Mar 12 2004, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
The first attack roll uses my computer (decking) skill of 7 as well as my task and/or hacking pool. I'll use my three task pool dice on this attack but save my hacking pool (I may have to improvise a defense if I can't drop one of the icons this phase). |
You can use Task Pool in cybercombat & Matrix runs?? I didn't know that ... I thought it was only for things that were of a slower nature, like cooking a new OCC or writing software. Is there a page ref for this?
Mar 12 2004, 04:35 AM
you don't roll your computer skill to make attacks. you roll the rating of the attack program. while decking, any task pool you might have is, i believe, simply added directly to your hacking pool. task pool from an encephalon is, at any rate. you can find the details in Matrix, under the pools heading in the characters section. towards the front of the book, don't remember what page.
Mar 12 2004, 08:34 AM
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 12 2004, 04:35 AM) |
you don't roll your computer skill to make attacks. you roll the rating of the attack program. |
If you have been following this thread you will know that the issue has been discussed in depth. The rules writeup is unclear and two interpretations are possible (if you have some decisive piece of info or quote on the matter that hasn't been brought up yet please feel free to post, this thread is here for all of us to learn and it has already produced a correction to the interpretation of Icon Damage we were using) without contradicting any of the following examples or bending the wording:
a) You roll the Attack rating of the Program and that is also the Power of the Attack.
b) You roll your computer skill and the Rating of the Attack is the Power of the Attack.
The default assumption for most people is a), however for many of us b) makes much more sense for a number of reasons (including for instance the fact that if the Attack Program acts "autonomously" to the decker and/or his computer skill then it wouldn't be affected by Damage Modifiers his Icon has taken...).
Regardless, until we get an official ruling whenever we start an example on this thread (and/or someone steps in like Dashifen) we explain which of the two interpretations we're using (check Dash's post and my reply).
Mar 12 2004, 09:08 AM
Back to the run...
The raptor wheels above scraping the node's ceiling, chrome wings beating virtual air currents and talons spread as it dives in towards its target. Laser beam eyes lock onto Cheng's Icon painting two red dots on her ample bossom as programmed ear-ripping screech comes from its matte-black beak.
The Trace IC has entered Hunt Cycle (per the rules in Matrix page 104), this means engaging in cybercombat. The hawk rolls the Host's Security Rating for the attack. This is modified by +2 because of Cheng's previous Redirect datatrails (Matrix, page 105) and a further +1 (thanks to the Party Cluster option and the residual effect of the Oni-Do IC's presence). The roll fails miserably with none of the dice coming up over 5. The Trace has failed to lock on.
Cheng sidesteps elegantly out of the way of the chrome bird of prey and the hawk screeches in apparent fury as its gleeming claws cut the empty air where the decker had been.
Cheng's move comes round on Action Phase 20...
Eyeless Blond
Mar 14 2004, 10:29 PM
This thread is so cool! I'm a real newbie to SR (just started looking through the core books about a week ago), and when I first looked at the chapters on rigging and decking my eyes completely glazed over. After reading through both of the sample runs here though I think I have enough of a grounding now to actually understand what's going on in the book itself. Thanks a bunch guys!
To add my two
on the subject of weapons, I like the ruling that you roll your skill rating, and the utility rating is the power of the attack. That's pretty much how every other attack works in the game and it'd be a shame to have deckers' attack be entirely different in that regard. As for the staging rules, the way you guys are doing them now (comparing the number of successes first, *then* staging damage as appropriate) is consistent with how damage is staged for all other forms of attack (see page 113 in the Core rules for example). Again, maybe it's just my opinion, but the SR rules should favor consistency, particularly in abstract matters like staging damage and weapon attacks.
