Oct 14 2016, 05:09 AM
Maya nods to the others to not create an issue when Rick and the rest return. She greets Dana with relief and motions for her to join her near the fire. She watches as Rick settles in and nods at his question. "Yes, Rick, there are a number of people missing. Lindsey took several girls with her and left in that direction. Simon took a couple of boys with him and went in that direction. I think there are several people dug in with Dot around a lean-to over at that side of the camp and a few more are probably gathered about the tent still standing out there, and I am pretty sure there are some wandering lost and cold."
She pauses, waving her hands at the kids near her. "The group has imploded and there is very little to be done at this time except to let it happen. We were a bit too ambitious, you and I. We both wanted to see the greater number of people survive, even though our techniques are very far apart, but there was too much petty bickering and too many hidden agendas to allow either of us to succeed. I would like to offer you a chance to request admission to this group and work together with us, but not on your former terms. Whatever the reason, your way did not work out well. Can you admit that and work with me to create something different with the people we have left? We will only accept those who want to join us, not those who want to control us. There is no point trying to frighten us as that will not gain you anything. Think about it. In the morning, those remaining from our smaller band will be voting on accepting others into the group. If you and the others are set on running something based on your former experiences, there is a lot of space out there for you to go to and be that group."
Oct 14 2016, 09:15 AM
Dana rushes to Maya and warmly hugs her, embracing the scarred lady into closer to her.
"I am happy to see you, but that bulge is a blade. Find good use for it." she whispers and discreetly hands her the knife.
Oct 14 2016, 12:59 PM
[Nim - 4th day - Main Camp] #7
I watch the goings on closely. Unable to understand the speech but gleaning what I can from tone and body language.
I lean towards Cailin
[ Spoiler ]
Are some of the others lost? Do we need to go look for them?
Oct 14 2016, 01:44 PM
Maya hugs Dana and takes the knife, placing it up the sleeve of the animal pelt she is wearing for clothes.
Oct 14 2016, 08:00 PM
Once she is done with Maya, Dana runs excited to Caillin and warmly hugged her.
"I am so glad to see you again..." she said, then came Raff and Summers that got similar treatment. Dana looked around and asked "Is Addie around?".
Oct 14 2016, 08:14 PM
Raf squirmed. The hug was not unwelcome, but felt a bit awkward. She was older, and so beautiful. And a lot taller than he was.
Embrace finished, he said, "No, I don't know of anyone that's seen her since things Rickland self-destructed."
He didn't really know that girl (though of course everyone knew who she was), so with so much going on hadn't noted her absence. It occurred to him to ask around, but was keeping half an ear on the conversation between Maya and Rick.
Oct 14 2016, 09:45 PM
Day 4, evening, remains of the big camp
Once it became clear that nobody was going to trash or raid the lean-to, Pierre relaxed enough to think about other practical matters. The one remaining tent was going to be a whole lot less useful with a hole melted into the side. If they had a tarp it would be easy enough to fashion a fix but, they didn’t have any clothe except what they were wearing.
He snapped his fingers “Hey gang, anyone willing to give up part of their flats, top or bottom? I think we can lash a couple of chains of clothes so that we could pull a shirt tight across the hole in the remaining tent. Keep at least most of the rain out.”
Widget pointed out “Flats aren’t water proof at all, wouldn’t take too long to soak through.”
Leslie added “Besides, water will flow down the tent, under the flats, and into the hole. Unless you can glue them to the tent, won’t help a lot.”
Pierre grumbled under his breath a bit, but while tightly stretched fabric tended to shed water even when not water proof – the whole principle behind most umbrellas and tents, Leslie had a good point about water already on the tent running into the hole.
Then unexpectedly Rusty spoke up. “The pitch of these trees is pretty sticky, would that work?”
Pierre gave a small arm pump “Nice catch, mon gars! They used to use pine pitch to caulk things to make them water proof. I’m pretty sure we could use it to help seal a patch in place. Won’t be totally waterproof because pitch won’t hold tight enough to stretch it, but should keep most of the water out.
Then Dot offered “What about the skin suits? I know they aren’t water proof either, remember Addie had those juices oozing out when she used one to cook that vegetable mush? But I bet they wouldn’t leak as much as the flats do, and we have that suit here in the lean-to.”
“I love this group!” Pierre enthused. Problem solving not problem making. We can do this – we have enough fresh pine branches here that have some pitch leaking out of them anyway, and we could actually kind of do both, tie it in place and put pine tar around the up-slope side to make the water run over or around it. I bet it leaks anyway, but not that badly.”
“We could soften the pitch up some with the fire.” Pointed out Widget.
“Yes, then throw in some of the branches we were beating up anyway, since without Sim here it is burning down kind of quickly.
They set to work, and in the end it took much of their flats, one of the impromptu staves, Dot’s long arms, Dot’s and Pierre’s night vision, and everyone getting kind of sticky -- but they got the patch held in place. They didn’t have enough tar to make nearly as good a seam as Pierre would have liked, but “Well, I sure hope it doesn’t decide to rain now, after being so dry, but at least the tent shouldn’t totally flood.” Then thinking about rain, and looking at how they’d thinned the covering of the lean-to in search of pitch, he had them put the ‘soup-pants’ and the remaining pieces of flats stretched out over the top of the lean-to, pinned down with a few branches, to hopefully make that structure a bit more rain resistant.
