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What do Technomancers use for data storage if they need no devices or cyber?
QUOTE (Nikoli)
What do Technomancers use for data storage if they need no devices or cyber?

Store it online somewhere. Instead of downloading into headware, they transfer it to their "website" or a "Resonance Realm/Well" or whatever. smile.gif
That official or arse-ware?
SL James
Yeah. I thought I read something about using a commlink for storage memory.
Okay. Always thought that was a weakness of Otaku in SR3, no cash for real storage solutions out of th box. A computer ops specialist with no storage is useless to the Johnson in most cases.
Hmmm. Now, to the other character type to be covered in this thread: Riggers.

Q: A rigger is supposed to be better than an average joe with a datajack (or, I guess, a commlink) at driving a vehicle. In SR1 through 3, this was made possible by using a piece of cyber that essentially acted as both a TN modifier (hefty at that) and a wired reflexes while driving the vehicle. Is something comparable available for SR4, or did you just ditch the concept altogether in favour of combining wired and skillwires with a commlink?

Q: If there still is a vehicle control rig of some kind, how does it work now there are no more TN modifiers? Add dice?

Q: Will there be vehicle modding rules? A rigger who's restricted to off the shelf vehicles is pretty useless.

Q: You mentioned that drones use their AI rating for tests. Does that mean rigging drones becomes impossible in favour of, say, a more god's eye way of controlling them (kinda like a PC startegy game)?

Q: Can technomanchers, if there is no more VCR, operate machines as well as hack and crack their way through M2.0?
the VCR concept was pretty much ditched. anybody with hot sim can jump into a drone (at least, the rules i have assume the rigger is using hot sim). the other basic concepts of rigging remain the same, though with obvious mechanical differences. technomancers can be riggers, though they need something to boost their signal rating, usually. oddly, i don't believe there are any rules for controlling drones through the Matrix; you pretty much have to control them directly (eg, using your own transmitter).
well it would be easy to houserule. just say that as long as the drone have access to a wireless connection it can relay the signal across the net nyahnyah.gif

or is there some signal booster or relay drone like the hedgehog available in the BBB?
QUOTE (mfb @ Aug 23 2005, 06:23 AM)
the VCR concept was pretty much ditched. anybody with hot sim can jump into a drone (at least, the rules i have assume the rigger is using hot sim). the other basic concepts of rigging remain the same, though with obvious mechanical differences. technomancers can be riggers, though they need something to boost their signal rating, usually. oddly, i don't believe there are any rules for controlling drones through the Matrix; you pretty much have to control them directly (eg, using your own transmitter).

Technos need a signal boost even if they are in the vehicle? Or just if they try to control the vehicle near or beyond their Resonance based signal range?

EDIT: Oh, and do you have the choice of AR (i suppose this is the old virtual dashboard mode) or VR? What are the benefits of VR over AR? You can still get dumpshock in VR, correct? What about AR, any risk of damaging feedback?
I dont think anyone asked this so far.

Is it still possible to "RIG" Security systems? I never used it in SR3, but i would like to start using it in SR4.

QUOTE (mfb)
the VCR concept was pretty much ditched. anybody with hot sim can jump into a drone (at least, the rules i have assume the rigger is using hot sim). the other basic concepts of rigging remain the same, though with obvious mechanical differences. technomancers can be riggers, though they need something to boost their signal rating, usually. oddly, i don't believe there are any rules for controlling drones through the Matrix; you pretty much have to control them directly (eg, using your own transmitter).

So, Riggers don't exist. They all either retired or became Deckers with grease under their fingers.
QUOTE (hotshot)
Is it still possible to "RIG" Security systems? I never used it in SR3, but i would like to start using it in SR4.

hmm, good question. at first control of a building was the realm of a decker doing overwatch. then came the sec rigger. and now that rigging and decking have merged i have a feel we are back at overwatch. but maybe a kind of overwatch where one "rigger" goes along with the sec team on patrol while another stays back at base to monitor things.

kinda like those rigger teams from rigger3.

heh, i keep pushing the edge of these threads dont i?
Only thing is, there aren't any Riggers anymore. The VCR made the rigger. It was their edge, it's gone. Any jackass with a commlink and drive is a rigger now, at least from what has been released so far. That upsets me greatly as my favorite characters have always been riggers.
no offence but take any rant to a diffrent thread, this is a Q&a thread wink.gif
QUOTE (Nikoli)
That official or arse-ware?

