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If I'd had the appropriate knowledge skill (which from what you're mentioning I seem to recall would be "Latest Security IC Programs"), then I would've rolled that instead of my Etiquette: Matrix. As it was, since I didn't possess the right Knowledge, Synner kindly let me default to that other on the off chance that I would have heard something about the IC in question via the Matrix grapevine.
ettiquete skills is when your trying to find some info or person is the enviroment that is the matrix, and your doing so by interacting with other people. if you whre digging tru log files to find out who brok in somwehere then it would be a knowledge skill not a use of etiquette...

as for the situation above that kurukami described i would rather roll intelligence to see what the chars memory may shake loose rather then etiquette but thats just me smile.gif
For those who have been waiting for the next installment of the run I apologize but I am out of town and away from my book and computer. I will be back on the weekend and post then. Until then... Season's Greetings to all.
Suddenly, just as Cheng lunges past the oni, the entire node changes to festive colors and colored streamers pulse out from the wall. Noisemakers blow everywhere, leaving the decker greatly confused as the raptor IC plops a party hat down on her icon's head.


Happy New Year's, everyone. The action will resume shortly... ork.gif
Matrix Overwatch Walkthrough
Finally back and seated at the computer. Let's see how this fight goes...

Cheng has the initiative and from the look of it, she has a powerful attack going against the IC. However Kurukami's previous post contains one erroneous detail. When resisting damage IC rolls the system's Security Value rather than it's Rating, which in this particular case means the GM rolls 10 dice rather than 8.

Cheng's runesword comes round in a streaking arc and...

The IC rolls Icon Damage Resistance as explained in SR3 p.226 - it rolls 10 dice (Security Value) getting 3 successes against a target number of 6 (Attack Utility Rating), which leaves Cheng with 1 net success and which in turn isn't enough to stage up the program's basic damage of Serious.

... slicing through the Oni-do's armor with a shower of sparks and blood red pixels. The light fades slightly from the Oni-do's eyes but it reels round in time to see Cheng vanish into a cloud of Cloak chaff coding. Floating up near the ceiling the hawk icon swings around confused, its laser-sight eyes piercing the stark shadows trying to reacquire the decker and its metal claws flexing, grabbing at empty air.

Both active pieces of Party IC (the trapped one hasn't been triggered yet) roll separately to oppose Cheng's Evade Detection Maneuver (per SR3 p.224). Although the player doesn't know it both IC roll only one success in their individual Tests which means Cheng has won only a base 2-Turn respite against both after which they reacquire her and attack. This can be further diminished if she meanwhile does anything that increases her Security Tally. For now the decker knows she's safe, but not for how long.

Over to you, Kurukami...
I just wanted to tell you guys that you've definatly worked wonders with this thread. Before, I kept reading the Matrix rules and, to use one of my favorite quotes from Shadowrun, "The words were all English, I checked, but they didn't make anything put together." But, after reading you guys, I cracked open the book, looked at a couple of pages and realized...I understood it. So now I can finally enjoy Matrix as well. grinbig.gif

Anyway, I wanted to know if you were planning on doing something like this for Rigging/Vehicle Battles/ECM and ECCM. If you're planning on that, it would be really awesome. I love (and understand) Rigging a lot.

So anyway, thanks again.
Have you guys considered taking all the relevent posts for this thread and putting them together as a webpage?
We're probably going to go one better. I'm currently working on rewriting and/or editing the two walkthroughs into article form for The Shadowrun Supplemental. While the latter of the two mostly follows an easy layout and description to convert, the first is another kettle of fish.
Ooops double post.
QUOTE (Synner)
We're probably going to go one better. I'm currently working on rewriting and/or editing the two walkthroughs into article form for The Shadowrun Supplemental. While the latter of the two mostly follows an easy layout and description to convert, the first is another kettle of fish.

Sweet! Though, unfortunately, that likely means it'll be a while before we see it.
I will chime in with everyone else and say this has been great for myself, as a player, and my GM.

Any updates to the post itself?? - Seems to have stopped in mid combat.

Any updates on getting the two runs together in one book/document??