When they finished that, Pierre was pretty happy with their work and ready to finally get some sleep until Rusty said “I was looking at the big fire, where Maya’s group is. The orcs came back, I saw Rick by the light of the fire.”
“Saint Esprit sur un skidoo” muttered Pierre under his breath, then more openly “I hope this doesn’t cause a new uproar.” Glancing at Dot he added “But Addie must have followed Rick, one of us should go over there and let her know where we are.” The troll had been voicing her concerns as dark had fallen and nobody had seen signs of the human girl.
Leslie shot back “I’m not trying to make my way over there in the dark, I’d break my neck or something.”
“Fair point. Dot, I guess it is you or me, the other one stays here and keeps an eye out for trouble.”
Dot stood up, looked around, then said “You go – everyone seems so scared of trolls for some reason, if I’m here probably trouble stays away.”
That made so much sense that Pierre quickly gathered up a couple of rocks and a solid stick, then worked his way toward the other fire to find Addie and find out what was going on.
Oct 15 2016, 04:21 AM
Dana said to Raff "This is kind of bad, it is unlike her to go unnoticed I could usually spot her from half a camp. Did Vincent ever come back from his 'scouting'? "
The camp was a mess and Maya seemed to have gathered some new followers, or atleast people that kept close proximity to her.
Dana begun searching for Addie and Vincent, out of all the kids in that camp, she felt responsible for these two since they wanted to be part of her small pack.
Dana asked Summers "Can you try and call Addie to see if she answers? She usually is the one organizing things not the one to keep a low profile. " She sighed "Did Vincent ever got back?'" With Summers confirming what Raff has said (that Vincent was missing)
Dana felt her stomach turns, she felt physically sick on how two people of her group could just go out missing like that and with all the chaos, nobody was going to even look for them. She wondered how many other kids have gone missing with nobody even knowing about it? If some large cat snatched a kid, will she even hear about it or will everyone just assume he went with some other group?
But Dana was worried about two specific people, the one that belonged to her own pack, she could not possibly care for everyone. She asked Caillin " Can you try and find Vincent and Addie with a spirit or something?" Looking at Caillin's new friend she extended her hand and said "Dana"
Oct 16 2016, 02:47 PM
Pierre, Day 4, evening, Maya's camp
Pierre had only caught the end of Maya's speech to Rick, so he wasn't sure of all that was going on, and at first he was going to be quiet until they'd finished talking. But then he realized that neither of them had reacted to his approach, and he wasn't sure if they hadn't noticed him or had just overlooked him --but either way he didn't want to get accused of eavesdropping. Discussions between leaders were not really his normal ground.
So when Maya was done he cleared his throat and said "Just thought I'd let you two know that the lean-to is intact and OK -- thank goodness nobody torched that! And we got a rough patch on the damaged tent, won't be totally waterproof if we ever get actual get rain, but should keep the worst of the dust, damp, and stuff out. And we have a few of the tools secured. So if, you know, you have people who still need somewhere to sleep you can send them back to the old camp for tonight. If Sim could maybe do his magic with the fire it would be nice, but like we found out last night if you pack people into the lean-to it gets warm enough."
Not sure how to end he trailed off "So, uh, let us know in the morning what is going on?"
Oct 16 2016, 03:03 PM
Dana listened to the interchange between Pierre and Maya by that time Dana started noticing the fear crawls into her mind, what if all this chaos was due to some dark magic. To dismantle the camp without directly confronting it. Sure, she knows better than to blame 'magic' for their troubles but events did unfold so quickly and the move from the feast for Grok to Anarchy was so drastic that Dana cannot suppress that deep fear from magic herself.
Oct 16 2016, 03:05 PM
Maya had been quite intent on Rick and had not noticed the Dwarf as he approached, but looks over at him as she waits for Rick to respond to her. "Pierre, Right? Thank you Pierre, there are indeed people here that could use the other tent. It is very good that you managed to save so much and provide for the others. Please let others know that you have space for them to sleep tonight and by all means, ask Sim if he will help with the fire. In the morning, we will be talking to everyone again to see if anyone wants to ask to join the smaller group. We are looking for people that are willing to put differences aside and work together to help us all survive."
She waves her hand at the remains of the larger camp. "It is very sad that this had to happen and I am concerned that there are kids wandering about lost and cold. Speaking of which, by any chance is Addie with you over there? Or Aria?"
Oct 16 2016, 04:54 PM
[Nim - 4th day - Main Camp] #8
I continue watching body language and attempting to follow the conversation as best I can without understanding the words. When Dana returns I clearly brighten to see another elf. Though I don't understand her other words when she sticks out her hand and names herself the meaning is obvious. I shake and put my hand to my chest
Nimlaniel'Erudima Aduelwa. Hengar Sperethiel? [ Spoiler ]
I can't tell exactly what's going on, are some people lost?
Oct 16 2016, 06:05 PM
Pierre, day 4, satellite camp
When Maya asks about Addie, Pierre looks concerned. He turns to Rick and asks "She didn't go with you, or after you? I never noticed her come down the hill, so I assumed she'd headed off to help you -- if seemed a bit like her to charge off to try and fix things, you know?"
Rick shakes his head and explains "When I left she looked fragging wrecked -- she's been messed up ever since hearing about the rape, but this was worse. Taking her to go chase after Mohamed would have been stupid. But they say Lindsey took off with most of the girls, maybe she went to mother hen them?"
