Jul 29 2007, 12:13 PM
I posted earlier I dropped the mask spell (which is an illusion spell) and declared my quickened spell as a health spell. Either the GM missed that part (its a game we all miss details, esp in a pbf game)
OR he is playing off the fact my clothes changed and my face is different from the first meet and she has no idea about spells what so ever. I will play out my post assuming the later.
Jul 29 2007, 06:25 PM
That would be a 'GM missed that fact'. I misunderstood, thinking that you were saying you had modified your appearance, hence her line of thinking of concealing your identity.
Either way, her stance on spells during the meet would hold the same, because she can't verify the type of spell you have in effect. She cna of course tell the difference in your face, and infer what spell may have been used. Phsyical Mask, and other options like shapechange , are not exactly uncommon spells. There's no way for her to know if this is infact your real face, and the previous one the fake, or vice-versa.
Mr Johnson however can. Luckily , he doesn't have the patience to have you all sit out side and debate the finer points of meet-etiquette.
The exchange was great though.
Jul 29 2007, 10:37 PM
Not a problem. It made sense in either case...
Jul 30 2007, 02:46 AM
Awesome! A complete turn on the game in mere hours!!
Jul 30 2007, 02:47 AM
Ta DA!
Aug 1 2007, 06:14 AM
@Redjack: Isn't Magical Theory either a Professional or Academic Knowledge skill? I was just wondering what it is classified as since both of those are rolled with Logic and Street and Interest Knowledges are rolled with Intuition...
Aug 1 2007, 12:22 PM
@Trigger - You are correct. Somehow I had it in my mind that academic skills were intuition as well...
(Luckily the dice are the same)
Aug 1 2007, 06:16 PM
Sorry, was away over night, back on now.
For those interested BTW, I am now a memeber of the US Navy, classified as a Master at Arms. I don't ship for like a
year though, so no effect on the game.
Aug 1 2007, 06:26 PM
QUOTE (rob) |
Mr. Dancin'pants |

Aug 1 2007, 08:21 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Sorry, was away over night, back on now.
For those interested BTW, I am now a memeber of the US Navy, classified as a Master at Arms. I don't ship for like a year though, so no effect on the game. |
OK details, have you ever served in the USN?
When do you go to Boot Camp, which IIRC is in Great Lakes(Great Mistakes), Ill.
Master At Arms? did you chose that of did your Recruiter Buddy?
Is this a reserve type of position/career?
Sinbad Sam
Former USN FTM2
Aug 1 2007, 08:54 PM
never served. Been looking to be a cop (sheriff actually) for a while now, but background with the Armed Forces will go a LOOONG way to doing that. That's why the Master at Arms. I insisted on it. Scored a 93 on the ASVAB, so they said "ok". Going to Great lakes, yes, then training in San Antonio Texas. But as I said, not until next June, unless I can swing it to be sooner. I'd rather go in something like three months. Because, as well as other things, I should be able to finish most of these games by then.

And I'd only be away from a comp for two months even if we couldn't.
It's an active position, for five years (I asked for the extension). They tried to swing me in to something else, but honestly I didn't want to get roped in to something. Now I'm
looking at other things though because I don't want to wait so long. That was the first open slot they had for a MA position.
Aug 1 2007, 11:36 PM
Hmm during my tour with the USN over 20 years ago, I was Medical Barracks Master At Arms, for about 4 months. What I did during that time in no way laid any ground work for being a Law Enforcement Agent aka LEO.
Most of the shipboard MAA's did about the same thing on board ship as I did in the Medical Barracks.
Now Naval Criminal Investigative Service ie NCIS, to me would prepare your career for LEO in my mind. They wish/require a BA degree to join them.
I hope you go to Great Mistakes during non winter months.
What other positions/careers were they attempting to steer you into, with those ASVAB scores, the field should be pretty much open.
If this a Active Duty, your access to a computer will be abit more restricted than just two months.
Aug 2 2007, 01:13 AM
Hmm during my tour with the USN over 20 years ago, I was Medical Barracks Master At Arms, for about 4 months. What I did during that time in no way laid any ground work for being a Law Enforcement Agent aka LEO.
Most of the shipboard MAA's did about the same thing on board ship as I did in the Medical Barracks.
I've got a friend who just finished doing exactly what I'm going in to now. My understanding is that a lot of it is more like being a security guard, and arresting drunken sailors. I'm looking at it as a warmup. Either way, having military background is a big thing for going in to LE (yes, that
can also stand for Lawful Evil

Now Naval Criminal Investigative Service ie NCIS, to me would prepare your career for LEO in my mind. They wish/require a BA degree to join them. |
I've already had all my generals done for years now. I'm looking to get a degree in Administration of Law while I'm Enlisted. That might be a god way to go. Thanks for the tip.

