at noon, Dana did a break to drink. Only then the teenagers approached her cautiously and set around her.
"Dana we brought food, perhaps after breakfast you can teach us." She said.
"What!?! " thought Dana as she observed the teens - they lacked magic they lacked the muscles necessary to handle orcs and trolls. Heck - some of them seemed more interested in video games rather than in actual fighting. Dana's stomach and the smell of a freshly cooked ration did their thing. "Let's have breakfast and afterwards - MAYBE I will teach you something as long as you do not slow me down." She said.
Jun 18 2016, 11:44 PM
"Me too!" Vincent said to Dana with a smile as he sat down and formally bowed. "Watashi ni hibusō no sentō sensei o oshietekudasai." Vincent said with as serious a tone as he could muster. The other teens snickered at him. "Look its the Adept." One of them said.
Jun 19 2016, 06:33 AM
Maya looks over at the new boy and smiles. "Thank you for the vote of confidence. My name is Maya and welcome to our shelters. I urge you to consider staying, but I caution you that we expect everyone here to contribute in some fashion. There will soon be a meeting in the large open area and I do not know how many people will be staying afterwards. Rick has promised to convince all of these brave people that his way is the only way to survive, something I completely disagree with. But after the meeting, those of us who return here will need to talk about how we can better our chances. I do have some experience in surviving in the outdoors and can share that. I ask anyone here to share any knowledge they have so that the group as a whole can survive." She repeats her words in three languages in addition to English to get her message to all of the kids in the small group.
Soon it is time to take the people to the meeting and she leads the way, followed by Grok, Roger, and the rest who have put their trust in her up to this point. She fervently hopes that they will stay with her and that some of Rick's group will be emboldened to see her point.
Jun 19 2016, 01:55 PM
"Me too!" Vincent said to Dana with a smile as he sat down and formally bowed. "Watashi ni hibusō no sentō sensei o oshietekudasai." Vincent said with as serious a tone as he could muster. The other teens snickered at him. "Look its the Adept." One of them said.
Dana remembered Vincent as the young boy that seemed desperate to find a mage in the middle of the night. The boy was 11 or maybe 12, and clearly not fully developed tough seemed physically fit. “Either delusional - or an actual adept - at any case a bit naive, about the realities of the streets” Thought Dana. He seemed to be speaking Japanese as much as Dana could tell - but she did not understand his words. She guessed the gist of it from his body language, the boy wanted to practice.
She said:
“I am Dana, it is nice to meet you, we are not so formal in Israel we believe that you need some chutzpah to learn, besides -so far I am only committing for lunch.” Dana set by the stream, and washed her face and hands, trying to keep herself as clean as she could considering the circumstances. She ate in silence, and seemed distant unsure of how to train them or teach anyone.
“Why do you want to fight ?” She asked Nora
“Did you see that girl yesterday? We are not safe here, none of us are. It got worse this morning as one of her aggressors was murdered, people are speculating that it was that orc guy that rescued the girl. ”
The other children continued complaining and repeated how dangerous it was, and how they needed to learn to stand up for themselves. Dana felt sympathetic, perhaps sympathetic enough to show them a few tricks tough she felt that their answer was too pragmatic, too simplistic she would not find fighting buddies with these children. Nora cooked food and gave her shelter for the night, treated her like a person... she could do that for her, perhaps.
Dana then asked Vincent:
“Why do you want to fight Vincent?”
Jun 19 2016, 07:14 PM
After the short lunch Dana said “To be honest I never trained anyone, I had a trainer but I... *lost* him. I will see what I can do for you.”
It is immediately evident that Vincent, while smaller and weaker than most of the kids, is dramatically faster. Dana has to admit that he is not far from being as fast as her. While not a master of the craft it is also evident that the kid got some initial training already. Despite his reflexes and agility, he was clearly too weak to be a serious threat in unarmed combat. “Perhaps he was an adept after all, and with the way he talk, he did not grow in the streets - a rich kid.”
Dana starts with basic techniques to subdo an opponents and then move to practice.
She asks Nora “Ready?” but before Nora can reply she is already down on the ground with Dana locking her arm. “From now on, you are always ready. If you can surprise your opponent do it - use anything that you have to get an advantage. There is not honorable or dishonorable only dead or alive.” She said.
Dana stayed true to her philosophy the entire time, she never waited for her partner to be ready, she distracted to strike, bluffed and used any weakness to her advantage. It was quickly evident that the young elf was very strong - at least for an elf. She was agile, and her reflexes were clearly supernatural. Despite her clearly superior physique she tried to gain the advantage, as to not to depend on her speed or reflex advantage. She made multiple attempts to establish surprise and exploited every mistake her opponent gave did.
Dana concluded her training session about an hour later, as most of her students grew tired. “that is enough for today, I still have a lot of training to do. Thanks for lunch! She smiled at Nora.
Dana then addressed the group There is so much you can do without me, unarmed combat requires strength, reflexes and agility a fit body is absolutely crucial. Run, build up your stamina and agility climb to build up your strength and train with each other to build up your reflexes.
Training felt odd, the last time Dana was trained by a sensei was back in Israel, with Ido, her IDF krav maga mentor. The augmented orc have taught her self defense - that had its uses. It is only when embracing the Shark that Dana truly excelled unarmed combat. She grew beyond Krav Maga, she now followed the ruthless and uncompromising style of the Shark.
Dana made a short break to pray, and then continued training. She felt proud, instructing felt good although she had to admit that she had little hope for Nora or any of the rest to ever become true unarmed combatants. Adapt boy had a chance, if only he was strong enough, or had a suitable weapon to fight with.
The rest of her training was more quiet, she sat by the stream, eyes closed and hummed. Whomever was watching her on the astral could see that she was practicing the gather and release spell-casting technique. A technique that required the mage to shape mana with as little body movement as she could possibly do. With enough spell casting skills, spells can be difficult to detect for mundanes.
Jun 19 2016, 10:35 PM
Maya walks to the center of the larger open space and waits for Rick and his group to arrive. She displays no nervousness because she is not nervous. To her, Rick is nothing more than another dangerous beast in the wild, something she has faced in the past. His group is much like the pack of animals that follow the alpha and treating with the alpha usually settles the pack. Maya does not wish to force anything on anyone at this point. She really just wants the kids to realize that there is a choice between tyranny and a more egalitarian society here. She is personally convinced that the adults that put all of them here are not going to swoop in and rescue them if things start to go horribly wrong, but will let them sort things for themselves. However, she is pragmatic enough to realize that she might be entirely wrong in that.
Kids from both camps, as well as a number of the loners and smaller groups of two or three begin to filter into the center and Maya greets them, using several languages to make sure that she is understood by as many people as she can reach. Her skills at Russian, Tagalog, Aztlaner Spanish, Or'Zet, and Sperethiel among others, are tasked a bit. Two young girls appear very nervous and shyly indicate that they do not understand what she is saying. Maya recognizes that they are speaking Arabic together and is glad that she has spent some time on the Arabian Peninsula and has a fair grasp of that language as well. She sees lots of smiles from the kids that do not speak English, but two of Rick's cronies push forward and quite loudly say, "Too many languages here. Everyone needs to learn English. We don't need to cater to those few that are too stupid to learn that basic language."
Jun 20 2016, 01:16 AM
Back when Dana asked. "I wanna just improve my skills is all. Im being trained to fight anyway. Self improvement is a noble pursuit in my opinion." "Very protagonistic kid." The Dragonslayer said.
Later after the training. He went to Dana. "Hi! Thanks for the training! So are you an adept too? Can you assent?"
