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Anna answered but seemed distant stable and neutral as if stating a dry fact rather than a difficult experience "if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you", it was what she called Chaos speech where she somehow channeled insights that were between brilliant and stupid.

Then after a short pause, she said in her own somewhat broken voice "It is one thing to listen to horror stories about that war...
To actually experience it is intense.

Then again, it is also the frustration for experiencing this agony for nothing useful. There is nothing I can do to undo this suffering, and I did not find anything related to Bean Si.

It was nothing like when I used to babysit and identified children's favorite toys. I only knew how to assense at the time, and I did so all the time. "
Talking to it made her feel better. Wraith could see her smiling in nostalgia after the last sentence. She thought of Tom, her neighbor's child which she used to babysit. He was like 10 already... Hopefully not in any gang yet, but who knew... Orcs matured faster than one could imagine.
Eliza replied:
<<Not coincidence per se. The boss was looking for a place with high background count - since no-one of our team was awakened it seemed like a good idea without any drawbacks. I don't know enough about magic, but if the infected are drawn to this place it might be connected to the transformation that Bean Si experienced.>>

[ Spoiler ]

Plugging in the old chips turned out to be a problem: The Fairlight didn't have the necessary slots anymore. Only the neutered burner link seemed to be able to handle the old format. Once booted up and inserted, bnc quickly realized that her sister (she was pretty sure it was her handy work) had learned a thing or two about matrix security from her: The files were both encrypted and protected with databombs. As long as those remained, she couldn't copy the file without triggering the protection. At least the files were based on old protocols and had a classic passwort prompt - complete with a passwort hint:
The one on the first chip asked: The voice of truth? while the other had just "her" as a prompt.

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<< I find you nosin around, you're next to catch a mindreading spell. An eye for an eye, you know I'm old fashioned that way wink.gif.>>

Wraith was seemingly content when he saw Anna smile again and smiled back. He made himself comfortable on the sofa and decided to use the pause to educate himself. I really should know more about this whole HMHVV-stuff...

The pause made him notice how hungry he was, though, so he also started checking for food deliveries and motels in the area, so they could decide where to stay and what to eat rather quickly as soon as they were done in the hideout.

"You'll be fine," bnc says, patting Anna's shoulder, while instantly reflecting on the question if there are persons who'd find solace in platitudes like this, and if Anna was such a person. bnc was inclined to believe that there was a negative correlation between people who are emotionally affected by incomplex and insignificant but socially accepted communicational acts and people who tend to be smart. But then, in Anna's case, she couldn't even clearly come to a decision regarding her intelligence. Sometimes, her practical intelligence reached farther than bnc's, but other times this girl was just outright dumb. People were so frustrating. Agents were so more reliable... uh, thinking of.
bnc checks whether her agent - It needs a name! If Tom and James have names, my agent should have one, too. - has already had any success building up her mother's family tree.

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"If this background count triggered or altered the transformation ... then death would not be a sentence but a mercy to her."
bnc ponders on the thought for a second or two, staring numbly into nothingness. Then she grits her teeth, forces back the upwelling wave of emotion, and insteads informs the team about her chips and the password prompts.
"For the moment, guessing the passwords is the favorable way. I could try and hack that thing, but if I make just a small mistake, the whole thing blows up and whatever chance we have, likely goes with it.
I must admit, I find it hard to make an educated guess. Kerstin seems, ironically, to have grown up a lot since I departed. Before, she was merely a rookie who tried to shoot everything that came in her way. Now, apparently, she's a tough shadowrunner with survival instincts who carefully cares for ... well, for the things I used to do. Also, either she had someone smarter than her with me, or she ate some originality wonder cookie. The Kerstin I know would never have come up with a name like Bean Si herself."

She smiles in memory of her supreme yet somewhat silly sister.
"All right. Any ideas on the voice of truth?"

In the meanwhile, bnc tries - feeling slightly arrogant and self-centered - to type in "bnc" into the second device. If that fails, she tries different versions of "Mama" and "Eva-Maria Burgstaller".
The agent had started it's search but seemed to have problems accessing what should be easily obtainable public information. Despite the various search enhancers it looked like this would take a while.

