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Actually I think you roll Command Program + Hacking to "captain's chair" a drone or set of drones.

@Blakkie: Well, at the very least it implies that the hacker´s contribution is very limited. Not counting your attribute at all when it is included in every other test in the game implies you´re not even participating in making decissions, you can just opperate the program more or less efficiently. Perhaps your analogy is accurate. In that case the program is doing everything that has to do with capacity for logic. The hacker just unleaches the program and control it with more or less skill. The program is making all the difficult choices that are not covered by pure skill. And this would have to be more complete than in any other situation. Basicly you can not make any real time choices yourself when hacking. You´re not allowed to use your logic. This can well be the case because everything goes so fast, you may not have the time... It may make sense that way because it does ring bells from the former editions, but it was strange and hard to swallow back then too. Why not just change it?
QUOTE (mintcar @ Aug 30 2005, 08:27 PM)
I don´t buy your explanation Synner. You can´t take the Logic attribute out of the equation when hacking. It´s the persona that does the doing? Certainly the case with physical attributes, but with mental? So you´re not actually there at all then? The persona is a separate, thinking entity and the character´s only contribution is skillful use of this entity?

I am simply expressing my views on how the system works based on my analysis of it during playtesting - these views are not official but they may help shed some light on this Hacking and Rigging rules.

When you open a file on a computer today it is a Program running on your Operating System (to simplify) which is actually opening it, decompressing, reading, modifying, editing or saving it.

To give a specific example, when a contemporary hacker cracks the code protection on a just-released computer game, it isn't the hacker himself but the computer program he wrote to do it. No matter how skilled he is a programmer and hacker he would never be able to crack the code himself in real time without that tool/program (no matter how intelligent he is / how high his Logic attribute) - I like to call it a language barrier. He simply presses execute and the program (he wrote) cracks the code. In fact, in most cases the hacker has no more active participation in the process (except compiling the program in the first place or programming new routines into it) than I do when I open a Word .doc. The difference being the hacker (with the Computer 6 skill) can tweak and modify the functioning of the program to wield better results and I can't (have Computer 0). (Given my lack of knowledge on the subject) I can only assume you could try to read the contents of a .doc or .wav file without having any relevant Program installed but personally I doubt it can be done without weeks of work.

Almost the same thing in the Matrix.

Furthermore your persona is simply the representation used by your Operating System (actually its more like a hybrid between an OS and a browser) to interact with the "external" Matrix (or you could say that like in SR3 the Persona is the representation of the OS) and which runs the programs you have loaded, these allow you to interact with the various softwares and files encountered on the Matrix (regardless of software platform compatibility). At best you have control of how best to deploy these programs and tweaking their overall parameters to get the best out of them (ie. you have tactical command).

On the other hand Technomancers «have the ability to process digital information directly and intuitively, through the elusive Resonance attribute, as well as spontaneously generating code devices understand.

And for the record you've never been there at all (in any incarnation of Shadowrun). Your conscienceness is in your body, it is never uploaded into the Matrix. What you experience is false sensory input or as the game calls it a "consensual hallucination" which is being generated by your deck (now commlink) specifically your ASIST converter from the simsense feed it is recieving from a server (host) or router (grid) somewhere.
I suppose in light of these insights it may be the closest approximation. But it still stings in the eye that your innate logical capacity does not figure into hacking. If hacking is anything like in SR3, the player will feel like he´s there making logical choices. It will be hard to explain that this is all just an illusion. (Not the being there, everybody knows that´s an illusion. But the actual real time choices of the player are also illusory because they are made on the account of the program and not the character.)

If there was nothing more to hacking than pressing "execute" in Shadowrun, it may not have been a problem. But there is. There is room for innovative suloutions when hacking (in SR3, making assumptions here) and that can not be covered by skill alone. So you have to go into an uncomfortable line of thought that says the program does most of the things the player does (eccept die rolls, wich are shared with the character), and just gives the character a nice show as a representation.
Note that SR4 is not as restrictive as real life (IIRC) since it allows you to roll your Hacking skill as your dice pool to accomplish stuff on the Matrix (in AR and VR) - also note that in SR3 you rolled your Computer skill not your Intelligence. The true change is in dropping the x-factor of a Hacking Pool.

I believe that anyone familiar with Decking in SR3 will find that in practice the Matrix 2.0 has much the same feel and things work mostly the same way even if the appearance and mechanics are different. The player is in just as much control, his options are simply different.