What other positions/careers were they attempting to steer you into, with those ASVAB scores, the field should be pretty much open. |
They tried to get me to fill a reserve spot because they were behind on quota. They couldn't get me to go nuke (even if I'd wanted to) because I'm 27 as of July 30th. Past time when even a waiver could get me in. They said besides that, i'm qualified for whatever I want. Especially since my eys eight is good. I'd like to do a pilot program once i'm in. But you can't start out as that . I'm thinking helicopters.
If this a Active Duty, your access to a computer will be abit more restricted than just two months. |
Well I had a friend who's MA, and another who's a CTI. During training it may be more restricted. Training time for a MA is only two more months, down in Texas. After that I can live off base on the houseing allowance.
Or you can just steal some internets.
Aug 2 2007, 01:22 AM
Aug 2 2007, 01:29 AM
I had a gentleman in Boot,,who came into the USN speaking fluent Russian and Mandarin Chinese.
Learned Spanish during 8 weeks a Boot, well enough that he was able to fool some of his fellow recruits Hispanic parents. He was headed to Defense Language Institute in Monterey California. Talk about a language sponge.
Came out of Boot with a TS+ clearance drove our Company Commanders nutz with all weekly/daily reports they wanted on him for that clearance.
Well I made the mistake of taking the Nuke test while they were testing me,,had to threaten to go Air Force before they quit trying.
On board small ships the MAA, did not do the security work, the ships personnel did that, I know I did it. The MAA was mainly the one who did the paperwork for the NJP's and CM's.
Now that was 20 years ago, so hopefully things have changed abit. *shudders about the levels of security on Naval vessels*
On board a ship and some installations stealing some internet, is abit more difficult.
Will your wife travel with you on your duty stations or stay in Utah? Due to the reductions in force most can now get base housing, such as that is.
Aug 2 2007, 01:33 AM
Well we've moved from utah. We're in California now. She'll be moving along with me once I get through training.
Going in to 'Admin' mode, for the rest , we should probably move this over to PM. I'm all for OOC chit chat, but this is pretty specific, so please, feel free to PM me. I've noticed you haven't been on MSN much lately btw.
Aug 5 2007, 02:46 PM
QUOTE (Redjack) |
Of all the-.. This slitch is going to need that bodyguard before we're done.... |

