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My character's set to depart.
mine too! Wait...
Ready to fly and arrive at the next step.
Ready to fly also
well that's everyone but Trigger, but I thikn he's set.
I keep thinking that we had one more, but I think that's because of Shadow, RiggThis, and SinN. This game has already had so many casualties.

Ok then crew, get your posts to moving you to the airfield. As I've mentioned, I don't much like moving/speaking for other people's PCs if I can avoid it. Once you take off, I'll award some karma for RPing and meet prep.

Karma is going to be rewarded at intervals of things being accomplished in games. It may be realtively minor things. Like say, going to a meet then leaving Seattle. wink.gif Realistically though, it's not like we can wait until the end of the run, as forum games tend to take a long itme. So you'll get karma for RPing, posting regularly, building and developing your character's personality, moving the plot along, that sort of thing. That way your character won't have their same starting stats for ever as well. That gets boring.
Yeah, I am ready to go as well.
Excellent. Ok folks, once everyone's on the plane, we'll move it along.

As far as the plane it's self; private airfield in Everett, a few hangers, one of them has an ARROW attached from your "ticket" info. Cessna waiting inside to ferry your happy butts. Go ahdead and post to boarding. Feel free to be creative with the crew. Bonus points for creativity.
Aight, tomorrow morning I'm just gonna post with the van full of people arriving up at the airport. This will involve some moving of other people's characters. If yall want to do it in a more organic/flavorful/etc. way, just do a post like Trigger did so we can RP the arrival and move down.
Started working on mine last night. Finished it up this morning and posted. Left several areas vague to allow other people to post in additional details. biggrin.gif
Sorry RL got me today and until just now.
The pay situation will be addressed. Not forgotten. Was just waiting for an idea of what everyone is doing. But for the sake of expediency, I'll move it along.
Nix starting money 2100 nuyen.gif
QUOTE (Redjack/Nix)
recruiting in Seattle gave the Johnson a warm fuzzy of getting world class talent

This makes me laugh, because that's pretty much on the nose. You'll notice a differnece in Virginia in Ute territory. More sure of her self, less hesitant, a bit more sharp, and even a little more relaxed and willing to banter. I have her figured as a big fish in her little pond, going to Seattle and finding that she's swimming with a lot of other big fish, sharks, octopi, killer whales, priah.... well you get the idea. biggrin.gif Glad to be back in her own stomoping grounds.

Everyone - For notation purposes , list the fake ID(s) you're getting, and the rating. Tag a name to it, and list the price, 20% discount included. Things like this need to be kept careful track of.
FYI - Will be out of town from Monday to Friday. Heading up to Utah to pick up our kids. Probably won't be around a computer during that time either.
Let me make a stab at this and have anyone correct me where I messed up:

25,000 Advance and Bonus
5,000 Summoning Supplies
3,200 Fake SIN R4 - Nix: Jim Yennis; Citizen of Salishe-Shidhe Nation; Spokane, WA
0,160 Fake Student Visa (Brigham Young) R2 - Nix
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - Nix: Jim Accawinna; Citizen of PCC [Ute]; Salt Lake City, UT
3,200 Fake SIN R4 - MagPye
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - MagPye
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - Caliph
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - Eyes

10,240 nuyen.gif remaining.


Fake SIN Rating 4 Leon Bonne; Citizen of LA, PCC
Fake SIN Rating 1 Rudy LaMarq; Citizen of PCC(Ute)
Is there anything in the package from Virginia other than the IDs?
Has Salt Lake City changed from NAN1?
Salt Lake it's self won't have changed much , since it's rather isolated from the Ute nation as a whole.

As for the packet from Virginia, that's mostly it. No info on the Johnson at this point. I've been away for a bit though so remind me if I'm forgetting anything.

I did mention the map soft right?
OK all, you have landed. You have a brief time to hat w./ flight crew or Virginia or prepare for meeting the Johnson. If you're all set though, please post here in the OOC.

For future reference, if you have nothing to do IC, please post here in the OOC to that affect, so that I know that you're still up and paing attention, and I can move along. Soka?
I have nothing to do IC then.
It makes me happy to know that my truck is bigger, no matter how shallow and vacuous the feeling is.

2 CSP rotfl.gif

BTW guys, just a reminder. Speech text is in salmon

inner monologue is in aquamarine

Either a couple of you have gotten mixed up, or I misinterpreted thoughts as spoken words.
I posted the questions sequentially (for the sake of posting efficiency), but assume them to be posed throughout a normally conversation.
Got it Redjack. So you know, it's late tongiht, and I have an important test early in the morning, so I won't be posting the IC reply tonight. I will get it up tomorrow evening so that I can make sure everything is correct. There's some imortant info to relay and that shouldn't be rushed.
ok I'm an a-hole. The info I need is in our room, and in that room is the sick two year old little boy that has a 102 fever. The same one that's kept me busy most of the day. I'd planned on getting everything up tonight when he went to bed (finally), then realized that like a tool, I left everything I needed in the room. I'll throw Virginia's answers up tomorrow in the day, or I'll give you all 20 karma for putting up with a slacking GM.
Fist take care of the sick child, nothing in this game to me, is worth disturbing his rest. I have no problem waiting a week, if that is what it takes.