As for healing and the Medic program, I'm not really familiar with other types of healing in SR, but, again IMO the rules should favor consistency between similar effects. The closest analogue I can think of for the decker's Medic program is magical healing, which fortunately for us is well-specified (the rules for magical Heal and Treat Injury are all over the place.) Looking at the Heal and Treat spells themselves (p. 193-4 in Core rules), we see that a skill test is made against the injuries, and the number of successes are healed from the target, to a maximum number equal to the Force of the spell. If the Medic program for a decker is to work in a consistent way, it would work by:
1. The decker rolls his Decking skill with a TN of his icon's injuries. (Interestingly enough, this means that, since you're healing yourself, your would modify the TN by the damage done to your Condition Monitor.)
2. The number of successes are subtracted from injuries, to a maximum of the medic utility's rating.
3. The medic program loses 1 point of Rating per use, just as it specifies in the utility description itself.
4. (Optional) As with all other healing, once you've used the Medic utility once you cannot use it again to heal the same damage. Any damage to your icon that remains after running the Medic utility must be healed "naturally" (however that is; nowhere in the Core Rules does it talk about anything other than Medic being able to heal icon damage. Maybe by using Cumputer(programming) skill over long periods of time?)
That's how I would have the utility work if I were writing up the core rules myself. Of course, it's not how the utility *actually* works, but IMO it would be more internally consistent and therefore easier to understand as a whole. It would also promote a kind of rules mastery, in that once you understand how some game effects work then that understanding can be applied directly to other aspects of the game. This is one of the very,
very few things that the d20 system does well, and SR would only be better off for learning from that system's success.
Mar 15 2004, 12:23 AM
Using up 1 of my 2 remaining hacking pool for this combat turn to supress the Oni-do IC, I need to save the other pool die to supress the Trace IC when I crash it as well. So, I'm out of pool dice for this turn. Plus, I now have 4 hacking pool dice currently in use to supress previously crashed IC.
Since I go first, I'm just going to try and crash the trace IC with two simple actions to attack. I could use a position attack maneuver to try and take it out in one hit, but if I fail the maneuver, it's next attack is more dangerous for me rather than mine more dangerous for it, and that's a risk I'm not willing to take since I have to remain online to act on overwatch for the rest of my group.
So, using my free action to maintain the previously made monitored operations, my two simple actions to attack utilize no pool dice and only my decking skill of 7:
Attack one: 08 08 05 04 01 01 01
Attack two: 16 09 09 07 07 05 01
Hopefully between those two attacks, I'll be able to remove the trace IC, supress it and get on with the business at hand. If I can crash it, then hopefully any wound modifiers that it ends up dealing with will make it that much harder to hit me and enter the trace IC location cycle.
Turning from the flashing remenants of the Oni-do's code and moving to stay out of the raptor's searching beams, Cheng leaps into the air preparing an overhand smash at the IC with her code katana.
... kode katana perhaps?
Mar 15 2004, 05:13 AM
ah. haven't been following this thread. for personal taste, i'd prefer using the skill of the decker to make attacks, but the rules--to me--more clearly support rolling the rating. this also makes sense given the source material for the game setting--that is, the neuromancer trilogy, in which attack programs did operate pretty much independently. however, it's been noted by many people that gibson is about as knowledgeable about computers as i am about being a girl. which is to say, only what i've heard from others.
Digital Heroin
Mar 15 2004, 05:54 AM
That and Nueromancer is not Shadowrun...
Mar 15 2004, 02:12 PM
I personally look at the Medic program as the computer equivilent of a MedKit, which has a set rating which is used in place of the Biotech skill when using its self-diagnosis to determine a treatment. The Medic program runs through its routines and checks for damaged code in the Icon program. It then repairs these flaws by moving its own code into the damaged areas (thus explaining the reduction in rating after each use until it's reloaded from memory). It does all this automatically as the decker hardly has the time in the middle of a run to start going through thousands of millions of lines of code to find the corrupted blocks and replacing them. Therefore, you use the rating of the program instead of the skill of the decker.