Official (p233) - Technomancers have no form of organic storage memory whatsoever, so if they want to download a file, they need to mentally transfer it to a physical storage device.

Is something comparable available for SR4, or did you just ditch the concept altogether in favour of combining wired and skillwires with a commlink?

Q: If there still is a vehicle control rig of some kind, how does it work now there are no more TN modifiers? Add dice?
There is a piece of Cyberware called the "Control Rig" which has a 0.5 essence cost. It basically is a VCR (in terms of description), except that it provides a benefit of +2 dice on all vehicle tests when you are using "full-VR" to control a vehicle. It isn't clear to me whether anyone with a Commlink and a Sim Module can do "full-VR" to control a vehicle (and get ginormous benefits to initiative, I might add), but a person with a Control Rig would be able to do it better.
Q: Will there be vehicle modding rules? A rigger who's restricted to off the shelf vehicles is pretty useless.
Probably in the future "Arsenal" supplement. Vehicles and drones literally get one page (front and back), and have two upgrades, Rigger Adaptation and Weapon Mounts (1 mount per Body/3 round down, holds up to an LMG).
Q: You mentioned that drones use their AI rating for tests. Does that mean rigging drones becomes impossible in favour of, say, a more god's eye way of controlling them (kinda like a PC startegy game)?
You can "jump into" a Rigger Adapted vehicle or drone, and still control your other drones (using their Pilot rating for tests).
Q: Can technomanchers, if there is no more VCR, operate machines as well as hack and crack their way through M2.0?
Again, I'm not seeing any text that forbids someone without a Control Rig to "jump into" a vehicle/drone, and certainly a technomancer can spoof commands to a drone to make it do things the current subscriber doesn't intend it to.
Is it still possible to "RIG" Security systems? I never used it in SR3, but i would like to start using it in SR4.
I believe so, if you have a Rigger Adapted building.
Thanks. That eases my concerns a great deal.
Demonseed Elite
Yep, building riggers are still an available option.
Thanx for the answers guys. Heres another one.

I know some of you said the rules were more open to interpretation. But lets say my player tell me: " ok i try to unlock the door in front of me so i can escape"

What is the usual roll to do this?

P.S. I'm a new Poster, but i've been watching the forums for a quite a while. It's fun to see that it isn't inside jokes anymore, so i can finally participate smile.gif
QUOTE (Spookymonster)
Also, is there any mention of used cyberware?

No mention of used cyberware at all.
EDIT: Oh, and do you have the choice of AR (i suppose this is the old virtual dashboard mode) or VR? What are the benefits of VR over AR? You can still get dumpshock in VR, correct? What about AR, any risk of damaging feedback?
AR requires a Commlink, and is analogous to astral perception (you can see the Matrix and manipulate it), and you can't get dumpshock, although being attacked with attack programs or viral ware, or being in spam/static zones, can give you penalties. Highly congested areas can also give you a sort of "background count" penalty, similar to spam zones. AR uses meatbody initiative and initiative passes. VR requires a Sim Module and a Commlink, and is analogous to astral projection... your body flops over, and your persona flies off to whereever. Full VR is also used when you "Jump In" a drone or vehicle and take it over... you effectively become the vehicle. In cold sim, you get an extra initiative pass and use Matrix initiative instead of meatbody initiative. In hot sim, you get a bonus to your initiative, another initiative pass (for a total of 3 passes), and +2 to ALL tests done in the Matrix (note: This bonus only applies for Matrix actions, not vehicle tests, although I will note that now you can do Matrix Actions while you are Jumped Into a drone/vehicle without penalty). VR causes dumpshock when you are jacked out, and you take damage from Black IC/Blackout (only Stun damage if in cold sim, Physical Damage if hit with Black IC while in hot sim). VR is basically similar to the old way of decking or rigging.
Q: Will there be vehicle modding rules? A rigger who's restricted to off the shelf vehicles is pretty useless.

Probably in the future "Arsenal" supplement. Vehicles and drones literally get one page (front and back), and have two upgrades, Rigger Adaptation and Weapon Mounts (1 mount per Body/3 round down, holds up to an LMG).