Aug 6 2007, 10:56 PM
OK, we've got a bit of a slowdown going here.
Wearz, rob, think we could get some posts from you guys? Awfully quite lately.
Aug 6 2007, 11:24 PM
Damn it Redjack did you give me your luck with invisible castle.
Aug 6 2007, 11:27 PM
Wow, that was quick. haven't seen you mch on MSN lately either. Not that you have to, was just sayin'.
Aug 7 2007, 01:42 AM
I had to dump MSN too many things about it that made me and my firewalls very nervous, too many crashes too.
Aug 7 2007, 01:55 AM
Ah, yeah I had that problem too for a bit. You can connect to MSN through Yahoo msngr. My yahoo ID is the same as my hotmail one , just with @yahoo at the end.
Aug 7 2007, 01:59 AM
I hate to butt in, but I was following the game with intrest!
If MSN makes your computer cry, can I suggest one of the web based services. MSN offer one themselves, but is a web alternative.
Aug 7 2007, 02:03 AM
Hiya, feel free to lurk or ask questions. I take it as a compliment anyway. Redjack isn'ta big fan of MSN, and neither is Doc Funk. Both are able to chat to me on MSN through yahoo, and I have yahoo as well.
Aug 7 2007, 02:50 AM
Actually about every piece of software bought or stole by its parent company and subsequently infected upon the world...
Hey all, back. We've had a rough week, so its been hard for me to get down time to post.
Aug 7 2007, 03:06 AM
I figured you were mostly busy, so I didn't want to push on you. Just wanted to let you know I hadn't forgotten you.
Aug 8 2007, 11:51 PM
@Wearz: Good call looking for other abductions.
Aug 9 2007, 02:46 AM
OK, this group needs some recaps.
Karma to which ever player posts the Cast thus far, along with a quick write up on each.
Aug 9 2007, 02:53 AM
Aiden: Mage/ PI. Psychometric detective, quiet and observant.
Nix: Mage Elf, Stealthy and ever shifting in looks and clothing.
Caliph: Ex Military Sammie, detail oriented and loves his truck.
MagPye: Mage/Face Elf, smooth talker with a slick mustache.
Virginia: Crazy AmerInd Johnson lady. Personal Secretary to Dances on Clouds (other Johnson), possible 'involved' with him
Arthur Dances on Clouds: Arrogant Thunderbird Shaman and Johnson. Concerned over the kidnapping of his son, desperate and thus easy to manipulate if it comes to it.
Blood in the Water: Spooky and scary as all get out Blood Mage. Possible Kidnapper. Threat Level 'Kill Ya With his Pinkie'
Janice Dances on Clouds "Cartwright": Missing ex-wife, possible kidnapper. Not seen in a while, no leads on her location. Knowing the rest of them, she will be crazy as well.
Calli: Smuggler crew member, sexy and punk, Aiden gots her digits.
Chief: The Crew chief of the flight her from Seattle (Not given name)
Jonas Dances on Clouds: The kid that got yoinked.
WalkingBear: The detective that investigated the scene from Puebsec. Incompetent.
Carter: The guide Virginia offered of the area.
Sister Sara: Talismonger of Enoch U. Answer, mormon, so probably crazy as well.
TwoFeathers: The 'asset' that Dances hired before the team. He is currently missing in action while searching for Janice Cartwright.
Pete: Bartender of Finnegan's in Seattle. Nice guy, but stupid for supporting the humanis slitch Brackhaven.
Yin Ching: Owner of Yin Ching's Talismongery in Seattle.
Sprocket: Mystic Adept/ Rigger in Seattle, owner of Sprocket's.
Equilibrium: Talismonger at Mojo to Go in Seattle.
Raul: Smuggler and oh shit transportation.
Colorado: A Wise Man in Albuquerque
Aug 9 2007, 03:29 AM
So how much karma is that worth to us?
Aug 9 2007, 04:11 AM
4 to Trigger, 2 to Redjack for assist.
Cast of Shadows Cut/paste to first post of OOC thread for convenience
Aug 9 2007, 07:44 PM
@Redjack HOLD ON, about spending any more new yen.
Where are we on the balance sheet. To my calculations were are about to go into the Red, if not already there, and we have not even gotten a place to stay and or food expenses.
And no living in the Truck is not a option.
We had this conversation about your Hermetic Library as we were beginning preparations to get here. You did not want to take the time to pack it up, but wanted to summon spirits, besides this was going to be a quick in and out. Well it is not shaping up to be that.
So lets do a recap on what new yen has been spent, and what has not YET been spent.
20k upfront
5k bonus to meeting departure timeline
total is 25k
5,000 Summoning Supplies
3,200 Fake SIN R4 - Nix: Jim Yennis; Citizen of Salishe-Shidhe Nation; Spokane, WA
0,160 Fake Student Visa (Brigham Young) R2 - Nix
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - Nix: Jim Accawinna; Citizen of PCC [Ute]; Salt Lake City, UT
3,200 Fake SIN R4 - MagPye
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - MagPye
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - Caliph
0,800 Fake SIN R1 - Eyes
10,240 nuyen remaining.
8k for the place we are renting. Fist is this a pay for a month, or by week etc?
That leaves 2k left, now the rental of the space for the magic is 1k per week, not counting any additional materials used.
@Fist can one use Negotiations to bargain prices down on items in your games?
Aug 9 2007, 07:56 PM
If we had packed up my library it would have taken SIX days for me to activate it. That is the primary reason I left it where it was. If we want to try ritual sorcery, I have to have help to get additional dice. The help must be hermetic or spirits. Air spirits in this case.
I think the safe house is not required. We will be moving around too much for that to be usable. I need to use the library for two days. At 1000