However I should note that after some thought I agreed with one of my players who noted that if it wasn't for the detailed Matrix runs and interactive iconography I've put together since VR2 (see the Idiots Guide to the Matrix thread), SR's Matrix system allowed for everything to be almost mechanical and automatic responses and you had very little freedom of choice (ie. System Operations were defined and in practice they represented all your available choices) - your control was more tactical than active.
You have to agree there´s a difference now that dice pools are separated between skills and attributes. Before what attributes represented was baked into skills and the old dice pools. Taking attributes out of the equation for a test all together has to be of major concequence in SR4.
I´ve already accepted that this may be the best approximation of what hacking is about. The issue is that one of my players may be doing some hacking and doing some intelligent maneuvering, thereby getting the feeling that hacking is a process that requires intelligence. All the same the system has taken intelligence out of the equation for that same activity.

Although, I´m not going to complain if it works well and is fun playing anyway. smile.gif
Right on. Intelligence one hackers!
Yep, just like you could in SR3 (where in practice you could even do without a high computer skill if you had enough cash to burn on high-Rating programs). Of course, I would note that a low Logic decker in SR4 is going to have a hard time using his other requisite Computer-related skills.
QUOTE (kigmatzomat)
Actually I think you roll Command Program + Hacking to "captain's chair" a drone or set of drones.

I ment when a rigger does it. Or was it when they are using the driving a vehicle that also has it's own Pilot rating? It's somewhere back in this thread.
QUOTE (Synner)

When you open a file on a computer today it is a Program running on your Operating System (to simplify) which is actually opening it, decompressing, reading, modifying, editing or saving it.



To give a specific example, when a contemporary hacker cracks the code protection on a just-released computer game, it isn't the hacker himself but the computer program he wrote to do it. No matter how skilled he is a programmer and hacker he would never be able to crack the code himself in real time without that tool/program (no matter how intelligent he is / how high his Logic attribute) - I like to call it a language barrier. He simply presses execute and the program (he wrote) cracks the code.

Uncheck. Most applications have these things called "settings." Those "settings" are configured based on the intention of the user. Skill plays a good part in knowing the settings to use however a good amount of deductive reasoning can further optimize those settings.

I actually had this discussion earlier today when a client wanted all the computer simulations we ran to be identical. Sure, I could run them all with identical settings and might get "good enough" data but it would be less than ideal for virtually no cost savings and could possibly hurt the costs by increasing processing times. (I'm an engineer who simulates large hydraulic systems with off-the-shelf software and write scripts and apps to fill in the holes.)

To give simplified SR4 example, the Attack program can assault any system. Activate it without any modification (aka "0 skill") and it runs at its rating firing a random assortment of general purpose assaults. If you have some skill you might know that your target is running Nix so you adjust the settings to exclude Iris-specific flaws. Add some Logic and you realize that the target is a Rigger running mobs of drones and will likely be heavy on ECCM but won't have as much Biofeedback filter so you further streamline the operations.


In fact, in most cases the hacker has no more active participation in the process than I do when I open a Word .doc. The difference being the hacker (with the Computer 6 skill) can tweak and modify the functioning of the program to wield better results and I can't (have Computer 0).

Word is on par with the "Edit" program at Rating 2. VI or Emacs would be at 5. Word can do "find/replace." VI/Emacs can find/replace/calculate/tabulate/ truncate/repaginate.

Skill is being able to use all those commands as needed.

Ability is being able to do it in one line.
QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (kigmatzomat @ Aug 30 2005, 03:34 PM)
Actually I think you roll Command Program + Hacking to "captain's chair" a drone or set of drones.

I ment when a rigger does it. Or was it when they are using the driving a vehicle that also has it's own Pilot rating? It's somewhere back in this thread.

I gave my SR4 to my brother but a rigger is a hacker, he just has a focus. If it helps, consider the Comm to be a Control Deck where the Command application is the Rating.

There is a difference between issuing commands to a drone (aka "captain's chair") and "jumping in" the drone. Jumping in does rely on the rigger's stats plus, since it is VR mode, the rigger reduces the thresholds for driving checks by 1.
Limited attempts: Under the information on Extended Tests in the Game Concepts chapter, it is recommended that on tests where success isn't ensured (and finding a security flaw in the car's software isn't a sure thing), the character should be limited to a number of rolls equal to his dice pool. So if his dice pool for the Hacking + Exploit test is 8, he's got 8 rolls to get the threshold. If he can't do it in that time, he just can't find a flaw in the software.

