Jun 13 2007, 07:45 PM
Actually in RL the detection range of a signal is about twice the signal's usable range.
Some exceptions made for "Special" designed equipment like what is used to communicate with the items on Mars.
Jun 13 2007, 08:06 PM
Rating 0 becomes 1m effective, 2m detectable with that formula. I would imagine the game designer wanted to keep it simple though, much like encryption. Like a cell phone where 1 bar is signal, but not reasonable for holding a conversation.... Though digital communications and guaranteed transport protocols might reduce that 2x range down to 1.5 or less..
@Fist: Will you be using the FAQ allowances for increasing decryption time or staying with BBB default of 1 combat pass/check?
Jun 13 2007, 08:16 PM
Yes using RL in game would really bog it down.
But I like the idea of cypher rotating key encryptions.
Jun 13 2007, 08:20 PM
Yea, I think we need to outline our discussion of rotating encrypting keys in a post, have our hacker throw together a script and get the team all touch-links for the initialization sequence.
Jun 14 2007, 05:47 AM
@Fist: Will you be using the FAQ allowances for increasing decryption time or staying with BBB default of 1 combat pass/check? |
I dont' really agree with it, but we'll stick with the BBB for now on interval time.
But I like the idea of cypher rotating key encryptions. |
Hey now! Stealing my idea from Shadow's game!? For shame!
Jun 14 2007, 05:50 AM
QUOTE (F3.0 IC) |
The fixer looks a bit anxious now, having accidentally let some little detail slip. |
This slip BTW was unintentional. The way I see it, a fixer/Johnson would try to let as little as possible be known about their client before an agreement is made.
But I typed it, and figured that I couldn't take it bake if I was speaking ,so I left it as was. chalk it up the the fixer being in unfamiliar territory.
Jun 15 2007, 12:58 AM
@All: I'm in South Carolina, posting from starbucks, so I'll be in intermittent contact. Might could get on once a day, depending on if I find some cheaper internets (don't like this 10 bucks a day thing).
Jun 15 2007, 06:33 AM
Ew .. Starbucks ... nasty. Have tp dininfect your posts . And I don't mean computer viruses, I mean Starbuck's innate evil.
Will be out of town tomorrow night, but back on Saturday night.
Jun 15 2007, 07:17 AM
Magical Location tactics?
I have negotiation but nothing that specialized.
So just a negotiation roll then?
Jun 15 2007, 07:22 AM
hehee.... roll Negotiation to see if she'll tell you how they tried to locate the missing child as far as magic goes. Better?
Jun 18 2007, 11:13 PM
@Fist is the game still on, or are we waiting on someone or thing?
<slaps self, my bad>
Jun 20 2007, 12:53 AM
I'm still hanging out, but don't be surprised by my lack of posting till something happens that will attract Caliph's attention.
Jun 20 2007, 03:10 AM
That's no prob rob. I know there ins't a lot for you to do at the moment. Good to know you're still hanging tough though.
Jun 21 2007, 12:30 AM
I do not recall but have we been told exactly where in PCC we are headed?
Next question who has vehicle large enough to haul all of us around, or are we going motorcycling?
From what I recall the airframe can haul a van, plus us.
Jun 21 2007, 12:36 AM
Ute territory area. And she did specify she'd arrange for a plane large enough for a van.
Jun 21 2007, 03:24 AM
Caliph has a van. And does wilderness stuff for a living.
Jun 21 2007, 04:05 AM
Dibbs on top bunk in the Van.
Jun 21 2007, 04:20 AM
BTW, SinN is officially bowing out of the game , for reasons of his access , or lack of , to the internet, and a new conflicting work schedule.
Jun 22 2007, 01:12 PM
Darn. I hate when RL gets in the way of gaming...
Jun 22 2007, 08:27 PM
Yeah it can be a pain.
So , are we moving along here in the game? What are we waiting on here folks?
Jun 22 2007, 11:23 PM
IIRC things need to be worked out, like who vehicle ie van etc, do we bring motorcycles along or rent them in PCC/Ute. How many spirits to summon before the deadline.
Redjack could you not summon the spirits in PCC/Ute, yes I know that means you have to move the magical lodge, but you might need the magical lodge in PCC/Ute.
That would shorten the time drastically I hope.
Jun 23 2007, 12:03 AM
If we leave in 12 hours, I can take 10 and perform 3 summoning (R4, R3, R3). It would take days (1/rating I think) to reactivate my library and circle (a hermetic's lodge) if I moved it. I'll just try to cram in my summoning before we leave and hope that Invisible Castle will be gentle and kind. I can sleep on the flight.
I think we should stick with bringing the van only. If one detective has already disappeared, then we should probably stick tight when we get there.
Otherwise I am ready to wrap up the meet, make some summoning rolls and fast forward to the flight.