How many vehicles are on this page? i can't and don't want to believe that they don't intend to integrate vehicle design rules into Arsenal. i mean one front &back page of vehicles... what kinda bullshit is that supposed to be? no one is gonna play rigger anymore...... mad.gif

we should send in a team !!! vegm.gif
So, there is a sorta VCR that gives you some dice boni, but vehicle riggers have now become much less effective than they were (as in, only one initiative pass)? As in, one initiative pass, no initiatiive boni gained by hot sim or other fast-making matrix ware stuff? I sure hope not. "with five years and a serious jump in technology, riggers became much, much less effetive" really is stupid. Very much so. But they can hack while they rig. Yay.
QUOTE (hermit @ Aug 23 2005, 11:33 AM)
So, there is a sorta VCR that gives you some dice boni, but vehicle riggers have now become much less effective than they were (as in, only one initiative pass)? As in, one initiative pass, no initiatiive boni gained by hot sim or other fast-making matrix ware stuff?

Whoa. I never said that. Vehicle Riggers are automatically using Full VR (cold sim or hot sim) when they are rigging ("Jumped in" a vehicle), which means that they use Response (of their commlink or whatever hardwired system they are running) + Intuition for Initiative and at least one extra initiative pass (two if Hot Sim VR).
Whoa. I never said that. Vehicle Riggers are automatically using Full VR (cold sim or hot sim) when they are rigging ("Jumped in" a vehicle), which means that they use Response (of their commlink or whatever hardwired system they are running) + Intuition for Initiative and at least one extra initiative pass (two if Hot Sim VR).

Ah, so there's basically a high-initiative, three-pass rigger that's the maxiumum now. Still slower tha a VCR 3 Rigger, but it will do, I guess.

And it's wireless. That makes operating drones while in a building easier, I guess. And another guess: Riggers will HAVE to learn hacking skills, if only to defend themselves against any deckhead infiltrating their systems.

Oh well. Guess it will do. Not what I would have liked, but meh.

What's up with hot/cold sim anyway? Does hot sim mean more intensive connection, and does that mean that a rigger who's dumpshocked from a vehicle using hot sim gets physical damage or something like that? (I hope not, that would make hot sim'ed riggers pretty much unable to jump into small body 0 drones, unless they want to die with them if anything hits them - if there still are such small drones, that is).
I'm thinking Technomancer/Rigger concepts now.
Sprites to defend the drones whilst you drive or hack the opposition.
Technomancers - the new uber characters. Even if they lose resonance with essence, they still can do what three character classs could do before.
QUOTE (hermit)
Ah, so there's basically a high-initiative, three-pass rigger that's the maxiumum now. Still slower tha a VCR 3 Rigger, but it will do, I guess.

Well, I wouldn't write off the 4-pass rigger just yet. New tech might come out in the upcoming Arsenal book.
And it's wireless. That makes operating drones while in a building easier, I guess. And another guess: Riggers will HAVE to learn hacking skills, if only to defend themselves against any deckhead infiltrating their systems.
It might or might not be wireless. You can still hardwire yourself using a Control Rig and Sim Module through a Datajack, eliminating any wireless vulnerabilities. You probably will want to have a relatively high Firewall rating on your drones to prevent hijacking, of course. While a lot of Riggers will learn technical skills, they will probably focus more on Electronic Warfare and their Signal and Firewall rating rather than Response/System and Cracking skills. There is a whole column that describes the differences in focus between a Rigger and a Cracker.

Trust me, the Vehicle Rigger is still around (check the Smuggler archetype when you get the book).
QUOTE (hermit)
Technomancers - the new uber characters. Even if they lose resonance with essence, they still can do what three character classs could do before.