My sparring partner on this walkthrough, Kurukami, has been MIA from the boards recently and I'm not too keen on asking someone to step into his shoes right away. I've been waiting for news. If there isn't a post by Kurukami in the next week or so I'll start asking if anyone is interested in taking up the challenge mid-run.

I've almost completed revising and rewriting the first run for a TSS article but a new RL job has been getting in the way of finishing.

BUMP! Just don't want this thread to get lost. I want to know how the story ends! smile.gif How about finding a pinch hitter to finish the run?

Kurukami seems to be down for the count so I'm looking for volunteers to steer Lady Chang through to the end of the run. Any takers?
sorry but im so rusty and i have not ealy payed atention to this thread lately so...
Pity. Anyone else? I'd hate to see this thread end here.
I am not very good at matrix stuff or I would volunteer.. frown.gif

-Mike R.
No, don't let this end. But i am also not experienced at matrix stuff... I am learning by this thread.
I'll give it a go -- I've run an otaku once and I've had deckers in my games. Can't be sure that I know it all, but I'll do my best. Synner, contact me by PM or at dashifen (at) with Lady Cheng's information. Also, give me a day or so to read through the events that Lady Cheng has had to do and make notes on how her utilities have manifested so that I don't contradict Kurukami .... too often smile.gif
Dashilfen, good that you have the nuts to make this run biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Gorath)
Dashilfen, good that you have the nuts to make this run biggrin.gif

Either that or I am nuts ... one of the two smile.gif
ummm... I have a disc that has a program on it that runs the Matrix for u. It contains a Random Matrix builder, a regular builder, a Deck builder (with all the Decks from Cannon already inouted and ready for use, A decker builder (allows u to input your decker into a program that allows u to use him in the MAtrix Prog.
The program has iconography, reality filter, sculpted reality, the works. It also has 50 or so LTGs for Bars, Shops, Banks ect.. and it contains all the Mega Corps of Seattle, Tacoma and Zurich Orbital. The program allows for Sat, Uplinks has a full list of deck programs and allows u to input custom programs. Icconography is saved in its own file and u can add custom pics to increase variety.
It's how i run my deckers in game context. I just give him my Laptop, have a previously made LTg or a premade one assigned and let him goto town. As he enters nodes and changes, extracts ect. the program saves changes in a GM file. all Data he has taken is stored and I can give him the goods when he jacks out or while still in. ICE is really cool and it has condition modifiers for both Decker and Deck, so as they take damage from ICE it is displayed. If the decker gets fried the program kicks the player out of the LTG and brings up a window for the GM to read.
Takes care of all the dice rolls, and makes for a Realitivly fast interaction between 'runners and decker.
yawn, whats the point? learn the rules and there is no need for a matrix in a can programs...
I wouldn't mind seeing this program. I wouldn't be using it but I'd still like to see how it handles somethings. How about putting a link to it up?

Dashifen - As far as I'm concerned the job is yours. Cheng's stats and gear are on the 4 or 5 page of this thread and a read through will be very useful (she's already lost one utility to TarPit IC for instance). Regarding the run itself, I am currently engaged in something extremely important (which people will kill me if I screw up) and will only be able to get to it on Monday. Meanwhile if you have time to catch up feel free to post Cheng's next move. IIRC she's in the middle of combat.

Regarding formatting please use the yellow color tags for OOC explanations and comments and normal white text for IC text elements. Check our last few posts to see what I mean. I'd be grateful if you could follow Kurukami's example and post the reasoning behind your moves as you go along, since this gives additional insight to newbies.
Sorry to interupt this thread. Sinner its copywritten, love to give u the info for the free download, we've talked berfore I was in on the SRartgroup from the begining, Ratchaser was my handle, Check their for me. Again appologise for interupting.
Okay -- sounds good. I'll go through the thread and see what's going on right now. I'll watch for the colors, too, so that I can sift through the comments and get right to the action. I'll probably be able to post a new action later today or tomorrow.
Okay, this is taking me longer than I thought it would. I printed the information out (yikes!) and I'm going to take some notes about what Lady Cheng has already done and figure out what hacking pool she has left, etc. Soon, I promise smile.gif
Holychampion, you're not talking about the "Decker" program are you? If it's something diferent why not put the link in? So it's copyrighted. Can't I buy a copy too?

