Apr 10 2007, 05:01 AM
Perhaps we would be better off opening this door?
Apr 10 2007, 08:34 AM
Yes, we should. I'm afraid the room behind the door is too small to allow for a use of my bow, btw.
Apr 11 2007, 03:35 AM
Still no sign of the dogs below, although they can be heard barking still.
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 04:04 AM
Morgana hurridly flips through her grimoire, looking for a spell that can open the door from a distance, finding nothing she puts the book away, defeated.
I have nothing that can help up us to open the door from a distance. One of us is going to have to do it.
Looking around, seeing the hesitant faces of her companions, Morgana's inner Warrior comes to the forefront.
What would Silune say if she could see you now? This is ridiculous!Get ready.
Pushing past Alex, Morgana approaches the door and casts Shatter Lock.
Apr 11 2007, 04:11 AM
Roll Effect test
Apr 11 2007, 04:13 AM
Alexander readies his sword. Assume the stance of the dog. Alexander sqaures himself to the door and readies his weapon in front of him as if it were a dog's tooth.
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 04:17 AM
Effect Test [ Spoiler ]
Willforce + 8 = 15, d20+d6, Result 8, 6, re-roll 2 Total: 16
Apr 11 2007, 04:21 AM
There is a loud cracking sound as the spell strikes the lock. A few pieces fall out, and the dog stops barking for a moment. The door is still closed however. It looks as though the lock is damaged, but not completely broken.
The barking conrinues down stairs, still not getting closer.
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 04:27 AM
Frag this!Morgana lets out a rebel yell and kicks the door for all she's worth, sword in hand.
Strength Test[ Spoiler ]
Strength, Step 6, 1d10, Result: 8
Apr 11 2007, 04:37 AM
The door , already fragile, breaks open at the elf's suprisingly strong kick. It bounces off something immediately, something that yelps, then bounces closed again.
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 04:42 AM
Morgana stares at it for a moment...
Well, fuck a duck.
This time she pushes it open, and holding her sword at waist level waits to skewer whatever may be on the other side.
Apr 11 2007, 04:45 AM
Initiative Everyone
Apr 11 2007, 05:19 AM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Dex = 15 / Step 6
Step 6 - 3 (Armor) = Step 3 = d4 = 3
With the chain mail slowing him down, Alexander, knows that whatever happens he will have to react to it; however, his sword is ready.
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 05:20 AM
Initiative [ Spoiler ]
Initiative: Step 7, 1d12, Result: 12, re-roll 11 Total: 23
Having already set her sword, Morgana plunges it into the charging animal.
Apr 11 2007, 05:25 AM
The huge black hound is recovering quickly on the other side, and charges in, teeth bared. The moment's lull is enough to give Morganna a chacne to strike.
[ Spoiler ]
Initiative 7
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 05:32 AM
Melee Weapons[ Spoiler ]
Melee Weapons, Rank 4, Step 11 (+3 Agg. Att.), 14, d20+d4, Result: 11, 4, re-roll 1 Total: 16 (+ 1 karma {Use for Dexterity allowed}) d6, Result: 5 Total: 21
Broadsword Damage[ Spoiler ]
Broadsword (Blackrazor) Dmg Step 16 (+3 Agg. Att.), 19, d20+2d6, Total: 17,3, 4 Total: 24
Apr 11 2007, 05:37 AM
The sword bites deep in to a flank, and the hound howls in pain, but still comes on.
Apr 11 2007, 01:49 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Ini: Dex 7 = d12= 11
Using Buzz: Rank 6 + Dex 7= 13= d12+d10= 10+9= 19
That's my base Physical Defense for the remaining round. If the dog doesn't hit me this round, he get Buzz rank penalty on both Physical and Spell Defense next round.
Ralo buzzes around the dog, confusing him.
