Dec 25 2018, 05:21 PM
Anna asks bnc with concern "Won't the DECKER hack James...?" she is quite fond of the drone and his dry sense of humor.
To Wraith she answers "Pairs is okay I guess, do you like Sushi?"
Dec 26 2018, 05:24 PM
"Visits the heart of European cuisine and then asks for raw fish...", Wraith murmurs while shaking his head in exaggerated disappointment. He was smiling and obviously not really offendend.
"Sushi sounds good to me, as long as we're in proximity to the ship. I'm not sure, though, that bnc has the stomach for sushi."
To bnc: "Or... have your eating-habits changed?"
Dec 26 2018, 06:14 PM
"First, James won't meet the Abdecker but his barkeeper.
Second, do you cast a spell at every person? No? Likewise, hackers don't just hack random stuff, especially not the toys of their clients. Why would he want to hack him? Also, if he tries, I'll give him a touch time, for sure. I'm a hacker, too, in case your forgot.
Nah, but I can digest avocado maki. Why is it you only eat sushi all the time? You're in the heart of Europe, where basically everything that has a name comes from: from pizza to hamburger to coq au vin to dumplings to fragging Wiener Schnitzel. Sheesh, what is it with Americans and culture?"
Dec 26 2018, 06:40 PM
Anna says "I was just worried for James, he has a kinky sense of humor..." and then she replies "I guess these things are an acquired taste and perhaps you need to grow on them to appreciate them. Believe it or not, I like the Pizza in Seattle more than here. I like Sushi, especially Tuna and eating unprocessed food brings up fond memories. I am not a food dictator if you feel the need to educate me about the wonders of the European culture and its food, let's do so.
Dec 26 2018, 08:14 PM
"Why don't we leave the food-lessons for when the job's done and just take whatever has a good view on the ship?"
He tried an encouraging smile. "When we've got Kerstin safe and sound, we should take you all out for traditional Austrian food. Noone from abroad should miss out on Austrian desserts."
The optimism didn't reach his heart, though. If we can get Kerstin to safety. If she still is Kerstin.
Dec 26 2018, 08:56 PM
"Well, that does sound good to me..." Nova chimed in.
"Since we are talking about a boat, there should be plenty places that have a nice view on the water, right?"
Dec 26 2018, 09:40 PM
A quick look on the map revealed indeed several restaurants facing the waterfront and also the Dandelion. The best choice turned out to be a cosy cafe with a panoramic window. There was even a parking space close by.
The snow storm had gotten worse and not many people were on the streets. All in all it was slow business all around. Nonetheless there was a very bulky looking doorman ouside the gangway that led to the "Dandelion".
Part of that bulk certainly came from the several layers of heavy winter clothing that looked suspiciously like an Ares Victory Big Game Hunter suit. In any case the doorman was either a really bulky human or a moderately roided up ork.
The cafe did cater the usual fare of over priced soycaf products but had also a few genuine specialties like Linzer Torte.
The "Dandelion" was a remodelled river cruiseship with two decks above the waterline and one below, with the top deck being nothing more than a snowy platform with an empty open air bar. Whatever action was to be had there, happened likely below deck.
Dec 27 2018, 08:49 AM
"I couldn't care less, really. For all I care you can stuff burgers and dead fish into yourself for the rest of your life. It's not like I would eat Tafelspitz and Germknödel every day ... or every life even. I've no clue what Tafelspitz tastes like."
Once they've settled in and bnc has a steaming cup of soycaf on her plate, she provides simsense-feeds to all of the group who can process them, and ordinary visual and audio streams for those who can't. In the meanwhile, James dresses something suitable - shirt and trousers, as she didn't have time or passion to go shopping for her drone - and commands him to go to the ship.
"Does anyone of you want to do the talking? Wraith? Anna?"
Dec 27 2018, 11:53 AM
While they were waiting for their coffee, Wraith nodded towards Anna.
"Shall we?", and took to routinely inspecting the astral world around the ship for any threats, sharing his findings with the team.