I find it difficult to believe that any such program is copyrighted, since Shadowrun copyrights belong exclusively to Wizkids (and the RPG rights are licensed to FanPro). If any such program met with FanPro's approval I'd expect it would be linked on their website.

If it is the well-known and non-copyrighted "Decker" program, suffice it to say that it doesn't conform with SR3 rules, iconography is laughable and it doesn't allow for a number of decker tricks and tactics (for starters there's no such thing as Modes and Program Options) which this thread is all about. That being said it is a useful little tool if you really don't want to put the time and effort into getting acquianted with the Matrix rules and roleplaying that aspect of SR in depth.

Dashifen - No problem, I'm currently working on something else too so take your time. IIRC correctly Cheng has lost a couple of hacking pool dice so far (using the optional IC suppression rules from the Matrix sb) to avoid lowering her DF, however it's probably best to check.
I really didn't want to inturpt this thread...
It is copywritten by the creator, I dont believe it is Licensed, I dont know that FASA or Wizkids even know of its existance and I dont know how to link it as its saved on my PC. Synner, e-mail me and ill try to send you the free download, then with your consultation maybe we can post something for those listed. btw it does contain SR rules incorporated, including iconography... but enough interruptions.
Okay ... after about two days of reading through printouts, I think I've got everything ready. I didn't pay attention as much to the manifestation of Cheng's utilities when I was reading, so I appologize if I screw them up.

Here's a wrap up. Cheng has been moving along quite nicely for the moment and has control over the external cameras, deactivated the required section of electrical fence, controls the cameras on the approach from the fence to the building, and was trying to control the last round of cameras (at the doorway into the building I believe) when the host jumped to passive alert and she was jumped by Party IC. Inflicting a serious wound on the Blaster, she then evaded scoring 2 net successes giving her some breathing room for the moment.

My notes on the thread say that she's used three hacking pool to suppress a scout, blaster, and that spider ic back a few pages (I forget what the icon represented). The fourth IC she bumped into was the Tar pit which crashed and scrambled her one-shot attack utility, but doesn't need to be suppressed. Since this is the start of a new turn of combat, starting on phase 19 with Cheng's action, we'll kick this into high gear.

Knowing that the rest of the team is on approach, probably less than a minute out, Cheng needs to dispatch this IC quickly and then get control of those last cameras taking as little icon damage as possible. Spending a free action to maintain the previously edited slaves (monitored operations), Cheng spends a simple action to drop out of masking mode. This is somewhat risky because it lowers her deception factor from 9 to 6. However, it also raises her bod, which was decreased due to the mode, from 3 to 5. It will be easier for the system to detect my actions, but I don't really need to worry about that until after combat.

Then, with the second simple action for this round, Cheng is going to try and position herself for an attack on the blaster. Hopefully, with a good number of successes on this test (which pits Cheng's evasion of 6 against the host's sec. value of 10 - 5 for the cloak utility for a TN of 5). If Cheng wins the position maneuver, then she can either reduce her TN to hit the blaster with her next attack by the net success or increase the power rating. But, all that hinges upon the roll for the position attack:

Position Attack: 17 05 04 04 01 01 #D:6 TN:5 HR:17 S:2

Would have preferred more successes rather than one spectacular one, but we'll see what happens.

First I would like to say "Thank You" for this post. It not only has been very educational but just plain entertaining as well. Great story. I can hardly wait to see how it ends.

But I am fairly new to Shadowrun, and I am still trying to rap my head around the rules. So please bear with me while I ask some questions on the use of free actions in current cybercombat.

1. In the first round of combat on page 14 of this post, Lady Cheng rolls a 29 for initiative and the IC rolls 23 and 21, so Lady Cheng goes first. Now Lady Cheng declares that she is going to use one free action to maintain the ongoing monitored operations. Then she uses another free action to do a Analyze Icon operation in the same combat phase. Now my question is how is this possible? On page 105 of SR3 the book states that “Only one Free Action may be made by each character during any given Combat Phase.” and that “A character may NOT a Free Action PRIOR to his first Combat Phase in the first Initiative Pass”. As I see it shouldn’t Lady Cheng have only one free action? Is this different in Matrix combat?

