Feb 19 2019, 10:30 AM
This must be him!Her attacks against enemy arms proved more and more fruitless, but bnc finds another way to aid her party in combat. She marks their target's commlink and highlights it in their party members' field of vision, making him easier to spot.
[ Spoiler ]
Tagging a target negates up to 2 dice in penalties
from Visibility and Light/Glare to any affected
ranged attack rolls allies may be making against that
target, including blind-fire due to invisibility or shooting
through cover. Allies who can see a tag may also
take one additional Take Aim Action against that target
as a Free Action on each Initiative Pass.
Feb 19 2019, 08:13 PM
Sharkboy responded to the automatic fire with an explosive arrow, quickly aimed thanks to bnc's tag.
[ Spoiler ]
Free: Aim action
Simple: Reload
Simple: Shoot Arrow:
20d6t5 6 DV 12P AP-3
Feb 19 2019, 08:52 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Leader goes Full Defense and uses half cover:
Full Defense:
22d6t5 9The man saw the arrow heading for him and fell quickly back behind the door frame.
Feb 19 2019, 09:08 PM
Nova followed up on Sharkboy's arrow with a burst from her Enfield, after getting her shotgun ready.
[ Spoiler ]
At Pass 1 Initiative 19:
Simple Action: Ready shotgun
Free Action: Take Aim
Simple Action: Burst Fire at the Leader
4 hits (-2 to Defense, DV 15P AP -2)
Feb 19 2019, 10:10 PM
Another shot, and another dodge from the man with the mask
[ Spoiler ]
Feb 20 2019, 09:03 PM
Seeing how elusive the man was, Anna ignored for a moment the gun in her hands and mentally whacked him with her stunbolt spell.
Feb 20 2019, 09:48 PM
The spell connected and the man visibly staggered under the mental assault.
Feb 20 2019, 11:21 PM
With the little cross in his hand and a short prayer spoken, Wraith had finally mustered up the courage to jump outside and join the fray:
He pushed the door open and jumped outside, where he immediately kicked the door closed behind him. Murmuring
"Strike him down, almighty...", his right hand made a striking gesture towards the leader, sending a magical attack his way.
[ Spoiler ]
Simple action: open the door
Free action: Slam it shut (guess that means no action left to take cover)
Simple action: reckless stunbolt at the highlighted opponent.
reckless stunbolt f5:
14d6t5 6 (only 5 hits count)
Resist drain:
12d6t5 4Takes one damage.
Feb 21 2019, 08:08 PM
The second strike went home as well, making their target stagger again.
Feb 22 2019, 02:22 PM
[ Spoiler ]
17d6t5 10Opposed roll:
10d6t5 4yip
As her comrades seem to fare pretty well in the fight, bnc wants to make sure that the fellow doesn't send any messages she doesn't want him to send. Thus, she places a little virtual bug in his commlink.
Feb 22 2019, 04:23 PM
Sharkboy drew and fired another explosive arrow at the target, hoping to keep his attention away from the two mages.
[ Spoiler ]
Simple: Reload Weapon
Free: Aim
Simple: Shoot Arrow:
20d6t5 8 DV 12P AP-3
Feb 23 2019, 10:55 AM
The leader almost managed to avoid the arrow - almost.
And although his armored suite prevented the missile from penetrating, the force was enough to knock him to the ground where his head bounced once and he lay still.
The two guards had enough at this point, firing wildly behind them, they ran like one man towards the exit, not caring for their fallen boss.
Feb 23 2019, 11:11 AM
"Nice shot, Sharky!" Nova applauded, as she gave the running guards a sideway glance and shrugged her shoulders. These goons were no concern for her.
Instead she immediately moved over to where their mark has gone down, disarming him and quickly searching him for anything important, commlink and such.
Feb 23 2019, 04:53 PM
Sharkboy aimed an arrow at the retreating guards, but thought better of it and then relaxed at Nova's compliment.
"Thanks. Everyone alright?"
Sharkboy let Nova handle their mark as he went around to clean up what was left of his stick'n'shock arrows from the guards. He probably couldn't fix them, but that wasn't a reason to leave them behind to be found later The explosive arrows would take care of themselves.
Feb 24 2019, 12:11 AM
"Damn...", Wraith murmured as the explosion rang through the facility, seemingly impressed, nodding in approval at Sharkboy.
He raised a thumb up to reply that he was all right, then he let his mind wander to the telepathic link with his spirit to see if it was ok.
Feb 24 2019, 02:23 AM
"I am fine... Impressive fighting everyone. These arrows sure got some impressive punch behind them." Anna reported. >> So, we need to find the lead researcher, steal the plans and load the van with tons of BTL. Whose going where?
Feb 24 2019, 07:33 AM
"Well. This guy here is the head of operations, whom we are to take in. We still need the computer files, so best to proceed to the offices."
Feb 24 2019, 07:44 AM
"Help me carry him inside" she replies and took his legs to be placed inside the van.