Jun 20 2016, 05:30 AM
Again with the magic question, that boy seems oblivious to the fear and prejudice around magic. About being perceived responsible for things that you could not possibly do. When something goes wrong, it is always the mage's fault. An alibi will not help you when people believe that you are able to do anything they can imagine. The harsh reality is that magic is hard and that mastering it requires years of training. Few people are remotely capable for meetings public expectations about magic. To Dana magic was a dangerous force, one that has taken everything from her not once but twice. First she was extracted from Ares for her magic. Then she accidentally killed her lover for poor control over that same magic. Pure heart had to see that coming, they took her away from the very people who trained her and taught her about magic. She was not ready, but Pure heart did not care about the accident - things went bad and they choose to blame the teenage girl rather than the unfaithful married man. In their mind Dana charmed him with magic only to later kill him - there was no talking them out of it, nobody wanted to hear about accidents and about how difficult it is to control these energies.
Dana's hair turned deep red, when she replied"You are openly asking very private questions, why are you so curious about that form of sight?" without confirming or denying the boy's suspicion. She was clearly uncomfortable with the question, it raised so many painful memories.
Jun 20 2016, 01:34 PM
"Magic feels weird here. The Dragonslayer even said so. He is my totem. Plus last night there was a flash of purple lightning in the sky. I wanna see what things look like in the astral. You see I wanna get home and knowing the enviroment around me would be a major first step to doing just that." Vincent said.
Jun 20 2016, 02:21 PM
Dana smiled a bitter smile "I am not that optimistic about getting back home, if someone delivered all of us here and we were powerless to resist or even be aware to how that happened, I would not raise my hopes as high as ever going back home. We should however try and find someplace less contaminated, I do not think we have a future in a place like that. Hit me up if you find someone that can navigate this wilderness or you know 'survive' in it and I'll happily get moving."
Jun 20 2016, 04:33 PM
@Group Meeting, late morning
Most have gathered by now, quite the party as the kids from the larger camp seem keen to celebrate despite the idiot comments about languages. Rick hushes his lieutenants and welcomes everyone in English, Or’Zet and some broken Japanese and Spanish, with a gracious nod to Maya for any additional translating she seems to be doing.
His face is serious though, very much the grave leader, when he finally launches into his speech.
“Welcome, I am glad you joined us, Tiger lady has some good ideas about getting a handle on our individual strengths and highlighting what we can all contribute, but before we get to that I have some good news. My scouts have found a couple more containers this morning…one of them had tents in it! So, no more sleeping in the open tonight…” cheers greet this statement and he waves people quiet “they also found a defensible location in the valley below us, one that won’t be quite so exposed to the wind and with good access to water. So once we are done here we can gather whatever we have and move. But first there is a serious issue that must be addressed. Last night one of us died. He might not be the last but Ben was different, he was killed by one of us…” and he points and accusatory finger at Grok… “so the question is what are we going to do about? You might say to yourselves, frag it, what have the rules ever done for me? But if we are going to survive together there must be consequences for harming the group!” the silence is deafening as each mull this over…
Rick catches Maya’s eye and she can almost hear him say bread and circuses…! as he bears his tusks in a tight smile…
Jun 20 2016, 04:50 PM
Vincent raises his hand. "What about escape? Shouldn't we also be thinking about that? Escape seems like it would be important. I would at least think that would be a big priority. I don't intend to give up my freedom to whoever organized this stupid game. Could we please organize a group of scouts who can last long enough out there to see if there is an exit or at least work out a way to MAKE an exit?" Vincent asked exasperated. "Hell I will organize it! Just give me the word." One kid spoke up. "Whats wrong adept? Miss your mommy?" Vincent retorted. "Yes! Yes I am! But that shouldn't be the only concern here. Ive read enough books to know whats gonna happen and when the insect things attack I don't wanna say "I told you so" because those most likely will be my last words!" A human looking orc stood up. Only his greenish tint and tusks put him apart. "Excuse me. But the kid has a point. Id like to leave and go on my own as well. Growing up in... uh... corp lab..." It looked like he was having a hard time thinking. "Uh... well it hurts. I want to strike out on my own in the large world. So... yeah! I'll go with the uh..." It looked like he was having hard time thinking again. "So you see I will go... on the..." Vincent ran up to stand next to him. "So its decided then! Me and this guy will work on escaping!" Vincent said.
Jun 20 2016, 05:32 PM
"Great, it is settled then " - said Dana and asked Vincent to stay for a bit. Once the two were alone she said"So you really are an adept, very impressive. If you can keep a secret I could help you out. Perhaps you could cover a larger terrain if you fly like an eagle. What do you say?"
Jun 20 2016, 07:36 PM
A soft nudge from the spirit of man brings Lindsey awake right before dawn. Sitting up, she looks around at all the sleeping forms scattered around the fire and can't help but think it's not so different from a gang crashing in the streets of Seattle, just bigger. As the spirit flees into the semi-darkness, she gets up and picks her way across the uneven ground and prone bodies to exit the circle and wander towards the lower edge of the scree covered clearing. Puzzling over everything she's seen so far, plus the information from the exploration last night leaves her none the wiser about their situation. Mentally shrugging her shoulders and deciding the best solution is the accept it as it is until something changes to indicate differently, she figures the best thing to do now is secure more supplies. They have the crates in camp, but everyone is treating those as communal property now. The food she managed to stash on her person would only last a few days, so having another source would give her a lot of options.
Concentrating on her desire, it's not long before another of her friends shows up, although one she's never met before. This one seems almost stunted somehow, or twisted. It seems like something about this place has more effect on them that it seems to on the rest of the kids here. Looking pityingly at the small kid, she asks him to look for any more crates downhill from their current location, figuring most of the previous searching had been in the trees uphill of camp where the small camp and the scarred girl were. Nodding, the spirit vanishes swiftly downhill and Lindsey carefully picks her way through the brush in that direction.
An indeterminate amount of time later, a voice in her head indicates that another crate had been found and she smiles and turns to head to the area indicated on a mental map. Circling around a particularly large pine, she comes upon not one, but two crates wedged into the roots of the tree. With some assistance from her friend she's able to pry the tops off and rummage through the contents. Tents, sleeping bags, fire starting equipment, and various other camp making items make up the contents of the larger crate while the smaller one looks to be packed full with non-perishable soy bars. Immediately eating a few of the bars and grabbing a canteen from the larger crate, she leaves the wrappers on the ground and then asks her friend to take the rest and hide them in pairs up out of reach in the trees around that location.
With the crate empty, she thanks her weird friend and lets him go back to where he came from since he didn't seem interested in playing like normal. This place was definitely way different that she was used to. Hunger satisfied, she figures she needs to address thirst and heads back up the hill, circling around the clearing housing the main camp, and finally locating the stream she heard some of the other kids talking about. Oddly, there was a small girl with bright hair moving around in a weird dance on the banks with a group of kids watching her raptly. Shrugging, she continues further upstream in the trees before finally stopping to drink her fill before dunking the canteen and filling it as well. Prepared for the day, she retraces her way back to the clearing and reenters from the uphill side to retake her place near between Rick's group and the loners.
Settling back into a slouch, she watches the activites of the camp while pretending to be zoned out, presumably from the strangeness of the situation.
Jun 20 2016, 07:50 PM
Washing in a cold stream, in the coldest part of the day at pre-dawn, had left Addie shivering and goose-bumped. On the other hand, there hadn't been anyone watching as far as she could tell, and that at least had been good. Still it had led her to take a small hike and do some exercises in order to warm up, and then she'd wanted to watch the sun-rise, and then she'd gotten to thinking -- and there had been a lot to think about.