2. Isn’t each Edit Slave and Control Slave operation a separate monitored operation and shouldn’t it require a separate Free Action to maintain? As I read it Lady Cheng has done 1 Edit Slave operation for the perimeter fence cameras, 1 Edit Slave operation for the alarm on the fence, 1 Control Slave operation to turn the juice off for the fence, 1 Edit Slave for the pressure pads, 1 Edit Slave for the shrub cameras and 1 for the wall and door bay camera. That adds up to 6 monitored operations and shouldn’t it require 6 free actions per initiative pass to maintain?
Now on page 105 of SR3 the book states that “A character may take a Free Action during their own Combat Phase and during the Combat Phase of any other character, as long as it is declared”. This seems to mean that in this situation there would only be 3 Combat Phases during the initiative pass 1 for Lady Cheng and 1 for each of the IC. So should there be only the possibility of only 3 Free Actions for Lady Cheng, and therefore not enough Free Actions to maintain all of the Edit Slave and Control Slave operations?

3. Is there any way of exchanging a Simple Action for 1 or more Free Actions?

Thanks for your time and efforts. Keep up the fantastic work.
you can take any free action in place of a simple action. so you can take 1 free action and 2 simple action, 2 free actions and 1 simple action or in fact 3 free actions if you want to. page 105 sr3, under simple actions.

you may be on to something when it comes down to the number of monitored operations tho.
I agree with hobgoblin that you can exchange simple actions for free ones. I've always run it that you can monitor your previous operations as long as you say that you are -- it reminds people that they loose that free action. Mostly because I've seen deckers need to monitor between 5 and 10 slaves and that's impossible if you don't lump them all together. Synner?
Under a strict reading of the rules buckethead is correct. Monitored Operations take up a Free Action and you get a default Free Action per Action Phase.

However, I let Kurukami go ahead with this because I feel this is excessively neutering a decker. He's essentially limiting himself to one Monitored Operation at a time - which is okay in a simplified Host where all the cameras in a building might be on the same "feed", but isn't in the type of detailed system I normally put together.

I should have noted it before but overlooked it in the midst of the other stuff. My (personal) ruling on the matter (and your GMs may well disagree) is that while a Monitor Operation takes up a Free Action, it actually encompases any number of ongoing Monitoring operations up to the decker's Computer skill.
or maybe make it intelligence smile.gif
It would be interesting to consider adding a TN modification to actions for monitored operations -- maybe +1 for every 2 operations -- similar to how sustained spells provide a similar modification. Then you could add an edge called multitasking which could extend that to +1 for every 3 or 4 monitored operations ...
or maybe a piece of cyberware that help you multitask your brain (maybe get realy stressed over time tho).
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
or maybe make it intelligence smile.gif

You know,I'd think it might be average of computers and intelligence. wink.gif
Foir most deckers, that'll be effectively the same, of course, but it basically helps represent that Smart People often multitask well in general (walking, talking about literature, arguing about where to eat, etc wink.gif), and the a good Computers skill would represent the knowledge of how to DO it in the matrix, not just think about it.

Short version: Intelligence lets you juggle the thoughts, while Computers lets you make sure they are implemented in the real [non-meat] world.
A little *bump* to keep this thread accessable

Damnit, I've been spending 2 months reading this thread a little at a time..and it's such a let-down ending. Come on guys, don't let it die like this. If nothing else, start another demo run or something with someone else.

The Abstruse One
it seems to follow the rest of the forum in a way. it to have mostly died save for people bitching about broken rules and how rules dont match real life...
Worry not. I have no intention of letting this thread die and I will be restarting my posts this weekend.

I have been caught up with something particularly important that could lead to violence against yours truly if I let it slip further. However, my involvement with that will be mostly out of the way by tonight and I will resume regular posts tomorrow.