Pierre looks dubious "I don't know ... I never saw her and Lindsey hanging together much. Well, maybe, if she saw it as her duty, you know? She didn't leave with them from camp, but could have seen what was happening and intercepted them, I guess?"
"Anyway, if we are staying here we might want to make another lean-to or two tomorrow, and get more thatch on the first one. The girls who left are less than the ones who slept in that tent before, so we have a higher ratio of kids to shelter than we did before, and we didn't really all fit before. Except that Simon and some others left, but I didn't get a count of them .... maybe we should do a head count in the morning?"
With that, he goes to find a few people to go back with him to the old camp. Quickly he realizes that most of those outside the tents are orcs. Given what has just happened he doesn't want to take all of them back with him, but wonders if they will be willing to split up? Fortunately when he asks if any will join him and Dot -- he emphasizes the presence of the troll to make it clear that the orcs won't be able to easily just take over -- Jugalo and a couple of the other orc boys are willing to split off from the larger group, and he nabs a couple of the human boys who want to sleep in a tent more than they are worried about the orcs.
On the way between camps, Jugalo eventually asks "So, if you and Dot are over there, Addie must be there too?"
Pierre winces -- they all are a bit fussed about one girl, aren't they? Himself not excluded, of course. But there could be other campers missing, and was anyone really worried about them? He sets his shoulders a bit and replies "Naw, we think she might have gone with the other girls. I guess us boys will have cook and clean for ourselves -- wait we doing that anyway."
Oct 16 2016, 06:06 PM
Dana replies Ni Hengar Sperethiel, Hangar Einglish, Arabic and Hebrew.
She then repeats the same sentence in Einglish "I do not speak Sperethial, I speak Einglish, Arabic and hebrew. "
Hoping that saying the same sentence (or so she thinks she says) in both Sperethial and Einglish will help the girl to pick up some Einglish and well, Dana would love to learn a new language if someone had taught her.
Oct 16 2016, 06:35 PM
Addie, day 5, Bridal Veil Falls
She was confused, briefly, to find herself on the rocky edge of a shallow pond rather than burrowed under a fallen tree. Then the night, and its nightmares, came back to her. It had seemed like the sky should be brightening but it had still be too dark for her to see decently, when her pity party had been disturbed by snuffling and cracking twigs. It had been a ways away, but instinctively she’d been sure it was smelling her -- the large piece of meat that was out of place here.
In the dark, alone, already buffeted by doubts, fear had overtaken her. She’d slid out from under the fallen tree and stumbled away -- no doubt making plenty enough noise to let anything follow her. She’d run faster until she’d inevitably stumbled. After tumbling down a slope and slamming against a tree she’d staggered to her feet, only to step in ankle deep water.
Some lucid remnant of her mind reminded her that water doesn’t hold footsteps or smell well, so she’d done her best to stay in the shallow creek. Eventually it had come out of the trees into a rocky gully, and with an unobstructed sky there had been enough light to sort of see where she was going.
She didn’t know how long she’d jogged, slid, and scrambled along with the tumbling water, before she’d come to a wider pond. It had seemed like too much of a barrier to handle at the time and she’d finally perched on rocks along its edge, waiting for something to come out of the dark and attack her -- but in the end she’d fallen asleep again.
Woken by the rain, she took stock of her position. Upstream was a tough scramble of flat and steep areas, bare rock near the water. To either side the gully rose, at first slowly then more steeply, trees dotting the slopes giving some possibility of climbing out, but it would be a challenge. And downhill …
When she turned around, she froze for a while. The pond wasn’t more than five metres across, contained by a rocky ledge on the far side. And beyond that ledge was nothing. All she could see beyond was the cloud and rain.
Eventually she had to go look, of course. The cliff below her was not as steep or sheer as the side of an office tower, but it had to be just as high. The water that through itself past the ledge arced away from the wall, and gradually blew apart into spray as it fell.
She whispered into the wind “A veil of tears; how appropriate for this place.”
Oct 17 2016, 03:37 PM
Addie, day 5, Bridal Veil Falls
Addie wasn’t sure how long she’d stood at the edge of the cliff, mesmerized, before words came softly out of her lips: “Deep. Cold. Remote and hard to find -- a lake or air instead of water.” All she had to do was step out, or dive like into a pool, or find a way to run and jump to get farther out past the edge.
It was funny, when she thought about it, but jumping to your death did require a bit of thought, a bit of technique. Obviously the goal was to die at impact, so tumbling down a rocky cliff, breaking bones, getting concussed, possibly getting snagged somewhere while crippled, to die of exposure, that would be no good. Even shattering your spine on impact but taking time for the shock and possible blood loss to kill you didn’t sound so good. Landing head first, that should be the goal.
But you couldn’t exactly do a practice run, could you?
She found herself actually giggling as she imagined the safety protocols you’d have to follow for safe practice suicide dives. Spirits, why did her brain always try to get silly when it should be serious? No wonder she couldn’t get anything done properly when she lacked focus and seriousness.
Still, she’d miss silly thoughts. Well, she’d be dead, so technically she wouldn’t miss anything … so it was more that giving up on having those fun silly thoughts made her a bit sad. Never to play with her grandmother’s cat again was another sad thought, and...
No, this was no good, she’d never jump if she kept thinking that way.