And so it was that she jogged up to the meeting only as it was starting, and not having gone begging for food yet. She couldn't help think how much her mother would have approved of how she was in ketosis and must be burning off fat for fuel, but she whispered to herself "Mom, I'm going to try to give you something to be much prouder of this morning."
She was shocked to hear that one of the boys had died over night, but this was exactly the lead-in that she'd been looking for.
She calls out in her best public speaking voice, stepping forward at the same time. "But who sets the rules, and who sets the punishment for breaking the rules?" She hoped that none of them would realize that part of this was taken from her grade eight public speaking assignment, and for once she was grateful to have a judge as a grandmother -- she wasn't a legal expert, but she had at least some clue about this topic.
She walks forward at a measured pace. Best to let people -- let Rick -- have time to look at her. Usually people were more apt to agree with her once they had. She hated playing that card, but this was too important to waste any edge. When she got close to Rick she gave him her best smile, then turned to face the rest of the group.
This was one of the things she'd thought about -- she had to show that she was seeking
their approval and not Rick's. She could also hope that Rick would be amused enough by how the cheap flats emphasied the curve of her hip and bum that he wouldn't mind giving her a minute to speak.
"We need rules, and punishment for breaking rules, or this will quickly become dog-eats-dog. But rules should protect everyone, punishment that isn't seen to be fair breaks the legitimacy of the rules."
"I suggest we agree to a tribunal -- that means three people -- who set the rules, and agree on punishment for people who break the rules. The tribunal has to have some real power behind it, so I don't think it can be just anyone, it needs to be people who have already demonstrated their mettle."
She scans the crowd briefly before half-turning and pointing behind her "Obviously one has to be Rick. And he has already shown an interest in the rules." She catches a few smiles at that, but many are still staring at her.
"I think Maya is equally an obvious choice. She seems to know better than any of us what it is going to take for us to survive, and so I think she has a better idea than anyone on what some of the rules need to be, and how serious breaking them could be for the rest of the group."
"And for the third, I think it has to be someone who has shown their bravery, someone who thinks of what if fair before what is easy or safe, someone who is not afraid to speak to those more more powerful."
She smiles at the group, wondering if anyone is thinking what she is? She hopes so, but she fears not.
"Most of you saw it -- him standing up to someone much larger, sticking to his guns when first dismissed, and coming out of it all looking a bit satisfied, but not bragging or showing off. In my opinion the obvious third choice is .... OK, I admit I never learned his name, but the boy who stood up to the giant and chased after him to get one of the blades yesterday."
post 10
Jun 20 2016, 09:52 PM
Somewhere around an hour after she returned to camp there was a loud ruckus from the downhill trees and shortly afterwards a group of older boys, including the outspoken one from yesterday who's name she'd learned was Simon, burst through the trees dragging and pushing a large crate between them. Wrangling it to the fire, Simon throws the lid off and starts pulling out tents and other assorted camping gear, stacking them with the food stores. "We found this down the hill. There was another crate with it, but it had already been emptied and there were empty food wrappers around it. Someone, or someones, had already gotten to it but they left this one." Looking around the camp, there were plenty of kids looking suspiciously at Rick and his friends when Simon revealed the missing food.
Rick apparently also noticed this as he quickly stood and thanked Simon for finding the tent, "Wiz! Tents will help *our* camp a lot. I was going to send some guys out to search in a bit, but we've all been waiting here for the sun to get a bit higher." Pointedly looking as some of the kids that looked most dissatisfied, he practically dared them to imply anything differently. "If you tell them where you found it, we can send some more people to search there more." Simon described where they found the crates and Rick tasked three other orcs to head down there and then search that area for more boxes or the missing food. Once the camp settled down, Lindsey got up and wandered over to Rick. Speaking Or'zet, "I like how he made it seem like you guys were out hoarding food again... him and that ugly girl from the other camp both seem to have something against you. When she was translating stuff last night she was making you sound really bad... I wouldn't trust either of them." Some of his boys started cursing and listing off the things they were going to do to that girl later until Rick quieted them with a hand motion and looked back at her with his piercing gaze, "Sim tells me I shouldn't trust you either with the secrets you're keeping... But I will keep that in mind."
Puzzled at his response, Lindsey quickly resumes walking and heads to the treeline to gather her thoughts and regroup. "That didn't go the way I expected. I need to figure out what Sim is telling him..." Thinking back to what Sim had seen, she eventually decided it had to be somehow related to her friends and the link she saw between Sim and the fire. Could he see her friends too? She's never met anyone else who could... As if summoned by her thoughts, she saw yet another new one coming from out of the trees, bigger than the last but still stooped and twisted as if afflicted by one of the diseases she sometimes saw back in the alleys of the sprawl. Something definitely wasn't right around here and he looked distinctly unhappy to be there which was a drastic change from what she was used to. Like the one last night though, he wouldn't respond to questioning, just explored the vicinity and looked around with what seemed to be dismay.
While she was puzzling over this, people from either camp started coming together into a big group in the center, with Rick and his entourage some of the last to start moving. Once his group began walking over, Lindsey did too and got there just in time as he acknowledged the ugly girl for her translating efforts. "Did he ignore what I said? Or somehow see through it?" She was worried at first, but then his claiming of the crate discovery as well as the tusky smile at the end convinced her that he was just playing a longer game.
When the attractive girl that she had seen in both camps started talking about a 'tribunal' Lindsey began really paying attention and, while pleased with the first two suggestions, had no idea who this third person was. Looking around, she sidled up to one of the older boys that had been in the group that found the crate that morning and muttered, "Who? What about Simon? He stopped Rick yesterday and found that crate today..." The boy frowned, still looking at the pretty girl as she finished talking, then squared his shoulders and shouted out, "Why two from over there? There's more of us down there. Simon should do it! He's stood up to someone as well and *he's* the one that found the tents today!" Grinning, Lindsey steps back and drifts to another side of the group, pleased as murmurs of agreement drift through the main camp members.
Jun 21 2016, 12:07 AM
Rafferty had made a point of going to the meeting alone, avoiding association with any group. He liked all he'd heard the Maya girl say when he'd met her earlier, but had remained noncommital to her overtures, determined to hear what this Rick had to say, even if he'd already formed a strong negative impression of the larger camp.
Once both the principals had opened the debate, his interest was piqued. He'd seen what the one they called Grok had done, and it had made a strong impression on him. Then a pretty blond girl had seized the floor. He listened to her and was more than a little surprised to hear her conclude by nominating him to the tribunal she as proposing. He wasn't sure about the tribunal idea, but he knew that if there was one, he'd like very much to be on it. Before he could say anything, however, another young person was nominating someone else, someone named Simon.
Fortunately, the argument was based on the suppositon that this Simon was from the more populous camp, while he, Rafferty, was from the smaller one. This was a contention easily deflected.
He stepped forward. "Hello. My name's Rafferty. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting more than one or two of you. But I think a tribunal is a good idea. And just to be clear from the start, I am not from either camp. I slept alone in a tree last night, far from either group. Why? For one I hadn't yet contributed anything useful to either. But most importantly, I still haven't heard enough to determine which I'm in favor of, although of course ideally we might find a way to all work together as one. Anyway, I think as a neutral party, I would serve well on this tribunal."
He gave a self-deprecating smile and bowed his head, silent.
But he didn't step back into the crowd.
Jun 21 2016, 01:37 AM
"Well that would be nice. But Id rather you assent the sky for me. I don't have the Astral Perception power." Vincent said to Dana. "Could you please do that?"
