Oct 4 2007, 04:38 PM
@Rob - Well, Nix will try to reason with him about how the spirit assenses his aura and might figure out it you become aware of its presence... If that fails, he will begin to complement the most recent modifications to Caliph's vehicle and ask about what the next round of changes will be...
Oct 4 2007, 05:51 PM
I have notcied that his group isn't real big on the whole "communication" thing. I do see Nix's POV in this one, but I'm just commenting on the over all. We'll see if it 's a good or bad thing as things play out.
Oct 5 2007, 11:27 PM
I forgot to give you guys karma earlier like I promised. I'm awarding 6 to Rob and Redjack, mostly for good roleplaying, excellent posts, and some good ideas.
Trigger, your karma will be awarded with how you do on your astral quest. You know, assuming you get around to finishing it sometime.
Oct 5 2007, 11:44 PM
I'm working on it, I'm working on would go a whole lot smoother if there weren't fire spirits in my way....
Oct 6 2007, 12:08 AM
Yes but then it would be boring.
Oct 6 2007, 01:01 PM
Ok, I know I'm treading a fine line here between caution and player knowledge... but does Nix agree that the astral trail leads to the dwarf?
Hey all, I'm gonna be on comms blackout for a while after tonight. I think yall have seen Caliph well enough to know how he'd do on most stuff, however I'd like to have a word in if we decide to roll up the dwarf.
Oct 7 2007, 06:39 AM
@rob - understood. Any idea or ball park you can give for time frame?
@ redjack - remember that you brought it on to assist, and this is the way that it's pointing. Although you didn't see the trail lead there your self, you haven't traced it anywhere else yet, and that is why you summoned it.
Oct 7 2007, 01:36 PM
Well, looks like Invisible Castle is trying to make up for that critical glitch... Now if I can keep from getting blasted to death...

Next thing is to determine if the spirit is even connected to abductions....
Nope. No idea on time frame. No more than 3 weeks, no less than 2 days.
Oct 8 2007, 10:00 PM
Got it rob , thanks. I'll take the time to mess with Redjack and Trigger then.
Oct 12 2007, 12:28 AM
Looks like I may have a few weeks in the astral..
Oct 12 2007, 03:35 AM
Yeah, as we have it at a point where rob is dictating the next action.
Might give a chance to get Trigger to catch up on his game. Geez man like pulling teeth with you some times.
Oct 12 2007, 06:05 PM
Aight, gotten somewhere where I have a few internets and handled my important business for the moment. I will probably have the opportunity to post occasionally for a bit, but still intermittent for a while.
Oct 12 2007, 11:32 PM
Wonderful to hear. I'll get some rolls up for you via Invisible Castle tonight. Again, thanks very much for keeping us appraised.
Oct 25 2007, 01:11 AM
Sorry, got side tracked on a few other things... I endeavor to do better.
Back on comms. Got back earlier than expected. Fisty, do your worst.
Nov 1 2007, 05:58 PM
Welcome back!! Lefts find this kid and bust these dirty cops!!
Nov 1 2007, 09:14 PM
You asked for it.