Weapons, however, are tools that do damage. The code infects the target program's Icon and corrupts it. The skill of the decker can make these attacks more effective by targeting specific areas of the icon (just like aiming a gun for a specific part of the body to do more damage), thus damaging the code at a more effective level. To give it a contemporary equivilent, it'd be like hacking a computer. Sure, you have to have programs to do it (wardialers, scripted brute force programs to crack the password, etc.), but a skilled hacker can make better use of these tools to do damage to the system than an inexperienced hacker with the exact same tools.
The other interpretation works just as logically of course, if not moreso. An attack program is basically a virus, and a virus does just as much damage when it's used by a novice to infect a system as an expert hacker. It's the effectiveness of the code itself.
Personally, I'd just sit down with your GM/player and figure out which ruling you like better until an official clarification comes out. I still prefer using the skill personally as it is more consistant with all the other combat rules (as stated previously). It's your game though and it's up to you to decide.
Enough debate...let's get on with the action! Is the team hosed, or is their decker going to pull it off at the last minute? Let's find out....
The Abstruse One
Mar 15 2004, 08:25 PM
[insert Hosed smiley here]
Mar 16 2004, 08:40 AM
Cheng's runesword comes arcs round, flashing in the dull orange light of the Passive Alert...
Cheng's target for the Trace IC is base 5 because she's targeting a Legitimate Icon on the Orange Host (SR3 page 224); however because this IC is using the Party Cluster Option (from Matrix page 86) and since the effects of Party Clusters remain even when component IC are destroyed, the base target number for the attack is elevated to 7 (5+2 = 1 Oni-Do IC in the Party Cluster and another for a surprise).
That leaves Cheng with 2 successes in her first roll and five in her second! The IC only has a puny Icon Damage Resistance Test to offset the attack but it doesn't look good. The IC rolls the system Security Value (10) and gets 2 successes on the first roll against the Attack Program's Rating/Power (6) meaning the first slash does base Serious. Rolling against the second attack produces only 1 success which means the second strike does Deadly Damage.Cheng's blade elegantly cleaves through one of the Chrome bird's wings, leaving a trail of damaged code in the air as it twists back and cuts again shattering the IC's core routines with a second powerful backhanded slice. The Raptor's routines shatter and send loose codelines sprawling...
At this point I would like to call everyone's attention back to my post halfway down Page 14 in reply to Cheng's Analyze query...... however before Cheng can codeloop them they flash suddenly and shrink back into a black ball, spinning very fast and sprouting venomous green spikes.
... And here's the Trapped Killer IC that Cheng detected (also part of the Party Cluster which explains Cheng's target 7 above). I'll continue this post later.
Mar 16 2004, 03:06 PM
hahaha, neuromancer isn't shadowrun. hee hee hee. you said it with a straight face, too.
Mar 16 2004, 11:38 PM
Before I continue I'd like to hear some interpretations of when you guys think released Trap IC should act per the writeup of the Option on page 86 of Matrix, I have my own opinion but I don't want to bias anyone:
a) "immediately" meaning in the same action as the Trapped IC is destroyed.
b) "immediately" as in a new Initiative is rolled and new round of cybercombat is initiated.
c) "immediately" as in what would have been the destroyed IC's next Action Phase.
d) something else.
Mar 17 2004, 12:25 AM
Most common that I've seen are (b) and ©. I personally use (b). I could see an arguement for (a) if the character wasn't aware of the trap, but otherwise, they should see it comming and then be ready for its apperance.
Edit --- I didn't want a copyright symbol, I want the letter 'c' in parenthesis, but my browse automatically assumed things that I didn't want it to. Just in case others do as well.
Mar 17 2004, 01:00 AM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
Most common that I've seen are (b) and ©.
Edit --- I didn't want a copyright symbol, I want the letter 'c' in parenthesis, but my browse automatically assumed things that I didn't want it to. Just in case others do as well. |
I think that the board software converts the 'c' in parenthesis directly to the character for © (0xA9, says my hex editor) (possibly using unicode or something, I imagine, unless it's a std character ... ?).