Jun 21 2016, 03:43 AM
Dana sighed, while she could reflexively sense magic she could not directly assense. She had only the most rudimentary knowledge about spirits and attempting to pull a spirit in a place like this was a challenging task for her. The kid never the less was relentless so without hoping for much she tried. T mana was indeed bad and slow to respond, but surprisingly enough she pulled off 3 services. Her first two services was to assense the nearby atmosphere for anomalies. like Vincent asked, the second one was to assense Vincent himself.
The minor spirit appeared greatful to be given tasks so quickly,Dana thought at it "I know the place is unpleasent for you - but we need your help". Dana lied down by the stream and closed her eyes. As the spirit was examining the sky Dana reopened them, and appoached the Vincent again, there was no point in admitting her weaknesses, and many people confused magic sense with astral sensing anyhow.
She said
As far as I can tell the sky are normal right now, now to your part of a deal - go scout so you know the surrounding before you go into the wilderness. Go after that hill and in about 30 minutes you will become an eagle make sure that you are hidden by then. The moment you land the spell will not be sustained anymore, but do not stay in the sky for long magic is unstable around here. Look for a city, or a town and make sure you land close enough to camp - to make it back by foot." If the kid was going to the wilderness and may not return, the least she could was to give it an initial understanding of the nearby area.
[ Spoiler ]
Dana has 1 point of summoning - so with the background count she only has 5 dice, she attempts to bring an F3 spirit of man.
summon (F3):
5d6t5 3resist:
3d6t5 0no drain, 3 services gained.
1. Service assense the sky for anomalies.
assensing (spirit - man F3):
5d6t5 22. Service assense vincent (treated like 2 successes due to astral beacon quality - so Dana should know that he is awakened and that his magic is higher than her own, I'll let you describe anything else if you please).
assensing (spirit - man F3):
5d6t5 13. Remote service (Shape change Vincnent to an eagle and maintain until he lands) (once Dana asks, after 30 seconds)
Jun 21 2016, 06:16 AM
Maya listens to Rick, then the others as they talk. She is puzzled by Rick's apparent sudden turn, but is not convinced that it is real. Eventually she steps forward and after the usual signs to ward off her ugly looks she is allowed to speak. "Some of you know me better than the others, but many of you have seen me at work. I am no leader and have no real public speaking skills, so I ask you to please bear with me." She translates this into several languages then continues, stopping every few sentences to do another round of translations. "What I can do is help others survive out here. I am sure that I am not the only one with this sort of skill set and would like to get together with others to compare notes. I am all in favor of joining everyone into one larger camp. Such a grouping would benefit from the various skills we have without too much division of effort. It would also provide for a better common defense and perhaps eventually allow us to find a way out of this place."
"What I do not wish to abide is a tyranny, or leaders that sneer at and look down on others for being different. There is enough of that in the outer world and we do not need to propagate that sort of society here. I agree with a group that sticks to a rule of laws that apply to all of us and a system of impartially determining guilt or innocence and an appropriate punishment for infractions. I am sorry, but I do not believe that any three people are capable of doing justice to that system. Perhaps as a final arbiter, yes, but not as the immediate determining jury."
"I would be willing to fully support any responsible leader that is willing to put the good of the group above the good of the leader and an elite cadre of his choosing. We can create a fully functioning microcosm of society and strive to do better than those who rule back in the world and societies we came from. I, myself, admit to several intolerances. I am intolerant of those who lie to the group to get ahead. I am intolerant of those who would use intimidation to make their point. I am intolerant of those who allow greed and self service to determine their actions. I am intolerant enough of these and some other, related, things that I would stand up at any chance to decry them as defeating our purpose here, which in my mind is to ensure our survival and show something to those that did this to us."
"Rick has said some very important things and said them well. He has said them better than I probably could. More, he has said the right things about the right issues. But I am not convinced that he is telling the truth to any of us. There were a number of people standing around us when he said some mean and vile things to me about an appropriate leadership style. His facial expression and tone of voice were quite combative. He challenged my thoughts, as he indeed has a right to, but then promised to convince everyone hiding behind me to come to his way of thinking. When I mentioned treating everyone with dignity, kindness, and respect, he scorned the terms, implying that they are useless concepts and not part of any real world. He said that we do not need to work together but we need to work for him and that it is the natural order of things. Too many people heard those words to be able to deny them. This apparent abrupt about face is a sham act, something he cooked up to appear more appealing. It is my belief that any façade he puts forward would slowly be replaced by subtle measures designed to "help us keep safe" or something like that. Soon after, there would be more erosion of freedoms as he maneuvers the group into accepting greater control to ensure security. But it is really his own security that is truly being ensured. His and a small junta of lieutenants that he hand picks to carry out his commands. Before long, he will have stripped your freedoms from you and you will have allowed it to happen and it will be very difficult to get those freedoms back."
"No, now is the time to call him on these things, before it is too late, before he is so entrenched that he cannot be removed. People like Rick do not often change so radically overnight and I suspect that he has not really changed at all, but I would accept him into the larger group if others could be found to step forward as leaders. If he is truly a changed man, he will immediately agree to such a step, as I am."
She looks hard at Rick, "Rick, are you ready to step down and give up your authority? If you are, I will join you and we can work together as advisors to whoever is selected as the joint leadership. Please say yes." She holds a hand out to the Ork leader in a gesture of solidarity and common good.
Digital Heroin
Jun 21 2016, 06:20 AM
While the others still slumber, Blank watches. He observes the structure of the camps, and assesses the larger of them as an easier target for an early morning raid. Food. He will eventually need to sleep, but with protein from one of the field rations he has seen the orc kid and his crew squander he will be able to stave it off for some time yet. Long enough to do some ranging by daylight, when he does not have to rely upon his implanted eyes to amplify what little eerie light falls upon the night. He waits until they depart, until they move to the gathering, and even as they clear outside of casual earshot he steals into their camp. The embers of the bonfire still burn as he passes, a smoldering reminder of the excess the talkative one likes to foster. It is no daunting task to find where the rations are stored. They had not exactly been mindful of hiding them. The orc had people to try and impress. He takes enough rations to last two days, and salvages scraps from some kid's discarded sleeves to make a shoulder sling to carry them in. Like a ghost he leaves the camp, and allows the others their time to grandstand.
While they politic, he moves another large ranging set of circles around the perimeter. In the daylight he focuses less on speed, and more on methodically searching the area for any crates that may yet be undiscovered. He is not intent on making a camp. He needs to find a way to contact his handlers. His failure must be reported.
Jun 21 2016, 12:39 PM
@Group Meeting, late morning
Rick gives no sign of what he thinks about this fledgling tribunal potential diluting his influence…but when Maya begins her speech his eyes flash venom and then he laughs
“Give up authority? Why the fuck would I want to do that? I haven’t led the Black Rains for four years by giving up anything, certainly not for any idealistic notions of kindness. I don’t give a flying frag about differences but I am not about to let your society dictate what we do here…polite corp life isn’t going to help us survive this shit! Rules, those I can agree with, whatever it takes to see us through…equality I can support too as long as you don’t expect us to babysit those who won’t help themselves…no fucking charity! Call me a benign dictator if that makes you feel better about the whole thing but make no mistake, I am in charge here…” there are mutters of assent from a few, worried looks from others, but nobody else seems to want to interrupt
“I promise you this, I will tell you the truth…the truth about me, about whatever hell we are in, I’ve got nothing to hide from you. I don’t have school training like our prissy and oh so intolerant tiger lady. I’ve learnt everything the hard way…so no about face, this is how it is. I will do whatever it takes to ensure we all survive this, I’m not going to play favours. In return I expect that you will each do whatever you can to help the group, no freeloading, what was that lovely phrase? Ah yes, no handpicked junta of lieutenants…but no fucking kindness…that will get you dead faster than a bullet…”
To Addie he says
“Your idea has merits! I’m not sure that three is enough, however, so I suggest that it be made up of five of us. Myself, Tiger and Rafferty, that’s fine, but this is your idea so you will join us. For the fifth, thank you Simon, but I think we need someone with the Gift. Sim will join us! We will meet this evening once we have established the new camp to decide what to do. In the meantime we need to ensure he does no further damage…restrain him!”
