Anna thinks "so she did stumble upon the ward, and they eracted a new ward. Details details bnc would know the result. She observes the ward for a moment, trying to resist the urge to peek inside. There are likely better ways to get into the mourge and assense from the other side of the ward.
[ Spoiler ]
composure(2) thrill seeker:
11d6t5 2I am not sure if 2 isi a success or a failure do you neat to beat the treshold, or match it?
She decides to try and take a looksey, just to see how good she really is... Just a small looksey
[ Spoiler ]
If I recall correctly sneaking past a ward is intuition + charisma... not around book.
intuition +charisma:
16d6t5 4ward power:
16d6t5 3
May 11 2019, 09:42 AM
[ Spoiler ]
You would have succeeded with 2 successes
Also it's magic+charisma - not that it matters too much in this case
But you lose two dice for the BGC
Stealth+Intuition [Astral] test please
Passing through the barrier changes the atmosphere even more - Death and decay but also traces of violence permeate the astral. Some of it is fresh, but most of it feels ancient. Several hundred years of work and dead people have left their mark upon the place.
It doesn't take long until Anna spots a watcher...
May 11 2019, 02:29 PM
Anna quickly hides behind one of the slabs and waits for the watcher to move away.
[ Spoiler ]
May 12 2019, 12:22 PM
[ Spoiler ]
14d6t5 4BGC in here is 2 - another assensing test if you want to find Bean Si's trail again - followed by another stealth test
Anna avoided the searching gaze of the powerful watcher - barely. Whoever decided to ward this place did not skimp on security.
May 12 2019, 04:57 PM
Anna could feel the danger of getting caught, and the excitement of ducking into a body slab a moment before the watcher passed. A brief look made it look like a powerful mana construct, and Anna did not want to discover its policy toward uninvited astral visitors... it would not kill her if found, would it? She came so far, stupidly entered a ward that she had no idea if she could leave. Anna calmed herself and focused on tracking Bean Si - this was why she entered that terrible place in the first place. She had to make sure to be well hidden every time the watcher changed positions. It proved difficult, but her experience in stealth, and perhaps some luck allowed her to remain hidden.
The death aspected background count manifested as fog or smoke which obscured visibility, slowed down movement, and worse created ominous shapes in Anna's imagination. "I could go crazy if I am stuck in this place. It is spooky". She thinks. She focuses her awareness, and her experience in understanding and observing minute details in the astral world toward reestablishing the trail of hunger she followed earlier. "Perhaps if I give bnc something concrete, then she'll finally admit that I am not a dumb blonde." she thinks.
[ Spoiler ]
Assensing BGC 2:
14d6t5 7Sneaking BGC 2:
14d6t5 2 ouch... I'll edge it.
Reroll faliures:
12d6t5 7Assuming the watcher rolls the same dice:
14d6t5 4I assume that BGC of 2 means flat -2 from everything Anna is doing. Correct me if mistaken.
May 12 2019, 05:46 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Yes, all actions while astral are by definition magic actions
Dodging the construct, Anna moved deeper inside the morgue. The trace was indistinct, but by chance she stumbled upon an interesting clue: A lab showed to have been sealed with police tape that still slightly glowed with emotion. Inside were more signs of a crime scene visible. As far as Anna could make out from the astral imprint, drawers had been ripped open and two bodies had been mutilated. Chunks of flesh had been cut out from the large muscles, but there were also bite marks here and there.
It seemed as if she had stumbled on an ongoing investigation...
May 12 2019, 06:41 PM
Anna is frustrated by losing the trail, her assensing was solid but perhaps the time and background count, and goddammit - Bean Si was close by but that hunger is difficult to distinguish from all the death. She is down to guessing and making an educated guess based on faint hints that could be interpreted in multiple manners.
Her smile widens when she stumbles on the police investigation site... "Someone biting and mutilating bodies... I know of one ghoul in the city, and bnc says that there is no known ghoul population. It could be coincidence or vandalism... but it could be her. I got to this place following my favorite infected after all. Even if I was wigging it for the last few meters."
Anna carefully observes the scene, astral sight is not ideal but it sees things from a different perspective. The emotional imprint involved in doing that to a body, and the shock of a clerk discovering the atrocity. Perhaps some fear, or nervousness by the police as they sealed it, many emotions.
[ Spoiler ]
Assense the crime scene looking for the trace, or for other things of interest.
14d6t5 6Providing Anna cannot continue tracking Bean Si, she will attempt to leave the Mourge, crossing the ward yet again, Hopefully from a part of the mourge which is not patrolled by the construct.
[ Spoiler ]
May 12 2019, 07:51 PM
It's hard to make out, but Anna thought she found a trace of Bean Si's aura - although it was muddied by the auras and spellcasting of the same hermetics that created the ward.