As to the current state of affairs with the Forums, I agree that they do need a shot in the arm and a better dynamic. From my side I will continue on with this thread/project and the New Seattle Intelligencer as well as contributing to a couple of other projects.

I really hope others will take up the challenge of injecting some new energy into DSF. Personally I would like to see a similar thread for rigging (with examples of vehicle, drone and building rigging).
I know I certainly need one. I've never been able to figure out drone rigging...

The Abstruse One
So back to the sample run...

Before we continue I'll clarify something which may or may not retroactively alter Dashifen's choice here.

While I can't find an explicit canon reference at the moment I'm assuming that any Combat Maneuver directed against an IC means dropping back into Cybercombat and so cancels the effects of the Evade Detection, allowing IC to automatically reacquire the decker and forcing a new Initiative roll - this would includes a Position Attack maneuver, whether it was successful or not.
IMHO this interpretation seems both logical and practical; otherwise the decker could:
a) continue to run Evade Detection Maneuvers indefinitely at no risk (this way, he has to drop back into cybercombat -losing the Evade Detection effect - to attempt another Maneuver and risks losing initiative);
b) always drop into Evade Detection and pop back immediately with a double Attack to the IC automatically gaining a free action phase because he was Evading Detection.
Your GM's may interpret this differently so check with him.

Dashifen - any problem with this ruling?

If you do please edit your post accordingly and I will edit mine.

If not: The Host rolls it's Security Value (10) against Cheng's Evasion (5) and counts 2 successes (both 8's). Strictly speaking the decker should Position Attack against one of the IC in the Party cluster - I'll assume it was the wounded Oni-do IC. Cheng's Position Attack maneuver failed and the IC reacquires her and we roll initiative.

The Yamatetsu Host's sophisticated data recognition countermeasures detect the code disturbance as Cheng breaks cover of her Cloak behind the IC, enabling the Oni-do to swing round to meet her in a fountain of blood red code. Above the chrome hawk screeches it's reacquisition of the decker. Not at all what Cheng would have liked but Lady Fortune is fickle...

QUOTE (Synner @ Mar 8 2004, 02:59 PM)
While I can't find an explicit canon reference at the moment I'm assuming that any Combat Maneuver directed against an IC means dropping back into Cybercombat and so cancels the effects of the Evade Detection, allowing IC to automatically reacquire the decker and forcing a new Initiative roll - this would includes a Position Attack maneuver, whether it was successful or not.

Not the way I was looking at it, but it works for me. Incidentally, since this is a grey area, I'll give my ruling on it as well. I've usually allowed Position Attacks to be made while under the "effects" of an evade detection maneuver. If anything, I've always thought that it should be easier to position if the IC isn't aware of your movements because of your evasion, but I didn't know how to modify the TN in my game when this came up so I left it alone. However, since this isn't my game and there is no canon ruling, we'll go with Synner's interetation smile.gif

Since we need to re-roll initiative, Lady Cheng would roll her four matrix initiative dice and add that to 14, her matrix reaction. The result is 6+5+3+2 = 16+14 = 30 ... not too shabby smile.gif

Since the hawk represents Trace IC which has a +2 to hit Cheng because of the redirect datatrail operations that were performed before I took over the character (heehee) Cheng worries about the Oni-do first. I don't know how well the system will be rolling for the Party IC, but if Cheng goes first, she's going to attempt to hit the Oni-do first. Then, if it drops, she'll supress it with hacking pool and try to hit the hawk. If it doesn't drop, she'll hit the Oni-do again.

Synner, which was are we making attacks? Are we rolling the number of dice equal to the rating of the attack utility or are we rolling the programming skill and using the rating as the power of the attack. If we are rolling the rating of the attack utility, what determines the power of the attack?
Kurukami was using my interpretation of the rules (decker skill for the roll and Program rating as Power). If you prefer the alternative (and to be honest, probably the default one most people use), there shouldn't be a problem since Cheng's current Program ratings equal her skill and we can roll with that. Just post accordingly.

Regarding the "breaking Evade Detection effect" and to clarify further, besides the fact that these are defined as combat maneuvers, my ruling also comes from the fact that all these maneuvers are Opposed Tests. Which means the IC has to have some sort of bead on you to roll the Security Rating vs. your Evasion.

