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Full Version: looking for gm in maryland pg/mont county
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crimson ronin
i live in hyattsville maryland will drive up to an hour away to play shadowrun saturdays open have every book been playing since 1st edition friends also looking to play!
Holy cow, an SR player that close to home! I work in Riverdale and live in Silver Spring.

I'm not looking for any table top SR games right now, just because I'm currently enrolled in 1 and two half games, but let me ask my wife and get back to you. Usually our RL schedule is pretty crazy, so it's hard to make a commitment for a set time. it'd have to be every OTHER week, and no longer than say 3 hours.

Mostly though I just wanted to say howdy neighbor.
crimson ronin
howdy let me know
Wiz In Red
Alexandria/Fort Belvoir here...
crimson ronin
glad to see theres 2 people who play shadowrun in the tristate area aside from me
I live in Rockville and would also like to play, but I leave town at the end of November.
crimson ronin
everyone interested lets get some posts on here!
I'm still around crimson...
Is other realms too far for the rest of you guys? I'm not too fond of the enw system, but thats just from reading it, maybe I'll feel different after playing it. Current;y I've gotten involved with a DnD group here in Glen Burnie, but that campaign is supposed to end by new years, so if someone can come up some plot/campaign ideas, maybe I can start another game at other realms on Sat nights.
My only conditions for running a game is that I don't deal well with truly evil PCss, and I'll need help dealign with the new decking/rigging (hacking) system if any players wish to focus their characters in that direction.
I favor magical stuff of all sorts, and like to use magical threats as background plot.
crimson ronin
awww no more assassin? poo she was cool im still available on saturdays
Wiz In Red
I'm not familiar with "other realms." Where and what is it?
A game store with plenty of tables for play most nights...
I have a game in Baltimore County, actually its rather long term. Much of the background has been going on for almost 15 years, the same campaign more or less since SR1. We're freshening things up a bit for 4th edition. We currently have about 6 full time players and several others who drop by rather often. wee're always looking for new players. We play almost every Sunday evening from about 6 till 11 or so. We're also open to accepting other GMs as well, since myself and my co-GM would like to get chances to play, as well as add their campaign to our own.If anyone is interested email me at
I'd love to join someone else's game, but sunday night doesn't work for me (have to get up early for work). Thanks though. If I can get enough players for a Sat. night game, you're moer than welcome to join us.
Anyone interested and available for a tabletop game in Gaithersburg? Or is Crimson the only one in the area...
crimson ronin
oh well
De Badd Ass
I am located in Rockville MD.

I would prefer a weeknight as long as too much beltway travel is not involved.frown.gif I can play some weekends.

I have SR2 and SR3.
Weeknights are booked up for me already. Can you meet on scheduled weekends Badd? Like maybe, every other weekend?

De Badd Ass
I could possibly play every other saturday.
Well, thats two. Not enough for a campaign yet, but enough to discuss possible characters, if just for the fun of doing so.

The campaign I'd like to run this time is a super-soldier campaign. The characters are/were a part of a super-soldier experiment. They were created and raised by one of the megas, and the only parents they ever knew were various instructors...

The campaign can either be able escaping from the corp that created you and staying free, or it can be a more military/mercenary campaign where you work for your creators. Or maybe somewhere in between. I'd like to start the characters as teenagers to set the theme, and then advance to adulthood after the first adventure or two.

Any thoughts? talker.gif
crimson ronin
eh my character RIGHT before yours was a merc but yeah ok ill come up with something didnt get sr4 yet though i will asap
Crimson, don't buy the book just for this game, as we still don't have enouh players... unless you were going to buy it anyways...
De Badd Ass
How different is 4 from 3. How about I create an SR3 character and you then convert it?
Character creation isn't even remotely similar between the two systems. Since I haven't played under the new system yet, I can't fully explain how it changes the theme, but you can no longer reasonably start the game as a competent shadowrunner, at least not under the old definition of shadowrunner. All rolls are harder, no more dice pools (so success seems to be a lot harder), more attribute scores (8 basic plus magic/resonance and edge), they've split the conjuring and sorcery skills into seven other skills... about the only things that are the same is the definition of lifestyles (street, squatter, low, middle, high, luxury).