His cronies have clearly been waiting for this as five boys, two orcs and the rest human, step towards Grok with white cords that seem to have been raided from the tents crate…
“Now, anyone else got any objections to how this is going to play out? Let’s settle it now and get the frag on with staying alive!”
Jun 21 2016, 01:55 PM
Maya steps in front of the five boys and holds her hand up. "The real Rick shows himself. Benign dictators do not exist and Rick is far from benign. He says no hand picked junta but these five came prepared and ready, hand picked by Rick as his enforcers and lieutenants. There are those of us here from many different backgrounds, whether that be corp, wage slave, squatter, or even gang member, among others. But we do not need to proliferate any of those styles. We can build our own society, based on the rule of laws, common decency, respect, and pride. I am certainly not talking of a free-loading society. We are too few for that so all will need to contribute in some fashion. But make no mistake, Rick does not want you to contribute, he wants you to slave for him and his cronies."
"We cannot just let Rick's idea of leadership thrive here. He wants to rule you, not lead you. To some that may be comfortable at this juncture. Letting someone else make the hard decisions is the easy way to let things happen. But this is the road to slavery and dependence, where Rick gets to decide the laws and the punishments. Claiming to allow a group of five to lead us and including me is a sham. He would dissolve that group the first time he lost a major decision. Do not allow this to happen here. Be brave enough to stand up for yourselves now or you may not get another chance. Grok deserves a chance to tell his side of the story and we are wrong to assume he is guilty of any crime. I have personally seen him help people and believe there is a side to the story that Rick is not telling."
"Rick is lying to you. He wants us to be a street gang, and I do not agree with him that the gang concept is the best one. I stand for freedoms and respect. For dignity and working together for the common good. The tents are not his to dole out, nor is the food or the tools. They are for all of us, not the few. Is anyone else with me on this?"
Maya looks around after translating her words into several languages, looking to see if she has made an impact. She makes no move from her place in front of Grok, defying the boys with ropes, but she is already looking around for anything she can use as an unconventional weapon if it comes to blows.
Jun 21 2016, 04:03 PM
(deleting this one and putting it in after Rick's post, next in line)
Jun 21 2016, 04:32 PM
@Group Meeting, late morning
“Yet again you accuse me of lying? I’m insulted! Nobody is lying to you. Do I want us to be a gang? Yes of course I do…we don’t have time for democracy and debate, those are for civilised and prosperous times, in case you hadn’t noticed this is neither of those. We need one strong voice who will make the hard decisions quickly…I have been doing that my whole life, you try running herd on a group of a hundred strong orcs in the depths of the Puyallup barrens, I guarantee you would not last more than a week! There is a reason why gangs prosper on the edges of society, there are no ivory towers to hide in here princess!
You are the one protecting a killer, there are at least two of us who witnessed him hitting Ben and they have no reason to lie. Ask him, do you think he will deny it? I intend to let him tell his side of things, but we can’t do that now and I’m not prepared to let him hurt anyone else so he has to be bound for the safety of the group, bound not punished! Is it a nice thing to do? No it is fragging not but I am prepared to accept that burden where you clearly can’t.
There are consequences to all our actions and right now you are delaying a move to a safer location and the search for more of these crates that aren’t mine to dole out. Like it or not we can’t afford to be two groups, we need the numbers…so get the frag out of the way and we can discuss this later!”
The thermals under your wings are wonderful, the strangeness of it all, the clarity…the stark terrain reveals itself to you in a wash of ocres and browns…no sign of human habitation for now, just how far can you push this anyway…?
Trekking down the side of the mountain you find evidence of at least two more crates, apparently dropped from a height judging by the scars in the landscape. They contain more survival gear, although nothing that could be considered better than an improvised weapon…
Jun 21 2016, 06:57 PM
“Now, anyone else got any objections to how this is going to play out? Let’s settle it now and get the frag on with staying alive!”
Addie started “No, as long as” but she was over-ridden by Maya’s passionate response. When the other girl claimed
The real Rick shows himself. Benign dictators do not exist and Rick is far from benign. He says no hand picked junta but these five came prepared and ready, hand picked by Rick as his enforcers and lieutenants.
Addie started to object, but quickly realized that Maya was not going to stop, so wanting to avoid a shouting match Addie bit her tongue until Maya wound down:
…. "Rick is lying to you. He wants us to be a street gang, and I do not agree with him that the gang concept is the best one. I stand for freedoms and respect. For dignity and working together for the common good. The tents are not his to dole out, nor is the food or the tools. They are for all of us, not the few. Is anyone else with me on this?"
Addie tried again “Realistically, I think …” only to be talked over by Rick this time. She was sure her anger was clear to see when he labeled Grok a killer without mentioning that he’d been stopping a sexual assault, but she managed to bite her tongue until the orc finished up
There are consequences to all our actions and right now you are delaying a move to a safer location and the search for more of these crates that aren’t mine to dole out. Like it or not we can’t afford to be two groups, we need the numbers…so get the frag out of the way and we can discuss this later!”
Finally she explodes “Were you two unhappily married in a past life? Or are secretly siblings with a grudge against each other? Or maybe on top of all the other problems we have to face, we have politicians too?”
Wheeling to face Maya, Addie starts ticking points off on her fingers. “First, he just accepted a tribunal, or whatever we call it, with a minority of his own people and with YOU; can’t you give him some credit for that? Second, he came here thinking he was going to be setting and enforcing the rules, so of course he’d already thought out how and arranged for people to do it, he isn’t stupid and he isn’t slow to get things done—but he showed that he’s willing to bend Third, I presume you have some sort of magic that lets you see the future, because you are SO sure of exactly how things will play out with Rick? Fourth, have you even considered that with a variety of strong advisers – and not just yes-folk – that maybe it would improve the odds of avoiding the future you are so confidently predicting? And so that be scaring off anyone with a more independent mind you might be helping to make the future you are predicting? And fifth, who says anarchy is better than a dictatorship?”
Spinning back to face Rick she continues “And you! Do you bait her on purpose? You’ve said you would like her working
with you, but everything else you do seems aimed at driving her
away? And don’t think that nobody has noticed that you always put off talk of the future for today, so you never seem to have to commit to how things will run later on. Just because Maya goes over the top with what she says, don’t think that nobody hears her concerns.”
Realizing that she is ranting herself, she forces herself to take one deep breath, to make her body language less ‘lecturing a naughty boy’ and more 'trying to have a reasonable conversation,’ and to slow down her words somewhat.