Apr 11 2007, 04:29 PM
[ Spoiler ]
- Spellcasting test Vs Ralo =8
----------------------------- vs Morganna =14
------------------------------ vs Alexander =10
Attack test vs Morgana =17 Not quite an armor defeating hit
Damage test =24
The great black hound leaps forward even as Ralo begins buzzing about it's head. It snatches at Morganna, biting down deep on her leg before she can pull it away. The bite penetrates even past he chain surcoat, tearing deep in to her leg and drawing blood. Morgana lets out a shriek as the harry dog tries to over bear her. She sets her self and growls back just as fiercely.
As the battle with the beast of a dog begins, each of the name givers begins to feel their magic slowly weaken. Their movements not quite as fast or sure, the strength of the magic seems to be draining off.
Panic begins to set in. Could this be why this place seems so devoid of magic? These blackened halls, dedicated to these great beasts, some sort of magic stealing trap?
[ Spoiler ]
-1 to all steps,including talents from drain.
Apr 11 2007, 06:18 PM
Bite! Alexander, strikes at the dog.
Attack & Damage Tests[ Spoiler ]
Dex 15 = Step 6 - 1 (Nasty GM Magic) = Step 5
Step 5 = d10 = 5
Not sure if I hit but here's the damage roll.
STR = 15 = Step 6 + 5 (Broadsword) -1 (Nasty GM Magic) = Step 10
Step 10 = d10 + d6 = 9 + 5 = 14
Thank you for the correction.
Apr 11 2007, 06:29 PM
Initiative 4[ Spoiler ]
No Alex, it's your Dex step + your melee weapons step -1 for the drain.
The armor -3 only applies to initiative, not your attack.
Lady Door
Apr 11 2007, 06:32 PM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Step 7 (-1 Mod.), Step 6, d10, Result: 5
Apr 11 2007, 10:31 PM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Ini: Dex 7 -1 step penalty = 6 plus Tiger Spring 4= 10= d10+d6= 9+5= 14
Attack[ Spoiler ]
Dex 7 -1 penalty + 5 Melee Weapons= 11= d10+d8= 10+7, reroll 3= 20
Dog has -6 to Physical and Spell Defense thanks to Buzz
Damage[ Spoiler ]
Strength 4 plus Broadsword 4 plus Dive Attack 6= 14= d20+d4 plus Karma d10=
12+6+4, reroll 2= 24.
Can't find the description of my thread sword, hopefully damage step 4 is correct (not even sure if Ralo has a thread woven to it).
Ralo attacks the dog he has been buzzing around the last round.
Apr 12 2007, 06:31 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Ralo's hit scores, Aelxander Misses. Must be the press of the bodies
The dog comes on at Morgana. Alexander comes in with a slice, measuring his cut so as to not hit the elf girl as well, but is unable to get in to position. Meanwhile, Ralo comes in for a fast stab, deep in to the dog's flanks.
The huge hound continues trying to over bear Morgana. Ralo, now more or less within the room the hound was occupying, sees two more of the large beasts rising from sitting positions and charging forward. One is headed straight for the buzzing chew toy.
Lady Door
Apr 12 2007, 06:37 AM
Roaring in rage, Morgana pushes back against the monstrous beast, driving her sword deeper into it's body and wrenching it upwards.
Melee Weapons [ Spoiler ]
Melee Weapons, Rank 4, Step 11 (+3 Agg. Att., -1 Mod.)13, d12+d10, Result: 7,8 Total: 15 (+1 Karma, d6, Result: 5) 20
Broadsword Damage[ Spoiler ]
Broadsword Damage (Blackrazor), Step 16 (+3 Agg. Att.) 19, d20+2d6, Result: 16,3,6, re-roll 3 Total: 28
Apr 12 2007, 06:40 AM
The final sword strike from Morgana takes the beast in the neck. It collapses, nearly bearing her down with it's dead weight. The other two dogs come on fast.
Initiative 7[ Spoiler ]
Remember to factor in the minus 1 from the drain, which is still in effect, and any minuses for wounds .
