QUOTE (Minchandre @ Apr 18 2010, 11:10 AM)

I'm trying to think how else the position of Comms Officer could be filled, though: perhaps more of a dedicated hacker? On the other hand, the open seas makes EW far more important, because if your network gets compromised, you're pretty screwed, unlike in an urban environment where there's always the ambient Matrix.
If not, our crew is going to be large enough to support one jack-of-all-trades, master-of-one, I think.
Incidentally: drones and weapons. Are they going to be personal property, or ship's property? I can see justifications either way, and while I anticipate that the response will be always-pleasing "some of both", it's still an interesting question.
For that matter, all "run relevant" equipment has a reasonably strong case for being owned by the ship. I guess most of that question is how militarized the crew actually is. A highly military and professional crew will probably be okay with most of the "big guns" being owned on a collective basis, while people who lack that background will probably be all antsy about "right to property" and stupid things like that

You basically got it right re who "owns" what. It Depends. The biggest thing I as GM see as "common property" is the ship, and anything else bought with that loan.
Re Comms officer: I leave it up to you guys, I just laid down vague descriptions so people knew why the position was included. Last camapign, it was played as the team's hacker, yes.
People can fill multiple posts, or if the crew gets big enough that you want to divide some posts, that's doable too.
One thing as I ponder all that: You guys should know OOCly that your employer is basically the UCAS Navy. I explain how this makes sense militarily and bureaucratically eventually, or at least I intend to. Keep that in mind when you're designing characters - they're not going to scrape the bottom of the barrel so far as personality types go, for instance. They'll pick from the shadowrunners on the market, naturally, but they can afford to be picky. They don't need to be ex-mil or UCAS citizens. They can be experienced or newbiie as shadowrunners.
They really should be over...Okay, metatype differences make this odd, but for sanity's sake they should be at least 17 or 18.
They should really be amenable to being in at least a quasi-military environment. They don't need to like it, but it would have been laid out at the meet that the mission will be at sea and in a military environment. I mean, hey, consider whom your employer is.
(ICly, of course, you don't know who your employer is. I don't keep it a secret from the characters for very long at all - they don't try to keep it a secret once you've all signed on and stuff, but you don't know at the time of campaign start when you meet the Johnson.)