64 dice to not hack the car. rollin.gif
QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (mintcar @ Aug 30 2005, 02:27 PM)
I don´t buy your explanation Synner. You can´t take the Logic attribute out of the equation when hacking. It´s the persona that does the doing? Certainly the case with physical attributes, but with mental? So you´re not actually there at all then? The persona is a separate, thinking entity and the character´s only contribution is skillful use of this entity?

This is by far the most unsatisfying thing I´ve heard about SR4.

It sounds more like the Program is treated like a semi-autonomous pet or drone, as opposed to a Spell which has far less intellegence. So the program's own dice are added to the primary contribution by the decker, which they chose as the Hacking skill.

A persona as a seperate, thinking entity?

Or even a semi-autonomous pet or drone ... (although I like the first interpretation better)

I think I now have the system for some deranged hybrid between Shadowrun and Rockman.EXE --

Huzzah!! *ebils*
Jürgen Hubert
I have visions of a technomancer walking down the street, surrounded by floating drones controlled by the POWER OF HIS MIND!

Anyway, two questions:

- Are there "free sprites" similar to free spirits?

- Does anyone use standard fibre-optic channels for anything? Like, say, when you are somewhere where you don't want to draw attention to you being there by emitting radio waves? Or when you you want a secure line that can't be intercepted by anyone with a Commlink?
Actually, i'd say that hacking is now more realistic.
The major part of RL (cr)hacking involves wiriting and tweaking attack code,
doing testruns against a relevantly configured testbed system.

_running_ the program/script against a remote system doesn't involve any thinking, other than version detection, magic number buffer
memory retpoint calculation/guessing (in the case of buffer overflow/format string error bugs) and maybe a connection routing
scheme. (zombie nets, TOR)

You could say that the "thinking" part consists of the hackers programming skill.
QUOTE (Link)
Limited attempts: Under the information on Extended Tests in the Game Concepts chapter, it is recommended that on tests where success isn't ensured (and finding a security flaw in the car's software isn't a sure thing), the character should be limited to a number of rolls equal to his dice pool. So if his dice pool for the Hacking + Exploit test is 8, he's got 8 rolls to get the threshold. If he can't do it in that time, he just can't find a flaw in the software.

64 dice to not hack the car. rollin.gif

Except that if you glitch, you remove hits from the success test. If you critical glitch, the test blown. So it's not at all like rolling 64 dice at once and seeing if you get enough hits.
QUOTE (Memo)
Actually, i'd say that hacking is now more realistic.
The major part of RL (cr)hacking involves wiriting and tweaking attack code,
doing testruns against a relevantly configured testbed system.

_running_ the program/script against a remote system doesn't involve any thinking, other than version detection, magic number buffer
memory retpoint calculation/guessing (in the case of buffer overflow/format string error bugs) and maybe a connection routing
scheme. (zombie nets, TOR)

You could say that the "thinking" part consists of the hackers programming skill.

If it was this point & click, the skill would be pointless. Make it a Program Rating+System test since that covers the application's capabilities and the Comm's processing power.

I can't comprehend how a person's mental abilities would have no impact on what is basically a mental test but that their skill would. Does not compute. I work with people who have the data and processes needed to do a job stored in their head so they have the skill rating but are incapable of making the leap of, dare I say, LOGIC that would let them simplify the process and save an immense amount of time when running programs.

I can't comprehend how a person's mental abilities would have no impact on what is basically a mental test but that their skill would.

It isn't that they have no impact, it is just that it was judged to be in 3rd place. Only the top two are included in the die pool.
QUOTE (Jürgen Hubert)
- Are there "free sprites" similar to free spirits?

Yes. p236 decribes uncontrolled Sprites. However, I can't imagine that these entities last very long before they are de-rezzed. I'd treat them as Agents or SKs. Anything greater than that, and you are mucking about in the AI mess again, and I don't think that a Technomancer should have to power to create an AI.
- Does anyone use standard fibre-optic channels for anything? Like, say, when you are somewhere where you don't want to draw attention to you being there by emitting radio waves? Or when you you want a secure line that can't be intercepted by anyone with a Commlink?
On p331, under the entry for datajacks, there is specific text that says this exact situation (connecting your brains together to communicate mind-to-mind using a fiberoptic cable between two datajacks). I'd imagine that fiber-optic ports are standard on a lot of devices, barring size restrictions (i.e. Contacts or possibly Glasses might not have a port)
QUOTE (blakkie)
I can't comprehend how a person's mental abilities would have no impact on what is basically a mental test but that their skill would.