But we can make characters the first night. If we get another player, what time can you guys play? I'd like to start early if that's agreeable to everyone, maybe meet at 4pm, work on characters, order pizza while we finish characters, then play until they close the shop or we get too tired (whichever comes first).
Hello All.

I live in Montgomery Village. And I'm look to find a shandowrun 4 campion. So let me know what going on.
Hello De Badd Ass,

Go to this web site.
it's a excel shadowrun 4 charter generator.

It not perfect. example. the program doesn't have a way to buy equipment.
The more the merrier craygo.
Well, three might just be enough if you guys are willing to play an NPC along with your characters (essensially two PCs each, but if, by some miracle, we get more players, we can get back down to 1 character per player).

How does Saturday the 28th sound to start an every other Saturday schedule?

Just a note, I also play DnD minis, so I'll be late on days when there are DnD mini tournaments at the glen burnie store, or at Other-Realms.

My campaign plan, as previosly stated, will center around the consequenses of the character's birth as super-soldiers, and their relationship with their creators, mentors, fellow super soldiers and any consequenses of exposure. I'd like your input on what type of corporation created your characters. My initial ideas are starting the character's adult life escaping from Aztechnology/Aztlan, working with Evo Corporation to discover metahumanities next step in evolution, or having an antagonistic but continuing relationship with Renraku, Sader-Krupp or one of the north american governments.

Any thoughts?
crimson ronin
any rules on starting bio/cyber or skills since we are"engineered" SUPER soldiers?
De Badd Ass
Hmmm... I've been debating between a genetically engineered super soldier as in adept, and a manufactured supersoldier as in cybered.

Now it seems that I should make one of each instead of choosing. Oh the sacrifices I make sometimes....
De Badd Ass
Since ronin broke the ice on the rules questions, I might as well ask the big one: how many points should we use to build our characters?
This is my PRELIMINARY idea, just to think about, please add your thoughts. I intend to start your characters as teenagers, ages 14-16. So no cyberware to start. Please keep in mind the teenagers theme for your initial characters.

Points: 300 (the recomended ammount for a gang level campaign, which should approximate well-trained teenagers)
Limits: No skill above 4, no cyberware, don't spend points on cash/gear as such things will be issued by your employer/creator(s) to start the game.
Bonus (training): Start with the following skills, subject to the normal rules: Athletic group 4, Outdoors Group 4, Perception 4, Dodge 4, Escape Artist 4, Parachuting 4, and Diving 4.
Bonus (metavarient: supersoldier): Choose 400,000 nuyen worth of bioware that you were born with. Calculate standard essense loss for this bioware, however, your character will never actually suffer essense loss from this bioware, but it will limit total essense value of all of your bioware to six (in case you decide to get further augmentation after play starts). You cannot get bone density augmentation or enhanced articulation as supersoldier bioware, but may spend your 400,000 nuyen on such ware (but lose essense normally for it).

Please feel free to create magically active characters, in fact, I encourage it (I like the magic in shadowrun). If you want to play a rigger or decker (now lumped together as hacker), please be warned that I'm not as familiar with the hacking rules as the magic rules, so I won't initially plan any matrix-intensive runs, however, some electronics skills on the team will still be useful.

As for Cyber: Cyber WILL be available to characters after the first story arc (when the characters advance to adulthood), I just like to RP a little of the back story for the characters, and its not a good idea to install any real cyber in a growing boy...

Back to story...
Any thoughts on what type of relationship you want with your creators? Any ideas other than the ones I presented earlier (enemies, friendly, antagonistic but ongoing....).
De Badd Ass
Kewl! I do have one question. How does bioware that you are born with affect magically active characters?

As far as relationship with creators - that would depend on who they are and how I was raised. Do I have parents? Do I know them? Probably friendly at first. Doesn't like being a guinea pig. Will resent any percieved lack of freedom, i.e. if restricted to a base unable to hang out with other teens.
De Badd Ass
To expand on the above, here is an example (not necessarily one I plan to use): The teens live at a boarding school like Staunton Military Academy. This particular Academy is designed to turn out cookie-cutter-like ideal "super" soldiers.