/week even paying 500

for the two days would be a savings. Plus I need 3000

(+ premium) for additional summoning supplies.
I personally think this is the best route, but this is a team and I am definitely open to better solutions.
Aug 9 2007, 08:38 PM
Ok reasons of library explained, but I feel we are going to need it.
If we do not have a place to stay, then where do we sleep?Again living in the truck/van is not an option.
One note the house is in the suburbs, for MagPye to get the feel of the place, he will need some way to move around besides his feet.
@Fist does this area have mass transit?
Wait you spent 5k in summoning supplies, now want another 3k? that is 8k. No way.
I do not think/believe that Dances on Clouds scrimped on the Ritual to locate his son. Yes he more than likely did the Ritual work himself, but I believe/feel that he used the spirit aide in that ritual also. But since it failed I do not think he will accept that it was in anyway flawed or poorly implemented.
OK another Note, we the Hunters can also be Hunted if not already Hunted. So splitting up into solos, will just make it easier for the Hunters to take us out.
Again as a Team we need to use the Team's skills to the best we can, from what I have read, Negotiations/Bargaining can reduce the costs one pays for things/items.
I do not feel it is in any way the best route.
Aug 9 2007, 09:06 PM
One successful summoning (1500

). One failed(2000

). Still have supplies for one more summoning from team's purchase(1500

). That's where the money went....
Want to add two (3000

) more to have 3 bound spirits and one unbound. Given Cloud's failure I want a lot of dice..... I'm pretty sure I will have to defeat a ward.
I'm thinking a motels or something of the nature will work fine for us given that we will probably be mobile most of the time.
So where do we go from here?
Aug 9 2007, 09:28 PM
OK some info, from Fist is a motel lifestyle available and how much will it cost? From what I have read a lifestyle is more than a place to sleep, it is food, bathing, bathroom, laundry and access to various informations services. At least the ones above low lifestyle.
@Redjack if you are successful at all your summons, how many dice will you be able to throw? and taking a average of one success for every three dice, how many successes can that give you? With that what force of a ward will that get thru?
Where we are at is on hold, until the money and living lifestyle issues have been addressed and dealt with.
Aug 9 2007, 10:58 PM
Ritual(5) + Magic(6) + Force 3 Air Elemental(3) + Force 3 Air Elemental(3) + Force 3 Air Elemental(3) = 20 dice. (Upon rereading only bound spirits may Aid Sorcery)
The spell will be resisted by whatever size ward the target is behind. I have to assume there will be at least 9 resistance dice, perhaps more. The ward does not
stop my spell, it impedes it (but if it gets equal or more hits it impedes it to a
). The material link serves as my targeting mechanism.
Throwing edge ahead of time will give me 23 dice and the rule of 6.
Aug 9 2007, 11:41 PM
So basically with your 23 dice on average you will get 7.6 successes with out factoring in edge factor. Can edge be used in such a ritual test?
If this is a group rather than a solo, the wards can be much greater than a 9, can spirits etc, aide in a ward's resistance test?
We also have need for the services of a decker, which will also cost us new yen.
Another issue, someone slip past/by passed the magical defenses of the kid's home. Do you think a single "ghost" will even get a chance to say EEEK before it is taken off line?
The safehouse will have some degree of security, most motels will not.
Aug 10 2007, 12:04 AM
Sorry folks, I've actually been doing RL things today!
Alright ,for starters, I was trying to figure out where you got the $8000 cost for the safe house. So I went back and checked my post, and found that I did indeed post $3000. I'm suprised no one complained honestly.

$3000 for the month is the price. Sorry for the issues.
Second - their is mass transit avaiable. In the smaller 'burgs, it's just buses. It Salt Lake, there is "Traks" , a small train system similar to Bart in CA.
OK some info, from Fist is a motel lifestyle available and how much will it cost? |
If you'd like to go this route, a Low Lifestyle will cover a suite with a few rooms along with a months supply of Nuke'em burgers and Stuffer Shak meals!
If you want to eat decently for your crew, that's about a medim lifestyle, which would mean that you eat well some nights, and eat not so well on others. If you need more detail let me know.
The safe hose cost only covers the place it's self, plus basic services included like matrix access, but it has lots of room. Food is still going to cost you around about
1K for good meals for a crew of four men over the month. Fully expecting someone to order buffalo wings at some point. It woudl be a bit different from today , where going to the e grocer store is going to ct down on your expenses, since there is more real fod available in the Ute territory, but it's still pricey. Unless you guys all want to eat processed meals. Let me know.