Feb 24 2019, 08:34 AM
Right, we're not just here to pick a fight. Sharkboy left his bow on his back as he started heading down the hall towards the offices.
"Anna, let James take care of moving the target. You're healthy, so come help clear out the offices."
Feb 24 2019, 10:18 AM
"Alright, lead on Sharko"
Feb 24 2019, 12:03 PM
Finding the office wasn't hard. An expensive... bnc corrected herself mentally - a very, very expensive simsense recording station dominated the middle of the room.
A comfortable, reclining seat in the middle was its focus point. Next to it was a space with padded mats on the floor and the walls as well as a sparring drone. Dozens of sensors dotted the walls, allowing recordings from every angle. Next to it a small table with refreshments waited.
The server was of course locked down and not wireless active.
[ Spoiler ]
Knowledge test on entertainment/martial arts/blood sports or similar
The server is an offline host with R7
Feb 24 2019, 01:31 PM
Before he moving out, Wraith checked if his spirit had destroyed the enemy watcher.
He then activated his astral sight to be ready for any astrally moving reinforcements.
[ Spoiler ]
Command earlier was to target the "threats outside", so just in case the spirit felt like the watcher was no actual threat and decided to spare it, it is now commanded to destroy it.
Feb 24 2019, 03:45 PM
The spirits had taken out the watcher just as the hounds.
The team knew that whatever they did now, they were on the clock - reinforcements were likely on the way since both watcher, boss and decker certainly had already sent out a distress call.
Feb 24 2019, 04:38 PM
Sharkboy looked over the room and the machine trying to figure out what it was, but quickly relented.
"I have no idea what this is, or what we need to do with it."
Feb 25 2019, 06:10 AM
"Roger" was all bnc said to Sharkboy's suggestion, then mentally commanded James to lift the victim into the car, while she herself returned to her loathed junk of meat body to jog over to the server room.
She whistles softly as she sees the equipment used her, but this was neither the place nor the people that could leave her in admiration. Also, not the time. As soon as the server was identified, she moved over briskly, sat down, drew a cable out of her datajack and plugged it into the computer. She shifted to make herself comfortable and once again dove into the depths of cyberspace.
[ Spoiler ]
Standard stealth configuration.
19d6t5 6Opposed roll:
17d6t5 2Haha, the host seems to invite me.
bnc shifts her deck to running silent, then enters the host.
Feb 25 2019, 07:16 AM
Nova stayed near the van in the meantime, making sure that nothing unexpected would surprise them. She mostly kept an eye on the suit and the door leading to the office part of the warehouse, while taking a closer look at the equipment she had taken from the unconscious man and searching him more thoroughly, too.
Feb 25 2019, 05:07 PM
The workers and the remaining guards had run, leaving the warehouse empty of enemy activity.
bnc entered the offline host to find a very retro looking, comparatively low resolution environment dominated by chrome and neon aesthetics.
Still there was quite a lot of computing power behind this host and the patrol IC looked far from harmless, despite only wearing the default skin.
[ Spoiler ]
Matrix search threshold 3
Sensitive Files are encrypted
Feb 26 2019, 08:11 AM
[ Spoiler ]
loading Toolbox
matrix ini:
4d6+15 33matrix ini (Agent):
4d6+10 29Pass 1:
Matrix Search:
13d6t5 2Matrix Search (Agent):
10d6t5 5I just realized that the matrix search will take some time anyway and can thus not be calculated in init passes.
bnc orders her agent to assist her looking for the file and, once they found it, support her with an analysis feed. Then she dives off, wearing herself a non-descriptive male/androgynous standard persona.
Feb 26 2019, 05:12 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Under the assumption that encrypted means protected, here's my roll:
Crack File:
15d6t5 5I don't know what level the protection is, thus I can't roll the opposed check.
Hesitating only a split-split-second, bnc cracks the file's protection, while sending her agent out to search for other files that are relevant for the BTL production.
Feb 26 2019, 08:27 PM
The first file bnc finds is indeed the current master file from which the btl are produced. The whole search took the agent 30 seconds. bnc managed to crack the file and copy it. Another quick search like that might show her who is behind the whole operation.
Wraith and Anna received at the same time warning from their spirits outside: Two brawny looking fire spirits have appeared in the astral and are moving toward them. It seems like the security mage on duty has woken up.
Feb 26 2019, 08:47 PM
"Two spirits approaching. Be ready! ", Wraith alerted his comrades. He then called his spirit to get inside the mana-barrier (through the meta-planes, I guess) so they would face them together. Closing his third eye, he left the astral plane to give the spirits no immediate target and hopefully force them to materialize first.
Feb 27 2019, 06:22 AM
Ignorant to the danger, bnc and her agent continue to dig deeper. She would know who was after her sister, no matter the price!
[ Spoiler ]
agent teamwork test:
10d6t5 1 so very helpful
Matrix Search:
14d6t5 3Oh shit, this might be too slow...