"To be honest, bnc, I think you're the one who knows about emphatizing with a psycho decker. "[ Spoiler ]
Dec 27 2018, 01:49 PM
Anna seats with the rests and orders the Linzer Torte along with some soycaff.
She grins at Wraiths comment "Can James drink? Would be kind of strange to talk to the barman without a drink. Does he have money to tip the barman? Anyhow, I don't mind playing James, he is a hottie."
Dec 27 2018, 02:47 PM
Sharkboy got out of the car, and froze. He wasn't quite sure where he belonged at the moment.
"I'll admit, I'm a little unsure of where I should go here. Where would you like me to be? I could wait away from the action at the coffee shop or inside the limo, or I could go in with James and be loud and obvious muscle. The latter is my job, but I'm not sure it's what our negotiator will want right now."
Dec 27 2018, 03:09 PM
QUOTE (Luckace @ Dec 27 2018, 12:53 PM)

bnc rubs her forehead in frustration, groaning softly.
"Job goes to Anna. We need someone who can tell apart a barkeeper from a flesh-eating monster geek. After the run, I'll create a tutorial with images..."She turns to Anna.
"No, he can't drink, and will not pass for a human anyway. You have to pretty dumb not to tell him apart from an actual human. We can have Wraith try it, however. Anyone will know it's a message delivery, and if he's a professional he will not confuse the different kind of customers. That's why we send James and don't go ourselves. He may well know that we're professional shadowrunners and know how the game is played. I want him to regard us as equals, not as prey.
That's why you, Sharkboy, should do the same as we all do for the moment. Take a drink, watch over Anna's shoulder as she arranges the meet, and shut up unless you have a very good idea what Anna's supposed to say or do. Lean back and enjoy the feed."bnc orders an amarettoffee and invites Anna to three marks.
"Do you wanna Jump In or do you want the software do the movements and stuff?"
Dec 27 2018, 06:45 PM
Anna replies "He is realistic enough to not draw too much attention from people that are not professionals. It is a good plan."
She says in embarrassment "I would not know how to pilot it, and I do not have a control rig to jump in it. I'll just do the talking if you don't mind." regardless of the technical details, James walks toward the restaurant, only to be stopped by the bouncer.
Dec 27 2018, 07:42 PM
After James had successfully crossed the slushy street and made his way to the gangway, he was stopped short by the bouncer. Up close only a pair of eyes could be seen beneath the heavy woolen winter balaclava.
With a very heavy slavic accent he demanded: "Stop. Invites only, what is your name." Before anyone of the team could answer through the drone, the man narrowed his eyes and said: "What is this? Some joke?"
Dec 27 2018, 07:48 PM
James replies "I have a business to do, one that requires some privacy. I am here to set up a meeting." mainly to let Anna thinks what to reply. She was not ready to be tackled so soon, and she needs a few more sentences to improvise something. Anna says "bnc, can you hack the list? or do I talk my way inside?"
Dec 27 2018, 08:35 PM
"I have no scheduled deliveries here and we do not allow... whatever you are inside. So unless you have a name that is on my list you can go now or swim really soon."
The bouncer replied in a threatening tone.
Dec 27 2018, 10:13 PM
Anna does her best C-3PO impression to lighten the mood but takes a step back to make it clear that James has no intention to enter without approval. "No need to get jumpy handsome bouncer, I am not here to crush a Bar Mitzvah party. James grins and then asks Perhaps I tell you who I am interested in meeting instead of identifying, a personal message is sufficient.
Dec 27 2018, 10:28 PM
"How about both. Or even better - get out of that drone and come here yourself."
The bouncer didn't seem comfortable letting a humanoid drone onto the boat
"You wouldn't have much fun on there anyway - the whole place is shielded. No signals in, no signals out."
At this moment, bnc noticed that the place was indeed suspiciously dead as far as the matrix was concerned. And that would also explain why the poor bouncer had to stand outside in the snow if he was the only way to contact the place.
Wraith had seen no astral activity but saw also that the walls of the boat were isolated with wards and dual natured moss.
Whoever had repurposed this boat was severely interested in having a place that couldn't be easily infiltrated.
