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Given Nix' state, option #1 is gonna have to be his selection.
Caliph made it clear his van is a priority, so assuming we are not compromised before the evac team arrives, when they arrive priority #1 is getting Nix and the shapeshifter picked up, second is getting the vehicle. Given that the extraction of Nix and the shapeshifter may be better effected after or during the extraction of Caliph's van, I am prone to accepting the recommendations of the extraction team. They are local and know local police procedures better than Nix....
Rolls for F7 Stunbolts
[2,5,1,3,2,6] = (2)
[6,3,5,3,3,2] = (2)
[4,3,4,2,5,6] = (2)
[6,6,5,2,5,6] = (5)

He has 4 ip and is seeking to drop every cop and they are running away. He will do this from a hidden position.
Hiding: [3,1,6,3,1,2,3] = 1 hit
Spending 12 karma to up edge from 3 to 4

Combat Turn #2
1st pass: Simple action :Assensing
Initiative: [3,3,6,6,5,5] = 4 hits + 11 = 15

Spell defense(5) to elemental
Simple action: Assensing
Free Action: "Shoot the car"
Simple Action: Call f3 bound spirit of man

Spirit Init: [5,5,4,4,4,5] 3 hits + 6 = 9

Round 2:
Spell defense(5) to the spirit of man as well
Simple Action: Command spirit 'cause the car to have an accident'
Hold remaining simple/free actions.
Roll for the defense of your spirit, and post the magic fingers spell and the glitch you rolled on IM. I'll post your crit glitch as soon as yours is up.
Spirit Defense: [5,1,6,5,6,5,3,6] = 6 hits
At least something went right!!

Magic Fingers: [1,4,1,1,4,1] = 0 hits critical glitch
Accident Power: [1,1,3,3,3,4] = 0 hits

Initiative Nix: [3,2,1,2,3,4] = 0 hits = init of 11
Initiative Spirits:
- Air: [5,2,6,2,1,3] = 2 hits + 6 = Init of 8
- Man: [3,6,5,4,2,6] = 3 hits + 6 = Init of 9
Cover rules pg 141 shows only a -6 to the attackers roll for having full cover. Doesn't say that you get extra dice as well, and there's nothing saying you do under the Defense section on pg 151. So unless I've totally spaced something, no it's just your reaction.

As an important note though, I'm not applying the -2 for blast/area, since he's more or less doing the equivelant of 'firing at random' and the building is taking most of the hit. There's only the window frame for the blast to come through. Also not applying 'Defender is prone' since in this case, that would be to your advantage. So being prone (normally -2) is helping you dodge the blast area coming through the window (also normally -2). Follow?

Note for me: Caster Stun track 2S from Drain
If I were trying to kill you, there'd be a gyromount somewhere nearby. biggrin.gif

OK, off to work now.
Spellcasting Test vs Reaction - Target hidden(-6)

This is the part that threw me. I thought that my part was Reaction - Target hidden(-6)
Reaction: [5,3,3,2,4,3] = 1 hit
Can't afford to take the hit.
Edge reroll: [6,2,2,3,4] = 1 hit

Total of 2 hits.
QUOTE (Redjack)
Spellcasting Test vs Reaction - Target hidden(-6)

This is the part that threw me. I thought that my part was Reaction - Target hidden(-6)

Ah, sorry, yes I see how that could be confusing.
Dodged the shot. Good job. Cookie for you. biggrin.gif
Walking Hawk is out of LOS. To explain the layout, the gas station faces south, the road goes East-west. His car is faced west bound, some 12 meters south and 10 meters west of the gas station, almost running into the van, with the front end pointing NW (he veered away from the van to avoid hitting it). He was at the driver's door, facing towards the gas station, and shot in the right shoulder, spinning and dropping him. Like all cops, he immediately/insticntively gets cover at his car, specifically the door. He'd count on it for cover. Meaning you would need an area elemental affect spell, since he's out of LOS for mana/stun ball, and completely out of sight for direct combat spells. Needs to be indirect.

Hope that was explained enough. smile.gif
It does, I bet I can see the cop that had an air elemental on his ass a moment ago, right? If so, zap him instead.
I've got a -2 penalty for you for cover (tall grass) and distance. What Force are you casting it at? Officer has 2 hits on resistance.
Force 7. Net effect is 1, so 8 stun.
You can't sic the spirits on Walking Hawk, you released them both to get his guard down.
They both still are bound with services. It takes only a simple action to recall each and another simple action to command each.
I'll buy that. Ok. Make the rolls for your spirits please. I like it better that way, than me rolling for them that is. Seems more appropriate, since they're yours.
Spirit of Man: Accident [1,4,1,5,2,3] = 1 hit
Air Elemental: Fear [3,5,1,5,1,5] = 3 hits
Perception Test: [5,4,1,2] = 1 hit
Rob - You ever get your Internet back?
Give me till tomorrow night. wink.gif It has been a rough few days.
I'd noticed youd been a bit absent. Pulling a 'me'. smile.gif No problem man, take what time you need. Good luck with .... whatever. smile.gif
Nice.4 karma How'd you come by that?
Created it in Daz3D. Check out this thread for our conversations on creating characters.

