Apr 9 2006, 10:26 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
How many double posts have you made? |
Not sure, but at least more than i have of triple posts.
Apr 9 2006, 10:44 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 9 2006, 05:11 PM) |
Why not coat her with latex instead? It's easier to get off. |
Because diamonds are forever. And they add +1 power to any of the spirit's unarmed attacks.
Besides, dikote is just as easy to remove as latex, just have the spirit dematerialize and you'll be left with a spirit-shaped diamond shell where it once stood. It can then rematerialize somewhere else.
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and suggest that anyone who considers flamming emo for his off the wall ideas take any one of his concepts and compare it to the plot listed below.
The newly elected President of the UCAS commits suicide on inauguration day as part of a blood magic ritual to enchant the most powerful focus in the world. The late President leaves this ubberfocus to his drake physical magician protege who is having an affair with the new Vice President and her dark brown nipples but it is stolen.
A bunch of stuff happens and the dead President comes back to life as a Free Spirit who then possesses Billy the cyberzombie. The cyberzombie President gets the focus back and uses it to save the world. Everyone lives happily ever after (except the dead President's running mate who got his face blown off several years latter). The End.
emo samurai
Apr 9 2006, 10:44 PM
Here's a link to a poll I made to settle the "OMFG THERE ARE NO GIRLS" "OMFG YES THERE ARE LOL" debate.Yeah, I always figured that the plot should go higher than "LOL I AM 73|-| 4VV350|\/|3 1 4|\/| 73|-| 6r117

LOL." There's blood mages, the Arcology, Zurich Orbital, and dragons. In D&D, they made dragons so that you could kill them. Shadowrun shouldn't be any different.
(Note: I typed "LOL I AM TEH GRITTY LOL")
Apr 9 2006, 10:50 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
[QUOTE] The newly elected President of the UCAS commits suicide on inauguration day as part of a blood magic ritual to enchant the most powerful focus in the world. The late President leaves this ubberfocus to his drake physical magician protege who is having an affair with the new Vice President and her dark brown nipples but it is stolen.
A bunch of stuff happens and the dead President comes back to life as a Free Spirit who then possesses Billy the cyberzombie. The cyberzombie President gets the focus back and uses it to save the world. Everyone lives happily ever after (except the president's running mate who gote his face blowen several years latter. The End. |
Yeah, some things you can't unknow. Damn you for reminding me of that.
emo samurai
Apr 9 2006, 11:41 PM
If only the real president were that awesome.
Apr 10 2006, 12:18 AM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 9 2006, 03:22 PM) | No, not until I find out what swordfish mustardball tastes like and why dikoting your ally spirit helps you sleep with it. |
LOL, so my "swordfish mustardball" is still kicking around and in use by someone that wasn't even here at the time? It's funny what little toss away jokes that will sometimes stick and get co-opted into a lexicon.
Yeah, there are things in the DS compendium that just make sense here. Swordfish Musterdball is one of those, as are dikoted AVS manafesting ally spirits (that you can have sex with), and paratrooper deamon rats wacked up on kamakaze.
Kremlin KOA
Apr 10 2006, 02:42 AM
or dosing a cat witgh every combat drug in the SR4 book and throwing it at somebody
Apr 10 2006, 02:46 AM
Just for the helluvit, I made a picture of my character using
South Park Studio.
linky.I don't know what she's looking at off to the side, but you can bet it's very intriguing.
Apr 10 2006, 03:04 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 9 2006, 11:44 PM) |
(Note: I typed "LOL I AM TEH GRITTY LOL") |
That doesn't make any sense in english let alone smegging leet!
Is there anything wrong with not giving every one of your NPCs 142 cyberarms and a battery operated sex aid latex and dicote covered chainsaws.
How about normal 2070 street folk with power levels based on how they should be, not how insane your campaign is?
Your superiority complex is bugging me!
Apr 10 2006, 03:20 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I'm going to play devil's advocate here and suggest that anyone who considers flamming emo for his off the wall ideas take any one of his concepts and compare it to the plot listed below.
The newly elected President of the UCAS commits suicide on inauguration day as part of a blood magic ritual to enchant the most powerful focus in the world. The late President leaves this ubberfocus to his drake physical magician protege who is having an affair with the new Vice President and her dark brown nipples but it is stolen.
A bunch of stuff happens and the dead President comes back to life as a Free Spirit who then possesses Billy the cyberzombie. The cyberzombie President gets the focus back and uses it to save the world. Everyone lives happily ever after (except the dead President's running mate who got his face blown off several years latter). The End. |
So THAT's what Ted Kennedy was talking about when he said "What ever happened to Little Billy!" Here all this time I thought it was just a drunken rant, when he was actually predicting events in 2057.