Dec 27 2018, 10:37 PM
Anna says "Well, the bouncer is not going to hit James, but I think that we need to get there ourselves." James replies "Hold on handsome, a shielded room is indeed a reason for face to face. It also explains why you have to stand outside in the cold. Not the best night for you, heh?"
Dec 28 2018, 12:59 AM
"Pretty private for a night club..." Nova mused. "Guess there's a bit more going on inside than just drinks and dancing."
<< So, how do we wanna play this? Since it seems like we won't be able to communicate with anyone outside, once we are inside, if he even lets us in, that is, I can see an argument for either having a very small group, like one or two, go inside, or the whole bunch. >>
<< Also, we might have to give him more than just a 'we want to meet with the Abdecker'. He might want a reason, so we better think on that before heading over. What we know is that diary transcript, where she mentioned that he might be able to help her. Might be necessary to drop her name or something like that, to actually have him agree to a meeting. >>
Dec 28 2018, 04:52 AM
"You could always just offer him a bribe, or Nova and I could say 'please' while looking tough. If we're desperate we could offer a back-alley blow job and then knock him out, preferably before the blow job.?"
Just enough intonation came over the subvocals to make out that the last suggestion was probably a joke.
Dec 28 2018, 05:18 AM
Anna texts >> With your luck the man is gay... We have nothing to lose about mentioning ABdecker, dropping bean si's name may be risky but we can try that as well.
We can also wait outside, and plant a small spy drone on someone that is allowed in, identify the bartender and then speak to him once he exists the place. The problem with going inside as a small group is that calling for help would require some creativity.
Dec 28 2018, 08:50 AM
"Since when did gay men dislike getting blowjobs? Wraith can take one for the team if needed."
Dec 28 2018, 10:05 AM
Anna chuckles ">>Wraith honey... do you have a better plan?"
Dec 28 2018, 02:31 PM
Wraith shot a grin and mean glance at Sharkboy for bringing him up. "
Not really. But before I have to suck this guy off, I'll think of something."
"What I can offer is a way of communication on or with the ship: I can weave a telepathic web between... well, a few people. As long as we don't walk too far away from each other, we could communicate with just our minds. Downside is, magical security might notice the spell and get suspicious.
I'd say best strategy is if bnc can get us on the list, then we try face-to-face-contect. Mister you-shall-not-pass seems to dislike communication with a drone - doubt that he'll accept a bribe from a robot."He also ordered some Linzertorte, a regional cake.
[ Spoiler ]
In case we can't get everyone onto the boat: How far is our café? My Mindnet Extended could cover up to Fx60m, so 300m or if necessary 360m should be good.
Dec 28 2018, 02:57 PM
[ Spoiler ]
The cafe is almost directly across from the ship, so everything is within a 100m
Dec 28 2018, 04:17 PM
<< Alright, before the plans are getting even better, I will just head over and talk to the guy, okay? >> Nova offered.
Dec 28 2018, 05:01 PM
Anna replies >>> Sure, want me to tag along? by this time she seems mildly interested in her cake, though she secretly hope to find some Sushi bar inside the ship.
Dec 29 2018, 08:25 AM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Dec 28 2018, 05:17 PM)

<< Alright, before the plans are getting even better, I will just head over and talk to the guy, okay? >> Nova offered.
"No need, we're already on the list. Anna, make your way out of it. Try to appear both a little pissed and beaten down. Something stupid like 'A professional doesn't show his face just to anyone' or something like that. We want him to discard the appearance as some moron trying to get into a special club. We then wait a bit and enter in pairs. First Shark and his manager Anna, a little later Nova and her sugarboy Wraith. I'll go last. If something goes south with the data manipulation, I'm the only one who can do something about that."
Dec 29 2018, 04:01 PM
"Sounds fine to me.
"C'mon Mrs. Manager, let's go convince him to let me in. Maybe we can even get him to think I didn't just hire you for your looks."