Thanks for the contacts and karma.. I've nothing else to do on the trip.
Holy Blood-Mages Batman! What a revelation!!
Note: Animal sacrifice doesn't necessarily mean blood magic.
No, not the Aztlan style Blood Magic... but a magic with some fuel deriving from life force none the less. biggrin.gif
Updated Cast of Shadows
Are you surviving the little demonlings all being back? biggrin.gif
Redjack, Rob, what's going on guys? You finally get a solid lead on where the kids at and you dissapear?
I'm out of town in team builders all week. I will try to update tomorrow. wink.gif
Hey, I'm lurking. Just got my internets back and I have maybe an hour a day to work with them. Just got caught up on one game, working to catch up on this one.

Lookin' forward to getting back in.

QUOTE (Redjack @ Apr 16 2008, 11:43 PM) *
I'm out of town in team builders all week. I will try to update tomorrow. wink.gif

Hehehehe... "we promise to catch you!" biggrin.gif

OK, just wanted to know what's up. Rob, if you're up for it, I can get you a little one on one time with your van and the msugglers IC, give yo some time to think aloud as well. Nyx has hogged the spot light enough I think. smile.gif
Yea!!! Welcome back Rob.
Fisty - You gonna set the scene for Rob?
Here is a render of Nix & Caliph.
Wasn't quite sure what Caliph looked like, so this is kinda how I envision him.
Rob - If you want changes, just let me know.
aight, just got time and motivation to start reading through and catching up, but I can't find the IC thread anymore?

I'd love to rp the smuggler thing, if just for having gotten arsenal...

And that's an awesome graphic; I have no idea how to do that sort of thing. I was lazily going to get around to pencil-sketching him, but then I got deployed...
Alright rob, I'll get a post up just for you later today. I've got Arsenal, so I'll do what I can to help you out. I know I cna't really give you a hsoping list, but I can at least find things you're looking for. Have a few family things to do first, but I cna get back on this evening.
Rob - Welcome back!!
At this point, I would like to bring my last IC post directed towards Caliph to your attention:
<<@Caliph [Nix] The bill for Uncle Frank's hospital stay arrived and they are expecting you to pay. Uncle Frank gave them your LTG. They are sending a bill.>> It was times like these that Nix was glad he and Caliph worked out some code phrases. They hadn't had to use them since leaving Seattle, but now was one of those times.

At this time Nix is driving to Caliph's location to meet up so the two can follow up the newest lead.
Rob - You still with us?
Aight! Back, caught up, read through all the IC stuff.

Wish I'd been there for the fight, too, because walkinghawk sure wouldn't have gotten away... Couple clarification questions - 1. Did Caliph suffer any additional damage on top of the first lightning bolt that hit him from an air elemental? (during the first elemental fight). 2. Did you take into account when Caliph got his commlink hacked (which of course he wouldn't know about, yet) that he uses a low-rating throwaway commlink for all his communications, and his main commlink rarely hits the net publicly? All his throwaway commlink would have loaded is a bit of information for his low-rating fake ID.

PS: I have arsenal, that was just a little bit of an unclear post on my part.
If you can swing it, I'd like to push hard to wrap up this adventure before Fisty goes to basics. When he gets back, then hopefully we can kick into our next run!
Rob - lovely post first off. 3 CSP. Just good stuff.

Question #1 I'll double check and get back to you, but that's a tentative 'no'. I was intentionally keeping Caliph out of the main part of the fight. The upside being that there was no chacnce of your character getting killed while you were off. The down side being the probably otherwise unlikely event of WalkingHawk getting away.

Question #2 No, hadn't taken that into account. But the only info I used for them scanning was a basic listing of who you'd been talking with, and jumping commlink hacks from there (such as following the line to Nix's comm, and hacking his from there to follow onto who he'd been contacting). There was very little actual penetration on either of your comms, under the reasoning that they'd have more advanced security than who ever you'd be contacting. That and the hacks wre more an issue of tracking you and keeping information contained. They could always jsut kill you two. People outside your immediate circle are potential data leaks, again as evidenced by Nix's media contact.

As for Arsenal, good deal, I've got it as well, so anything you want to do, let me know. I've got plans for future games with these two and who ever else you can build a team around for when I get back. More investigative type runs and uncovering consipracies. So hang on to the characters.

I too would love to wrao this one up, and you're very close to some type of resolution (obviously) . So Rob, let me know if you're doing anything besides sighting in your rifle and LMG (which was a good idea and where some of your CSP came from). RJ, let me know where you're going next, or if you two are getting together and moving from there.
Nope, he's doing that and the other maintenance stuff, and then will wait for Nix to show.
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