Apr 10 2006, 03:22 PM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
QUOTE (blakkie @ Apr 9 2006, 06:24 PM) | QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 9 2006, 03:22 PM) | No, not until I find out what swordfish mustardball tastes like and why dikoting your ally spirit helps you sleep with it. |
LOL, so my "swordfish mustardball" is still kicking around and in use by someone that wasn't even here at the time? It's funny what little toss away jokes that will sometimes stick and get co-opted into a lexicon.
Yeah, there are things in the DS compendium that just make sense here. Swordfish Musterdball is one of those, as are dikoted AVS manafesting ally spirits (that you can have sex with), and paratrooper deamon rats wacked up on kamakaze.
And don't ever forget the Drop Bear Conspiracy (currently at war with the Disney Company, we will have Michael Eisner's head on a pike!)
Apr 10 2006, 03:30 PM
QUOTE (NightHaunter) |
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 9 2006, 11:44 PM) | (Note: I typed "LOL I AM TEH GRITTY LOL") |
That doesn't make any sense in english let alone smegging leet!
Is there anything wrong with not giving every one of your NPCs 142 cyberarms and a battery operated sex aid latex and dicote covered chainsaws.
How about normal 2070 street folk with power levels based on how they should be, not how insane your campaign is?
Your superiority complex is bugging me!
Actually, I have an IC excuse for why my character is so skilled without ever actually having been on a run. See, Fangirl had a normal, middle class upbringing, but ran away to Seattle at age 16 (because, as I've already said elsewhere, her parents just didn't understand! Oh, the pain! The angst! The PAINFUL ANGST!) with an aim to join the shadows. Shortly after running away, she met a fixer, Mackie Messer, in a Shadowland chatroom. Mackie found himself drawn to Fangirl, finding her innocence and sense of optimism refreshing. Having been a runner in his younger days, he soon began to mentor Fangirl, helping her gain the abilities she'll need in the shadows. Thus, Fangirl has got a lot of practice and theoretical knowledge out of the past three years, but an over-protective Mackie has shielded her from getting any real, practical experience until now.
How does that sound?
Apr 10 2006, 04:00 PM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
QUOTE (NightHaunter) | QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 9 2006, 11:44 PM) | (Note: I typed "LOL I AM TEH GRITTY LOL") |
That doesn't make any sense in english let alone smegging leet!
Is there anything wrong with not giving every one of your NPCs 142 cyberarms and a battery operated sex aid latex and dicote covered chainsaws.
How about normal 2070 street folk with power levels based on how they should be, not how insane your campaign is?
Your superiority complex is bugging me!
Actually, I have an IC excuse for why my character is so skilled without ever actually having been on a run. See, Fangirl had a normal, middle class upbringing, but ran away to Seattle at age 16 (because, as I've already said elsewhere, her parents just didn't understand! Oh, the pain! The angst! The PAINFUL ANGST!) with an aim to join the shadows. Shortly after running away, she met a fixer, Mackie Messer, in a Shadowland chatroom. Mackie found himself drawn to Fangirl, finding her innocence and sense of optimism refreshing. Having been a runner in his younger days, he soon began to mentor Fangirl, helping her gain the abilities she'll need in the shadows. Thus, Fangirl has got a lot of practice and theoretical knowledge out of the past three years, but an over-protective Mackie has shielded her from getting any real, practical experience until now.
How does that sound?
You get me wrong.
I'm not having a go at your char.
Given the building "restrictions" it's a wonderfully balenced character.
even more so considering it's your first.
Its every time emo get slightly insulted he goes off on a superority complex agressive bender.
For example in the hellhound thread he practicaly attacked me when I asked his age.
For the record i'm trying to take everything emo says as if its the first thing i've seen him say. That way I don't judge based on past experience.
Apr 10 2006, 04:04 PM
QUOTE (NightHaunter) |
You get me wrong. I'm not having a go at your char. Given the building "restrictions" it's a wonderfully balenced character. even more so considering it's your first. |
I know, I'm just saying that it's still possible to have a plausible and highly-skilled newbie runner.
For example in the hellhound thread he practicaly attacked me when I asked his age.
I think he's a sophomore in college, so probably 19 or 20.
Apr 10 2006, 04:08 PM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
I think he's a sophomore in college, so probably 19 or 20. |
Yeah he eventually relented.
Apr 10 2006, 04:14 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Dude, you have a handle with a random number at the end. Your opinion about anything officially does not matter at all. 