On the other hand, while her mother's name did not trigger the release, her own name, her real name Bianca, was accepted as valid.

The file unfolded into a small archive that seemed to be a private diary. The last entry correlates with the day she ran away.

Vocal transcription:
"It's getting worse. I can feel it growing in me. My left arm has changed. I just want it to stop. Why won't it stop doing that. The dreams are getting worse, but tonight was the first time I can remember them. I was back at home. Mama was still alive and Papa too. Only, it suddenly wasn't at home any more, they were both lying in hospital beds, chained to the frames and starving. Mama had begun to gnaw on her own biceps and Papa was licking his own blood. And I was so hungry and they said I should join them, sate my hunger and thirst. And suddenly I realized that they weren't eating themselves but Bianca and I had joined them.
I woke up vomiting all over myself.
Richard is not home yet, so I have time to clean up. But despite the mess, I'm so hungry. Yet nothing in the kitchen appeals to me. Only a bit of raw minced pork and even that I have thrown up again. These crystal eyes are driving me crazy. I can see through closed lids. I thought going blind was bad, but not being able to see is nothing compared to being forced to see all the time.
Oh god. I just realized what I really want to eat. No. No. NO! I have to keep it together. Focus. This is just another pain. I can deal with pain.
I have to get out of here. I... no, the risk is to big. Oh god, I'm so hungry. Think, Kerstin, think. Yeah, one step after the other. Just because you are going crazy doesn't mean you have to be stupid about it. I have to go back to Linz. Maybe der Abdecker can help me.
But first I have to contact Rosenberg."

End of transcription.
[ Spoiler ]

"The voice of truth? Hm."
Wraith's first thought was god or the bible or something like that, but something told him that wouldn't be the correct answer.
"Well, there's the saying <<Kindermund tut Wahrheit kund>>, meaning <<a child's mouth tells the truth>>... but that'd be a lousy password."
No, no, that's not Kerstin's way. Think, Raph... what speaks the truth? What's a voice that kerstin would...
"Factcheck!", he suddenly shouted. "Factcheck, or someone from there. That's Kerstin's voice of truth, try that... Bnc? What is it, what did you find?"
Anna said "Perhaps for a woman that hears voices, the voice of truth is a bit more literal, a person rather than a phrase. Someone she trusts and can speak the truth to, or someone that can uncover the truth about her condition."

If bnc shared the log entry she'll suggest "perhaps or even Rosenberg as her caregiver, or that Abdecker as she plans to visit that person."
"Sounds like, at the very least, we have some more leads to pursue. 'Der Abdecker'? Probably a contact of hers. It also sounds really bad... we need to find her fast. Interesting, though, that she seems to be acquainted with Dr. Rosenberg. Isn't that the guy behind the Harvesters?" Nova said.
Goddamn pilot. You better hurry up or you'll end up with a name like Ignaz, Hieronymus or Uwe. Damn piece of code.

"Uh, girls, this one was easy. Kind of. But the moment I realized I do have a real name besides my shadowname, it was easy. Ahem. Now let's hear!"

The hint of a smile that crept on bnc's face dies a sudden and violent death. All color fades from her face, leaving her pale as chalk. Her jaw drops slowly. Only after being half-way through, she unconciously covers her mouth with her slightly shaking hands. She then runs it through her spiky hair, gazing at the record in horror. It's not that it was really new information to her ... it's just way more difficult to suppress an image if you hear your own flesh and blood's last words before she turned into a monster.

bnc gets up, numb. She doesn't translate the record into English. In fact, she doesn't seem to recognize the chattering and debating group around her. She walks a step, then the commlink with the two chips drops out of her numb fingers as she walks into the bathroom. landing on the ground clattering. "James: Kill anyone who tries to enter the bathroom", she says in an emotionless voice, then slams the door shut behind her.
James takes post before the door.
Sharkboy just shrugged and turned to the rest of the group when bnc ran to the bathroom. "So I can speak a little spanish and japanese, but I didn't get a lick of what our recording just said. Can someone who didn't run to the bathroom translate that for the rest of the group."