Lady Door
Apr 12 2007, 07:37 AM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: Step 7 (- 1 mod., -1 wound mod.) Step 5, d8, Result: 6
Apr 12 2007, 07:42 AM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Dex 15 = Step 6 -3 (Armor) -5(Nasty GM Magic) = Step 0
Step 0 = 0
So, going last again. This boy needs some magical armor or something.
Too slow to catch the movement of the beast, Alexander readies himself for the next hound.
[ Spoiler ]
Dex 15 = Step 6 - 5 (Nasty GM Magic) = Step 1
Step 1 = d4 - 2 = 1 - 2 = 0
Unfortunately his sword swings wide and the beast passes him by.
Apr 12 2007, 08:28 AM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Ini: Dex 7 -1 step penalty = 6 plus Tiger Spring 4= 10= d10+d6= 3+6, reroll 3= 12
[ Spoiler ]
Delay my action until the wounded dog is it (if I have a higher anyway). Then Ralo uses Anticipate Blow to get a bonus on his Attack Test.
Per 6 -1 penalty + 5 Anticipate Blow= step10= d10+d6+Karma= 10+3+1, reroll 9= 23. I'm sure Ralo gets a bonus of Anticipate Blow rank to this next Attack Test.
Attack[ Spoiler ]
Dex 7 -3 penalty + 5 Melee Weapons= 9= d6+d8+Karma= 6+8+2, rerolls 2+7 +5 Bonus Anticipate Blow= 30.
Using the Swooping Attack (Splitting Movement) Option, Ralos Physical Defense is lowered by 2.
Damage[ Spoiler ]
Strength 4 plus Broadsword 4 plus Dive Attack 6 -3 penalty= 11= d10+d8 plus Karma d10=
7+5+10, reroll 9 = 31.
Apr 12 2007, 05:31 PM
Magic Drain[ Spoiler ]
Hound #1
Morgana = 6 = fail
Ralo = 18= Good = -2 steps
Alexander = 18 = Good = -2
Hound #2
Morgana =18 = Good = -2
Ralo = 3 = fail
Alexander = 40 = Extraordinary = -4
Grinder, your Anticipate Blow will still be at the same as your initiative was higher than the hounds. You will have to reroll your attack and damage if you hit.
This modifiers are cumulative with each other, and the one from the previous round, which is still in effect , even though the hound is dead.
Total modifiers:
Morgana: -3
Ralo: -3
Alexander: -5
The two hounds charge in, while Ralo prepares him self, and Morgana recovers from the fallen hound. One hound continues to charge Ralo, the other goes for Morgana, since Alexander is still behind her in the stair well. As the hounds come in, the draining effect is felt again. Swords feel heavier, movement is slower, even Ralo's astral sight seems to dim. The hounds attacks.
[ Spoiler ]
Ralo Attacked (Aggressive Attack)Hound #1 18
Hit (Average success) 16 Damage - armor
Morgana Attacked Hound (Agressive Attack)#2 17
Hit (Good Success) =14 damage - armor
Both hounds bite down on their prey, trying to wrestle them to the ground.
Knock Down Test[ Spoiler ]
If you take a wound from the attack, make a strength test, with modifiers vs knockdown.
Roll Str step - modifiers. Target # = the difference between your wound threshold, and the damage that you took, +3.
The modifiers for the magic drain do not apply to this test. Only wound modifiers.
Wound threshold 8.
Damage taken 13
Differnce is 5
+3 for knock down test
Target # is 8
Apr 13 2007, 04:07 PM
Avoid Blow[ Spoiler ]
Dex 7 + Avoid Blow 6 -3 penalty= step 10= d10+d6 plus Karma= 5+6+5, reroll 3= 19.
Apr 13 2007, 04:41 PM
[ Spoiler ]
damn you, evasive little bug! I'll get you, with my little dogs too!
Wait, how does 5+6+5 (assuming the 6 was on the D6) give you 19?
Apr 13 2007, 04:43 PM
Alexander's blade misses the nimble hounds, while Ralo manages to flit aside at the last second, dodging the snapping jaws.
More howls can be heard coming from below, barking getting closer.