The school has sports teams that play against teams from other schools, and my character gets to observe "normal" team life at an away game. He learns about a "party", and decides to attend. He sneaks off campus after hours, and stays out all night. He falls asleep in class the next day, and gets put on report. He learns that "normal" teens use stims to get through the school day after an all-nighter.

You can imagine where that storyline goes: he learns what others think of "his" corporation; he develops a mild addiction to stims; he resents being put on report; more than one of the above; or something completely different. Maybe the school is more like the Xavier Institute.

That's why I say it depends on which corporation it is, and what life is like for the character.
OK guys, some questions for you:

Would you like to play characters that are on the run? This was my primary idea, inspired by the TV series Dark Angel. This will give the characters the most freedom to choose what they do, but also means you guys will have to completely direct the actions. Where do you run, how do you decide to support yourself, how do you make contacts to get missions and equipment, why do you stay together. This type of game is harder for both players and GM, but might be more fun.


Does the opposite sound better. Working for a corporation or government you like to work for. You'll get better equipment and be well looked after, but have little freedom, as your creators expect you to work obediantly for them.


Somewhere in between. This is, of course, the real answer, but I need more than "somewhere in between" from you guys. How comfortable are you coming up with your own missions in character? Will you have more fun having to work extremely hard for each little piece of gear and for next month's lifestye payment (which will leadto higher karma awards), or do you want gear to be more plentiful making missions easier (which means karma awards are lower, but might be more fun for you guys). Do you want a quick, easy separations from your creators? Do you want them as an ongoing contact for missions, or do you want them to be antagonistic, but not highly motivated to capture or kill you?

I know you can't give absolute anwers, and that having some surprises will make the game more fun. But I don't know you guys, so I'd like you to tell me what sounds more fun. How much control you want your character to have over hir own life, or do you want fate to play a bigger role.

The first two or three game sessions will have you working for your creator whether you decide to escape or stay employed with them. But I'd like to know which direction you think you'd all like to go.
crimson ronin
lets make it real interesting lets have one of each of our characters be on the run and have the other character looking for them! of course im joking thatd be much to hard on us all id prefer we struck out on our own but ill go with what everyone decides i want whats most challenging
De Badd Ass
I'll go with ronin and say "the more karma way, please".
Hey Sren, Do you want all of the PC to have the skills that you describe in your earlier post. I’m creating my charter with 300BP. Putting the maximum number of points in to Attributes (150). The skills that you have listed equals 160BP. And taking the maximum number of negative quality (35BP) that will leave on 25BP point difference between charters. It this what you want?
Good catch Craygo. I intended to list 100 points worth of required skills. They are free, however you don't need to spend points for them.

So, everyone, switch the bonus skills listing to: Athletics group 4, Outdoors group 2, Perception 4, Dodge 4, and escape artist 2.

***Again, these are FREE skill points, you can purchase additional points in the outdoors group or escape artist skill at the normal cost, but cannot start with a skill above 4.
crimson ronin
not to cause a fuss already but why no skills over 4 for "engineered super soldiers"? i mean gold medal gymnasts and such are kids just curious? have not got book yet ill just get one when i get there working out ideas in my head
Under SR4 rules, you can only start with one skill at 6 OR two at 5. And the skill cap for non-dragons is 6 unless you take the aptitude quality, which lets you have a 7 (you can only have one aptitude, it costs 10 points). Skill bonuses from magic and 'ware can only add up to 50% to that rating. You do get to ADD attribute rating to dies rolls nwo though, so pools of 6-10 dice should be common for regular character.

As for how it fits the super soldier theme, you are still children, and your education hasn't been focused so completely that you have olympic level ability in any one skill (unless you have some bioware that adds a skill bonus). You could easily get four bonus dice that should stack (the rules for what counts against the 50% limit aren't as clear as they ought to be), for all athletic skills for only 55,000 nuyen.
crimson ronin
wow okay our super soldiers are gonna be "pretty darn tough" soldiers dead.gif
ill see how my ideas go before i complain(at least) i havent played it yet
What happen to DumpShock. I could get on for at lease 3 days.
Same here... nice to have it back though...

can everyone still make it this Sat?
OK, just read my messages.