He then turned to Anna, "Is she going to be able to handle this, professionally, I mean."
Anna slaps a patch of Golden Mirror under the door, using her still sustained magic fingers spell.
Wraith summarizes the transcript, leaving out the personal details of the dream.
He picks up the chips that bnc dropped and puts them on the table, apparently still hesitating whether to try to enter the second one.
Towards Anna : "What was that you gave her?"
bnc rushes to the sink and turns on the cold water, then holds her head under the cold current for a couple of seconds. She raises then, leaning on the sink with both hands, inhaling deeply. Then she starts rummaging throught her pockets, drawing out- Frag! Where are they? Where- ugh, die in hell, bnc!. Who did I give that god-damn Whoom?? Wraith? Anna? Shit, I need it..."
She sinks to her knees, blinking tears away. Then she sees the small bag slide under the roof. Sweet angel ... so nice. Only, that's exactly the opposite of what I need now.
She furiously rummages through the medkit to find something, anything to relief her. But the painkillers wouldn't kill this kind of pain.
Pain... She had heard of this way out over and over again, even done it herself once or twice. It never gave her the same sense of bliss Whoom did. But then, everything was better than nothing for the moment.

bnc undoes the lid of the midkit once again, taking out the scalpel. The medicincal tool in her hand gave her a sense of clarity and control. Her shaking stops almost instantaneously. She looks down her body, reflecting for a second. The she pulls off her boots and undoes her socks. With precise movements, she draws two slow and long but shallow cuts through the sensitive piece of skin between her heel and the ball of the foot, on each side. She bites on a piece of plastic or cloth, whatever she finds, to stomach the pain but embraces the distraction it brings her. When she's done, she professionally cleans and covers the wounds, before she washes the scalpel and redresses again. Only a few drops of blood on the floor remain as witnesses of what happened.
She replied to Wraith "Something fun to take the edge off. She did enough for the time being, and we have a lead to move forward. " she replied
Sharkboy was more blunt than Anna.

"Drugs, Wraith. She passed her some drugs. Your old-friend and our matrix expert can't handle a sad message from the target and went to cry in a closet." He looked at Anna again. "Remember when we had that little talk about how I may need one of you to give me dopadrine because I'm murdering some lead or witness? Now I'm asking you, pusher girl, should we be slapping patches on her every time we enter a room with information about her sister so that she doesn't make any rash decisions?"
She frowned at Shark and said, "bnc would do a fantastic matrix job, and you won't find Kerstain without her. Focus on that." Next, she looked him in the eye and said with a combination of annoyance and amusement "Pusher woman please..."
Sharkboy didn't budge. "No, girl I'm not going to focus on that.

"Your stable-mate is in control of a killer robot and asking to access all our commlinks. We need to know that your druggie isn't going to wig out and put us all at risk the moment Kerstein gets hit by a stray bullet." Sharkboy had other concerns, but those could wait until after they found the girl.
Anna's amusement grew "Well, BOY it is called emotions. They are a human thing, but perhaps you'll get it if you give them a try. She paused and then said "As for your valid concerns about our top-notch decker, grow a pair and face her directly... To the very least it would be amusing to watch."

She rolled her eyes and shrugged "Somehow I always get the worse out of people, perhaps I have this little vibe that makes them think that it is okay to mistreat me."
Sharkboy did his best to maintain his composure, but his crossed arms and tapping and finger gave him away. "I'd actually love to "grow a pair" and ask her, there are two problems with that plan.

"One. There's a robot butler keeping us out of the room, and I don't want to break valuable equipment just to ask a question.
"Two. Drug addicts tend to lie about why they use drugs. I speak from experience as someone who hangs out around a bunch of professional fighters who lie about why they abuse pain killers, sleeping aids and alcohol.

"I was hoping her friend could be more honest."

Sharkboy chose not to offer his guess as to why people always mistreated Anna.
Wraith had opened his mouth as to reply to Sharkboy's concerns, but he hadn't said a word. He really wanted to reassure the man that bnc could control herself, that she would be certainly able to face up in a minute and be professional. But he couldn't.

He reached for the second chip, but then pulled his hand back again. He had no idea, what happened, if he entered the wrong thing, after all. His face grew thoughtful for a few moments.