Jun 23 2007, 04:33 AM
Magpye, remember Caliph didn't hear a word of what was discussed.
Jun 23 2007, 10:33 AM
@Rob what is your vehicle? it name, and anything that might make it easier or harder to transport?
@Fist as for documentation fake SIN's can not travel across borders?
Jun 23 2007, 01:56 PM
@Fist: I totally improvised Yin Ching's Talismongery. I assumed there would be several Talismongers in the district.
Jun 23 2007, 06:29 PM
Ford Destrier van (same as GMC bulldog, but I decided that Caliph would like Fords, because he is a heathen) notionally modified for better off-road performance (since we don't have any rules for that, who cares?). Should fit in the back of any medium sized cargo plane with no modifications, but he'd probably have to deflate the tires an inch or two to get it in the door. It would be hard to transport if searched, because it has a light machinegun on a weapon mount.
My take on the Fake SINs is that they don't necessarily provide a visa, but they could be used to expedite visa processing.
Jun 23 2007, 08:24 PM
Fist: I totally improvised Yin Ching's Talismongery. I assumed there would be several Talismongers in the district. |
Not a problem, I like improv.
A SIN is like a social securtity number. It's your ID, not the same thing as a Visa. That has to be hacked seperately.
Jun 24 2007, 05:37 PM
Here is a clarification of fingerprint effects on SIN rating from my chat with Fist:
SR Question: I would thing not having your fingerprints attached to your SIN would greatly diminish the rating of the fake SIN.?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
PRO: If you leave prints behind somewhere , the ID isn't effectively dead CON: If you're going through something higher rating that will check prints as well, it won't do you much good It's a matter of personal choice. Something that has almsot no links to you and can be used for minor things and can be dumped at a moments notice or something a bit more up to par, but has a few more ties that can be held on to if it's compromised |
So would you assign a max rating to one without valid fingerprints?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Yeah, I think 3/ Because they can havaea lot of other things tiedto it, but a lot of places,such as say banks, require a fingerprint match now - a - days. Since it would be much easier in2070,I also think it would be a lot more common |
Jun 25 2007, 05:21 PM
In my opinion, the only way to get a high rating fake ID would be to have biometrics (like fingerprints) attached to it. Not because of availability if it gets compromised (in fact, if it gets compromised, under ALL circumstances you better drop it like you stole it), but because the only way to pass an intensive check (like a high-rating SIN would be needed for) would be with some sort of biometric info.
Jun 25 2007, 07:59 PM
Jun 25 2007, 09:02 PM
Is everyone going to sterilize the glasses they have been drinking from, DNA there by todays tech, in 2070, even your seat/chair would give viable DNA.
With the constant presence of imaging devices in the every day world, unless you have a physical mask on 24/7, a hacker can get images of you, enough images, they can make a holographic image.
Your glasses you have been drinking from have parts of your fingerprints on them, unless you are using disposable latex types of gloves, using anything else will leave a print, whether finger or glove.
Since we have been discussing things in the open, even with a white noise generator, enough of the conversation can be put together to make a voice print. I can show you how this can be done using a character like Sloe Gyn.
Lets see, DNA, fingerprints, and voice prints. And none of it we gave willing, but we leave large amounts of it all over the place.
If you are going to play paranoid, do it well.
Jun 25 2007, 09:26 PM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins) |
Is everyone going to sterilize the glasses they have been drinking from, DNA there by todays tech, in 2070, even your seat/chair would give viable DNA.
Generally, I do this in games, with my paraniod characters. And speak in closed rooms, white noise generator, matirx overwatch and/or delete local cameras afterwards, sterilize spells and clean if/when available, and make sure to have recent haircuts and through showering to not worry aobut leaving behind stray hairs. Other characters, they just go to the meet. Interestingly, the ones that are really paranoid, and run like this, are the ones that have done a lto of runs and managed to survive a long time. See a corelation?
Jun 25 2007, 09:40 PM
The example you gave shows a character doing the walk of being paranoid. It talking about being paranoid, but not doing the work, that irks me.
I wonder how the airframe pilot/crew will treated.
"Ok strip search there buddy, lets see your license and registration now."
My character is cautious, but he is yet to have a reason for being paranoid.
Jun 25 2007, 09:54 PM
Jun 26 2007, 04:44 AM
"OOC: Virginia is a fixer, not the Johnson " - Correct. Rob's point is still valid as well, especially for the more paranoid. You would have to give her the information (prints, blood typing for rating 6 ,etc) for the higher end stuff.
Reember though rob that your fake ID would be identification in Ute/PCC, but there's no valid visa tied to it if you get your ID scanned. So you would have to get that covered, assuming you're concerned with it. Doesn't mean you have to go through her certainly. Just that she's offering. I tend to be pretty paranoid with who I trust in games as well, so it's up to you what you do.