I don't think this is browser related, since my editor shows me the ©, along with my browser. And I doubt (statistically) that many other people here use
Opera like I do. (Though, I certainly think it's groovy
Mar 17 2004, 07:39 AM
I don't think the problem is browserside. The board software changes ( c ) into ©. Even if emoticons are off.
Mar 19 2004, 12:34 AM
Anyone else has a relevant comment on the question at hand before we continue?
Mar 19 2004, 07:18 PM
personaly i have allways read it like A, but i have not looked at those rules for some time now...
Mar 19 2004, 09:34 PM
Personally I've always played it as A because otherwise 90% of game situations Initiative would amount to giving the decker the chance to hit it the IC hard before it ever got to act and render the Trap IC almost useless. Normally I rule that "immediately" means the Trap IC is triggered as soon as the first IC is destroyed (which also matches the "immediate" effect description of spells, poisons and other stuff).
However Dashifen does raise an interesting point. It could be treated slightly different if the decker has detected the presence of the Trap (even though he'd wouldn't have been forced to fight the Trace IC - he could have Evaded- so it was ultimately his call to trigger the Trap).
Mar 19 2004, 09:40 PM
Actually immediatley in the case of poisons is end of current combat turn.
Which as i side note, is also how i take trap IC to work
Mar 19 2004, 11:03 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
However Dashifen does raise an interesting point. It could be treated slightly different if the decker has detected the presence of the Trap (even though he'd wouldn't have been forced to fight the Trace IC - he could have Evaded- so it was ultimately his call to trigger the Trap). |
That would have assumed that I remembered the Kurukami found it
Mar 20 2004, 12:00 AM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
Actually immediatley in the case of poisons is end of current combat turn.
Which as i side note, is also how i take trap IC to work |
That (or the IC's next action) seems to be the best, IMO; Shockwave IIc's interpretation has the benefit of bein consistent with how other rules work.
A) (same action) seems too soon, I think.
B) (new initiative) could potentially let a high initiative decker work over IC even if it does get triggered -- granted, any decker with high matrix initiative is probably running in a host that is about as hot as she is, but still it has potential to be abused.
C) (destroyed IC's next action) seems the best to me, overall. If the decker has used up his actions to derez (hehe, I :heart: the Tron game!) the original IC, then it is /effectively/ often the same as A. If there's a bunch of IC around and the detroyed one wouldn't act until next phase, well ... the decker is still hosed by the existence of other IC, IMO. If it's just the decker and that one bit of IC, tho, it is about the same as A, since the IC will act either right after the decker, or in the next pass.
Mar 20 2004, 05:24 PM
hmm, can someone point me to a page refrence for the traped ice rules? i cant seem to find them...
i realy dont see the problem of option A tho. the trap is more or less springloaded, just like a trap on a door or chest in D&D. dont disable it and you get bitten by it the moment you trigger it.
Mar 20 2004, 08:04 PM
As I mentioned in my original post regarding this issue the rules for the Trap IC Option are on page 86 of Matrix.
Mar 21 2004, 03:40 AM
oops, my bad
hmm, looks like they trigger and then go into genral combat mode rather then getting a free attack so most likley they get a normal initiative roll and any action above the trigger point can either be held or lost if its more then one initiative phase down in the turn.
i now support the C scenario. basicly the decker watch as a new ice icon rise out of the wreckage of the old, eyes light up and lock on.
Mar 21 2004, 04:02 AM
SR3 pg 223: "when IC is triggered in the middle of the combat turn, reduce its init by 10 for each init pass that has completely passed that turn. the IC will act on its next init pass."
Mar 21 2004, 04:10 AM
thanks for that one mfb
Mar 21 2004, 07:45 PM
My thanks too, mfb. That reference is more than appropriate for the current situation and with Dashifen's agreement will go with that - meaning I now roll Initiative for the Killer IC and subtract twenty (since this was Cheng's second action phase this turn) and we continue the current turn with whoever goes next (assuming the IC has actions left, since we already known Cheng does).
Mar 22 2004, 12:44 AM
i accept both checks and money orders!
Mar 22 2004, 01:12 AM
sorry, im a broke student...