"After this, I'd say a few minutes for herself are quite forgivable, we got enough to work on for now anyways.", and he waves the old PDA.
"What I would not forgive is if she runs off when we need her, but so far she hasn't snapped in dire situations. And if she does, if anyone snaps and endangers us", here he glances at Sharkboy, "we'll get 'em back in line. Perhaps, there's a drug for it... or if anything else fails, I got a spell."

When the door reopens, bnc is calm as a forest lake. Her hair is all wet, but apart from that, she is still: She doesn't quiver, her eyes are steady, her expression cool if somewhat distant.
She steps into the room, taking in the situation. She only heard a few words, but they gave a short indication of what the talk was about.
"A drug for what?" she asks to join the conversation.
Then she looks from face to face, assessing the situation and the emotions involved.
Unfortunately, she has never been good in reading emotions.
Wraith had kept a stern face during the conversation, but for a moment, a trace of a reliefed smile appeared on his face when he saw bnc apparently having regained her composure. It vanished as quickly as it appeared.
"Well, a drug, a trick, magic... anything that makes sure you keep yourself together and don't crash when the drek hits the fan. The closer we get to Kerstin, the more dirty secrets, and our decker running away in the middle of the job endangers us all. Will you make it?"
"Up until now, except for yourself maybe, I was the only one who kept a cool head when things got hot. If you worry about someone losing their focus in a dangerous situation, watch out for Sharkboy who just randomly killed someone in the front of a crowd or Anna who just randomly -"
bnc stops midsentence. "I can keep myself running. I'm an addict, obviously, but that doesn't necessarily make me your average junkie next street. I know when to shove horrors aside and when to numb them. I've lived through worse than a vampire sister and I can be a real pest when it comes through following a plan."
Despite the attempt of humor in the last sentence, her voice is dry and emotionless, her gaze cool if not empty.

Without waiting for a reaction she takes the converted 'link and gives it a closer inspection. She then nods to Wraith and hands it to him.
Anna looked at bnc and asked softly "Are you okay, sweetie?"
"I assume, there is no real reason to fiddle with those chips down here? Maybe we just check the rest of the bunker and then head off to a safer and less creepy place to figure out our next moves. Linz being the destination, obviously," Nova said, not taking part in the discussions about drugs and cool heads and other random things.
bnc cocks an eyebrow to Anna and says dryly: "If I need someone to cuddle, I'll buy myself a teddybear."
She turns to Nova. "There's still the second chip. The first code was something personal, so maybe the second one is, too"
"Oh, I did not mean to neglect them, they might contain useful information for sure. Just do that in a safer and... I don't know... more positive... place than here," Nova explained.
“I can play a bit of reggae if you need good vibes. C'mon, cyborg, don't tell me you're afraid of graveyards."
Sharkboy sighed but spoke up, "I think she's trying to be polite and say that this place makes everyone here with a bit of mojo feel a touch nauseous and we'd all like to get the frag out of the cold and back into our mobile home."
Looking slightly vacantly after bnc had checked the PDA, Wraith took the comlink after a short moment of irritation, slotted the second chip and entered "Factcheck" (changing capitalization if the firt doesn't work).
He nodded at Sharkboy's remarks: "Aye. I, too, would rather leave this place sooner than later. Let's crack this bugger open, make sure it says nothing important on the hideout, and then get the frag out, all right?"
Her voice and expression indicate only a slight trace of irritating or annoyance. "Sure"
The password worked:
The file that appeared seemed to be a full set of schematics for various buildings - complete with meticulous notes as to how to avoid cameras, and circumvent security.

The latest entry was titled "Black Site MCT Lab, Vienna".

"It worked. Seems like she's been busy. Security maps, with camera spots and all shenanigans." , Wraith commented and shared the info with all his comrades.
He then asked Sharkboy to help him dump the infected corpses down the tunnel where they came from and started cleaning the bloodstains on the floor with the chemicals from the hideout, making sure they had not left any obvious traces.

Having donned his helmet again, he was ready to leave.
"Looks like Linz has to wait. I'll see what I can find out about these labs."
Then bnc helps, too, in cleaning up the place. She's particularly careful to clear her DNA traces in the restroom where still some traces of blood might be found.

