May 15 2010, 05:17 PM
Concealed armor at 10 1 slot worth every yen.
May 15 2010, 05:42 PM
I'd like to veto the kids + paintball cover. Blood in the Water did it, and I don't think we need to directly lift our cover from another game.
May 15 2010, 06:26 PM
Why Paintball... Just why?
Cover wise nest a few we could easly have a bottom rung cover of summglers as a last resort(I even have close links to a massive summgleing ring not saying we use them but they could give us some names to throw about I.E those of there compertistion). On top of that I'm not sure but we can see.
May 15 2010, 07:08 PM
Give it a walker adaptation. Then you don't have to worry about marina's! It gets too shallow we just walk the boat closer.
[ Spoiler ]
I know. Body 10 max on Walker...
Digital Heroin
May 15 2010, 08:12 PM
When did the idea of having kids onboard a pirate ship as cover ever get mentioned? I'd have cried `oh hell no` in a heartbeat...
May 15 2010, 08:14 PM
I still like a scavenger/salvager/surveyor type cover. We can modify the megayacht, and we could even have a justification along the lines of,
"Oddly enough, H&W found that the extensive design work they had put into making their Classique V line of megayachts ultrastable for the comfort of their rich clients also made it incredibly attractive to crews performing any other work that required a rock-steady platform, like survey work or sea-bottom salvaging. After the first three near-identical requests for a Classique V hull modified to strip the luxuries and replace the swimming pool with a large flat work area, H&W officially entered the Arpenteur V into their catelogue, and it quickly became a surprisingly popular mid-size heavy work vessel."
May 15 2010, 08:32 PM
I could see that. Within certain limits.
IE, it's ultrastable...When the sea's right. A sunny Carib day? Sure! Nor'easter? No!
I totally did not realize most yachts at 150' had swimming pools, good catch. Seems a bit "..." to me, I mean you're surrounded by water already, but then I'm not rich.
Rather than a salvage ship, I just had a flash of inspiration to suggest:
A really, really exclusive fishing boat. One of those charters.
Digital Heroin
May 15 2010, 09:07 PM
Boom goes the modified proposal:
[ Spoiler ]
H&W Quintessential w. Modifications
Handling: -1
Acceleration: 10/25
Speed: 35
Pilot: 2
Body: 25
Armor: 8
Sensor: 2
Accessories: Luxury Amenities, Satlink,
300000 base
Additional Fuel Tanks (2) 2000
Concealed Armor (10) 10000 [1]
Ducted Waterjet 5000 [2]
Extra Entry/Exit Point (Submerged) 5000 [1]
Improved Economy 4375 [1]
Searchlight 1200 [1]
Airtight/Wifi Negated Smuggling Compartments 6000 [1]
Mechanical Arm w. Winch 1600 [2]
Armorer Workshop 10000 [1]
Nautical Mechanics Workshop 10000 [1]
Electronics Workshop 10000 [1]
Medical Workshop 10000 [1]
Mod Slots Used: 15/25
Total Cost: 375175
The emphasis here is on keeping up appearances, and on range. The combination of two additional fuel tanks and improved economy allows for eighteen hours of operation at cruising speeds, which would result in a range of around 540 nautical miles. It's still only a fifth of the way from the mainland to Hawaii, but it'll serve us well enough.
On the appearances front, the armor is concealed, and she is rocking a ducted waterjet for whisper quiet operations, as well as an underwater entry/egress point for covert dive-ops. The only workshop aboard which could be seen as questionable to authorities would be the Armory, but that is covered by part of the smuggler's compartments. Picture those movies where someone presses a hidden button and a rack of guns pops up... wooden paneling can hide plenty of toys. The compartments also cover any ill-gotten gains that are smaller, as for larger cargo we will presumably steal the boat/ship they come on as well.
As a base model for deck plans, I present the