"Rick, you’re the leader we’ve got – not only do you have most of the people listening to you already, you have the most experience, you are already making stuff happen, you are
good at this stuff, and you’re even easy on the eyes -- but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be
better at it. I’d say that you agreeing to the tribunal -- or five-tunal or whatever we call it -- is a good sign. But …”
She takes a few paces while using body language to hold the virtual stage for a moment, giving her a chance to figure out how to explain this concept, then comes up with the phrase she needs. “Maybe a lot of you never studied this, but the English used to talk about having the ‘loyal opposition’ to their government. It makes sense, because if nobody points out the flaws in what you are doing, you can drown in your own BS, but you want that criticism to come from someone who is trying to make things better, not undermine you. I know that Maya isn’t being a
loyal opposition, but at the same time while I know you’ve
said you’d like Maya as an advisor, but you haven’t
shown it so much.”
“Look, it sure isn’t easy to have someone criticize you and to thank them for it -- just ask my parents how well I take their criticisms most of the time! If you can swallow enough pride to say “I can listen and learn and get better” then I know that I for one would worry a lot less about our Cassandra.” After a moment she remembers that most of them wouldn't know that reference and cocks her head towards Maya and adds “That means someone who predicts disaster all of the time.”
She pauses for a moment, chest heaving – interesting side effects of higher tidal volume for her lungs that a gene treatment gave her is that she can speak longer without drawing breath, and that her chest moves in and out more deeply when she is breathing hard, such as after making a long speech with barely a break for a breath. Unintended side-effects, she is sure, but sometimes useful.
“Look, I didn’t mean to put you both on the spot, to have to back down right now, in public. All this probably takes time to think or whatever. But right here, right now, I suggest that any binding of Grok treat him with respect – he may have killed someone, but if so it was done while stopping a possible rape. And if he is going to be bound in some way, how about the other boy who was involved in that, too?”
She gives a moment for that thought to sink in, then finally finishes up “From my point of view, that boy may have done less damage
because he was stopped, but he did it with intent. Rick, can you agree to no harm, no humiliation for now? And Maya, can you agree that some mark that they may have punishment coming and we don't want them to run away first is reasonable -- if it applies to BOTH of them? And Rafferty and Sim, what do you two think?”
Jun 21 2016, 11:47 PM
"Well..." Rafferty chose his words carefully.
He was quickly coming to understand how his actual experiance was desperately lagging all his expensive tutelage. All he'd wanted to do was position himself to help Grok, but not only was that possibly unethical since he was putting himself off as neutral when in fact he had an agenda, but also he had too quickly given tacit approval to a process that had promptly been hijacked by the clever Rick. If he stayed on now, it was dangerously close to being on the sole basis of Rick's approval, and that wasn't an obligation he was prepared to assume.
But the pretty older girl that had nominated him seemed now to have come to his rescue - her words were a much needed dose of mediation, cutting straight to the heart of key elements perpetuating the counterproductive impasse.
"I think both Rick and Maya should listen to you," he finally answered loudly. "That is, if either is serious about making a go as leader and as a community focused on surviving this...whatever it is. And I think we need to be extremely careful about enforcing rules that were broken before they even existed."
Jun 22 2016, 05:18 AM
Maya looks around at everyone and realizes that her words have apparently failed to make the point she had wanted to make, indicating that she has been roundly defeated by the more glib Rick. The Ork leader is smrking, sensing victory in the way others look at him, and the girl with the ravaged face smiles grimly in defeat, but does not lower her head. "I have spent too many years in remote places like this to have developed proper communication skills and I cannot effectively argue against either Rick or Addie, but neither can I support Rick as the leader of this society. I will bow out gracefully and commit myself to voluntary exile. But, Rick, might you be magnanimous in victory and allow Grok to come with me? If he desires to, that is. I will promise to leave and go far enough away that I will not be a bother to you. Letting him leave with me would eliminate the problems you might face in your pursuit of your brand of justice, and it would provide me with someone to talk to." She looks between Rick and Grok and waits for an answer.
Digital Heroin
Jun 22 2016, 07:42 AM
Day One - Early Morning - West of the Camps
Personality: Blank
The terrain is unfamiliar and rough. It would be, to most people, a deterrent. Even in a desperate situation they might consider retreat back to camp and retracing a simpler path. Hardship Blank can deal with. He does not process discomfort as others do. For him it is merely a clinical state of overall health. He does not attach feeling to it otherwise. His limits have been tested since he was barely a teenager. He was placed in extreme environments designed specifically to push him just over the point of breaking. Rather than look back at those times with recrimination in his heart he takes them as lessons. He knows to what ends he can continue to press forward without over exerting himself to the point of injury. While he can rather conveniently shut off the indications of pain that might bog him down, that does not mean he has not experienced every manner of pain one could experience. So he continues his exploration for an hour until his trek proves moderately fruitful.
When he locates the first of the crates, which is cracked open and shows signs of being loaded with survival gear, his inclination is to ignore it. He is drawn, however, to the fact that it seems the crate was damaged by some form of impact. An investigation of the area surrounding reveals what seems like a drag trail, which he follows until he finds and impact point. Not a place where it had been left behind, but an impact point. He takes a moment to read the slope and then walks the drag trail again. This time he estimates the pacing, and he considers the nature of the impact. It is quite telling to consider. Something dropped the crate from above, which implies a vehicular insertion. Someone brought them here. That someone has resources enough to not only coordinate such an operation, but to orchestrate air drops. To the boy who has spent several years of his life working for an organization with its own considerable resources, this is eerily familiar.
Rather than squander the supplies in the crate he takes the time to retrieve several fire-starters, several bottles of water, and a first aid kit. Though he does not find anything electronic, or a means of navigation, he considers the find fruitful enough. With nothing further appealing to him, he takes a few moments to obfuscate it from sight with some salvaged fauna. He moves on from the sight and sets off toward the highest possible vantage point in the area. Near the summit he finds yet another crate, this one caught up in a crag. From this one he selects a mylar blanket, a roll of fishing line, and most fortuitously a small frame pack. Once again he hides the remaining bounty. There is always a chance on the return trip he will have the energy to carry more, and that he can profit off that which he himself does not need. Two hours past his departure from the proximity to camp and he reaches the summit of the highest point he could see from camp. There upon the rise he posts up, and considers the vistas around him.
Jun 22 2016, 01:33 PM
@Group Meeting, late morning
In response to Addie’s tirade Rick holds out his hands placatingly “whoa there sister, breathe” whilst making it clear that he is enjoying the view… “bring that weasel Fig here…” and the other boy is pushed forwards “show ‘em your hands Fig” and he reluctantly shows the white cord binding his wrists together… “See? I will not tolerate rape, not from anyone, this nasty little shit says he didn’t do anything, but just like that one will be, he’s tied up and watched until we can get to the bottom of this. Even tyrants have limits, right?”
He turned back to Maya… “I can’t and I won’t force you to stay so if you want to leave on your head be it! But ask yourself this…if something happens to me, not that I plan to let it, who is going to step up and take charge? The boy?” and he indicates Raf, “He might know stuff but I can’t see people following a kid, no offence! You see any other credible volunteers? That leaves you. You have several hangups about kindness that we could do without, perhaps once reality sinks in a bit you might understand what I’m talking about…or maybe not, I don’t really give a shit. I don’t want to be friends, I just want to maximise our chances here. Can you live with that? If not that’s your loss, and probably death…as for him, I can’t make him go with you. If he wants to, fine, but he will be more useful here…what, you thought I was stupid enough to execute him?”
Jun 22 2016, 02:21 PM
Maya looks at Rick and shakes her head. "No, Rick, I did not think you would squander a resource like Grok could be. And I do not think I could be the leader here, even if something were to happen to you. I think that if people wanted to follow me and my ideas, someone would have spoken up by now. I have ideals but lack the social skills to make them sound important enough for others to follow me in pursuing them. I truly hope that I might have been wrong about you, but I cannot live under the sort of regime you propose for us. If you do not mind, I would like to take some of the things that have been found; a few rations, a small shovel, and the utility knife we had in the smaller camp?" Maya turns and repeats her farewell in several languages then turns to Grok. "I am leaving. You are welcome to come with me if you like. No promises of anything easy, though."