More interesting: There seemed also to be a slight trace of a second tradition. Anna recognized it as the Dr. Singer school - like the mage in Munich and in Linz...
That done she managed to escape the ward again unseen.
May 12 2019, 08:48 PM
Anna returns to her body, all hyped for being alive, and excited to leave the morgue behind and to head to the Adler. She observes bnc and Splitterbruch for a short moment, and then returns to her body, a silly grin on her face.
QUOTE (Volker @ May 10 2019, 06:31 AM)

When she wakes, she asks "Have you found something?"
"Nice to see you sunshine" she says to bnc, not letting the cynicism of her friend ruin the buzz, and professional pride for surviving the trip undetected.
She replies
"I was able to trace Bean Si from the drop point to the morgue of a nearby hospital, they have a recently erected powerful ward of the hermetic tradition, with a traces of multiple auras - perhaps a university professor and his students. The ward was only set up two days ago, so I got curious and sneaked in, where there is a powerful watcher - but I was able to evade it and trace Bean Si until a sealed lab with some evidence of a crime. Mutilated bodies and bite marks. The crime scene is the last place I could spot Bean Si's aura, but I could not track her from there. There were just too many emotional imprints at the scene, too many people experienced strong emotions, so the whole scene became like a soup. Troublesome enough, there was also the residue of magic from Dr. Singer's tradition, you know that scary mage in Munich and Linz. So I may not have been the first there.
So here go facts, now I'll try my best at giving the interpretation. I guess that there was a weaker ward until two days ago at the morgue. Bean Si probably triggered it, being newly awakened and inexperienced in the astral. I guess that she barely noticed she did. She just went through the ward, and it collapsed from the astral intersection. Security was a joke back then, so she was unmolested for getting to the bodies and taking her fill. Shortly after, the police started investigating, and once they found the bodies, they increased security and treated that incident very seriously. Hermetics are probably from the university contracted to construct wards, normal mages that can afford the reagents to practice build wards all the time." she says, still a bit bitter for being so broke that she neglected magical arts that require reagents.
She looks at bnc with genuine concern, pauses and then continues
If you have enough material to work your magic and connect the dots, time is of the essence. Your sister is very vulnerable despite her augmentations.
She is dual-natured, and may also have the police after her, without time to develop her magical potential she basically leaves a trail of bread crumbs everywhere she goes, and if I can follow it so can more experienced practitioners like the ones we encountered these recent days. "
May 14 2019, 07:49 AM
When bnc realized that Anna would be out for some time, she changes. Despite being a person who cares little and less for her appearance, she feels awkwardly self-conscious without proper clothes, especially in a "shadowrunny" situation like this. If she can't take herself serious, how could she work properly? Thus, when Anna rearrives in the meat world, bnc was more secure and determined than in the meeting with Splitterbruch before.
bnc seemed actually impressed, when Anna gave her report. "This is good news. Well done! Could you determine if there would be anyone who, except for the police, would have recording about the incident? If there's a way round breaking into Salzburg Security, I'll take it.
Anyway, back to Salzburg it is. Time to rape a server!"
bnc is in an optimistic mood. "Let's find my sister and bring her to safety!"
May 14 2019, 12:36 PM
Anna replies "I did track Bean Si from the drop point, and we know when Splitterbruch performed the drop. Bean Si only acquired the agent drone in the drop, so my guesstimate is that she looped the security footage at the morgue. Otherwise, she would have found another way to feed, she certainly did not plan for the police to get involved.
So I am not sure I would go hacking the hospital, messing up with the ward seems more likely to me than messing up with security as a reason for being caught. However, she did not have an Agent with her when she came to the drop point, so we can try and spot her making her way to the drop point as we know approximately when to look, and perhaps backtrack her movements by hacking public cameras.
If we are lucky, she came from her hideout and we may be able to pinpoint it. Does that make any sense? Or am I speaking trid deckers? "
Looking at her now dressed friend Anna says "We will find her Sprinklers!" her expression genuine with care, and comfort. Anna eyes the swimming pool, suddenly feeling an urge to join Splitterbruch in the water, but she remains on her beach seat, her expression asks bnc if she needs her assistance.
May 14 2019, 06:31 PM
Splitterbruch left with a sigh, nodding at bnc and winking at Anna. He didn't seem to be interested in getting more involved than he already was.
A quick search of the Salzburg Grid revealed that the backyard of the gas station had a woeful lack of cameras - quite possibly the reason why Bean Si picked that location in the first place...
May 14 2019, 07:51 PM
Anna figures that perhaps she tracked Bean Si in the wrong direction, and so she returns to the drop point and this time attempts to figure out where Bean Si came from.
