James McMurray
Apr 14 2006, 05:19 AM
She didn't have to. She typed it in two different sentences.
Apr 14 2006, 05:21 AM
There. I closed that little loophole!
James McMurray
Apr 14 2006, 05:22 AM
I prefer rules lawyer. I didn't use that loophole to make myself king of the world.
Apr 14 2006, 03:12 PM
On the one hand, I certainly understand the necessity of copyright laws, and I absolutely want game companies to get every penny that's coming to them. They do a lot of hard work.
On the other hand, sometimes I think the copyright laws have gone a bit far. Like Emo letting his group look at the .pdf, even though they're not using it for any games except the one with the guy who bought it. Or that if you buy the book, you still have to buy the .pdf. It's the same dang info, why pay full price for it twice?
It seems like if you go to the bathroom you have to take all your books with you or else your friends might look at them while you're not in the room and it's copyright infringement!
Drawing the line in the right place can be tricky.
Well done, FanGirl, it's a purchase you won't regret.
Emo, we miss your awesomeness.
James McMurray
Apr 14 2006, 05:12 PM
The "right place" is the point where copies are made. Your friends looking at your book is not illegal. You giving them copies is.
Apr 14 2006, 05:53 PM
I disagree. As I understand it, under the new copyright laws, it is illegal to make a copy of your own media for backup purposes.
I think it should be legal to make backup copies, even if your backups are on a different media type. I think it should be legal to have several copies of your book so everyone around the table can look at it at once.
I think distributing copies is where the line should be drawn, not at making them. But, again, as I understand it, the newer laws prohibit having your own copies in certain circumstances.
I can't quote a law, that's just what I heard.
Apr 14 2006, 06:14 PM
http://www.copyright.gov/laws/edit: Ok, change around because thinking back about what I wrote originally, it made me sound a bit... Anyway, if people are curious, here are the laws from the copyright office as a guideline. Hey, being informed is always important in this day and age.
Apr 14 2006, 07:27 PM
As the GM for our group, I got tired of never having my book actually be in my hands. My players had chosen to go the route of the "peer-to-peer" BBB, and so the chances of my having a second copy in circulation at the game seemed slim. The conversation of "Hey, pass me the book," "Hang on, I'm looking up some random piece of equipment," "Uh, I'm running a game here, pass me the book now..." got old the nth time I had it. So, I informed the group they'd all be paying me 5 bucks to defray costs, bought a second BBB, Slapped some red duct tape onto the binding so we could tell the GM's copy apart from the "general circulation" copy, and called it a day. Pretty reasonable solution.
EDIT: actually, on reflection... I'm the GM about 80% of the time. When the sourcebooks come out, I may well simply "defray costs" again. It seems fair to me that if I'm putting out the effort of running a game, asking for a few bucks when a new book comes out that the group will be using anyway would be reasonable, even if at the end of the day, I'm the guy who gets to keep it.
Apr 14 2006, 07:28 PM
This post is 100% personal opinions and does not reflect the opinions of FanPro LLC ...
On the other hand, sometimes I think the copyright laws have gone a bit far. Like Emo letting his group look at the .pdf, even though they're not using it for any games except the one with the guy who bought it. |
It's not the same. If you and I are playing a game, and I pass you my copy of the book so you can look up some stuff, at the end of the game, you pass me back that book and I still own it, and you don't. The next week, you might think "Hrm, it will be easier if I just grab my own copy of the book at the store."
If I had instead sent you a copy of the PDF file, we'd both leave the game with a copy. You're therefore less likely to buy your own copy.
And to be honest, this really isn't about copyright "law" -- WizKids [they own the Shadowrun IP] is unlikely to send around jack booted thugs or lawyers to those who are 'borrowing' a PDF book or two. This is about supporting a small company, FanPro [who does the lion's share of the work to produce that new IP] in a game market that is not healthy.
Or that if you buy the book, you still have to buy the .pdf. It's the same dang info, why pay full price for it twice? |
Because you're not buying the info -- you're buying a single copy of it. Again, if you had a copy of the hardback book, and you lost it, or had it stolen, or accidentally spilled grape soda all over it, the publisher does not owe you a new copy.