Mar 22 2004, 07:01 PM
I like that method a lot. Active reading is a good thing
Apr 5 2004, 06:06 PM
So by my mark, we're waiting for Synner to roll initiative for the new IC, right?
+--Redeemer of Ogar--
Apr 5 2004, 07:03 PM
You are. I apologize but I'm currently in the middle of a major writing assignment (again) and haven't had the free "brainspace" to give this thread its due attention. I promise I will get back to it later this week.
Apr 11 2004, 08:38 PM
Again my apologies, I've been too wrapped up to get to this sooner.
We'll be going with mfb's quote from page 223 of SR3 for the IC's initiative and see what happens next.
Recap - the remaining Trace IC in the Party Cluster was destroyed by Cheng's double wammy attack on Action Phase 20 of the second Initiative Pass. This triggers the Trap Killer IC which then rolls an Initiative of 3D6 + IC rating and gets... a good 19.
However, per the rules on page 223 SR3 since one initiative pass has been completed that is reduced to 9. So, we end the current Initiative pass (the second) since no one has any Actions left (the IC only gets to act on the next Initiative Pass according to the rules), and we start the next Initiative Pass (the third). Fortunately for Cheng, her Initiative this Pass is still 10 which allows her to go first (barely).
Over to you Dashifen...
Apr 12 2004, 02:41 PM
Cheng squints for a moment and shakes her head as the Killer IC instantiates itself from the code fragments of the Trace program. Cocking her head to the side and eying up the code as it assembles itself, Cheng moves around to the side pulling the cowl of her cloak up around her head and moves in with an overhand chop of her katana.
The Position Attack maneuver pits my Evasion rating against the Security Value of the host in a success test. My target number is the Security Value of the host minus the rating of my cloak utility (5). The Sec. Value of the host is 10 minus 5 makes for a final TN of 5:
08 05 05 02 01 01 #D:6 TN:5 H#:8 S:3
Not too shabby. If my three successes are more than the successes that the host gets, then I can either raise the power of my next attack by the net successes or lower the target number. Since the target number to hit Party IC is artificially raised by the Party IC option, I'll choose to lower my TN.
Then, the next thing that I've done is declared a simple attack option. Whether I get the TN modification from the position attack maneuver or not, Cheng is going to try and bust this thing before it can return the favor.
I'm out of hacking pool for this turn, having used 5 now to supress IC and my 3 Task Pool dice at another time. Therefore, I just have my Decking dice:
11 07 02 02 02 02 01
Gah! That didn't go to well. But, in a metagaming sense, I know my TN to hit is 7 so even if I don't get anything off the position attack maneuver, I should still have 2 successes.
Jun 26 2004, 01:58 AM
Jun 26 2004, 10:11 AM
Apologies to one and all who have been following this thread. I will get back to this as soon as I wrap up my current FanPro assignments and my schedule clears a bit.
Jun 26 2004, 03:44 PM
fully understandable synner. im just surprised that anyone took the time to bump this old thread into existance again...
Jun 26 2004, 06:59 PM
I'm really glad silvermain did!
I just joined not too long ago and I would've missed it! Great job all!
Jun 27 2004, 03:33 PM
I've had it saved on my subscribed topics, so whenever Synner's ready, I'm ready to go as well
Jul 8 2004, 08:36 PM
Jul 21 2004, 05:55 AM
*grin* I check back once a month or so... Good thing the Johnson isn't paying for a rush job here.
+--Redeemer of Ogar--
Jul 21 2004, 08:09 AM
I have now wrapped up my chores and will be reactivating this thread as of next weekend. I'll pick things up where we left off. Apologies to all who are watching and to Dashifen for the delays.
Jul 21 2004, 11:32 AM
Nice to see this thread reanimated...
Jul 21 2004, 12:56 PM
I'm patient. Now I just have to take a while sometime this week to go through and remember what we were getting ourselves into!