Finished, Maya turns and walks through the crowd, which splits aside for her. She heads to her small camp and collects some rations, the shovel, and utility knife. Looking about, she wonders what will become of those who had camped here with her then turns to leave.
Jun 22 2016, 02:49 PM
Standing at the back of the circle while the children hash out what to do with Grok, Lindsey feels a tug from the spirit which had been moping around the camp while she wasn't paying it any attention. Looking behind her, she sees a large figure rummage through the stores at the main camp and then take off back into the trees. "That didn't look like anyone I'd seen before... are there other groups out here? Or just some outsiders who didn't want to join either camp? Either way, having the camp ransacked is perfect!"
Continuing to watch the main players argue back and forth over how the group should be run, she is disappointed when Rick's main antagonist appears to give up and just walk away. As the ugly girl leaves the circle unmolested and the rest of the kids seems to be allowing the situation to resolve, if not amicably, at least without further drama, Lindsey calls out from the back of the group, "Why does she get to take one of the few blades? Or any of the scarce tools? We need those!" The kids around her start to grumble and calls of "Yeah!", "Get the knife!", and "We need them!" can be heard around the circle, although no one seems brave enough to be the one to actually make the first move. Lindsey can almost feel Eris smiling at her.
Jun 22 2016, 03:44 PM
Shovel in hand and about to leave, Maya hears the questioning voices from the group. Turning, she looks at them closely then nods before placing the tools and rations on the ground. They are right, she has survived in worse places on less and others might need these more. Then the crowd parts slightly to let Grok through. The large Ork comes to where she is and nods, indicating that he is ready to go. Maya nods back and smiles at him. "Not lying. It will not be easy."
"I don't need easy."
Turning, the two leave the area and head out away from the camp.
Jun 22 2016, 03:50 PM
Desperate to try and salvage the situation Addie accepted the loss of face and ran after Maya. She almost grabbed the other girls shoulder, but held off that at the last moment – best not to start off with what could be seen as a physical confrontation.
Keeping her voice quiet and quick, she implored the other girl “Please don’t leave! We really need you. There is no question that you have the best skills for surviving here, so I know you don’t need everyone else that much. But on his own, Rick is going to get a lot of people killed, because he doesn’t have your knowledge and experience. But there was no way that anyone was going to take the whole group away from him, and I’m not willing to just abandon a lot of kids because they chose him today. I got him to agree to a system for making rules, and that is a way for other people to show up as leaders to the group, so it isn’t just Rick’s word as law.”
The look in Maya’s eye was not encouraging, so Addie changed tack a bit “Look, I get that you don’t like Rick and you don’t like politics, and maybe you don’t even like me much, but if you’ll stay and just be yourself I’ll try to wrangle the politics so that you do have a real voice is what happens to all of these kids. You can walk away, take care of just yourself, and leave everyone else to their fate. I guess that will let you say “I told them so,” and maybe that is all you need to be happy. Or you can stay, and matter. Tell me, who are your skills serving? Just yourself, or a group that needs them?”
Addie has no idea if she’s come up with arguments that will resonate with Maya, but she has done the best she can without more time to prepare things.
Jun 22 2016, 03:50 PM
With the two most vocal girls out of the picture, at least temporarily, Simon finally steps forward from the group and addresses everyone. "While we appreciate Rick's efforts in camp, there are a lot of us that aren't exactly pleased with how things have been going. With Maya leaving, there is again a spot on your... council. I'd be happy to take that spot to represent the rest of us from the main camp as your... how did she put it... right, 'loyal opposition'." Looking around the group he finally settles on Rick and asks, "Does that work for you? You've still got your hand-picked crony and then there's a representative from the outside," pointing at Raf, "one that's been with both groups," pointing in the direction Addie went, "and one from the bigger one," tapping his own chest.
Jun 22 2016, 11:00 PM
Things were happening fast. Well, they probably should, considering survival was time-intensive, and they really didn't have time to decide a new social order...
Still, as compelling as Rick's arguments were, Rafferty's gut told him the ork was wrong. But then, admittedly, that was coming from a sort of death-before-dishonor mindset that might not be held by the majority of the teens sharing their predicament.
If only there was someone here that mixed the qualities of both Maya and Rick. With a sudden welling of emotion that almost had him in tears, Raf realized how desperately he missed his parents. He wanted to curl up in his mother's arms. He wanted his father to be here. Now. He'd have these upstarts eating from the palm of his hand and thanking him for the privilege.
But he wasn't here. And tears in the current situation could be a long-term liability, if not an eventual death sentence.
He mastered himself and forced himself to weigh the pros and cons of the choices he had, because they needed to be made right now.
What were his assets? A knife he hadn't shown anyone, and certainly wasn't about to right now. Maybe an alliance with a large, physically dangerous sociopath. And a spot on this tribunal. The latter was of questionable value, since Grok had already been saved.
He had three options. First, go it alone. Chances of survival were lowest, as were chances of helping anyone else. So that was out.
Second, he could stay with Rick's group. Certainly the path of least resistance, as it was where he was now, and he'd already secured a position of possibly some influence. Chances of survival with this group were unquestionably best. And there would be many chances to help people. As distasteful as Rick's leadership style was in some ways, the best way to help the others cope and to moderate the ork's excesses would be to work from within.
Third, he could join Maya and Grok. Certainly that was personally the most appealing, and he would be able to help others. Hopefully eventually more than just the two of them. What was the pretty girl talking to Maya about? But chances of survival were much lower.
On balance, a calm assessment found most merit with Rick's group.
Logic, however, was but a tool of the conscience. The fact was, he would have a very hard time following Rick's orders - and there'd been no pretense - orders they would be. Yes, he would be in a position of influence, but if the past fifteen minutes had taught him anything, it was that he wasn't yet ready for that sort of brinksmanship. He needed to hone his skills with a smaller, friendlier group before he could have an effective go at such subtle power plays.
And if Maya's group, well, possibly trio, did not last, there would be nowhere for those that were inevitably disaffected from Rick's group to go for refuge. No, sadly, this struggle for leadership was not really over yet. And he doubted it would be as long as Rick and Maya were both alive.
"Sorry Simon. Turns out I'm not actually a representative from the outside. Rick, thank you for having faith in me. I agree with a great deal of what you say. The sticky bit is, though, that I also am one of those damnable ivory tower types. I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope we'll be able to maintain constructive relations."
Without waiting for a reply, he turned and started walking in the direction of Maya and Grok.
There was no time to waste - he doubted Rick's open-door policy would last forever.
Jun 23 2016, 03:38 AM
Maya stops and listens to everything Addie has to say then shakes her head. "I think you have several things wrong, Addie. The first and most important is my opinion that Rick will tolerate your rules group only as long as it suits him to. He is a thug and a leader of thugs and nothing will change that. He is also easy to look at and has a very nice way with words. He knows what he wants and he is comfortable with his vision of the way things will be. But I would be anti-Rick at every turn and he would get tired of that and I would disappear. I do not think I could really help anyone. And, yes, you are every bit as good with words as he is and you have masterfully hit my guilt spot, but I will not change my mind. Of course it bothers me that a lot of those kids will suffer, some might even die. I will never say "I told you so" to anyone, and I will always accept anyone who has had enough and wants to join us." Maya looks Addie up and down. "Like you, for example. All of your fine words will not avail you anything with Rick if he is against what you say. In my opinion, you can do those kids the most good by leaving with me. You cannot change Rick or Rick's mind, but you might change the minds of those who are sitting on the fence and not quite sure. I have no leadership skills but I think that you do. Lead us, Addie, and see who follows. Even if no one does right now, they will know that there are at least three of us that are strong enough to defy Rick in the only way possible without killing him, which I will not condone unless he goes way too far. Grab what things you have and come away to a new society. It will be much harder work because we will have less to start with, but it will be us and not a tyranny."