Sunseeker 46, just a hair over the length you've presented, has bearths for 20 (12 passengers, 8 crew), and is designed to accommodate a motorboat and two jet-skis on its boat deck (the lowest)
I could see this covering as a charter fishing vessel quite easily, or as a rich man's toy that we're bringing between ports as he flies in his private jet.
On a side note: the economy ranger for boats in SR are pure drek. The Orca class, which I pitched earlier and often, is the same size as the Sunseeker, and we ran that puppy at about ten knots some 20 hours a day for the better part of four-five days constantly. But such is the game's mechanics, and I'd like to this I've done well within them... plus there is still room for even more fuel there.
May 16 2010, 08:53 PM
I agree that the game's economy mechanics are shit. I however have no idea what would work better. I am willing to take suggestions.
Digital Heroin
May 16 2010, 09:28 PM
Sadly they are about as good as could be imagined, without complex mechanics being involved. Groundcraft, watercraft, and aircraft would require different mechanics.
But with what's given, I'd say the proposed mods I tossed up, with even a few more fuel tanks, would do alright.
May 16 2010, 10:35 PM
May be a few more secure summgeling compartments as well. For any hot cargo we might need to hide astral heat as well might need to be considered along with a few other forms of detection. Luckily large ships seam to be made for hiding stuff as they often have airspace between the outer-hull and the main areas of the ship. These are often small but hard to get to as well. I'd also like to request special mechaneary diving to deal with decompression and gas chambers if we are having a diving hatch we don't want to deal with them full stop but I'd rather have them on board then die due to the lack of them. Also Having a Proteus Lamprey and a way to deploy it would be nice but we can always expand.
Multifuel Engine and SunCells seam a good deal as apparently every vehicle in 2070 has basic solar cells in its paint ect there must have been some huge solar power revolution. That would alow for our dealse craft to at least function likely slower but quieter for days at a time as with improved economy and suncells will mean on a sunny day we can just cruse. As siting still will regain us 1 hour of travel per 2 hours recharging up to 50% of the max operation time excluding the sun x2 bonus. We could also add hydrofoil capability for when we need to move fast though that seams less likely/pracical though it is a deployable mod looking at the text.
QUOTE (Arsenal pg 103 Operation time)
many ships have an operation time of weeks, if not months.
May 16 2010, 11:04 PM
Yeah. Last time, I threw Arsenal's Optime rules out the window and just went with straight fuel economy, making the numbers a bit of an asspull.
Should I do that this time?
May 16 2010, 11:09 PM
I'd likely do a bit of both take a standard 150 yatchs max range and use that as a guide. In a ship based game a few extra run time rules on X from soild fule and X from the SunCells ect seams sense-able if necessary. Though looking at SunCells any ship would be dumb not to carry them. You'd leave port on there power switch to soild fule when there dry till they recharge and repeat.
May 16 2010, 11:14 PM
Which sounds sensible....Thing is though that suncells seem more like modern day solar panels...Which, having them on my house, I can tell you do not work well with water. Salt water would be even worse. Sounds more like something you'd put on ground vehicles, not ships.
May 17 2010, 04:30 PM
Okay guys.
Xahn Borealis
Digital Heroin
It's been a month of chargen. If you're on this list...can I please see a bio soon? I'd like to wrap up chargen and focus on boatgen. (Among boatgen's many tasks, please remember to pick a name for the boat.