I'm planning on starting this Saturday. Is 4pm (1600) good for everyone. I generally want to start by six, but I'll try to get there early most of the time to prep adventures, deal with down-time actions for anyone who shows up early, and this weekend, to start making characters.

As for bioware and the awakened, there is no essense loss for the 400,000 nuyen worth of bioware EXCEPT for bone density augmentation and enhanced articulation, becaue both of those seem to be purely treatments, not something that really fits (in my mind) as something that can be done via genetic alteration. I do want you all to keep track of all of the essense costs for your free bioware for the sole purpose of limiting the total, lifetime, bioware of the character (in case you decide to get more). (The explanation for limiting your total lifetime bioware is that you are still (meta)human, and your DNA can only be stretched so far before you cease to be homo sapiens...)

For starting story, I get the impression that you like the "running" theme. For this, I'll draw somewhat from my memory of the TV series "Dark Angel". You were "born" (for lack of a better word) in Aztlan, and have been raised to "serve" your country. However, although you've been conditioned since childhood to serve your country, you've also been conditioned to believe that you are superior to other people. You don't see a real distinction between Aztlan and Aztechnology. You're still young, and still outclassed by your instructors, but you're catching up fast. (characters should be between 13 and 15 years old)

You all are part of a team. (Pick a simple name, greek letter or military call sign.) You only get your assigned gear unless you have a good way to hide it from your instructors. Recently, you've started having realistic skills-tests. Survival tests a little too close to the jungle (survive a week with one day of food and a dull knife), war games with gel live gel rounds, and infiltration against dangerous (but non-lethal) security systems.

As a note, you don't have drivers liscenses yet, and are only tangentially aware of such requirements (the police don't have access to your training facilities to punish you for driving during training...) You are exposed o common media, however, you always get comentary from your instructors about how to feel about what you see and hear in the media.

The game will be starting in 2056, one year before dunkie's death. After the first story arc, your characters will advance to the current timeline (unless you diced you'd like to continue playing teenagers).
crimson ronin
ill be there if only to buy the book and make up my character(s) if nobody else shows hey at least you wont be alone in wasting gas!
Well, I'm over in Crofton Maryland, but I have my own vehicle, or I can Metro if I need to.

(Crofton is about 15 minutes past the New Carrolton Station on Highway 3)

This is good, I just moved up here this month, and I need a gaming group.

Not to mention I haven't `Run in about 5 years... sleepy.gif
De Badd Ass
I can make it.
Yes I be there at 4pm. If not earlier.

And another question. Any Limitations on Availability???
Sorry for not answering your phone message. I can't have my cell phone in the building at work, and I didn't notice the message icon until tonight (in the year+ I've had the cell phone, I've only gotten three or four messages). But as noted in my previous post, bioware bought at chargen, other than boen density or enhanced articulation, has not effect on a character's magic/essense.

The limitations on starting gear is only something you could reasonably have obtained as a child/teenager and hidden from your instructors, so you shouldn't have much, if any, of your own gear. I could make an exception for a single unique item awarded for good behavior or excellent performance, but you'd need a good story.
De Badd Ass
To whom it may concern:

We met for the first time yesterday, and had our first run.

I testify that Sren runs a good game, and that I had fun.

If you are in the area, and want to join a Shadowrun game, you should know that this one doesn't suck.

This was my first time at the Other Realms game store. It doesn't suck either, though they only had one copy of Shadowrun 4 for sale. Crimson Ronin bought that one.
Yeah, he does run good games and I'm glad it's going well for y'all.

Problem is that I'm too busy and after finally being done with school, I want to go out on weekend evenings for drinking and such, something I've put off for a while.

Also, other realms is a good store, but the last time I was there, I thought I saw someone I used to date. So I'll pass. She was only in the store for a short time, but I'd rather avoid just the same. indifferent.gif
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