With regards to getting both the print version and the PDF, BattleCorps has been offering PDF + Print pre-order combos for major FanPro products since last year, where you can grab the PDF as it's available and have the print book shipped to you when it's available, for a discounted price.
Apr 14 2006, 07:35 PM
"Pre-order" deals that are still available today? Nifty.
Apr 14 2006, 07:41 PM
No; they're only available during the pre-order period.
Apr 14 2006, 08:11 PM
Re: Copyright Concerns--The ideal situation I have discovered is to buy the Pre-order package. This nets you the PDF for your computer and a hardcopy book for at the table. Then, here's where my madness really shows through, buy a second copy of the book that you can use at the table top so the GM always has a copy and the players can reference their own esoteric bits.
For those of you who say that costs way too much, FanPro has created several programs where they will give you free books. Work with The Dunner and write a Mission, enlist with the Commandos and run a few games at your local Gaming store, or you can even go to a convention and run Missions. With this last option, if you run several Missions, it's possible for the credit you earn to pay for your badge so you can tour around the con for FREE!
If you think that any of these options are only for the truly elite, please PM me and I can help guide you to the proper people. Trust me, as long as you actually follow through with what you say you are going to do, results happen and free books are sent to you. (You even get to pick which books you receive.)
::Back to the thread at hand::
Fan Girl--I've been enjoying the posts that you write about the actual games and the process of a gamer being introduced to a new system. Please keep us up to date.
Apr 15 2006, 01:28 AM
I'm a bit late for the party it seems, but I'd like to welcome FanGirl anyway. And honestly, I'm very interested in seeing what emo actually does and how you and the other players deal with it.
Good luck!
Apr 15 2006, 02:07 AM
FG, do you plan to utilize the collective intelligence that is DS? I figure as much advice as your GM is getting, it would only be fair.
We could post our responses here as well. We'd have to keep answers away from lore & keep it to mechanics & what can you do sort of thing.
Or did I miss the boat & that was what everyone else was expecting to begin with?
Apr 15 2006, 05:34 AM
No, we were all pretty much just here for emotional support and to harp on emo. Sure some of us toss in the occassional technical bit of advice, but that's really jsut a cover.
Apr 15 2006, 06:52 AM
April 14, 2006
(Actually, it's technically the 15th right here and now, but let's just pretend, okay?)
Today I decided that I should help my fellow players to develop superior strategies, so that we can withstand the onslaught of madness Emo will bring down upon our heads. So I burned Aaron's cheat sheets and the official SR4 errata onto four CD-Rs: one each for the other players and one for Emo. I gave out two of them to K and G, but C and Emo continue to elude me.
(Note: I'm referring to my fellow players by their first initials for privacy reasons, but I'll refer to their characters by their "real" names.)
I then made two posts on the official school forums: one for player strategizing, and the other for resolving scheduling issues--Emo said that he would host the first session during this coming week, but didn't specify what time or date. Silly Emo.

In other news, K is writing a SR dice-rolling simulator on his computer because he's good at coding and stuff. I, however, have my super-duper graphing calculator to do that for me and therefore have no need to code anything. It's actually quite ironic that I'm going to be the TM, since I am perhaps the least code-savvy person in the group.
Finally, I got a package from my mom and dad today. It contained one pound and fifteen ounces of Easter chocolate, fifteen ounces of which made up a large milk-chocolate rabbit. It's quite hot in my room, so the bunny's decapitated remains are currently being stored in my mini-fridge to prevent melting. Happy Easter, everyone!
EDIT: Emo responded to both my posts. He scheduled the meeting time for Saturdays at 1 PM, and respond thusly to my strategy post: "Go ahead and plot against me. You'll only be more surprised when the dragon eats your head off. But seriously, you should tell each other what you character types will be so that we have balance in the team."
To be fair, I did title the strategy post "Fight The Man!"
Apr 15 2006, 07:15 AM
Perhaps if you had instead titled the post something like "Visiting with Aunt Flo" he would have left well enough alone and you could plot against him freely. Maybe you should make a new post, and go in to scary detail on the first few posts before getting to the actual plotting incase he decides to look in to it.