Anyone with a Commlink can do the same things that Technomancers do, if they are skilled enough and have the right programs. It's not that Technomancers have become better, but they are simply an equivalent option. Hackers/Riggers get the benefit of cyberware and gear and are pretty cheap to maintain Karma-wise, while Technomancers are expensive Karma-wise, but don't rely on any gear at all.
so basicly, one can finaly have that vehicle adept people where asking for silly.gif
Another thing (just read this): Characters who are using AR while they are driving have a +1 dice pool modifier (to represent the additional GPS information and other things that might pop up on the display). Remote piloting does not receive this bonus. Those who use full-VR to jack into the vehicle or "jump into" the vehicle get a -1 threshold modifier on the various threshold-based tests. For example, the classic "Bootlegger Reverse" or J-turn from Car Wars would be a threshold of 3 instead of 4.
can someone expand on the vireses/IC?
Suddenly I got this image of seeing an AR sign stating severe tire damage and if you drive through the area IC attacks your vehicle and proceeds to have the vehicle to burn-outs until the tires are shredded.
To be fair, I've never seen a BBB with more than a smattering of vehicles. Emphassis was always on interpersonal combat, magic and the Matrix. Riggers were ever the red-headed step child IMO.
Milo Simpkin
Yeah I was gonna start moaning about that Nikoli, until I remembered exactly what you said. Never really anything in a core rules book for them.
Well, now it looks like they got even less. Not even a VCR 3 equivalent anymore. frown.gif

How does firewall rating and stuff work for drones? A bit like installing Autosofts of old? And what autosoft types are covered in the BBB?
So woudl it be possible to get a list/description of virieses and IC?
IC are the equivalent of Agents, with a Firewall and Pilot rating. They are all considered the same, save for their program loadout, which may contain the following programs: Analyze, Attack, Black Hammer, Blackout, and Track.

As far as virus programs, there are Databombs and Encryption. IC can also be attached to files and programs, triggering them when the file/program is accessed or decrypted. (p 222)
Actually, I think rigger characters will be more popular now. You donīt have to specialize so hard on it that you donīt know anything else, and youīre not so godlike compaired to other drivers that car chases are no fun. This is exactly what the riggers needed. Iīm just going to forget that they were ever as effective as before.

And another thing. The old VCR was a very essence heavy piece of ware with very limited uses for an ordinary person. I could never justify why people would have them unless they were professional drivers or security personel. Thus, rigger adapted vehicles had to be uncommon. Now on the other hand, anybody with simrig and commlink could use a rigger adapted vehicle. Thatīs ware that most people would have plenty of reasons to get. Rigger adapted vehicles could even be the norm in well-to-do areas. Imagine what that means for your rigger, fellows! No longer does the rigger concept need to be limited to the resource well gear-head thatīs welded into his own customized vehicle. You could make a car thief rigger. An all purpouse wheelman that can drive anything. Lots of gritty concepts are now open that doesnīt bring the batmobile to mind.
QUOTE (mintcar)
You could make a car thief rigger. An all purpouse wheelman that can drive anything. Lots of gritty concepts are now open that doesnīt bring the batmobile to mind.

Making a rigger a much more viable profession as runner.
I never liked the idea of investing VERY heavy into something external that could as well be stolen as was pretty much not replaceable ingame.
Not the practice of a nice GM, but when making a char I pref to take a look at such an angle as well.
the real problem with the old rigger was that the entry level VCR where to costly. i could understand having the VCR3 be a close to military kind of gear but the VCR1? that should be within reach of any hotrod-driving ganger that want that extra edge while cruising the I's at night wink.gif

and this can now happen with the new modularity of the rigger gear.
a teen ganger with a interest in hotrods may well go hot or cold sim while trying to save up the cash to get a control rig to realy get that edge cyber.gif

im guessing that future books may well contrain new boosters to said control rig to give a even bigger edge wink.gif

whats the cost of a control rig in terms of essence btw?
.5, it's been mentioned above.
oops, missed it or forgot about it i guess. or maybe i was just lazy wink.gif

hmm, that allows a sammie to sideline as a getaway driver cyber.gif
It was very hard to be a hybrid rigger before and I like that its viable (possibly) so now, still giving the hard core riggers enough room to shine.

QUOTE (morlock76)
It was very hard to be a hybrid rigger before and I like that its viable (possibly) so now, still giving the hard core riggers enough room to shine.