He wants the visa for his big ID, which is more likely to get him in there. He'll use his operating ID (the one purchased at chargen) to cross the border.
He figures a local ID with no/cursory biometrics would be good for a throwaway one, because it would take an extra leap of reasoning to check UCAS records.
And you gotta be paranoid about some stuff. Like when you have a criminal SIN for charges of terrorism/insurgency, not a good idea for casual business acquaintances to know that. And if they're in a position to make a fake ID, they can probably check up on a current/real one pretty well... He's less paranoid about the plane crew, because no matter how much you search 'em they can always just drop the back ramp and go into a climb.
Jun 26 2007, 10:20 PM
Ok, someone make a declaration of what they're going to do. Wearz, RJ, if you guys are done with the meet, wrap it up and pow-wow with the team and let's get moving.
Jun 27 2007, 03:11 AM
Nix will need 5k of the expense money for binding materials.
He will then summon and bind in the following order:
Fire F4 (Guard)
2 hitsMan F3 (innate spell: healing)
4 hitsAir F3 (Elemental Attack)
5 HitsI'm rolling them all in a row for expediency. Depending on resistance, I may change things around. My current thought is summon then bind in the order presented.
Jun 27 2007, 12:57 PM
After the meeting I will cast a Force 4 Sterilize, to destroy any loose biological material left behind by myself or either of them (well actually anything in the range of the spell.)
Sorcery 4 + Magic 6 :
4 SuccessesDrain of 4: Willpower 4 + Logic 5 :
3 Successes, I take 1 Stun.
Jun 27 2007, 07:44 PM
#1 (F3) = 0 Hits
#2 (m3) = 2 hits
#3 (A3) = 0 hits
@ Trigger - Noted
Jun 28 2007, 01:12 AM
Buy off summoning drain for Fire Elemental.
Binding F4 Fire Elemental:
3 hitsResist Drain Summon F3 Spirit of Man DV4;
2 hits = 2 boxes of stun
Jun 28 2007, 04:13 PM
Binding Force 4 Elemental Resistance/Drain test: 4 Hits/Drain 8DV
Jun 28 2007, 04:42 PM
Spend a point of edge to try and salvage the summoning:
+1 hit4 vs 4 - binding failed.
Spend a point of edge during drain resistance.
2 hits Arggghhhh. 4 boxes of stun during drain test.
Rest for 2 hours.
2 hits.
Stun damage down to 2 boxes.
Spirit of man: Summon = 3hits
Resist DV4 drain = 2hits; +2 stun boxes = 4 boxes of stun (-1dp)
Rest another hour:
5 hitsNo stun.
Binding test with last point of edge:
7 hits (it didn't open a subsequent 6.
Resist DV4 Drain
2 hits = 2 boxes of stun
Jun 29 2007, 10:35 PM
Since we're at the transition-to-the-next-scene-phase, Caliph is going to spend some Karma:
of the 25 awarded:
15 to raise intuition from 4 to 5;
10 to raise automatics from 1 to 3.
Jun 30 2007, 05:32 AM
Well, as long as we are in between scenes....
I am going to use some of those CP that Fist has handed out to learn Spanish and raise to a barely useable 2....if I can't learn it and raise it at the same time I will do something else with the other CP.
Also, for my resting time: Body 3 + Willpower 4:
1 Success, which relieves me of the one box of Stun from my nice little Sterilize spell early.
Also, do we all have so much karma? Cause as far as I know, I have 2 or so...I know Fist has been handing them out differently to everybody, but 25 already?....I wish I had 25 karma.....
Jun 30 2007, 08:47 AM
Keep wishing, maybe your conciense will manifest as a bug spirit or something.
No, Rob got a bunch extra for being deployed. Military has to have some extra benefits. You know, besides combat pay and women loving a man in uniform.
Jun 30 2007, 09:56 AM
Dammit, I knew there was a reason that little voice in my head kept telling me to join the ranks, besides the fact my father was a army drill sergeant, my mother was an army sergeant, my grandfather airforce, uncle #1 marines, uncle #2 navy, uncle #3 army, etc.... It's because GM's love a man in uniform....
Or maybe those were all the reasons for me not to join up? Can't remember....
Jun 30 2007, 01:26 PM
I'm assuming Pueblo is the official language of the PCC? What languages are primary in Salt Lake City?
Jun 30 2007, 02:20 PM
From NAN 1
Jun 30 2007, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (Redjack) |
in Salt Lake City? |
Jul 4 2007, 10:05 PM
Sorry for the delay. been busy on the home front so I only had time to drop in from time to time. Everyone set to depart? let me know if there's anything anyone else needs to do, or else we'll proceed to take off.
BTW, the LSD/LDS was deliberate.
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