You would have to make a new post every week or two so that he wouldn't get suspicious about a 20 page thread about your period (or maybe 'suspicious' isn't the word I need there). But you could make a new one, maybe about VD or somesuch next time. That should work.
Or maybe I've been playing Shadowrun to long.
Apr 15 2006, 07:20 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Perhaps if you had instead titled the post something like "Visiting with Aunt Flo" he would have left well enough alone and you could plot against him freely. Maybe you should make a new post, and go in to scary detail on the first few posts before getting to the actual plotting incase he decides to look in to it.
You would have to make a new post every week or two so that he wouldn't get suspicious about a 20 page thread about your period (or maybe 'suspicious' isn't the word I need there). But you could make a new one, maybe about VD or somesuch next time. That should work.
Or maybe I've been playing Shadowrun to long. |
I would try that, except I'm the only female in the group.
Apr 15 2006, 07:32 AM
Well, you could just try explaining the plan in calm, reassuring tones.
Or you could go the other way, pretend to be flirting with one, and make the first few posts that sickly loving "schmoochie-poos" talk. Although I think the guys will be able to stomach bleeding better. That's at least something we understand on some level.
But hey, at least you're considering it. There's hope for you. Remember that one of the greatest weapons women have against men is beind disgusting right back at us.
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 04:10 AM
I'm back. I, like, totally died for your sins there.
Kremlin KOA
Apr 17 2006, 05:27 AM
Guess who's back,
back again.
Emo's back.
Tell a friend.
Apr 17 2006, 06:39 PM
"The boy is back in town!
the boy is back in town!
The boy is back in tow-ow-oww-ow-owwn!"
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 07:01 PM
Strangely enough, my forum account was reactivated on Easter Sunday. But instead of coming back after three days, it was a week. Oh, well, it's best not to surpass the Son of God.
Apr 17 2006, 07:56 PM
Adam told you so (that it will last a week)...
Apr 17 2006, 08:41 PM
Last Saturday night, I took this
Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test for Fangirl. I got a score of 26, which is "within a safe level" for RPG characters. Emo also took the test for his character, but I won't tell you his score.
Apr 17 2006, 09:04 PM
Wow, that was a long test. I would really love to hear emos points, i bet he has about 15% more than actually possible

22 for me, btw.
Apr 17 2006, 09:32 PM
48 for my most recent character. Pitty, I was going for 50+ . The game is still young so there is still time to earn two more points.
Apr 17 2006, 09:36 PM
Turn the character into a woman who's trying to prove that she's just as good as the guys and you're set.
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 09:47 PM
Adam told you so (that it will last a week)... |
Yeah, but I resurrected on Easter Sunday, the same as Jesus. End of discussion.
I got a 33.
Apr 17 2006, 09:49 PM
She's already a woman but she doens't have to prove anything. She's also a lesbian who was having a forbidden incestuous affair with her older sister untill the latter was tragicly killed on a shadowrun.
If there were a checkbox for tragic forbidden incestuous lesbian affairs she'd be on top.
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 09:51 PM
If there was a "lives out sexual fantasies" box, I'm sure you'd have to check that one, too.
Apr 17 2006, 10:08 PM
Easy: her sister's death was so traumatic that she became an amnesiac. Plus, she's the daughter of Dunkelzahn and Damien Knight.
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 10:24 PM
Plus, she's the daughter of Dunkelzahn and Damien Knight. |
James McMurray
Apr 17 2006, 10:29 PM
I don't know what the site policy is, but linking to a porn site (even if it's just cartoons and stories) may not be a good idea, especially with no warning.
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 10:30 PM
Dude, I was talking about the daughter of Damien Knight and Dunkelzahn. That was warning enough.
James McMurray
Apr 17 2006, 10:33 PM
Um... ok.
Apr 17 2006, 10:34 PM
At the very least make sure you mark it not safe for work
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 10:42 PM
Good point... Edited.
Apr 17 2006, 10:52 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
She's already a woman but she doens't have to prove anything. She's also a lesbian who was having a forbidden incestuous affair with her older sister untill the latter was tragicly killed on a shadowrun.