Meanwhile in the YCAP Host...
The Oni-do IC rolls initiative (3d6 + Rating 8 - 3 from a Serious wound) and gets 17. The Raptor IC rolls and gets (3d6 + Rating 7) and gets a 19. Cheng goes first then the chrome hawk Trace and finally the wounded Oni-Do Blaster.
QUOTE (Synner)
Kurukami was using my interpretation of the rules (decker skill for the roll and Program rating as Power). If you prefer the alternative (and to be honest, probably the default one most people use), there shouldn't be a problem since Cheng's current Program ratings equal her skill and we can roll with that. Just post accordingly.

It's the way i went in the misfits game but again it would matter not since prog rating and skill were the same.

A little house rule that i use on the actions thing...
you 5 points to spend
free cost 1
simple costs 2
complex costs 4.
mix as you wish.

On the manovuer thing, since the host is rolling its sercurity value can you not use the success's that the host gets to reduce the turns remaining on the evade detection? just some thoughts
I go with the decking skill as the roll with the utility rating as the power, just as you all did previously (conveniently enough smile.gif). So, we'll stick with that.

Seeing the hawk and the Oni-do swing around and reaquire, Cheng curses a moment before leaping into cybercombat. As her brain begins to process the action before her, she slashes in with her virtual katana at the Oni-do.

Knowing that the Oni-do is already seriously wounded, it should only take one more good hit to drop that icon. Since three hacking pool has already been used to supress previous IC, that leaves Cheng with a total of 5 hacking pool left. Since I'm hoping to drop the Oni-do icon this phase, I want to be sure that I leave at least one pool dice to allow me to supress it.

The first attack roll uses my computer (decking) skill of 7 as well as my task and/or hacking pool. I'll use my three task pool dice on this attack but save my hacking pool (I may have to improvise a defense if I can't drop one of the icons this phase). My roll of 10 dice gives me: 8, 4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 which is really crappy frown.gif.

I'll wait and see the results of my attack from Synner, but I expect that I will have to try and strike the Oni-do again for my second simply action. That attack will be my decking skill of 7 again with three pool dice, this time hacking pool, for a roll of: 14, 10, 8, 8, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1. Much better than last time.

So, if the Oni-do goes down to my first simple action (attack) then the hawk gets hit with the second one. Or, if the Oni-do is still up after my first attempt, then I'll probably drop it with the second one. I still have two hacking pool dice left over to supress any IC with and I just have to hope that I can deal with any problems that come my way without pool dice until the end of this turn.

Over to you, Synner ......
Although that's only one success against the Oni-do IC, the absence of a Cybercombat equivalent of a Dodge roll (at least for IC) means the IC will have to soak it up with an Icon Damage Resistance roll using the Host's Security Value (SR3 page 226).

Cheng's luck streak seems to be peetering out though. The IC rolls an amazing three successes against the Attack program's Rating (6)and stages the damage down to a Moderate Wound rather than the Serious needed to vaniquish it.

Cheng's runesword flashes forward in a glittering arc sliding through a gap in the Oni-Do's defense, past the neon katana and biting deep into the IC's code. For a second the IC's routines lock and it's eyes flash with static as more leakage blocks vital codelines. Nonetheless it stubbornly remains standing. Cheng sighs and lunges again. This time the runesword flies straight for the glowing eyes, slicing deep into the construct's head and coming out the back in a shower of dark pixels. The IC flits and jerks for a nano-sec empaled on the corsair's sword and then begins to derezz.

Instantly Cheng drops a prepared codenet which launches the IC's failsafe alarm routines into loops before they reach the virtual floor, interface with the Host code and trigger an alert.

Cheng just used up another Hacking Pool die to suppress the IC, using the optional suppression rules in Matrix (page 26). Next up is the Raptor Trace IC. It's worth noting at this point that Party IC bonuses and modifiers remain in effect even when some components of the Party IC "cluster" are defeated (as is the case of the Oni-Do Blaster 8) per the rules for the Party Cluster Option on page 86 of the Matrix sb.
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