She stood right up on the edge, took her deepest breath, and screamed out into the wind, rain, and giant lake of air “I’m a screw up. I frag up everything. When I try to keep people together they split apart. When I try to motivate people it turns out wrong. When I try to protect people they get hurt. I never got the marks that would get me into a top college despite Grandma’s pull.”
She kicked at the water flowing past her toes, feeling no fear of falling right now, then resumed screaming all the louder, voice going ragged with the effort “Alll those boys who just wanted me to be a pretty blonde piece of tail? They were right! At least as arm-candy I wouldn’t hurt people.. It ended up being fragging Lindsey who pulled the girls together for their protection and me who got Niyaf raped.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks, dripping off her chin to mix with the rain and creek as she repeated “I got Niyaf raped. I fragging set someone up for that. Me. I’m not Addie the least, I’m the fragging anti-Addison: I don’t protect the weak and punish the guilty, I punish the weak and I probably somehow protect the guilty -- I don’t even fragging know how because I’m too fragging stupid to even know how badly I’m screwing it all up.”
Staring down into the valley now, she did her best to blink away the tear so she could pick out where to aim her leap “You hear that, all of you who aren’t listening? The best fragging thing I can do in this fragged up world is kill myself and stop hurting others. This spot is so fragging beautiful that there should corporate tour busses lined up so people could take pictures but the one good thing about this whole giant pile of drek is that there is nobody here to get hurt by me finally doing the right thing. See world, for once I won’t hurt anyone else, for once I can just frag myself up instead of everyone else. Thank you mountains and trees and creek and rain for not giving a heaping pile of drek what I do, and thank you everyone else for leaving me and the fragging elements alone!”
Finally she felt almost ready. Was there anything else to take care of first? She had nothing with her but her skin suit and the ragged remains of the top part of her flats, and there was no reason to take those off. Was there anything she should do with her link, in case it was ever recovered? Should she leave a note that she was going to climb down the cliff, so everyone could decide that she’d just been dumb and incompetent like always, so that they wouldn’t know she’d just given up? With nobody here to see her she had that option.
She grinned a bit ruefully; who, in this age, would ever get to kill themselves somewhere so beautiful, without any witnesses at all? There wasn’t even a road down there as best as she could tell, probably not even a remote camera beaming the view back over the matrix -- although a camera or small drone would be hard to see, with the threes and rain.
Then it hit her: why the frag wasn’t there anyone watching this place? It was so spectacular; where in the world would somewhere this stunning not have a road in for tourists, or at least a landing pad for VTOLs? Maybe if it was just monitored by cameras?
With a thought she turned on her link, carefully went through the boot up process, then worked her way through the controls like Widget and Pierre had coached her. Maximum sensitivity and transmit range, maximum retry attempts, maximum everything. Even if the clouds and rain blocked her vision she must have line of site for kilometres along the valley from up here, if there was anything on the matrix down there she should be able to pick it up.
And she touched nothing. Not quite true, she thought that maybe there was a very faint touch from Aria at one point, but she quickly shut things down after that -- the last thing she needed was people coming looking for her and getting themselves hurt, or finding her body and getting all upset. It was good that nobody would witness this as it happened, she didn’t need them putting it together after the fact and ending up upset.
And then it hit her. “Aw, DREK! I have to tell them. Frag you, world, just frag you and your cruel sense of humour! I have tol tell them that we are nowhere normal, that there is nobody over the next ridge, that this isn’t a trid special about a week in the wilderness. I don’t know if it is magic or we were kept asleep for years until the matrix changed or if we got taken to somewhere in Asia or just what, but I’ve got to tell them -- we are SO on our own.”
She cried some more, then. Tears at the thought of having to live after all, of picking all the pain and failure and confusion back up, and of having to go back and face her mistakes...
Oct 17 2016, 06:10 PM
Day 4 evening.
Some time later, Dana went to a remote location and stripped, whispering words in Hebrew she turned herself into an owl. She summoned a minor spirit and ordered it "Carry my clothes and follow me" and as she did she was looking for Lindsey's group. They were not difficult to find because they were not very far from a birds perspective but also because they had a powerful spirit protecting them.
Dana got dressed near their camp and then approached it, visible on purpose to not alarm them. "Good evening ladies" She said.
Oct 18 2016, 12:34 PM
Day 4, After dark, Maya’s Group
It has taken a little while but Rick has clearly been considering Maya’s challenge…he speaks directly to Maya but it is clear that his words are meant for everyone
“So, the great and glorious Maya is going to let us choose…petition to be in her select group? I had intended to ask her to reconsider and lead with me, or in my absence, but we are clearly too dysfunctional for her to cope with. So now you must beg to be taken in, the rest, she condemns them to a lonely death…how beneficent of her! I have already said this, perhaps some of you weren’t listening? It is going to take all of us to survive this, not small cliques. We don’t know how long we will be here…it certainly looks like it will be a damn long hike back to any kind of civilisation…”
Suddenly he stiffens, arms jerking out to his sides…when he opens his mouth again it is as though a lurid green light has infused him…even his eyes begin to glow…his voice when he speaks is different, rasping as though torn from ravaged lungs…
“Squabble, squabble, I am bored of listening to you all…”
And Rick lunges forwards for Maya with fingers curled in to claws…
Oct 18 2016, 09:23 PM
Without thinking, Rafferty threw down the piece of wood he'd been whittling and his knife and rushed to place his own body in the path of Rick's attack, willing himself to move fast enough...