[ Spoiler ]
May 14 2019, 08:18 PM
Although Anna kept looking, she couldn't pick up the trail again.
May 15 2019, 08:21 AM
Frustrated, Anna returns to the hotel and then enters the pool to practice her swimming. She floats alright but is not very elegant about it.
May 15 2019, 02:49 PM
bnc waves Splitterbruch goodbye friendly, but absentmindedly. She had no head for politiness.
<@team <chums@sbg annas got some news shell get u upd8d can u move here [GEOARO] & ask around mayb some1 s seen her>>
"No, you're not talking trid decker ... alas, there are hardly any cams. We must needs go for Salzburg Security itself then. They'll have records."
bnc looks for the Salzburg Security host and analyzes it.
May 15 2019, 03:02 PM
Sharkboy sees himself out of the hotel, catching a ride in the Van back into Salzburg to stay near Anna or bnc to make sure they don't get into trouble.
May 15 2019, 06:21 PM
Salzburg turned out to have a layer of five relevant hosts:
There was the Salzburg Traffic Host that controlled most of the main motorways and official roads in the city including traffic lights and Grid Guide. That one was easiest with an A7S6D8F9 configuration.
There were two separate Public Security Hosts that kept an eye on infrastructure like gas, water and electricity and all associated sensors - one for above ground stuff, the other for all the subterran ones. Both had an A7S8D10F9 config.
There was the Entertainment, Education and Tourism System, that controlled the flow of the local media and coordinated also the University's affairs. That one kept itself at a moderate A6S5D8F7.
And finally there was the center piece, the Security Host of the Archdiozese, that controlled and watched over all that went on within the other hosts and also coordinated all police and security related topics. That one went in for a whooping A11S8D10F9.
All of them had access to sensor arrays and collected data from various sources - though it was collected all in the fifth host - an absolute beast of an industry host.
May 16 2019, 06:31 AM
Once all the info has been shared with the team, bnc again initiates a conference in the teamchannel.
"All right. I think I can crack the police host. It won't be an easy thing but I might do it. It'd be a tad easier, though, if I could get physical access to something connected to the host."
And that's what she goes looking for: a security camera or door or any other icon that is slaved to the security host itself - preferrably someplace where it can be easily accessed.
May 16 2019, 08:17 PM
That turns out to be a tall order. Very few parts of the infrastructure is directly slaved to the security host - only the local police precincts qualify. And their cameras and doors are not what you'd call an easy target."
May 17 2019, 09:52 AM
When Anna returns to her room she asks "So what is the plan, walk around the gas station with a missing person image and ask people if they saw our friend? Just to be certain. "
May 18 2019, 10:27 AM
"Actually I thought of something cleverer ... I dunno, you're a private detective hired by the clinic because they don't trust in Salzburg Security and now try to do it on their own. Something like that ..."bnc then dives into the virtual reality. She easily fools the host to accept her. Finding the dossier, however, was a whole different thing entirely.
[ Spoiler ]
Step 1: entering the host
19d6t5 10Opposed roll:
16d6t5 2lol - 8 net hits. That's just a stuped waste of good and bad rolls ^^
Did I get that right: Host level 7 + Firewall 9 --> 16 dice?
Run silent and Enter host
Inside, I search for the dossier on thr morgue case:
I assume a -1 dice pool modifier for Intricate. Is that okay?
Matrix Search:
13d6t5 4If it qualifies as Limited Interest, she should be able to dig it out - prevented that IC doesn't fry her before she gets that far. I will of course use the Search program.
May 18 2019, 11:57 AM
[ Spoiler ]
If you want to hack the fifth host you should look again: That one has 8 as its lowest stat, so is R8
That said: You have more than enough successes that it doesn't really matter
10 minutes later, bnc had the case file - it was unprotected since someone seemed to be currently working with it.
Two days ago someone had broken in the morgue without raising an alarm. The ward had shown signs of someone pressing through and the leading forensic mage - a catholic priest - had concluded that most likely an HMHVV victim was the likely culprit.
That conclusion was corroborated by the fact, that the intruder had opened lab 3 and defiled the body of a car crash victim. In total there was about 4 kilos of human meat missing.
The Bishop guards decided to keep the lid on the story, so a team of mages from the university was called in to create a stronger ward to prevent any further intrusions.
A specialist from Mitsuhama had also come in and started a process that was likely just fancy words for "using divination" according to the specialist there were no positive results.
An annotation by the officer in charge mentioned that he was not sure if this contractor had told them the whole truth.
He had send a plain cloth detective after the man, who had gone straight to the Kühberg in the East of Salzburg, but had lost the man's trace.