Feb 27 2019, 06:50 AM
"Shouldn't we all circle the wagons so that they don't pick us off separately?" Ask Sharkboy over subvocals as he activated he imbued his body with magic to make it lethal to spirits.
Feb 27 2019, 09:46 AM
"Who'y 'they'?", bnc asks with a hint of panic, while she frantically searches for the file in need.
[ Spoiler ]
Is Search of any use?
Feb 27 2019, 03:47 PM
Anna replies to Wraith
"Let's have our spirits intercept them." she commands her spirit to intercept and says
"I'll cast a mana barrier around us to slow them down." Mana Barrier F4 (2 drain):
Mana Barrier:
13d6t5 7Drain:
15d6t5 2
Feb 27 2019, 06:25 PM
[ Spoiler ]
@Volker: Threshold is 3, so 0 net successes, you can try again though without penalty
Instead of battling out an endless spirit fight, let's just compare a Force x2 roll of each combatant:
Spirits Attack:
2#8d6t5 2 3The two enemy spirits didn't hessitate to attack the runner's spirits on the astral, despite being weaker.
Mar 3 2019, 07:29 AM
While it appeared to stay calm in the warehouse, the astral plane shook as the two fire spirits threw themselves relentlessly at the runners' spirits: With a wild charge, they attempted to disrupt Karl and the angel with one powerful blow, but the two withstood the reckless maneuver and immediately counterattacked.
For about ten seconds, the mages could feel their spirits trade blows, then the astral plane became peaceful again, as both Karl and the angel had vanquished their attacker.
Mar 3 2019, 08:01 AM
"Would someone answer me? Dafuck's going on out there?"
Mar 3 2019, 06:31 PM
Anna replies "You are protected from spirits with a mana barrier, and our spirits intercepted and disrupted the enemy spirits before they could reach us. I assume that any kind of other defense would take significantly longer to arrive. Just finish the geek job, we are keeping you safe."
Mar 3 2019, 06:51 PM
"thanks", bnc said, then focussed again at the task of finding out who was behind this shit.
Mar 3 2019, 07:02 PM
Indeed, the next 30 seconds nothing much happened.
The file's encryption yielded after a few moments of persuation and bnc learned that the guy they just captured was called Captain Ramon Herrero, and worked here in his capacity as fighting instructor for Ares Macrotechnologies. There was no overt mention that Ares funded this little operation, but reading between the lines it became clear, that this was an off-shoot of military research to create instant soldiers.
Mar 3 2019, 08:20 PM
Wraith nodded at Anna's explanation, but added:
"We're still on a clock, though. That security mage must be pretty pissed by now, the next strike will be harder."While bnc was working her magic on the computer, Wraith lazily took a superficial look around for things of obvious value - both with his physical and astral vision. He also kept his eyes open for cerosine or something else inflammable.
[ Spoiler ]
Mar 3 2019, 08:56 PM
Are we finished downloading yet whatever we came for, yet?
Mar 3 2019, 09:04 PM
Anna helps wraith in robbing the place - stealing things is her most passionate hobby after all.
Mar 3 2019, 09:46 PM
Surprisingly enough, the people here didn't seem to keep inflamables ready to burn down their base of operations. The servers looked expensive but were in general to heavy to move. The simsense recording stuff though was just heavy enough to be annoying but light enough to be carried by Sharkboy and Nova
Mar 4 2019, 06:50 AM
Anna texts
>>Nova, Shark, James - the simsense recorders seem expensive, too heavy for me though. Also let's finish loading the truck with BTL. [ Spoiler ]
Do we have time to levitate stuff to the van?
Mar 4 2019, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Mar 4 2019, 07:50 AM)
>>Nova, Shark, James - the simsense recorders seem expensive, too heavy for me though. Also let's finish loading the truck with BTL.[/color]
"They are. This is real high-tech stuff.
I'm done here. Prepare retreat."[ Spoiler ]
Is there any possibility to upload a routine that attempts to eraze all the data? Or, better still, can I do it myself within a reasonable time?
Also, if that's not possible, bnc would search for the log file and edit it, same procedure as every time.
Mar 4 2019, 02:00 PM
<< Alright, then let's pack the rest of it up and move out. >>
Nova had spent the waiting time by loading the boxes of BTL chips into the van, while keeping an eye out for trouble and checking on their captive every now and then. With James staying with him the whole time, she could move around a bit more freely without completely abandoning her post. She moved into the office part of the warehouse to help carry the heavier stuff then.
Mar 4 2019, 05:25 PM
Sharkboy helped Anna move the equipment back to the Van, while making sure that bnc stayed with the rest of the group so that they wouldn't be split up the next time some spirits showed up.
Mar 4 2019, 05:50 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Erasing the files would mean decrypting each one manually. You could cause matrix damage, but that would not really erase anything.
The savest way to destroy everything would be physically destroying the storage media - either by explosion or fire, or at least quite a lot of full auto weapon fire
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