Ok, will have mean little post up by tonight.
I haven't seen hide nor hair from Trigger on his thread. I'll PM him again, as he's been very busy lately. Let him know that we're going to have to make sure that he stays caught up, or we'll have to move on without him. Assuming you guys survive and all that is.
Nov 1 2007, 09:36 PM
BTW, as an extra reward, both for regular posting and for moving along in the game, plus a number of great ideas and roleplaying for you guys, 8 karma to rob and RedJack. I like to give good karma awards as youve probably noticed, but I'll make you use it. Feel free to apply them immediately.
Nov 2 2007, 07:14 PM
Just curious: The 1/2 armor. Is that a GM call or is that something from the book? Was looking into the book rules trying to guesstimate what our resistance will need to be.
Also, Destroying Barriers example (BBB pg 158) and Damage and Passengers (BBB pg162) seemed to be pretty relevant rules for bleed through (or lack there of).
In any case, 6 boxes of damage to the vehicle is gonna hurt for vehicle control and getting away!
Nov 2 2007, 09:13 PM
Half armor is from the Explosives gear section: placed explosives can negate half armor.
Nov 7 2007, 01:07 PM
Middle of combat, lives on the line, anxiety level high......
*goes searching for the GM*
Nov 8 2007, 01:34 AM
hehe... sorry, RL stuff. A bit drugged right now from a recent "procedure". But I'll get those posts up anyway. Stuf (read:kids) get piling on me every time I sat down the last few days.
Nov 8 2007, 03:56 AM
As was pointed out by Redjack, I forgot to yes "Yes rob, Edge has been refreshed."
Yes rob, Edge has been refreshed.
Nov 12 2007, 05:45 PM
Now that Caliph has seen Nix run away, screaming like a little girl, I will of course have to kill him to protect my reputation...
Dec 3 2007, 05:30 PM
Redjack - the apparent Shapeshifter isn't a "young man". He looks to be in his late 40's to early 50's.
Rob - sorry for the delays over the last few weeks, but I should be good to go now. You're up to post.
Back. People I work for denied access to the site. Got me some real internets. C'est la vie.
Dec 6 2007, 05:29 PM
Glad to have you back!! I was getting worried... Nix is near dead as it is.. The next killer vampire rabbit to pop outa the hat would've been the end..
Dec 7 2007, 11:05 PM
mmm... vampire rabbit ... *plots*
Was wondering what was up wth you Rob. Glad to have you 'round. If you two are high tailing it, feel free to post a plan. Rob - as your message to the smugglers was only a minute or so ago in game time, no response as of yet.
Just one of the intermittent and unpredictable comms blackouts out here. Plan will boil down to "Find spot with visibility of my truck and wait till we find some secure commo with someone to pick us up. Spot will not be "on the beaten track," because I don't want to be questioned about the bound, gagged, naked dude; and spot will not be the hide spot we're currently at, because we compromised that by waving the onlookers away and having a big dirt mount drop off a naked dude.
Dec 9 2007, 04:31 PM
Thankfully earthmounds and naked dudes are hard to make out from 50 meters away, and your response was what folks would prefer to see. I'm going to d oa random roll to see if one of the onlookers is particularly civic minded and decides that they need to check on you personally, offer a ride, etc. Otherswise, it's just"wait for the fire truck" time. Luckily, it isn't summer there. Or you guyswould already be in the middle of a nasty grass fire.
Waiting on a reply from RJ as to confirm/elborate on your plan rob.
Dec 9 2007, 07:14 PM
I've kinda been waiting for elaboration of my IC questions...
Dec 10 2007, 01:11 AM
"What's around"
- One - abandoned gas station, some ten years delapidated
- Two - vehicles pulled over at freeway side - no one has done anything more than look so far
- Three - humans on side of road - Nix, Caliph, and questionable humanity -native american man
- no other buildings, the freeway off ramp going east/west - essentially not quite the [i]middle[i] of no where, but you're appx 5 miles north of the town of Payson, and South of the town of Springville. Nothing where you are right now.
Dec 10 2007, 04:17 AM
Rob - I think we need to get out of here now. We were following a cop that could reappear at any time, there is a blown up van here now, people are taking notice and no doubt calling 9-1-1.... We are minutes from a sheriff response of some sort at a minimum followed by potentially worse if we escalate it to an 'all call'...
Not sure we can jack a vehicle without people taking notice though, but we need to move and figure out a way to get one... How about we head to the highway, I mask myself as a young woman suffering from the wreck get someone to pull over and jack them... Or I could mask you since you are not wounded..?
Dec 13 2007, 08:04 PM
Rob - You still there?
Dec 19 2007, 04:42 PM
Rob - I'm assuming you'll make a second roll when you are able.
Jan 1 2008, 08:49 PM
Redjack - it's been my understanding that a subject has to be concious to be mindprobed. Give me some time to research, including dredging up that old thread.
As for contacts:
No sign of Law Enforcement yet
No sign of the EVAC crew yet, althouh they say they're on their way.
As for why the J is using the fixer, some things he can handle directly through his corp, some things are best gone outside for. Safe houses are not exatly a corp thing, which is essentailly what you're asking for. That doesn't mean he's not using his own resources as well though.