Oct 19 2016, 03:07 AM
Maya is no stranger to danger in the wilds and the few seconds it takes for Rick to reveal his true nature gives her time to be reaching for the knife that Dana had given her. She is probably too slow to have it ready before Rick attacks, but she can hope that the pelt of the cat will give her some special protection and allow her to get a counter attack in. Suddenly, Raferty lunges into the fray from her left side, taking the brunt of the attack. She has time to move slightly apart and ready her weapon, ready for the next attack. She had always thought there was a lot to the quiet boy, and now she is certain.
Oct 19 2016, 03:39 AM
[Cailin - 4th day - Main Camp] #145
Not expecting anything like that, Cailin is a bit slow to react. But when she does, she very obviously casts a spell on Rick, who starts to levitate a few meters above the ground, far enough from anyone to not be a danger...and no risk getting hit himself.
Oct 19 2016, 01:27 PM
Maya looks over at Cailin. "Very nice. Very nice indeed. How long can you keep that going." She moves to where Raferty is while keeping an eye on the floating Rick. "So how are you doing, my brave hero?"
Oct 19 2016, 01:47 PM
[Cailin - 4th day - Main Camp] #146
Cailin doesn't answer right now, very pale and still focused on Rick. She turns him towards the sky, such that he can't see anyone. And if he can't see anyone, he can't attack anyone.
With a growl, she says "Sim, destroy the spirit. Right now would be nice."
Oct 19 2016, 01:51 PM
[Nim - 4th day - Main Camp] #9
I rush up to place myself and my spear between the floating ork and Maya.
[ Spoiler ]
What's going on?
Oct 19 2016, 02:22 PM
Maya gives a surprised look at the new girl as she also steps forward. Maya's Sperethiel is pretty basic, but she replies as best she can.
[ Spoiler ]
"The floating kid is named Rick. He is/was the leader of this larger camp before it imploded. I do not know how much influence he will have in the morning. I believe that he has been attacked and possessed by something. Thank you for wanting to help."
Oct 19 2016, 09:06 PM
Raf's life had flashed before him - even as his protective instincts had sent him into the path of Rick's blow, he had realized from the clawlike form of the possessed ork's hands that they carried lethal power. And then, steeling himself for the blow, his attacker was yanked upward as if by some unseen god, fingers scrabbling at Raf's flats as he was sent helplessly skyward.
Maya said something to him, but he was too busy making sure he was still alive. Shaking his head, he did his best to take stock of the situation.
Oct 20 2016, 04:39 AM
[Cailin - 4th day - Main Camp] #147Surprised by the absence of answer, Cailin looks around her. She makes some small gestures, but soon staggers, rubbing her forehead with a grimace. With a grunt, she says
"Someone go find Sim. Quick, before the spirit does something we'll all regret. I can't do much right now. And maybe Dot too. Or Klarissa. Or both, whatever, big strong people to restrain Rick. I can have him float like that for hours, but..."[ Spoiler ]
Summon Earth spirit [6] (Summon, defence, drain):
8d6t5 2 6d6t5 4 13d6t5 3It was a long shot but still...
No spirit and 5 drain. I think I took one earlier in the day, which means I'm at 6S.
Oct 20 2016, 05:22 AM
Maya looks at three of the kids standing around with gaping mouths. "Go to the tent and lean-to and ask Dot, Pierre, and Sim to return here as quickly as possible. The two men have not been gone long so maybe you can yell at them, but get moving now. Please"
She goes to take Cailin's arm. "Would it help if I held you?"
Oct 20 2016, 06:26 PM
Jamal had been squatting a small distance away, quietly waiting to see how things would work out between Rick and Maya – he’d made a mistake in following Mohamed earlier, and was making sure to be more careful this time. When Rick started changing, Jamal slowly eased back to a standing position and eased partially behind a tree, letting the alphas fight it out.
But then he finally realized that something was wrong, and by the time Maya was asking for someone to find Sim the young hunter was already bounding off in that direction. If nothing else, he thought, it was better to be with the mojo-man and away from whatever was becoming of Rick.
Once he felt safely away from the stand-off he started to yell “Sim! SIIIIIMMMM!”
[ Spoiler ]
Just a quick non-PC post to put Maya's instructions into action
Oct 20 2016, 09:26 PM
Seeing the situation, Raf started pulling the struts out of the tent, motioning for some others to do the same.
Whispering sotte voce, he called to Maya and Cailin - "If you can hold him there just a little longer, you can drop him into this. If a dozen of us wrap him in it as he hits, and pile on top of him, he'll be harmless - unable to fight or use magic. And that way we won't have to hurt Rick."
Oct 20 2016, 10:14 PM
Addie, day 5, Bridal Veil Creek
Addie took one last look over the shrouded valley and whispered “Bye … at least for now.” Turning, she looked at path back -- the creek dropped a lot on its way to the falls, going over many small drops -- that is small compared to its final leap, but many still a story or two high. Mostly bare rock, wet from the rain, and with the creek almost visibly swelling. Improbably, she found herself smiling.
“The journey back up from hell isn’t supposed to be easy, is it?”
It absolutely was not easy. She was soon soaked through, bruised, scraped, dirty, hair knotted, nails torn up. She had thirteen years of gymnastics to draw on to help her climb, jump, vault, and fall safely. Her recent training in ju-jitsu had helped her get used to shocks, pain, and surprises. And she was just out-right determined -- she’d turned back from the cliff for a reason and she was NOT going to let a mountain get in the way of that.