@Fist can one use Negotiations to bargain prices down on items in your games? |
Yes, but she is already giving you some discounts, so there will be a threshold applied. Also, she's on her home ground, and knows that you guys need services, so the "Ace in the Hole" modifier will apply.
@Rob, as far as looking for physical clues, bear in mind that it has been three weeks since the kidnapping, and the Security Force (aka Police) have investigated the scene as well. Not saying there's nothign to find, since I don't know specificall what you're looking for. Just something to keep in mind.
Anything else sirs?
Aug 10 2007, 12:10 AM
IN answer to your question Wearz about having a Bound spirit use it's Aid Sorcery power for Ritual Spellcasting, it is explicitly stated in the BBB that Aid Sorcery can be used for Ritual Spellcasting.
The thing I hadn't thoght about was using multiple spirits. It had always been my understanding that only one such spirit could be used at a time. Reading in the BBB there's no mentino one way or the other. So nothing says you can't, so until I find something otherwise, I suppose you can.
Aug 10 2007, 12:21 AM
@Fist I was referring to purchasing magical supplies and the like in the Negotiations question.
My question about a spirits etc from the enemy side, so they could have the Spirit Choir 3+, waiting around to aide in the defense of the Ward?
My mistake on the 8k safehouse issue.
So 3k for the safehouse and another 1k for food for 4.
By my count that leaves 6k of monies unspent.
Things needed/wanted
Magical Summoning Supplies
Magical Lodges/Libraries
Services of Decker
Aug 10 2007, 12:25 AM
Magical supplies/services can be negotiated yes.
The ward doesnt' get extra defense dice, but there could be, say, a guardian spirit doing counterspelling. I'm not not saying there
is, jsut explaining a way for spirits to aid in the defensive side.
And n, it wasa my mistake on the safe house price. I typed it incorreclty then went back and edited it when you pointed out the 8K.
Aug 10 2007, 12:39 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
a guardian spirit doing counterspelling. |
GOOD: If I cast a passive spell, counter-spelling is not allowed.
BAD: A spell can always be attacked..
In any case, I would imagine Fist isn't gonna give me free reign on the ritual, but I do hope that after 3 weeks they have slacked a bit in their defenses...
So, I'm pretty confident I can make contact... Not so confident I can maintain it very long...
Aug 10 2007, 12:48 AM
@Redjack this is not just one kid, from the database searches it is an ongoing event. From this area there are at least 1+ kids taken, my belief is they are continuing to take kids, from across the area/region/nation. So I do not see them slacking their magical and or mundane defenses. Dancing Clouds kid is only one of many, so it was not specific against him alone.
The only exception seems to be Las Vegas, in this region. Why?
Aug 10 2007, 12:53 AM
Fist - I'm thinking more along the lines of a further out surveillance than the puebsec guys would've imagined - within a two-to-three mile radius of the house. If they walked the kid out of there, there will be a finite number of ways to do it. Unless there have been heavy rains, Caliph should be able to spot them and walk them.
If they extracted the kid by vehicle, then Caliph is more out of luck, but Puebsec would've had more potential leads from assorted surveillance and tracking systems in the area. Only question then is whether they bothered to cross reference them.
Aug 10 2007, 01:41 AM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins) |
The only exception seems to be Las Vegas, in this region. Why? |
Aug 10 2007, 01:52 AM
@Fist- What are your rules on assensing areas? As is searching for areas of emotional turbulence, centers of violence...basically looking for areas of great emotion?
Aug 10 2007, 01:55 AM
Sensing metamagic is wouldn't apply since it's a large area sense, and not that detailed. A general assesensing test would show if a site within LOS is aspected, powersite, baclground cout, etc. If it has serious emotional hold over, that would likely be a backgruond count. Anything less would likely not remain around, unless it could be sensed with psychometry.
That make sense?
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