It's not random. Convert it to hexadecimal notation, and you'll get the moniker I used to use back when I spent all my money at arcades instead of my FLG store.
And yes, I'm married, yes, my wife games, and yes, I'm too old to be trusted
FanGirl: Have you played any other systems? And was a TM your first choice of character?
Apr 10 2006, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (NightHaunter) |
Given the building "restrictions" it's a wonderfully balenced character. even more so considering it's your first. |
That's something i wanted to say for three pages or so

James McMurray
Apr 10 2006, 04:31 PM
Well comeon man! Speak up! Just because she's a girl doesn't mean you can't talk to her!
Apr 10 2006, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (ronin3338) |
FanGirl: Have you played any other systems? And was a TM your first choice of character? |
1. I played one session of DnD a couple months ago. I was an childlike, pyromaniac gnome sorceror who traveled around with a halfling rogue who constantly tried to pick people's pockets, as well as a noseless human ranger who only traveled with us to keep us from stealing and/or burning everything in sight. Unfortunately for me, the tavern we started out in was magically fire-proofed, but I did get to kick a drunk guy repeatedly in the torso during the obligatory tavern brawl (the drunk had picked up my halfling friend and thrown her across the room for trying to pick his pocket). Good times. Other than that, I have no real table-top gaming experience.
2. Well, yes and no. I might have picked a mage or a shaman character when I first agreed to join Emo's campaign, but one of the other guys had said that he wanted to play a magic-wielder and I didn't want to deny him that choice. Emo suggested a TM, and I was amenable to the idea, but it wasn't until I studied the section on TMs that I truly fell in love with them. I really can't claim much credit for the fact that my character is well-balanced: I just took the TM sample character sheet from SR4, replaced the negative qualities with reasonable equivalents, switched the languages around a bit (the sample TM's first language is Spanish, and there's no way I'm pulling off a Latina character), and tacked on the extra points Emo gave me.
Come to think of it, I just realized that I now have 6 more Knowledge skill points to tack on, now that my Logic and Intution have been boosted. Where shall I put them?
Apr 10 2006, 08:44 PM
Probably where the sun does shine ... but i suspect that comment would only be funny for the people half-fluent in english

I would suggest to use them as interest knowledge skills, just to make your char that much personal.
Apr 10 2006, 08:45 PM
Invest the points into some languages other than your first language. It's never bad to know at least a few bits of japanese (the main corp language) and spain.
James McMurray
Apr 10 2006, 08:47 PM
And klingon. If you think it's useful nowadays, try it in 2070!
Apr 10 2006, 08:49 PM
If her character is a nerd, than it's a proper choice
Apr 10 2006, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
And klingon. If you think it's useful nowadays, try it in 2070! |
You mean when that run takes you into a startrek convention and everyone can access that klingon dictionary on their contacts, which is probably a bit less insane compared to those who memorized it...
Apr 10 2006, 09:25 PM
Hm. . .I think it's going to have to be Music. Sorry, role over rollplaying!
Apr 10 2006, 09:28 PM
Do some on music, oh, and do some knowledge points on the bands themselves if the character is a big time music fanatic. Some fans would know details about the band themselves and major events at particular concerts. Like when the Rolling Stones(?) hired the Hell's Angels back in the 70's as security for their concert and a fight broke out in which someone got stabbed and the singer is on the stage ineffectually telling them to stop.
Apr 10 2006, 09:42 PM
Klingon? Bah! If you really want to be tight with William Shatner, Language: Esperanto FTW!
Apr 10 2006, 09:58 PM
Means you can join anarchist groups too. Win.
Must play character with esperanto... get close to shatner and shoot him.
Apr 10 2006, 10:04 PM
Whenever I have problems with klingons i just go back to using toilet paper again.
P.S. So what post numbers are still available in the office pool for when a post about actual gaming in Emo's Twisted World gets made? I'd like something in the page 12 range please.
Apr 10 2006, 10:32 PM
How could you want William Shatner dead? The man is my hero! He sold his kidney stone for $25,000! Moreover, he turned down the first offer of $10,000! What kind of hubris does it take to hold out for more money for one's kidney stone? I humbly submit that it requires the hubris of the truly awesome.
Apr 10 2006, 11:33 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
Whenever I have problems with klingons i just go back to using toilet paper again.
P.S. So what post numbers are still available in the office pool for when a post about actual gaming in Emo's Twisted World gets made? I'd like something in the page 12 range please. |
Try the three seashells . They're terrific.
Apr 10 2006, 11:54 PM
How do you use the three seashells?