[ Spoiler ]
"Wouldn't that be the target of their run? I'm not sure how useful it would be for us to go there," Nova mused. "Maybe Eliza can say more about that topic? She was with them, at least virtually, when they infiltrated that lab, right?"
bnc opens her mouth to respond then halts.
Wait. Is she [i]the decker in our group? That feels somehow wrong. Yet, there's no denying that she is a decker and why not put her to use?[/i]

"Uhm, yes, it sure was. But since it's a lab they apparently broke in, it's very likely that they're connected with the research they were doing. And the stuff, you know. Uhh ... Wraith, when was the file created, last modified and last accessed? Also, can you find any indication about what the target of the break-in was?"

"Eliza. Can you please find out what you can about, what, Black Site MCT Lab in Vienna? Thanks."
"Umm... one sec.", and Wraith scrolled through the files, looking for the requested dates and sharing everything with the team.

"By the way, does anyone know some folks in Vienna or Linz that might be helpful with our leads?"
Eliza replied:
<<That was the run Bean Si was nearly killed. She had worked out the approach through the sewers and how to avoid the security around the place. Her plan was good and thanks to a few well placed data taps I was able to suppress a few alerts that couldn't be avoided. The lab conducts research on how to repurpose the HMHV Virus and it's magical properties in particular.
The approach would have worked if Prof. Dr. Rosenberg, the head of this particular lab hadn't visited unexpectedly at 2:13 in the morning. When he became aware of the intrusion he sent a Spirit after the Boss and Bean Si. They managed to subdue it, but it wounded Bean Si with a broken piece of rebar, nicking the pulmonary artery. The fight happened within the high security lab where they had just managed to open the cold storage. That's when he used one of the prototypes on Bean Si to keep her alive.>>

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<<bnc, I notice you just tried to MARK my deck. Please don't do that. I'm keeping secrets for other people as well and even though I am careful not to expose them I don't hessitate to use whatever force I can muster to destroy anything with the data on it before it can be spread further.
If there is anything you need, just ask and I'll see what I can do.>>
bnc smiles, impressed.

<@Eliza <Don't worry, I won't. But I hope you didn't expect me to trust any sensible data to a random shadowrunner decker without checking their defenses. I wasn't even close to breaking through.
Can you provide me Nacl's commcose, please?>>
she texts with her commlink while rebooting the deck.

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<<I see. Well, I hope I passed muster.
Sure, please find attached his work commlink number.>>
Eliza replied

Wraith checked the dates of the files: The diary entry had been last modified on 21st of December, while the map had been created on the 5th of November. According to Eliza the run had gone down on 11th November.
Meanwhile, Wraith hat worked out a text file where he noted all the dates and shared on the team's channel.
<@Eliza <quite spectacularly so. should i again try to attack your virtual space i wont hold a grudge if you fight back with all your means>>
bnc saves Nacl's number.

"Eliza, do you know whether security measurements have been improved and/or altered after the failed intrusion? Do you estimate that the research results you were about to try could help Mr. Johnson to find a cure for ... Bean Si?"

Once everything's finished, bnc gets into the car and wraps her arms around her. Once the adrenaline surge passed, the cold began creeping in.
<<I have no knowledge of changes to the security environment, but thanks to the very hasty retreat it is likely that Dr. Rosenberg learned about how the intrusion happened and took measures to prevent a repeat performance.

The Boss has taken the research results stolen from the lab and sold them to another pharmaceutical company to which he has a direct contact. In exchange he hopes to receive the cure or at least a useful treatment to prevent a worsening of the condition.
In my estimation there is an even chance that the Boss will succeed in this endeavour. Provided you find your sister within the next month.>>

Eliza replied while the car started to move again through the icy Vienna February night.
"So-ka. Also nächste Haltestelle: Linz."
Once inside the van, Wraith checked the other entries of the digital diary to see if there were any other leads or hints on the Abdecker. Anything about who he/she is and how to contact the guy.
"I got a few chummers in Linz that tend to know a lot of people. As soon as we've found all our clues on this Abdecker, I'll try to contact them and see if they got anything on him."

After scanning through the diary (either with the team or sharing everything he finds), he closed his eyes and tried to warm up and get some rest before they reached Linz.
"I am out of my home zone here, no contacts whatsoever," Nova mentioned, while disassembling her rifle and putting it back into the case after cleaning it from the snow.