This allows for the conjuror to have a combination spirit/done army! biggrin.gif
Rotbart van Dainig
Well, that was perfectly possible even in SR3 - captains chair only required trodes. wink.gif
So is it feasible for a technomancer to be in VR, or are the best technomancers stuck in AR due to the essence cost?
I would be very surprised if technomancers could not go full vr without ware. Iīve seen the allegory be made that a technomancer doing ar is like a mage doing astral perception.. I for one think that technomancers are able to virtually project as well as perceve.
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
oops, missed it or forgot about it i guess. or maybe i was just lazy wink.gif

hmm, that allows a sammie to sideline as a getaway driver cyber.gif

They always could, the difference is now the odds are better that they succeed than wrap the getaway car around the front of a semi. wink.gif
Technomancers can go full VR (in fact, they prefer this, according to the book). Technomancers are always considered as being in hot-sim VR, and cannot do cold-sim VR at all (unless they strap on a commlink and do it "old school").
QUOTE (hermit)
Hmmm. Now, to the other character type to be covered in this thread: Riggers.

Q: A rigger is supposed to be better than an average joe with a datajack (or, I guess, a commlink) at driving a vehicle. In SR1 through 3, this was made possible by using a piece of cyber that essentially acted as both a TN modifier (hefty at that) and a wired reflexes while driving the vehicle. Is something comparable available for SR4, or did you just ditch the concept altogether in favour of combining wired and skillwires with a commlink?

Q: If there still is a vehicle control rig of some kind, how does it work now there are no more TN modifiers? Add dice?
The Control Rig is the only device that I see involved, aside from perhaps a Simrig (to achieve full VR). Adds +2 dice to control tests when fully emersed "jumped in" to the vehicle. Does not work for other drones in network that aren't vehicles (pg 331).

Please remember that in full VR mode however, the Hacker/Rigger gets additional bonuses. For instance you now use the Matrix Initiative (Response + Intuition) and receive an additional Initiative Pass (total of two now). This is "Cold Sim" btw, which is a mode of VR.

"Hot Sim" requires a bit more modding to the Commlink but it gives the following:

Intiative is now Response + Intuition + 1 and an extra initiative pass (for a total of three now).
+2 Dice to all Matrix Tests (this qualifies to me at least for rigger a vehicle directly).

I pulled this from the VR Section (pg 228-229) and "Jumping Into Drones" (pg 239).

I am personally of the opinion that it might be possible to "overclock" a Control Rig in a way that Technomancers through Emersion can get the "overclock" initiative boost. This would give yet another initiative pass and bonus to initiative. But that is my opinion.
Q: Will there be vehicle modding rules? A rigger who's restricted to off the shelf vehicles is pretty useless.
Actually this was talked about very briefly during the "What's Up with" seminar at Gencon on Saturday (20th). Rob does not want a book like Rigger-2/Rigger-3. He does want to give the ability to mod vehicles, but I don't believe he wants to go into the full-on "Build Your Own from Scratch" argument. While as a player/GM I find this an incredibly limiting viewpoint as a developer I can understand it from the POV of someone who does not want to have to deal with all the bitching/whining that arising from people who have conflicting opinions/perceptions of how the B/R rules worked originally.

Q: You mentioned that drones use their AI rating for tests. Does that mean rigging drones becomes impossible in favour of, say, a more god's eye  way of controlling them (kinda like a PC startegy game)?
I personally do not understand this question. The "AI" rating is the Pilot Rating, which has always been around for drones and was always used to determine how well a particular vehicle/robot (and now Agents) could work their way through a problem. There is still the need for subscriber lists (pg 238) but there seems to be a bit more flexibility with moving drones in/out of a subscriber list in general. Something I always thought was messed up in the old rigger-related rules.
Q: Can technomanchers, if there is no more VCR, operate machines as well as hack and crack their way through M2.0?
It actually gives the comparison that Technomancers and Hackers who focus on rigger drones and vehicles do exist. (First Sentence under Rigging and Drones pg 238).

I do note that some of this stuff is going to be interesting to see how it plays out under much heavier playing here.
My question is, what can you do once you've hacked someone's PAN? Can you lock their smartlinked gun so they can't fire it? I mean, what are your options?

Extrapolating, would all the sec guards at a facility be running their smartlinks off of the facility's LAN? So if you hacked the LAN, you could wirelessly kill all the guns in the complex as easily as taking out the sec cameras used to be? It seems like a squad of sec guards would want to have their PANs linked for communication, and if they're all receiving transmission from a central hub...

I mean, what are your options, since a lot more things seem to be hooked into the matrix now?
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