Apr 13 2007, 04:49 PM
In this armor, I am not going to be able to do much besides watch. However, I must defend my friends.Alexander tries to impose himself between one of the hounds and his companions.
Initiative, Attack, and Damage[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: Why bother? = 0
Attack: Dex 15 = Step 6 - 5 (Nasty GM Magic) = Step 1
Step 1 = d4 - 2 = 1 - 2 = 0
Damage: Can I try to bite back? :(
Alas, the hounds power prevents Alexander from doing much more than watching events unfold.
By Mynbruje, I can not stand here and watch this! May I be granted the strength to protect them.
Apr 13 2007, 05:20 PM
From his vantage point behind Morgana, feeling his magic weakening, Alexander can do little more than watch. It gives him the oppurtunity to get a better look at the room the hounds are occupying.
It looks as though it used to be some sort of living room. There are a few mounds of material that might have used to have been furniture. There is a wide stone fireplace, long sice dormant. The ceiling inside is the same 12 foot as the downstairs hallway. The room is 20'x20', with two hallways leading out of it on the opposite side of the room from the tower entrace. It is from the northen hall that the barking is coming from, and quickly. Thanks to Alexander's organized, builders mind, he can reason that this is the way down to the gate house, and those would be the hounds that went down stairs earlier.
Apr 13 2007, 05:22 PM
Barely escaping the bite of the wounded hound, Ralo hesitates not a second and attacks a second time.
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Ini: Dex 7 -3 step penalty = 4 plus Tiger Spring 4= 8= 2d6= 5+2= 7.
Attack[ Spoiler ]
Dex 7 -3 penalty + 5 Melee Weapons= 9= d6+d8+Karma= 6+7+9, reroll d6 3= 25.
Damage[ Spoiler ]
Strength 4 plus Broadsword 4 plus Dive Attack 6 -3 penalty= 11= d10+d8 plus Karma d10= 9+6+9= 24.
Apr 13 2007, 05:29 PM
Initiative 5Ralo's sword slices through the hounds neck, cutting the jugular. Dark blood spills out over the stone floor, and the hound collapses.
The other hound in the room continues tearing at Morgana.
Alexander, still observing, hears the pair from below growing closer. He begins to hear more and more answering barks and howls, seemingly coming from all over the citadel, all coming through the room in which they are battling the hounds. There are no sounds however from below, where they came from, or up the stair well, in to the tower.
[ Spoiler ]
waiting on Plan B's initiative
Apr 17 2007, 01:47 AM
Alexander ponders on the meaning of this for a moment and then shouts,
We have more of these infernal beasts coming through the door. Get up the stairs!Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: Why bother? = 0
Planning on moving up the stairs.
Lady Door
Apr 17 2007, 03:18 AM
Morgana screams out in pain, and backpedals from the beasts' onslaught.
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Init: Step 7, d12, Result: 6
With her back pressed against the wall, Morgana screams out again and goes for the dogs throat. Wrapping her fingers around it's windpipe, Morgana squeezes and pulls, dragging her nails across it's skin.
Unarmed Combat[ Spoiler ]
Unarmed Combat: Rank 5, Step 11, d10+d8 (+1 Karma die, d6, Disc. talent, -3 Magic Drain, -3 Called Shot) Step 5, d8, Result: 6, 6, re-roll 4 Total: 16
Damage[ Spoiler ]
Strength Step 6, 1d10, Result: 8
Apr 17 2007, 03:26 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Successful called shot to the throat, I will count as two wounds.It's throat isn't ripped out, but it is damaged.
The dog makes a noise almost like retching as Morgana assaults it's throat with her nails. Tenaciously the creature rips at her , trying to free it's self from her grip.
[ Spoiler ]
Attack = 17
Damage =17 - armor
Make any knock down tests as necessary.
The hound on Ralo is down, the one on Morgana is still up, but injured. More are coming but are not in the room yet.
Alexander's action, then initiative again. Alexnader runs up the stairs
Alexander shouts out then turns up the stairs, running at a fast pace for a man burdened in chain mail. The howl's and barks are getting closer.