And she was smiling the whole time.
+ + + + + + + + +
She slid down the slick rock face for the third time and spat out “Drek!” But she said it through a smile. She looked around, then limped over to a large rock. She relished the loud grunt she left out as she lifted it, and she yelled as she managed to bring it closer to the rock face. Then she took off the battered shoes that come with the flats, tucked the equally bedraggled socks into them, and threw them up over the current barrier -- only to see one of them flow back down over the cliff face. She snagged it and tossed it up again.
Once her shoes stayed put she paced back, announced to the world “And up next on the vault is Addie. She’ll be doing a single face-plant into a cliff face, with zero flips, twists, or embellishments. The maximum mark for this move is survival. Marks will be deducted for blood, broken bones, or death.” Then she sprinted forward on her toes in the dinstinctive gymnast gait, before leaping to the rock and springing off it further up the cliff face.
It was water smoothed, but slightly sloped. With bare feet as well as hands she was able to get just enough grip before slipping to keep some upward momentum and get her hands over the edge to the top, then haul herself over the ledge into the next shallow pond. She lay in the water for a minute before rolling to her feet and finishing her narration as she put her shoes back on. “And Addie completed the move successfully, earning zero points, but the chance to take on the next challenge!”
But as she looked up-stream, she didn’t see any more cliffs. The creek was still tumbling down a fair slope, but the valley was shallower, with more trees, and definitely less steeply than it had so far.
She was disoriented for a moment, so focussed on taking on each physical challenge as she came to it that she wasn’t quite sure of what to do once it became easy. Finally she started slogging along in the shallows while she gathered her thoughts.
After a minute it occurred to her “No wonder Dana likes to train so much, and focus on being able to fight -- it makes life a lot simpler than trying to foresee every problem and navigate people around it.”
Another minute and she added “Not that I was as good at navigating people around problems as I thought. I was more like the captain of the freaking Titanic, overconfident to the end.”
A few more steps and it finally occurred to her: “Not that anyone asked me to navigate them around problems. Maybe I should have said my piece and let them try to figure things out for themselves? Neither Mom nor Grandma would really approve of trusting the average person to know what is good for them -- but I’m not as clever as they are. Maybe the average person has at least as good an idea as I do? Not a very 'Addison' thought, but I'm really not much of an Addison, am I? ”
She fell quiet for a moment as she worked past a fallen tree, then continued thinking out loud. “Ah frag! That means I also owe Maya an apology, on top of everything else -- she was maybe right to try and give everyone a say. Well, I can at least try it her way -- and NO more leading people into disaster for me.”
She felt a bit of tension go out of her shoulders, and she found the energy to break a dead branch off the tree and try to do some baton twirls with it. The third time she fumbled the branch she left it to drift down the creek, looked up into the rain and told the world “That was fun. Climbing out was fun. Even foraging for food and building the lean-to was fun. I think that I’m what mother dearest calls ‘one those poor unfortunates who think better with their body than their brains.’ Guess what Mom -- your daughter is a loser, your daughter is a loser!” She laughed at her sing-song, and kept smiling.
The thought of foraging did remind her stomach that it hadn’t eaten anything for about a day, and had drunk quite a bit of somewhat dubious water. She resolved to keep an eye out for any edible looking plants, but to try and ignore the hunger otherwise. “After all, we’re probably all going to get familiar with hunger, if we are isolated as I think we might be. Hopefully I re-connect and get to eat decent for a while longer, but … better get used to ignoring being hungry. Just when I say I’m going to live more in my body than my brain, and here I am planning on mind over matter or something.”
But mentioning ‘mind’ did remind her of something distracting that she could do with her thoughts. She booted her commlink back up. Being mostly back out of the creek’s valley, and a little way closer to camp, hopefully she could contact someone. She left the maximum sensitivity settings on, and sent “Aria, are you there? I think I almost made contact with you earlier? Anyone else getting this?”
Oct 21 2016, 03:15 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Oct 17 2016, 06:10 PM)

Day 4 evening.
Some time later, Dana went to a remote location and stripped, whispering words in Hebrew she turned herself into an owl. She summoned a minor spirit and ordered it "Carry my clothes and follow me" and as she did she was looking for Lindsey's group. They were not difficult to find because they were not very far from a birds perspective but also because they had a powerful spirit protecting them.
Dana got dressed near their camp and then approached it, visible on purpose to not alarm them. "Good evening ladies" She said.
The girls looked surprised, and Nora rushed behind Lindsey to hide. "How did she get here?" "Did she follow us the entire time?"
They whispered as Dana scanned for the 'attractive blond lady that talks too much' as she saw her.
"Is Addie with you?" she asked, and one of the girls said
"No, I think she remained at the main camp." Looking for Lindsey Dana said
"Lindsey, I think she is missing - as if gone. She is not with Maya, and not with Rick and nobody has seen her for a while... she is usually impossible to miss.
Oct 21 2016, 04:07 AM
Maya steps forward to help with the tent, getting all of the injured out then working with the others to get it ready for Cailin to drop Rick into. She looks over to where Raferty is supervising and smiles at him. "We can keep him trussed up for a bit, but he will need to eat and drink at some point. By the way, you are brilliant."