Dec 29 2018, 06:52 PM
As the two approach the bouncer, Anna says
" Mr. Handsome, I presume.... She extends a hand and says
"Nice to meet you face to face. My name is Anna Black, the professional with me is a bit reluctant to show his face, and is disappointed in me for not keeping his privacy better. It is my fault really, my bad for not verifying the faraday cage. We came to a creative solution through" she says hinting at the mask, after a short pause she adds.
"At any case... It is nice to meet you, but it is also very cold so... please be prompt[ Spoiler ]
I just used her SIN name to speed things up. If the list is by aliases then Anna would go by the name Bunny, and I will edit. In any case, she will say the name in the list.
Dec 29 2018, 07:08 PM
The bouncer looked - although it was hard to tell with his face mostly concealed - unimpressed:
"You are on the list - added in the last few seconds - so that's alright, can't have tourists getting mixed up in here.
Here are the rules: You can keep your weapons, but we'd appreciate it if you did not draw them inside the Dandelion. There are life-ending measures in place to prevent anyone from starting shit. Behave and no-one has to end as fish fodder.
Enjoy your stay, Happy Hour is on for another 20 minutes."
The inside of the cruise ship had a retro-futuristic ambiente with lot's of chrome and bright neon synth-leather.
Aside from two other guests: A gnome from the looks of it and a troll were having an animated discussion at one of several booths that seemed to be equipped with their individual white noise generators.
At the bar a very pretty, male elf was idly cleaning the counter. A casual glance in the astral revealed him to be magically active - as well as at least one strong watcher floating at the ceiling.
Two other doors led further to the ship's stern and prow respectively.
Dec 30 2018, 12:13 AM
Sharkboy straightened his tie and suit, and nodded at the bouncer as he followed his 'manager' into the establishment. "Hopefully you can at least find me a good seat, after leaving me no choice but to come inside."
Dec 30 2018, 01:16 PM
Once it became clear, that the whole bouncer thing was just meant to be some sort of test for visitors, Nova made her way towards the entrance, accompanying the rest of the team. She was still dressed in her business suit along with some winter accessories, like gloves, a woolen hat, and a red plaid scarf (the only piece, that was not black), and carrying her aluminium attaché case.
She just moved past him, waving her hand and saying: "Slow night, huh?"
Dec 30 2018, 01:34 PM
Anna leads the Shark to the Bar, where she orders them drinks exploiting the 'Happy hours'. She gauges the barkeepers trying to figure out which one (or is there just one) is the one where people who ask for ABdecker go through. She listens carefully to the conversations around her, and observes the surrounding carefully.
>> Shark, let's try to see who the real contact point is. [ Spoiler ]
Dec 30 2018, 05:18 PM
After altering her visuals, bnc joins the group and tags along. "Onde Liszt," she answers when asked for her name, and passes the thug. Once inside, she orders a raspberry mojito. For a moment, she considers walking straight over to the barkeeper but then decides otherwise. Instead, she walks towards and through the door that leads to the stern, to explore the ship a bit.
Dec 30 2018, 07:26 PM
The bouncer nodded the team in, showing no concern once he was satisfied that you all had been added to the list.
The stern showed its former life as a cruise ship most prominently with a long row of cabin doors, leading to 12 cabins in total and a 13th door at the end of the hallway with a small sign reading "Management"
The cabins were numbered and locked with sophisticated maglocks.
Try as she might, Anna could spot only one barkeeper in the nearly deserted room. Aside from the troll and the gnome there didn't seem to be anyone else around in the big room. The barkeeper was friendly. His badge read "Schorsch" and he mixed a mean caipi as well as a very strong mojito.
"Anything else I can get you?" he asked in accented English.
Dec 30 2018, 08:26 PM
"Vodka" she says and looks at the Shark to see what he wants to order.
Dec 30 2018, 09:56 PM
As the "pairs"-disguise had been ditched anyways, Wraith's first stroll took him to the bar as well, where he nodded a smile towards the friendly barkeeper and ordered a Gin Tonic.
He also checked the menu to see if the club served food and made a mental note to grab dinner as soon as their business with Abdecker was concluded.