Rob - you about mate?
Jan 2 2008, 02:39 AM
1-2 net hits is surface thoughts. 3-4 hits allows viewing memories. In either case, let me know how you are interpreting this spell.
As to J & the Fixer, I just dropped that dialog to provide some insight to Nix' thoughts. Helps me to keep some consistency in his actions and reminds me of the thought processes I was using with him weeks from now.
Jan 2 2008, 04:51 AM
Oh I definitely appreciate the in character context, believe me. I feel it's important to try and elobarate on motivations in PbP games however, as there's really no other sounding board to go off of than what I type in the IC posts. Everyone knows one piece of text can mean on thing to one person, and something entirely seperate to another (anyone married knows how that works). SoI try to elaborate a bit.
My ruling on Mind probe
QUOTE (SR4 pg 199) |
3-4 The subject can find out anything that target conciously knows and view the target's memories. 5+THe subject can view the target's subconcious , gaining information the target may not even be conciously aware of, like psychological quirks, deep fears, and hidden memories. |
I'll allow unconcious mind probing on 5+ successes. Assuming you've been knocked out before, you don't even notice the passage of time. It's just simply *blink*' huh, what happened? SO the mind isn't working properly. There fore, as he isn't concious, you can't probe what his concious mind knows, becuase it doens't kow anything at the moment. Feel free to try again though.
Jan 2 2008, 01:42 PM
3-4 The subject can find out anything that target consciously knows and view the target's memories. 5+THe subject can view the target's subconscious , gaining information the target may not even be consciously aware of, like psychological quirks, deep fears, and hidden memories. |
To be conscious and to conscious know something are mutually exclusive, not interdependent.
While you are misinterpreting the use of the words conscious and unconscious, you are the GM and I won't belittle the point.

Nix will just wait for the evac.
I've been checking in and around - nothing going on up till know that's required Caliph's attention.
Jan 10 2008, 03:14 AM
I'm thinking we're still hiding and waiting until either there is a threat of being discovered or our extraction arrives.
Jan 12 2008, 05:22 AM
Hey, I'm having a hard time getting to internet machines that don't have dumpshock blocked. I'll let you know when I get access, and post as things happen, but it won't be regular till feb.
Jan 16 2008, 08:39 PM
Noted Rob, thanks for the update. My schedule's a bit erratic, but I'm making the time when I can. Things are moving along nicely I think.
Jan 18 2008, 04:36 PM
As a note, most of hte wait time for the pickup is actually getting the crew goign and the bird in the air on such short notice. Not exactly just hopping in the car to drive down to the local stuffer here.
So ... what's Plan B?
Jan 18 2008, 04:43 PM
Drop a load in my trousers... no wait that's your wife... No, I mean 'Plan B', not the load... Oh hell... I'm gonna shut up now...
Jan 18 2008, 04:47 PM
ooohhh ho ho ho! Toeing the line a bit there sunny jim.

So if you don't want to go ahead and do something, I can just keep posting until another car or two turns up.
Jan 18 2008, 06:25 PM
Well, I have went back and forth on this... I have two choices:
1) Sit tight and wait. Cast invisibility on both myself and the shape shifter if anyone comes over. Pull out one of the last two bound elementals (one with fear) if discovered after that. I hate to do that. Once magic occurs there may be an inbound, projecting mage/shaman anytime shortly after magic use.
2) Cast invisibility and hobble away with the shape shifter. As messed up as I am, I would prefer not to come out into the open.. Here's wishing I had a phantasm spell to create a distraction.
I realize 10 minutes is a long time when you are waiting for an evac... At this point I think with -5 to all dp, sitting quietly is the best option....
Jan 18 2008, 09:27 PM
OK, I'll give Rob one day to post, under the understanding that he may not be able to do to his restrictions. In that time, please finalize which option you'd like to go with, and Caliph will follow, relaying new coordinates to the EVAC as necessary. But I'm thinking he might want his van, since it's still worth quite a lot, despite the heavy damage to the rear end, and that was the point of calling for a lift, and just hoofing it.
Now, I'm not trying to suggest any one course of action over another. Just bringing up the concerns of our good man who cannot at the moment.
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