Initiative 6
Lady Door
Apr 17 2007, 03:32 AM
[ Spoiler ]
The last attack leaves Morgana with a second wound.
Knockdown Test[ Spoiler ]
Strength Step 6, 1d10 (Threshold 5), Result: 5 (YES!! Not today, doggie!)
As the dog lurches against Morgana she struggles to find her footing, almost going down underneath its weight. Bracing herself against the wall, she manages to keep her balance.
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Init: Step 7 (-1 Wnd Mod.) 6, 1d10, Result: 4
Apr 18 2007, 04:46 PM
Combat status listed below[ Spoiler ]
To clarify where we're at, it's a new initiative round. Here are the actions/combatants as they stand.
Grinder/Ralo - Needs to roll initiative vs 6
Plan B/Morganna - Trying to rip dog's throat out as it chew on her leg- Int 4
Morgana 2 Wounds Dog 2 Wounds
Alex/Alexander - out of melee heading up the stairs
2 more dogs coming in to the room on this round.
Apr 18 2007, 05:45 PM
Boy! You can't forget about the fire on the other side of the room. You have to be able to do more than one thing at a time. Yes, master. Alexander turns on the stairs and readies himself for the hounds.
Morgana, Ralo, come up the stairs!Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Initiative, right now for Alexander = JOKE.
Apr 18 2007, 08:52 PM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Ini: Dex 7 -3 step penalty= 4= d6= 5
Buzz[ Spoiler ]
Dex 7 -3 step penalty +Buzz 7= 11= d10+d8+Karma= 8+6+4= 18.
Ralo gets away from the hound he just killed and heads to the one that attacks Morgana.
Morgana, I'll distract him! Get to Alex!
Apr 19 2007, 02:03 AM
The houng rips at Morgana again as Ralo zips in to distract it
Attack 15 = hit no armor defeating
Damage 12 - armor
Lady Door
Apr 19 2007, 04:39 AM
Morgana's Damage from Dog[ Spoiler ]
Morgana takes another 5 pts. damage, thankfully not another wound.
Morgana screams out again and grabs again for the dogs' throat.
Unarmed Combat[ Spoiler ]
Unarmed Combat: Rank 5, Step 11, d10+d8 (+1 Karma die, d6, Disc. talent, -3 Magic Drain, -3 Called Shot) Step 5, d8, Result: 5,5 Total: 10
Finding the beasts' throat exposed once again, Morgana digs her nails in hard. She can feel warm blood spurt over her hand, and the slick bone beneath.
Damage[ Spoiler ]
Strength Step 6, 1d10, Result: 10, re-roll 5 Total: 15
Apr 19 2007, 05:17 AM
Ralo buzzes in, then gapes as Morgana finally gets a solid grip and rips the dogs throat out. She holds the dripping mess in her hand for a moment as the beast leaps back, makes another three steps, tryign to whine in agony, and collapses. One of the charging hounds stops by it's fellow as it dies, the other charges on, apparently headed for the flying chew toy.
As everyone is directly in the doorway or up the stairs, combat movement would allow them to move in to the stairwell again and close the door if they should chose to before the next dog arrives.
Apr 19 2007, 05:49 AM
Initiative[ Spoiler ]
Ini: Dex 7 -3 step penalty= 4= d6= 4
Ralo is surprised by the sheer ferocity of Morgana.
Always ask her before tryong to paint her body... He heads for the stairs to Alex.
Lady Door
Apr 19 2007, 05:55 AM
Morgana throws the dogs' windpipe down the stairs and lunges for the door, barreling into it with her shoulder. The door slams shut and from behind it Morgana can hear the sound of claws on stone. Bracing herself she waits for the impact of the dogs body against the door.
Alexander, help me hold it!
Apr 19 2007, 06:00 AM
Morgana remember that the door swings in to the room they've just left. The dogs can't open it with sheer strength, as they'd have to pull it open from their side.
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