It isn't that they have no impact, it is just that it was judged to be in 3rd place. Only the top two are included in the die pool.

The thing that bugs me is that there's a way to get all three and it is already being used in another part of the system, Magic.

Program Rating (which is limited by your hardware) sets the maximum successes from your Stat+Skill roll. Good programs, which mean good hardware, get jobs done faster. Logic & Skill both apply.
QUOTE (hahnsoo)
On p331, under the entry for datajacks, there is specific text that says this exact situation (connecting your brains together to communicate mind-to-mind using a fiberoptic cable between two datajacks).

Wait a minute..... Does this mean that 2 people can comunicate telepathicaly with wwireless comlinks, considering you can do anything wirelessly that you can do wired?
I would have thought that would have been one of the very first impications of widespread wireless comm technology in a setting where we've already established that with the right implant, you can transcribe thoughts into digital format.
I dont know if i like that. Instantly talking to anyone anywhere in the world just by thought only by knowing their comlink's ip address. Seems too, odd. Especialy for technomancers, might as well just give them telepathy.
The transducer was an established piece of tech ever since the "Cybertechnology" sourcebook. In SR4, transducers are assumed to be part of the mind-machine interface, either with a datajack or a commlink. Besides, we communicate nearly instantaneously TODAY with the Internet. My gaming group uses Voice over IP to play our Shadowrun sessions, with one member all the way across the country. People can dial up their friends half-way across the world on cellphones. It's not too far of a stretch.
So, let me get this straight, a techonomancer or anyone with an implanted commlink could communicate mentally with anyone anywhere in the world that is also connected to the Matrix at any time? Thats interesting... particularly in regards to technomancer groups/society.
Crusher Bob
Unless they turn their telephones commlinks off. Why is this so surprising?
There's also a device called a Jammer that, well, Jams signals in a mall, local area. Unless the device has a higher rating than the Jammer, it can't send or recieve a signal. Seems like a fairly common, and relativly cheap item that lots of corps will keep around "in case of an emergency". smile.gif

Crusher Bob
Considering that some movie theatres and churches are already squeching cell phone signals...
Not really a spoiler, but the fiction in the front of SR4, Buzzkill, conveys this stuff fairly well.

In SR4 the Matrix is openned up a lot more. It is common place for people like Joe Mage to see and interact with a decker icon, where as in SR3 the only people to see them were usually other deckers.
With all of this more open access of the matrix, does that mean that we all have to make our icons? (make is in write out a description of what our online persona looks like, no having to make vs buy the persona chips), and is it still possible to have multiple persona chips available, and load whichever one you want to use?

And finally, i dont THINK i've seen anyone ask it, but is the new wireless an "always on" sort of option for a decker, or are there penelties galore still for taking meatword actions while umm.. "unwired in"?
QUOTE (Aku @ Sep 1 2005, 06:32 AM)
With all of this more open access of the matrix, does that mean that we all have to make our icons? (make is in write out a description of what our online persona looks like,....

I don't believe you have a online personna unless you go VR (where your meat goes limp like old-style decking), and not everyone is going to go VR. However the intermediate step of AR is there so you can see inside the Matrix (such as having a pair of glasses that display stuff HUD).
hmm, i'm not going to get into what the power differences of AR vs VR are, i'll wait to get my (hopefully) second printing of the book, but i'm guessing in AR you're going to have some sort of boni to doing things...
Well since i was sent here, I will ask my question here. Since it was kinda gone over already i'll just dig in. Lets say my hacker doesn't have the specific program to perform a matrix action. What it says in the book is that then I should roll logic + hacking skill. If my logic is 7, via cerbral booster. then why EVER buy programs ? you roll more dice (skill + logic of 7 verses skill plus possible starting program max of 6) if you just default to your base skill. So other than the joys of roleplaying a logic 1 hacker would it not be better to simply default to logic+hacking and not worry about programs at all. Or should we be rolling logic + hacking skill + program rating? Or is the game not balanced for that?

It does seem rather stupid to have game mechanics drive hackers twards having a low logic, which IS their primary stat. Great for combat hackers.. but strange.

Well thats my question. Thanks!
hmm, i'm not going to get into what the power differences of AR vs VR are, i'll wait to get my (hopefully) second printing of the book, but i'm guessing in AR you're going to have some sort of boni to doing things...