Oct 21 2016, 04:51 PM
Lindsey shrugs, "Well it's pretty much everyone for themselves at this point, no? There's lots of 'missing' people now. You're doing your thing with Maya, the Orcs took off..." She's interrupted by some grumblings of "Good riddance!" from the other girls. Lindsey motions as if to say 'see what I mean' and continues, "Anyway, we haven't seen her since we headed out, I figure she had the same idea of getting out of Dodge that we did." Pointing with a raised eyebrow, "I think she headed off that way if you wanted to continue looking...?"
Oct 21 2016, 04:57 PM
Dana looked at Lindsey and asked "What makes you think she went THAT way? did you see her going somewhere?
It was strange to Dana that a charismatic lady like Addie would not be popular, perhaps giving insight into what really happens in a big group of people.
Oct 21 2016, 05:08 PM
"Well, when the camp went nuclear, she was back by the hill, so presumably she went that way... I haven't seen her since." An idea obviously comes to her and she turns to the littlest girl, "Wait, can't you talk with her, Aria?"
Oct 21 2016, 05:41 PM
Aria confirmed "I tried it, but she is out of range, i cannot see her icon anywhere." Dana said "I am beginning to worry, perhaps you can send a spirit after her and I would protect you instead? There is so much ground I can cover at night. I mean, I can try to summon a spirit myself but I am nowhere near your own ability."
Oct 23 2016, 05:39 PM
[Nim - 4th day - Main Camp] #10
I see what Rafferty intends when he indicates the tent and I help him ready it for Rick's capture after I set my spear against the tree.
Oct 24 2016, 11:20 AM
Day 4: Night
Seeing the reluctance of the girls to give up their never sleeping guardian for a mere 'Dana', "Weren't you around when Grok died?" said one of the girls. Dana needed no formal answer, Lindsey's spirit would stay where it is. "Fine" said Dana, "I will try myself, and you keep the spirit." she said. There was not much visible but Dana could feel Lindsey's gloating at her as she tried not once, not twice but three times to summon a minor and unimpressive spirit. "Find and protect Addie" she ordered the spirit and hinted it of the general direction Addie should have walked. The spirit took only a few minutes to locate Addie, and then the spirit stood guard on her, trying to make sure that no wildlife approaches the girl.
"Do you girls mind if I spend the night here with you? " She asked, Dana could feel that once the girls broke off to their own branch, the hostility toward her has greatly reduced - she was no more Dana the traitor and nobody outspokenly opposed to having her. Dana approached little Aria and asked her to notify Summers that she was going to spend the night with Lindsey's girls. She could return, but without a spirit to carry her clothes Dana could not bring her protective glove with her. Without it, life could be dramatically more difficult.
Oct 24 2016, 03:03 PM
Lindsey looked at Dana a bit puzzled when she asked to use her spirit to look for Addie. "Why should I use mine to help her when she obviously can make ones of her own. Or even look herself..." she thinks. She was saved the trouble of refusing Dana by Julie's comment about Grok, and then had the pleasure of watching Dana fail multiple times to summon a basic spirit. "Although, I've been having trouble with calling up my friends here as well. Really hope tomorrow offers a way out of this place..."
Dana's request to stay the night isn't wholly surprising, but neither is it wholly welcome. "Sure, we should have just enough room in the tent for one more, but it will be tight..." As the camp winds down for the night and everyone is in the tent talking a bit before bed, she wonders just what effect her bailing on the main camp with the tent, girls, and supplies effected the others. "So how are Maya's and Rick's groups doing now? Did anyone even really notice we left?" she asks Dana. The other girls quiet a bit to hear the answer.
Oct 24 2016, 06:05 PM
[Cailin - 4th day - Main Camp] #148
A bit doubtful, but not really seeing any other solution, Cailin drops Rick into the tent. Fast enough that the spirit won't be able to do anything, but not too fast to risk a bad injury.
Oct 24 2016, 07:06 PM
Dana said "Well Rick and I got the orcs together to the camp, Muhammad tried to stab me and I kicked him so bad that he had to be carried back to the base. He proved to be a real douche thanks for warning me about him... Personally, I wouldn't mind leaving Muhammad to die after he tried to stab me, but Rick insisted on taking him back to the camp, go figure."
She allowed the girls a bit of comments about Muhammad and then continued.
Anyhow, Rick arrived and saw that half the kids joined Maya and he then got into a huge argument with her. This is when I noticed that Addie was gone, I mean usually if there is an argument like that Addie would be there trying to defuse the situation, speaking nicely and everything.
So about your departure, people know you left and I would not be surprised if Rick will follow you tomorrow. The man is dangerous, he has a monowhip that can cut a grown orc in half with a single swing and he is willing to use that whip to secure his leadership. He has this mantra that everyone should be together under his rule. I would definitely consider Rick a possible threat, absurdly I think that your situation is better than the orcs, because you have Lindsey and her spirits and they may keep Rick at bay."
Sighing she added "Thank you so much for letting me stay. Now allow me to pull my weight to make life a bit easier for you since you already know that I do magic, thanks to Nora." She grinned at Nora, and despite everything Dana genuinely liked her.
She whispered a few hebrew words and adjusted the ground to be perfectly flat so that the tent will be more comfortable to sleep in. Then she created a protective wall around the tent that should block the wind and finally she created small canals in case it rained, so the place would not be too muddy as the rain will be routed into a small shallow pool. Satisfied Dana looked at her craft work, and said "Hopefully we will get out of here soon, but in the meanwhile I hope that you sleep well tonight." She said to the astonished girls. The entire project only took a few minutes.