Apr 11 2006, 12:16 AM
By the seashore.
Apr 11 2006, 12:43 AM
Only if you purchased them near there
Apr 11 2006, 03:31 AM
He doesn't know how to use the seashells
SL James
Apr 11 2006, 04:51 AM
*Swears up a storm*
Toilet paper.
Crusher Bob
Apr 11 2006, 08:00 AM
Remember that a skill rating of 6 makes you world class in that knowledge skill. So if you have say, knowledge: grugnge bands, you know about off of them. Those garange bands that no one has heard of? You know the names of every band member and can pick them out of a lineup. Those bands that broke-up right after they picked a name for themselves? You know the name they almost chose.
In SR4, 'hobby interest' in a knowledge skill is usually rating 1 or 2.
Apr 11 2006, 08:02 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl @ Apr 9 2006, 09:46 PM) |
Just for the helluvit, I made a picture of my character using South Park Studio.
I don't know what she's looking at off to the side, but you can bet it's very intriguing. |
Interesting program. Just for the heck of it, I made a street samurai
picture. Those are cybereyes.
Also, I'll point out here that Klingon could come in handy for encoding those important documents. Even after it's decrypted, it's still gibberish!
Apr 11 2006, 11:09 AM
Exilent topic! Just look at the amount of opinions Emo's game has attracted before it's even started. Here, and in the planning threads. Can't wait to see what happens when someone actually bears witness to the spectacle

Apr 11 2006, 11:38 AM
Hi FanGirl,
I am looking forward to getting informed about your success in emo samurai's campaign. You've got a quite... extraordinary gamemaster there.

Get ready for Ninjas flying around at ten-times the speed a normal human can reach.
I stole that idea with the spirit's movement power from him, though. Hah.
Surely you will have some fun if you let yourself be drawn into his world of shadowrun(which might be slightly different from the "normal" world of shadowrun).
Good luck surviving his style of playing.
Best regards,
Apr 11 2006, 01:45 PM
Heh. I went and made up a bunch of others
here. Moved the other one there too, so the earlier link's broken.
Apr 11 2006, 03:02 PM
since at least 2 pages a day have been posted about this game that has not been run; I said 12 pages is low. Isn't he to start the game in 2 weeks?
Apr 11 2006, 03:09 PM
Great googly moogly!! 6 pages and the only post with any actual content is the first one!! (And the one about drop bears, but that goes without saying). I want my half an hour back. But since I can't have it, I'll put one more post for anyone following in my wake.
As an aside, when is the next session planned? That way I can check in again then and skip all this middling bit.
Apr 11 2006, 03:42 PM
What would be DS without "middling bit"?
Apr 11 2006, 03:55 PM
Apr 11 2006, 07:29 PM
What seperates DS (occasionally) from computer gaming forums is that it's more common that people read something besides the first three posts in a 6 page topic before replying to it.
Well, that and we don't have animated sigs eating a third of a page per post.
Apr 12 2006, 12:43 PM
April 12, 2006
I'm going to tell you about something that happened to me yesterday, in hopes that it will give you some more insight into Emo's twisted mind.
So I'm hanging around at the student center, eating a veggie burger from the snack bar and minding my own business. I'm just getting up to leave when I hear Emo's voice, seemingly out of the blue, saying "There will be kittens."
I look up to see him standing in front of me, a little off to my left, and he's got that manic, wide-eyed look on his face that he gets whenever he's talking about something he really likes. He continues: "But they won't be normal kittens. I can't tell you exactly how they're different from normal kittens, but--"
"You know I was joking about that," I interrupt. "Don't you?"
"No, I really was planning on having kittens. But they'll be ultra-kittens," he answers, and then he laughs. (Emo laughs a lot, you see; I should tell you about it in more detail sometime.)
I would question him further, but I genuinely have to go because I need to see a movie for French class and have to get to the language lab to watch it. I excuse myself abruptly, but ever since then my mind has kept straying back to kittens. . . .
Apr 12 2006, 01:15 PM
Emo my man, you're really cranking up our expectations here.
(As a side note I would like to say that I hope you can take our having fun at your expense lightly, and that you don't take offense. Because, speaking for my self, I grant you all the wacky fun in the world and wouldn't dream of reproving you for indulging yourself in it. I just enjoy reading about it.)
Apr 12 2006, 01:48 PM
Ultra Kittens!?
Apr 12 2006, 02:15 PM
I wonder if he'll use the already canon mind-control kittens or go even further and make a brand new strain and supercat.
Who am I kidding. There is no doubt. Newcats it is.
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