Virtual Reality is full immersion. Two types of this hot and cold. Hot gives the best bonus but your meat takes Physical damage from cyber combat. Cold gives better than AR but not as good as Hot and your meat takes Stun damage from cyber combat.

Augmented Reality is not immersion. This is like a HUD where stuff is overlaid on your normal vision via eye implants, contact lenses, or glasses. The dice bonuses are minimal and typically at GM whim. You don't take damage from it, but the GM can assign effectively vision based penalties if someone does something to screw with the overlays. For rigging this is like the old virtual dashboard mode that people with datajacks but no VCR could use. Your character can walk around with this on and they can pick up public broadcasts from stores and stuff, as well as info from your team, the weather network, your personal day timer, techincal manual, etc. For an input device to control what you see you can also use 'trodes, a datajack, or a glove thing that works a bit like a contempary mouse does.
phoniex, while i dont have the book i have picked up some comments about there being matrix actions that do not have any kind of program that can help.

sure, its not perfect, but atleast there are is a reason to take more the logic 1. there is allso a lot of non-matrix actions that can help a decker (i guess im going to keep calling them that) thats still based on logic unless im misstaken.

so while you can make a logic 1 decker they can be compareable to todays script kiddies. people that sit on the chat systems and brag about the number of machines they have under their control and then go ahead and fall for the oldes trick in the book: the address matrix equivalent silly.gif
Thanks Blakkie, kinda how i was imagining it, (although i dont think i knew there was that much of a difference between hot an cold assist errr. AR...)
Rotbart van Dainig
looking at all those micro and mini drones who are easy to carry concealed and being subscribed as groups, I wonder who will be the first one to build a character called 'Lord of the Flies'. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (Phoniex)
Well since i was sent here, I will ask my question here.  Since it was kinda gone over already i'll just dig in.  Lets say my hacker doesn't have the specific program to perform a matrix action.  What it says in the book is that then I should roll logic + hacking skill.  If my logic is 7, via cerbral booster.  then why EVER buy programs ? you roll more dice (skill + logic of 7 verses skill plus possible starting program max of 6) if you just default to your base skill.  So other than the joys of roleplaying a logic 1 hacker would it not be better to simply default to logic+hacking and not worry about programs at all.  Or should we be rolling logic + hacking skill + program rating? Or is the game not balanced for that?

It does seem rather stupid to have game mechanics drive hackers twards having a low logic, which IS their primary stat.  Great for combat hackers.. but strange.

Well thats my question.  Thanks!

Wouldn't that be defaulting and subject to some sort of penalty? I've got to imagine there is some sort of penalty for not using a program when the check calls for one. Like not having a skill and defaulting (or is defaulting gone now too?)...
QUOTE (Vector)
Wouldn't that be defaulting and subject to some sort of penalty? I've got to imagine there is some sort of penalty for not using a program when the check calls for one. Like not having a skill and defaulting (or is defaulting gone now too?)...

If you don't have a program, and a task requires one, you are stuck. You can't even make the test. Generous GMs may allow you to make a jury-rig program given some time (at least 1 hour) and your Software skill, but the only characters that can "make" programs on the fly are Technomancers (through Threading).
Rotbart van Dainig
As far as it was stated here - no programm, no roll.
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
As far as it was stated here - no programm, no roll.

Ok, call me stupid for asking this but.. IF a program is required to even TRY to make a test, then why bother rolling hacking skill at all? IF its only the program that makes a test possible, then the program has got to be doing virtually ALL the workload. Assuming the reason why you need the program and can't do without it, is it will take hours to come up with even the most basic code to deal with a matrix action. Then why even bother with the hacking skill, because your basically saying hacking skill can't do it alone, if the skill can't "hack it" (sorry horrid pun but I just could not delete it wink.gif ) then why add it at all. What does the hacking skill do, if not allow you to take illegal matrix actions?

Then comes the question, well if there is no program for a particular task, why is hacking skill suddenly able to do something very similar to that matrix action that required a program, and you can add your logic to the test. All for the price of not doing an operation that requires a program you have to pay for...?

I'm sorry i could not give concrete examples, I too am at work and my book is at home, because I was stupid and took it out of my bag frown.gif
Well, it's akin to not being able to do an Electronics/Hardware test without an Electronics Kit. *shrugs* The only difference is that you can do an improvised tool "Macguyver" thing with Hardware at a penalty, but that would be the same thing as whipping up an improvised program for Hacking using Software.
QUOTE (hahnsoo)
Well, it's akin to not being able to do an Electronics/Hardware test without an Electronics Kit. *shrugs* The only difference is that you can do an improvised tool "Macguyver" thing with Hardware at a penalty, but that would be the same thing as whipping up an improvised program for Hacking using Software.