She also removed her armor accessories and the ballistic mask, likewise cleaning them before stashing them away.

"Of course, I could try some of my contacts in munich. It's not too far, and maybe someone knows that 'Der Abdecker' guy."
Chapter 2

"Value" has no meaning other than in relationship to living beings.

R. Heinlein

February 2nd, 2077, Linz

The drive to Linz took the better part of three hours - partly due to the bad weather and partly because keeping a low profile seemed to be a good idea.
That time allowed the team to comb through the diary and question their contacts.
When the Danube city's light pollution became visible through the snow, they had gathered the following information:

- Abdecker was a rather infamous hacker. Some sources said he was an elven ghoul, some said he was even a Harvester - an infected HMHVV II sufferer rather than a chip head. His claim to fame was having a very good connection to the Blue Danube Airport Linz, making him not only a successful infobroker but also a sought after smuggler.
- The ship "Dandelion" formerly a river cruise ship, now a night club had been mentioned as the best place to get into contact with him. The warning was however, that the Abdecker was quite paranoid about his safety.
- Linz was dominated in the Eastern part by a massive AG Chemie presence and this corps influence permeated the city, giving other corps like MCT a lot less leeway.
- Less welcome was the fact that Linz also was a booming blackmarket for BTL and Drugs of Czech manufacture.
- The Vory also played a major role in Linz only recently challenged again by a resurgent Omerta, making Linz both a hot tin roof and a place where the Sternschutz was slow to react but then came in with overwhelming force.
- Finally, Linz had also a small community of infected in a closed Ghetto in the Hafenviertel, where they received a modest diet of hospital waste while being under permanent threat of eliminiation, should they leave the assigned place. A lot of citizens had protested the creation and funding of this place and the continued existence of the project would be a hot topic in the coming majoral elections this year.
bnc tries to catch a bit of sleep but is too restless for a multitude of reasons. Once more, she curses herself for having spent the money she intended to use for a sleep regulator on James instead. Thus, she roams the forums once more, wrestling with the decision whether to keep on laying false leads, then eventually decides to postpone the decision. After that, does some research on HMHVV and the various attempts to find cures or remedies. After that, she tries to regain a feel for Linz, its current politics and nightlife. Also, in between, she engages the team in a discussion about what to do next.

"I think, from here we have several options. One, we could try to reach out for factcheck, the ... the group we worked in together."
She exchanges a look with Wraith. In it, he can read a lot of pain.
"Or else, we could go to the place Kerstin and we lived at in the end. I don't know whether she moved after I left, but it's a lead.
"Third, we could try to find her in the Hafenviertel, or talk to the infected there.
"Fourth, the Abdecker.
By the way, for the foreigners: An "Abdecker" was, in historical times, a person who's it job was to dispose of animal cadavres. A quite macabre nickname for a possible ghoul.
From what I know, Harvesters - I mean the elfen variant of Gnawers, which the Abdecker is supposed to be - are no more intelligent than the creatures we've met - so they're not supposed to be deckers. Still, in the Sixth World, you never know.
What strikes me is that the groups call themselves Crusaders and Harvesters, while Harvesters are a name for people, that is, elves, who suffer from the very disease the shadowrunners tried to find a cure for."
"We gotta keep in mind that the Hafenviertel will most likely be watched by our foes. It's the only true lead one has without a personal connection to Kerstin, so I assume they've already been there and probably keep an eye on it.

Not sure if she would have returned to her own place after this, she sounded rather paranoid. But it might still be worth a try, we might find clues about whom she trusts and who might know anything about her whereabouts.

I'd say her former home and then the Abdecker sound like our top priorities."

Anna spent the hours quietly, given her lack of relevant contacts or matrix skills she listened to music and studied a bit. Giving appreciative glances to bnc from time to time. Matrix seemed like an endless well of information... something she missed out on, due to her history. Perhaps she'll fix it in some time, perhaps she'll just buy an agent software to do it for her, just like they had at the university.

She chipped in the conversation "there is this ship Dandelion, given that it is already late... I'd like to go dancing there, would give us an opportunity to look for this AB-decker guy." She finds it funny that a decker names himself decker, and grins as she says the name.
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