Maya looks over Addie's shoulder. "Hmmm. Looks like Raf is coming over, too. Perhaps he also wants to try to talk me into staying. If so, perhaps we can all talk him into coming with us. Four is stronger than three and it might just make it even easier for others to come over." She waves at Raf as he comes close. "Hello, friend."
Jun 23 2016, 08:02 AM
"Maya. I think I'm a better fit over here. If you're still hiring."
Jun 23 2016, 11:48 AM
@Maya’s Group, late morning
As Raf hurries over Grok quietly whispers to you “the girl may be right, perhaps you should stay? …I ain’t going to try and decide for ya, and I ain’t going to let you go off on your own, so I guess we’z off…”
Following shortly after Raf is another girl, perhaps originally from the larger group “I’ll come with you if I may? Large groups make me nervous…I’m Summer by the way…” other than that nobody else seems ready to brave the self-imposed isolation…yet
@Group Meeting, late morning
Rick shrugged… “can’t say I didn’t try. So, Simon, reckon you can keep up with me eh? Before we can think about the rules we need to get moving…right, I want one of each of the scouts who found our new camp site to take out two others each and spread out, widening circles…look for crates and signs of animal tracks…there was a snake so there must be others, make sure you are at the camp site before dusk. You lot, grab what we have here and let’s get going…” and with surprising efficiency he organises the other kids into the move down the mountain
“Let’s get the frag off this Gods forsaken hill!”
@Vincent, in the air, late morning
This freedom is amazing, nothing could prepare you for it and a niggle in the back of your mind wonders whether it might be addictive! You catch a glimpse of a lone figure away from the camps…the one that snatched some of the tools? Further out you see evidence of some sort of herd animals by one of the banks of a small river and you do your best to memorise the terrain so that you can find it again from the ground…no actual creatures but the ground is churned up where they have come down to drink…
Jun 23 2016, 01:46 PM
Maya looks at both Raf and Summer. "You are both more than welcome to join us. See, Addie, two more already and we might pick up others. Please change your mind and come along."
Turning to everyone, she adds, "Running water usually leads somewhere so I propose to follow the stream. That way we can keep close to a water source and perhaps find a larger stream or river, along with fish and perhaps some animals that drink there. Unless someone has a better plan?" Maya looks back at the larger group then motions for the rest to follow her, making sure to include Addie in case the girl has changed her mind about staying.
The small band walks the short distance to the stream, where they find another small group of people that apparently not been at the meeting. Maya greets them and describes the meeting, telling the rest what was decided. When done, she says, "I and my companions have broken off from Rick and his followers in a sort of exile. I cannot live the sort of life he is proposing and have decided to leave the camp and these brave people have made a choice to come with me. Everyone else there at the time has decided to stay with him as a leader. We are going to follow the stream and see where it leads. We have no equipment to speak of, only ourselves. You are welcome to come with us if you like. No lies, the work will be hard and perhaps dangerous, but you will be treated with respect. But Rick has lots of equipment and some food and is planning on moving his camp to a new location, too. Your choice, but you are all welcome to come with us."
Jun 23 2016, 04:13 PM
Dana stops her training and say "Rick is bad news, a criminal and a ganger we are here for less than 24 hours and already he attempts to take over. I am with you tiger girl, crate food is not for me - I am a warrior I want to hunt my own food.
Vincent is scouting the area for the best direction to go, once he is back he'll have some important insight for us.
Wherever you go I am coming... I am not staying in a camp full of criminals.
It is also absurd that the rapists stay in and the hero that saved the girl is exiled. " She smiles at Grok and sizes his figure, perhaps too much. "This is unfair Grok, your only sin is not being aware of just how strong you are. I am Dana." She said and her hair changed into a deep shade of red.
Jun 23 2016, 06:48 PM
Rafferty joined the exchange: "How do you know he didn't know?" he asked with a mischievous smile. "Grok, I'm Rafferty." He extended his small hand. "I suppose perhaps you came close proving the maxim about no good deed going unpunished, but I for one am honored to meet you. You did a good thing, and it required courage plus initiative."
Jun 23 2016, 07:13 PM
As Raff suggest that Grok might have intended to harm the boy she thinks:
"Could it be? Could Grok just do not care that he killed a boy? - but I have to live with what I did. Not a single day that I do not think about my failure. Could Grok really don't care that he killed a boy? " Dana nodded at Raff and said I am Dana, what made you stick with us?"
Jun 23 2016, 07:42 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jun 23 2016, 02:46 PM)

Maya looks at both Raf and Summer. "You are both more than welcome to join us. See, Addie, two more already and we might pick up others. Please change your mind and come along."
Addie starts stepping forward, then checks herself. Softly, almost more [o herself than out loud, she says "No, someone has to stay, to try. I might ... send others who need to get away. I'm not the leader that you need --
]I didn't have a plan B!". Her voice nearly breaks at that last admission of inadequate Addison-ness, and she turns away from the small group, shoulders slumped.
Then she blinks away the threat of tears, squares her shoulders, and forces a semblance of a smile onto her face before she returns to Rick -- only to find him already moved on to organizing the departure.
Jun 23 2016, 09:12 PM
Watching as first Addie then Rafferty bail on the main group to chase after the self-imposed exiles, Lindsey smiles as the power structure of the main group condenses down to the two boys. "Now *this* I can deal with," she thinks. As the mass of kids heads back to the original camp, she picks up the pace a little and gets there in with the first group tasked to transport the supplies. Pointing at the location where she had seen the mystery figure rooting through the supplies she calls out, "Someone's been here taking food while we were all uphill. Maybe that's why those others were so eager to leave?" Simon walked over to look, then looked over at Rick, reconsidering who might be responsible for the empty crate they found that morning. "There was that food crate we found earlier, they could have emptied that as well..." Rick snarled and looked uphill but there was no sign of the others at this point. Shrugging, "If it was them, we'll find out eventually. For now, we need to get moving. Everyone back to your job!" All the kids stop watching Rick and Simon and jump back to their assigned tasks.
Jun 23 2016, 11:36 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jun 23 2016, 08:13 PM)

I am Dana, what made you stick with us?"
Rafferty looked up at the older girl. No need to bore her with the endless lists of pros and cons running through his head. "Ultimately, I think this group will have better people. And I don't think I could have long taken orders from Rick. And how about you, Dana? What led you to walk the road less traveled?"
Jun 24 2016, 04:56 AM
Dana answered "You will always have to watch your back the large group. Especially when resources become congested. I feel that our chances are much better if we seek a settlement. The place where we appeared may be a very bad place to settle." She then addressed Nora and the boys "Are you coming with us? You are awfully quiet."
Nora answered "We are not safe in there where a would be rapist is accepted. I'd much rather go with you." Dave said "I do not know Nora, they have tents and food and everything." That point is where an argument started evolving - but Dana did not feel the urge to try and convince the group to pick one way over the other - it was there decision to make and they should not be manipulated by charms. Not that Dana was socially skilled to change their mind anyhow. That trait was preserved to powerful cult leaders.