But you can do a biotech test without a first aid kit.. its not a good idea but you can do it. Also I know in 3rd edition you could attempt an electroncis test without a kit, but it was like at least a +4TN modifier. But that may have just been my GM being nice to characters that needed to get through a security door and the most useful tool any characters had was ducktape, yes we used alot of ducktape cracking that maglock wink.gif

Damn it i really wish i had brought my book with me tonight.
QUOTE (Phoniex)
Then comes the question, well if there is no program for a particular task, why is hacking skill suddenly able to do something very similar to that matrix action that required a program, and you can add your logic to the test. All for the price of not doing an operation that requires a program you have to pay for...?

The program probably needs to be fine-tuned for the specific purpose each time, which would involve the Hacking skill.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Phoniex @ Sep 3 2005, 03:02 PM)
Then comes the question, well if there is no program for a particular task, why is hacking skill suddenly able to do something very similar to that matrix action that required a program, and you can add your logic to the test.  All for the price of not doing an operation that requires a program you have to pay for...?

The program probably needs to be fine-tuned for the specific purpose each time, which would involve the Hacking skill.

I'm fine with your explanations for why I might wrong, and believe me I have been wrong in the past and will be wrong in the future. But, i have to keep playing devil's advocate here. If you see a flaw in my logic, please explain it to me. Is the purpose of the hacking skill to fine tune programs? Or to just set parameters on a program? If thats all it is, then it seems like a very large amount of dice to add to what, at its base should be a program test. In reality, I can very easily understand why pretty much all "hacking" should only be done by programs, because of the way it works. I just assumed in the VR world of the matrix, if you wanted to hack your way inside a host you should have 2 options. Option 1, use your program (ie monofilament chainsaw) to cut your way through the door fast
option 2, use your natural skill and logic (ie your bare hands) to beat the door down and hope.
they both seemed like reasonable ways of working in VR, with real world corrallarys, but the game mechanics don't support this way of thinking. Because without the chainsaw (program) you can not even try to hack your way into something. And so the hacking skill becomes basically useless. Unless you have the correct program, and then it adds a lot of dice to a test that is basically just the program running to see if its rating is better than the defenses of the system the program is trying to hack
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
looking at all those micro and mini drones who are easy to carry concealed and being subscribed as groups, I wonder who will be the first one to build a character called 'Lord of the Flies'. grinbig.gif

what you would basicly be doing then is recreate the lady on the cover of rigger 2 nyahnyah.gif
Rotbart van Dainig
Nopo, those where shiny drones without the artful application of nanopaste. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Phoniex)
But you can do a biotech test without a first aid kit.. its not a good idea but you can do it.

Erm, do you know how much of a bad idea that is, both mechanics-wise and real life? The most you could do is diagnose, and even then, without the proper tools, you can't do much. With a threshold of 2 and an assortment of bad modifiers for not being in a proper place and without a medkit, you probably won't get any net successes.
Also I know in 3rd edition you could attempt an electroncis test without a kit, but it was like  at least a +4TN modifier.  But that may have just been my GM being nice to characters that needed to get through a security door and the most useful tool any characters had was ducktape, yes we used alot of ducktape cracking that maglock wink.gif
Right, but you'd have to spend some time scrounging up the tools, even with a generous GM. If you have the inadequate tools on your person, then why didn't you bring an Electronics kit? You can do a test with inadequate tools for both cracking a maglock (spend an hour scrounging something up) and hacking a system (spend an hour on your commlink writing a quick program) in SR4. Neither will be effective, but that's the advantage of being prepared with an electronics kit or the proper program.
Ok, I remember this being a vague point with previous versions of SR... how many copies of an Agent or IC (or any program really) can you as a Hacker run at a time? Is it just limited by your subscriber list (if running indepently, or straight System if running on your own OS) and each one having to be loaded one at a time?

As an example, you have a System of 5 and you want to have a number of Agents on hand to help you fight in cyber combat. You could load 4 of them and (assuming you ran no more than one other program at a time) not suffer penalties to Response? Or the same System of 5 and they are instead loaded into the node (think an ambush) and you could load 9 of them and be connected to node yourself and you all jump an icon at the same time?

Did I miss a page with more rules for this than the ones I alluded to in my example?
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