Dec 30 2018, 10:04 PM
Just in time to add "Vodka sounds good... I will also have one.", Nova arrived at the bar. She nodded to the few people present, whether they took note or not, then looked for a spot to sit down at the bar. She pulled her attaché case up and laid it flat onto the counter next to her. She also removed her hat and scarf, putting them on top of the case.
Looking towards "Schorsch", she asked: "Is this place always so deserted? Or is it a special night, where you only take... well... folks like us in?"
Dec 31 2018, 12:50 AM
bnc raises an eyebrow as these fellows only order vodka in a cocktail bar. "Barbaren", she mutters under her breath.
After she's finished with the stern - she doesn't try and hack any of the locks - she searches the ship's prow.
Dec 31 2018, 06:17 AM
Sharkboy thinks for a minute. He considers ordering just a light beer, but the fight earlier in the day probably worked off the calories.
"Just keep it simple. An Old Fashioned."
Dec 31 2018, 09:09 AM
The drinks are served with speed and panaché. The snacks menue contains everything that a state of the art soy-, corn- and krill-food processor can synthesize.
To Nova's question the barkeep shruggs:
"It's particularly low tonight. Bad weather, hightened police activity after the terror attack on that appartment complex and of course many teams with female human members currently prefer not to go out to clubs if there is a chance they get mobbed by some of that damned Crusader junkies. But since you lot are here now, maybe it will pick up."
The door to the prow reveals the toiletts, another dance floor as well as some really nice, secluded booths with big panorama windows showing the harbor and the Danube. Of course all those windows are just hyper realistic screens on solid walls, showing an outside camera image.
A spiral staircase runs up and down here, but is currently locked at the top and the bottom.
Dec 31 2018, 09:39 AM
"Oh, yeah, I have heard of those punks. Well, they are welcome to try," Nova answered with a slight grin.
"Also, I have the feeling, that these Crusaders won't be welcomed with open arms in here, anyways."
She took a sip from her drink, wondering a little about the looks she got from bnc.
"Well, we are not here to cause any trouble, rest assured. But we are looking for someone, too, as things are. And this is supposed to be the place to arrange a meeting."
"The Abdecker. In case, you havn't guessed that part, already."
Dec 31 2018, 10:17 AM
Anna took her vodka in a shot and enjoyed the warmth of the drink as it spread inside her chest. She enjoyed that Nova took the lead, and just listened to the exchange intently, with appreciation. The chromed woman was quite charming in her own right, and she was the reason that Anna could still come along down this rabbit hole. It was clearly a blast to be in a team with multiple people that knew their way through the conversation. Anna was a bit suspicious about the "terror attack" in an empty apartment complex as it was really short ago. While listening to the conversation, Anna browses some of the headlines of local news in her glasses to see how much of a wave they caused.
Dec 31 2018, 12:08 PM
The local news are indeed filled with speculations about the explosions - most of them are playing the terror angle, others are a bit more conservative and say it could also have been an accident. But terror seems to sell better...
The barkeeper stopped polishing and smiled at Nova: "Ah, I should have guessed. Well, I can send him a message, but it would increase your chances that he answers if you can give a good reason and/or incentive for him to talk with you. It would be best if you also tell him who refered him to you."
Dec 31 2018, 12:29 PM
bnc overhears the conversation over the mic, but is, of course, still wandering through the maze.
Dec 31 2018, 12:34 PM
"Yeah, I figured that would be necessary," Nova said, flashing a sly smile.
Her voice became a lot more sincere, when she continued.
"We know, that he was in contact with the woman. You know, that certain one. She mentioned him in a note she left as someone she would come to looking for help. And help is what she needs right now. We are not like those freaks, that just want to rip her apart... or worse. I don't know how much you know about the whole story, and I am not going to give you any details here, but I can tell you this... we want to help her, and that's why we need to find her before anyone else does."
Dec 31 2018, 12:52 PM
"Hm, ok, that is a bit vague. Do you have a name I can give Abdecker?"
Schorsch replied.
Dec 31 2018, 01:29 PM
Nova shrugged her shoulders a little.
"I know. Need to be careful, you surely understand. There's a lot at stake. You can tell him my name. It's Nova."
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