May 18 2019, 06:35 PM
When the team shared what they had discovered, Wraith - using uni-work as an excuse - excused himself from Marissa and made his way to the indicated spot.
QUOTE (Volker @ May 15 2019, 03:49 PM)

<@team <chums@sbg annas got some news shell get u upd8d can u move here [GEOARO] & ask around mayb some1 s seen her>>
<< Will do.>>
He dashed off on his bike, keeping Nova updated on his location so they could coordinate their actions.
May 20 2019, 05:49 AM
Anna texts ">>Anyone to give me a ride?". She'll perhaps walk to the location if it is not very far from the Adler.
May 20 2019, 08:22 AM
Nova had fun driving around on her bike. Here and there, she detached herself from the Gridlink to be able to drive a little faster. When Anna and bnc updated them on their new findings, she stopped and turned the bike around.
<< Sounds like we got a real trail here. Maybe we can find her before everything goes down, after all. Alright, I am on my way to the location. >>
She looked up the location data, that bnc sent them, on her commlink, to see what kind of place that is.
May 21 2019, 07:33 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ May 20 2019, 06:49 AM)

Anna texts ">>Anyone to give me a ride?". She'll perhaps walk to the location if it is not very far from the Adler.
bnc gives her a confused look.
How can she alternate between competent and outright stupid so fast? This is a gift."You can join in the van if you like? Unless you'd love to walk a hundred and fifty kilometers..."bnc shares the information she could dig up about Robert Buchner and the Kühberg.
"Seems we got two good targets. Let's split up, I'd say. One party goes searching for Buchner on the Kühberg, the other one asks around near the morgue. Or can you finish asking around while Anna and I are on the way so that we can go hiking together? I guess we need all fire power we can gather if there are Lindwürmer around. Yeah, that's probably better. You have around one to one-and-a-half hours. I don't think, you'll need more. Let's meet in 100 minutes at Stadtpfarre St. Gnigl. Whatever you can do in this time, you do. Then we hunt some initiate. So-ka for everyone?"
May 21 2019, 11:48 AM
She texts for notification, and enters the van "150km?! I did not realize it was that long."
May 21 2019, 02:43 PM
@Team>>"I'll head to the haunted castle people are avoiding because of the mating Lind warmers.
>>What's a lind warmer?>>
May 21 2019, 03:04 PM
bnc cracks a smile. "It's a dragonlike creature. Basically the European version of the wyvern. They grow ten meters and more, that's why I suggest we go together"
May 21 2019, 06:49 PM
Wraith carefully made his way to the indicated spot, where he first took a look around the place for any suspicious onlookers etc.
If he finds himself unwatched, he then opens his third eye, visualized the aura he knew from Kerstin, and tries to find any traces of her signature.
[ Spoiler ]
May 21 2019, 07:06 PM
Anna asks with curiosity "Are they sapient?"
May 21 2019, 08:36 PM
bnc downloads the Parazoology skillsoft from
Singularity and explains to the group what she (now) knows about lindworms.
[ Spoiler ]
10d6t5 3Alas, I don't have the sourcebook so I don't know myself.
May 22 2019, 05:02 PM
Habitat: High mountains
Nutrition: Carnivores
Activity: day or night active
Aggro index: 6.9
length/height: 2 m
Mass: 100 kg
The term alpine lindworm is actually a taxonomic error made shortly after the emergence of these dracoform species in the Alps due to a lack of understanding of dragon biology. In the seventies and after classification of other dracoforms and dracomorphic species, the taxonomy of the paranormal race was scientifically corrected based on metagenetic analyses. According to current knowledge, the alpine lindworm is in fact an earth draconian and thus a direct relative of the fire draconian (and a distant relative of the dragon), native to high mountains in Eurasia such as the Alps, the Carpathians, the Dinaric Mountains and the Caucasus. With a length of less than two metres, it is the largest representative of these wingless species to date and is considered one of the most dangerous due to its toughness and strength. With its grey to grey-white scales, it is often difficult to distinguish in the Alps from the surrounding rock, especially as it can remain in one place for hours or even days as a patient predator. Many an unsuspecting alpine hiker has already been doomed by this.
Above all big game such as ibex, chamois or the European mouflon belong to the preferred prey of the alpine lime worm, which is an excellent climber because of this and the rugged habitat. Despite its size and mass, it can move almost vertically up and down the rock. In contrast to their cousins, alpine lindworms live quite solitary. and form family associations only temporarily, in order to mate and raise their young.
May 23 2019, 08:01 PM
Anna says "So we're going to see mating Lindworms... How exiciting! How dangerous are they to us? Think we can handle them if it comes to that? any spell we want to have ready?"
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