Oct 24 2016, 07:53 PM
[Nim /Main Camp/Day 4] #11
As Caitlin drops Rick into the tent I jump to wrap him up in it, with a quick tuck and a roll he is bound up like an ork sized burrito.
Oct 24 2016, 08:08 PM
Raf was only a heartbeat behind the new girl - along with several other kids, he already had one edge of the tent in both hands. Lifting high and then coming down hard, they brought the ends up to cover the ends of Rick poking out of the burrito, so that he was quickly wrapped in two directions, with several kids putting their weight on the edges on even, like Rafferty, atop him.
Oct 25 2016, 04:14 AM
Maya is not one to lead from the rear and is right behind Raferty in jumping on Rick, helping to get him tied up and secure.
Oct 25 2016, 03:30 PM
Pierre, Night of day 4, main camp area
“Sim! SIIIIMMMM!” Pierre and the orc magician turned toward the call at the same time, and both saw an orc sprinting toward the, yelling for the magician. They glanced at each other then started running back toward the other boy – Pierre recognized him as Jamal by the time they were close enough for better communication.
Jamal gasped “Rick, he went strange and creepy, then he started floating!”
They all stared back toward the new camp, although looking with three different types of vision they no doubt were picking up different pieces of information. Although there was a tree and a couple of bushes partially obscuring what was going on, Pierre could make out the heat of several bodies rushing around, but was mostly focussed on a solitary body that was thrashing around in mid-air, somewhat like it was trying to do the back-stroke. “That’s Rick?” murmured the dwarf, followed by “And why is he so warm?”
As he dropped into a crouch Sim muttered “Caitlin spelled him, but there is something worse.”
Pierre looked back and forth between the magician and the camp for a minute, then suggested “Jamal, the rest of you, can you stay and protect Sim? I’m going to go find out what is going on.” Seeing Rick’s form becoming obscured by something, the dwarf stopped talking and started running as quickly as he could. He knew he wasn’t the fastest runner, but the camp wasn’t even as far as the distance around a baseball diamond so he poured on his best speed, fearing that he was going to be there too late to help avoid a disaster.
As he ran he saw first one then several bodies fling themselves into a pile -- presumably on top of Rick?
Oct 25 2016, 04:36 PM
Day 4, After dark, Maya’s Group
As soon as the Rick / spirit touch the ground and it gets some purchase against the spell it begins to thrash but being trussed in to the tent, even with the surprising strength it displays, mutes its struggles and Raf, Maya and the others are just about able to restrain it.
But despite your exertions you realise that the body underneath you is getting hot, uncomfortably so…the thrashing continues for a few moments and then goes still… followed by a rather muffled
“What the frag! What the hell are you doing? Get the frag off me now!” in a voice much more like Rick’s…
Oct 25 2016, 05:24 PM
Pierre, night of day 4, main camp area
As he gets close enough to the group to pick out more detail, he can see that there is heat radiating out from below the pile of bodies, that they are piled onto something well above human body temperature. Then he gets close enough to the fire for normal vision to begin resolving more detail and he recognizes the kids piled onto what looks like a collapsed, but thrashing, tent.
He is momentarily puzzled about why the tent is so hot and combative, then he hears Rick’s voice and he realizes that they’d collapsed the tent on him. Rick’s voice sounds normal enough, but Jamal hadn’t said just how Rick had gone weird so that didn’t necessarily mean anything. He paused, several steps back, uncertain of what to do.
He felt a bit silly, having sprinted over here only to stop and watch, but given that he didn’t know what was going on, what else could he do? He wondered if he should go back to Sim -- but honesty compelled him to admit that catching his breath first sounded like a good plan. Between a broken arm from a poorly controlled drone at the factory, and a couple of close calls on the streets of Montreal, the plastic bone lining had seemed like a good idea at the time, but nobody had told him that the added weight was noticeable when running. Not that any of this was due to his short legs or too much time over the past year sitting in front of a computer.
Wrenching his thoughts back to the present, he finally called out “What is going on? Was Rick on fire – I saw how hot he looked?”
Oct 25 2016, 08:40 PM
Raf's mind was reeling with possibilities.
Darn it - so little real information on which to base a decision.
Rick's (?) struggling and shouting was his last concern. He didn't feel beholden to the ork, and this was for his own good anyway.
But as he sense hesitation and uncertainty on the part of the other kids holding Rick down, he looked at the inches-away Maya and over at Cailin.
"If it's left him because its vessel was caught, then it could reinhabit him the moment we set him free. But if we don't set him free, it could just jump into someone else. I think....? How easily and quickly can it do that?"
At least the heat that had manifested earlier was fading.
Oct 25 2016, 09:31 PM
Pierre, night of day 4, main camp area
Pierre was close enough to hear Raf's question, so he strode closer and added a bit of extra information "Jamal let us -- Sim and the kids I was taking to the other camp -- know that something happened with Rick, and Sim looked like he was getting ready to do some sort of magic thing when I left them to come back and try to help. I don't know that he did, but he might have done something. Hopefully he'll be here soon to tell us more."
And since he had joined the conversation, he asked "So what actually happened? We just heard that Rick freaked out, and I saw that he looked hotter than normal."
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