If there were a checkbox for tragic forbidden incestuous lesbian affairs she'd be on top. |
He's not kidding.
I hope your not annoyed that I sent a copys of that to MY old GM, and 2 of my current players (as examples of: How I could have easly done worse, and What not to do, in that order.)
Apr 17 2006, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Adam told you so (that it will last a week)... |
I think he's making a Resurrection joke, grinder.
Apr 17 2006, 11:09 PM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Apr 17 2006, 05:49 PM) | She's already a woman but she doens't have to prove anything. She's also a lesbian who was having a forbidden incestuous affair with her older sister untill the latter was tragicly killed on a shadowrun.
If there were a checkbox for tragic forbidden incestuous lesbian affairs she'd be on top. |
He's not kidding.
I hope your not annoyed that I sent a copys of that to MY old GM, and 2 of my current players (as examples of: How I could have easly done worse, and What not to do, in that order.)
Well, that was exactly what I was going for.
James McMurray
Apr 17 2006, 11:11 PM
You forgot "goblinized" before "older sister."
Apr 18 2006, 02:41 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Apr 17 2006, 05:24 PM) |
QUOTE | Plus, she's the daughter of Dunkelzahn and Damien Knight. |
There's a rational and mature response to a story like that. Unfortunately, I am not going to make that response.
*giggle giggle snort giggle*
Apr 18 2006, 04:07 AM
Oh yeah, another important thing happened last Saturday. Emo and G met with each other to discuss G's proposed mage character. I talked to them for a short while, and asked G what his character was like. G's answer was brief and to the point: "He's a mage. He's a bit psychotic." As I left, G was telling Emo something along the lines of "so basically, he was raised by the bears in the forest and learned magic from them." Obviously, he hasn't read the sourcebook very well, but I give him kudos for his sense of humor. It's going to be fun playing with G.
Anyway, that's three down and one to go. K has stated that he would have preferred to play the hacker character, but since I'm taking that role, he's going with his default choice of tanking. I expect he'll be some kind of street sammy or some other tough-guy type, but we won't know for sure until he and Emo meet.
Kremlin KOA
Apr 18 2006, 04:09 AM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
I don't know what the site policy is, but linking to a porn site (even if it's just cartoons and stories) may not be a good idea, especially with no warning. |
that story was written in responseto a dare in the dunky thread
written, I might add, by my GM
Can I have some Laes please?
James McMurray
Apr 18 2006, 04:11 AM
That could work for a bear shaman with the uncouth flaw. We almost had a similar character in our game. The "psychotic" part makes it a little easier on the GM, as he knows that the character learned magic from Bear, not a bunch of bears, but the character is free to believe what he wants.
Apr 18 2006, 04:22 AM
Were those bears smarter than the average bear?
emo samurai
Apr 18 2006, 04:40 AM
No, just shinier.
Apr 18 2006, 04:57 AM
I suppose Awakened Bears would be able to communicate better on an intelligent level than a normal critter. Though I wouldn't expect the degree of Baloo (learning from animals, somone's read/seen the Jungle Book too much

). As James points out that learning from Bear as a totem would make more sense - as well as the character leaning more towards the Shamanic tradition... I don't think bears would know much about physics and mathematics to teach the character the Hermetic tradition.
Considering Emo's campaign ideas, I'd say being a little psychotic would fit right in with the 'awsomeness' (trying not to gag here) of the GM's world.
Say Emo, does G's character have the Uneducated negative Quality as well? That would seem to fit with the bit FG's told us about the character's background.
Query: What does 'shinier' have to do anything with it all? Just wondering.
emo samurai
Apr 18 2006, 05:08 AM
My game is awesome and nothing you say is going to change that.
The "raised by bears" thing is wildly inaccurate, and it's better that that's all FanGirl heard.
Mentor spirits are shiny; of course his bear is shinier than the average bear, if not less prone to berserking, or trolling on forums.
Oh, and I'm sure you aren't welcome here anymore. Just a hunch.
If anyone wants to hear about G's character, head over to my character thread; FanGirl, you are no good at keeping secrets, so if you go there, too, I will know.
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