Jul 22 2004, 01:27 AM
Wow. My computer's hard drive eats itself and I'm forced to drop off-line for months on end, and when I finally return to Dumpshock I
still see this thread on the list of the most recent discussions. Good to see that my absence didn't handicap the thread too much.
Jul 27 2004, 01:05 AM
Nope, haven't forgotten. Possibly in retaliation for my participation in this thread my PC's motherboard burned out last Friday and I'm only back online today. Tomorrow new post.
Jul 27 2004, 01:51 PM
Crap! I'd better re-read what we were doing then
Jul 28 2004, 10:00 PM
Brief recap: After navigating the Yamatetsu grid's chokepoint host, our decker Lady Cheng is running hot through her target host when she's jumped by a cluster of Party IC. Having lost her most powerful Attack program to a previous encounter with IC and having already suppressed several IC, Cheng is doing exceptionally well and is facing the last of the cluster - a Trapped IC which was sprung when our decker extraordinaire de-rezzed one of the cluster IC. Fortunately for her Cheng has the initiative (10) this pass...
Cheng first attempts a Position Attack maneuver, which the IC counters (SR3 p.224), all Cybercombat Maneuvers are opposed) with (unsuprisingly) the host's Security Value. The system rolls only one success against Cheng's evasion, knocking her net successes down to 2. Checking the rules (SR3 p.225) Cheng choses to lower her Attack Target Number by 2 - from 7 to 5. This means she gets 2 successes in her subsequent attack (the 11 and 7 above).
Cheng feints and slides under the spinning spikes and closer to the exposed skin of the black Killer. The rune sword's blade ripples with pixel sparks as it slices vigorously up into the IC's soft-code.
An Icon Damage Resistance Test is called for to resolve Cheng's attack. As usual the IC rolls the system Security Value (10) and gets 2 successes on the first roll against the Attack Program's Rating/Power (6) which cancel out Cheng's two extra successes and mean Cheng's slash deals the IC a base Serious wound.
Cheng curses through gritted teeth as she backflips up and round to meet the IC. The Black Killer is a nasty piece of work and she hopes she can fend it off. The singleminded construct bears down on her, glinting green and orange in the emergency lighting as its spikes spin into a blur.
We enter Action Phase 9 and it's the wounded IC's turn to attack. Damaged as it is it goes for an all-out assault in the hopes of neutralizing the intruder before it is de-rezzed. The system opts to place two attacks against Cheng.
The Killer IC's Rating is 5 and it is on an Orange system which means it has a base damage code of 5S (see SR3 page 228/229). The host rolls Security Value to attack and the target number is 7 (its base target number against an Intruding Icon on an Orange Host is 4 per SR3 page 223 modified by +3 from the Serious Wound Cheng just dealt).
On its first Attack roll the IC gets 11, 9, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 (ie. two successes) and on it's second Attack roll the IC gets 10, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1 (ie. one success).
Cheng grimaces and tries not to think of the world of pain she's in for.
Jul 30 2004, 01:40 PM
Cheng's in a world of hurt for more reasons than Synner illuded to. Because she's been supressing so much IC, she's got no more hacking pool for this phase. Which means that she can't improvise a defense -- the so called "matrix dodge." Therefore, we're down to soaking those attacks with Bod. For those of you who -- like me -- haven't seen Lady Cheng's stats for a while, this link should work.
So, wither her bod of five, she's got to try and soak a 5D and a 5S attack.
Luck be a lady ....
Roll One: 17 11 05 05 03 (4 successes -- staged down to moderate)
Roll Two: 15 05 05 05 02 (4 successes -- staged down to light)
So, Cheng comes away from that with some moderate icon damage but she's not out yet folks!Cheng reels from two strikes slightly too fast for her to pull herself out of the way or block with her sword. With a gasp, real and virtual, she can almost feel the matrix shimmer around her as the IC's viral code seeps into the programming of her icon. Rising to the challenge, however, she grits her teeth and moves in for the kill.
Synner, I've lost track, are we up to a new combat turn or just a new phase?
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