They grow up so boys are 27 and 26 now. My younger son's wife is due this December they are saying the 25th. smile.gif
Yeah, take care of the kid, but if you so feel like giving us the 20 karma as well I would have no objections to that.
Jake is better. Now the wife is sick. At least everyone is taking turns instead of all of us going down at once.

posted BTW. Sorry Trigger. nyahnyah.gif
That's all I have for the ride over... WearzManySkins?
Wearz? Heelooo??
I am here.
Hey everybody, I recently just got to north carolina. We haven't yet stolen an internet connection, so I'm currently posting from the sports bar surrounded by a bunch of my colleagues. Suffice to say, posting will be intermittent and probably brief for a couple weeks.

Ok, understood rob. Thanks for checking in. Won't put any pressure on you as far as posting fora bit. As long as there are no goofs, there probably won't be any combat you'll be pressed on right quick either.

I hear N.C.s nice. Where are you based?
Wearz, Redjack, if you guys are both set, then we can move along to the meet at Mr J's/Dance's. I'll give you until this evening so we can move things along.
@Fist I have done all the questions for her at this point.

Redjack do we have a guide of our own for here? or will we use hers?
OK I'll move you guys along in a bit then.
QUOTE (WearzManySkins)
Do we have a guide of our own for here? or will we use hers?

I hadn't heard anyone mention a guide. I think we are falling back to punt with hers...
WIll be a bit off and on until about WEdensay. Just have a lot of things going on. Will still be posting, just a bit slower. Thans.
We have now stolen an internet connection, so I will be able to get on a little bit more frequently. Maybe once a day, more on weekends.

Wonderful. Thanks for the heads up rob.

2 CSP for 'stealing' the connection.

Note: will be posting for the start of the meet w/ Dancesw/ Clouds tonight. First dah of karma will be awarded after the meet. This will obviously be based off of RPing and posters who do more to move the plot along.
@Redjack I am enjoying the mental foot work you and Virgina are doing. Game on. smile.gif

@Rob sorry about not letting you in on the loop as for the conversation on the way here. Meo Cupla. Stolen an internet connection, surely you jest, proper military jargon is "Resource Reallocation" smile.gif
Yea. Not good to be in a Mexican stand-off with your fixer &/or Johnson.

I tried to play it in such a way that I felt would be his response. Shadowrunners wouldn't give up their secrets and a man who has to know the personal secrets of the runners is kinda bumping up against those boundaries... smile.gif
I thought it was great. biggrin.gif See my IC post.

Remember that just because it might be a slight breach of etiquette, doesn't mean that she might not ask for it. You're on her turf now. wink.gif We'll see how it goes.
Of course. And Seattle etiquette (or Russell and Nix' idea of Seattle etiquette need not apply in Salt Lake...) wink.gif
@Redjack what changes did you make your character with your physical mask spell?

Opps my mistake,,,I read back far enough.
Wearz, don't worry about it. I RP that stuff as the normal sort of thing people forget about; hell, I didn't even think about it till I was writing the post and thinking out his actions.

You guys are doing well. I like the interpsersonal flow between the characters. Should be interesting to see how you coordinate the investigation or a combat.
Hey Fist, what's the security like at the house (I rolled the perception in my last IC post)?
Ouch RedJack,,,I feel that earlier negotiations with Virgina, I rolled hot, she rolled

She is as good as MagPye if not better. Now go thru the possibilities, Social Adept initiated?, way better build than Magpye, or she had dice taken away earlier due be away from home turf, or some of all the above.
QUOTE (Trigger)
Hey Fist, what's the security like at the house (I rolled the perception in my last IC post)?

Carp, sorry, I'll just post that here, because yes, you ddid roll very well.

The outside includes motion detectors, what looks to be a few well concealed pressure pads in the lawn, a number of disrete (read:micro)cameras, and a few patrolling micro skimmers. In short, the place has surveillance up the wazoo.

There are also a number of laser trip beams around windows and doors, and a little security tag that says Golden Eagle, denoting premium coverage from the security corp. All the systems you see look brand spanking new.

Of course, you get this masss amount of info for nailing 9 successes. Go you! smile.gif
QUOTE (WearzManySkins @ Jul 29 2007, 01:06 AM)
or some of all the above.

the world may never know

I love that Magpye is getting the hots for the fixer.
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