Boatgen we're actually moving at a really nice clip on! If people are at all like me, we're probably all really freakin anxious to get started already. I'd be totally willing to start on the 22nd - Or, if you need more time, the 29th. My drop-dead date for starting is June 1. But all of this depends on things being done.
May 17 2010, 05:17 PM
I wanna Heavy Gauss Cannon in a concealed mount. Of course that'd cost us 2 additional boats...
May 17 2010, 05:37 PM
The House Committee on Appropriations, Intelligence Subcommittee says no way in hell to the gauss cannon.
May 17 2010, 06:47 PM
QUOTE (Penta @ May 17 2010, 11:37 AM)

The House Committee on Appropriations, Intelligence Subcommittee says no way in hell to the gauss cannon.
What about fricken' lasers?
May 17 2010, 07:08 PM
I do believe by RAW firckin' sharks with frickin' laser on their frickin' heads is possible as a pet. As for Bio its kindo of not working I mightre do a big chunk and maybe rejig my PC a bit.
May 17 2010, 07:28 PM
The shark with the laser will get you ThorCow'd.
Dumori: Okay....Please be quick about it though.
May 17 2010, 08:43 PM
How much of a Bio do you need I can get you enought to make sense of his skills contacts and a bit of personality. Enough to RP consitantly as I'm sure like all my PCs he'll grow bio wise in play.
May 17 2010, 09:17 PM
By this point, that's all I want.
May 17 2010, 10:19 PM
Penta- I sent you my bio over a month ago with my original character sheet you could not open. However, I will dig it up and resend it to you tommorrrow.
As far the cover I like the salvage/treasure hunter cover. If they did actually a quick search of the boat most if not all the workshops would pass inspection except the armor workshop which we could have a cover as a dive rigging work shop. Throw some heavy digging gear, a couple underwater drones and it could pass inspection. I forget the name of the movie but I am thinking our boat would be much like the boat in Matthew Maconhay's movie where he works for a treaure hunter and he is looking for a civil war ironclad in Africa.
May 17 2010, 10:41 PM
....Spudrocks, I just realized you did. My bad, just searched gmail.
Okay, spudrocks is in...
Digital Heroin
May 18 2010, 02:27 AM
Background and 50 Questions for Salt are fired out of the port tube.
So, for everyone, how do we stand on the mod-layout I presented?
Digital Heroin
May 18 2010, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (spudrocks @ May 17 2010, 11:19 PM)

Penta- I sent you my bio over a month ago with my original character sheet you could not open. However, I will dig it up and resend it to you tommorrrow.
As far the cover I like the salvage/treasure hunter cover. If they did actually a quick search of the boat most if not all the workshops would pass inspection except the armor workshop which we could have a cover as a dive rigging work shop. Throw some heavy digging gear, a couple underwater drones and it could pass inspection. I forget the name of the movie but I am thinking our boat would be much like the boat in Matthew Maconhay's movie where he works for a treaure hunter and he is looking for a civil war ironclad in Africa.
Sahara, I do believe is the name of that movie.
May 18 2010, 02:45 AM
Received, DH. And approved.
Digital Heroin
May 18 2010, 02:50 AM
Cool... hopefully it conveys the right "hard as fuck, but quiet about it" feel.
May 18 2010, 03:27 AM
Digital Heroin, I think your modified boat is fine...though I would like a more, uh Socratic boat modification scheme, with everyone listing the mods they need and the mods they want, and the group/GM figuring it out from there.
That said, we still need a cover, or is everyone agreed on salvages?
May 18 2010, 03:51 AM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ May 15 2010, 02:07 PM)

Boom goes the modified proposal:
[ Spoiler ]
H&W Quintessential w. Modifications
Handling: -1
Acceleration: 10/25
Speed: 35
Pilot: 2
Body: 25
Armor: 8
Sensor: 2
Accessories: Luxury Amenities, Satlink,
300000 base
Additional Fuel Tanks (2) 2000
Concealed Armor (10) 10000 [1]
Ducted Waterjet 5000 [2]
Extra Entry/Exit Point (Submerged) 5000 [1]
Improved Economy 4375 [1]
Searchlight 1200 [1]
Airtight/Wifi Negated Smuggling Compartments 6000 [1]
Mechanical Arm w. Winch 1600 [2]
Armorer Workshop 10000 [1]
Nautical Mechanics Workshop 10000 [1]
Electronics Workshop 10000 [1]
Medical Workshop 10000 [1]
Mod Slots Used: 15/25
Total Cost: 375175
Good overall. As others have pointed out, more smuggling compartments is better.
As for my own entries:
1. Rigger adaption, assuming the boat doesn't come with a free one. 1 slot, 2500

2. Improved Sensor Array. 1 slot, 1000

3. Level 1 Life Support, so that gassing the boat is not as much of an option. Level 2 seems a little extreme. 1 slot, 12500

4. Interior Cameras, very useful for dealing with people *on* our boat. Be they inspectors, prisoners, clients, or pirates. Can be enhanced with thermo/low light if desired. 1 slot, 2500

5. Vehicle Tag Eraser, it's a 6F, but no one is going to see it unless they rip the ship apart. 1 slot, 6250

QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 17 2010, 08:27 PM)

Digital Heroin, I think your modified boat is fine...though I would like a more, uh Socratic boat modification scheme, with everyone listing the mods they need and the mods they want, and the group/GM figuring it out from there.
That said, we still need a cover, or is everyone agreed on salvages?
I would go with salvagers as a primary cover, followed by smugglers, followed by being...pirates?
May 18 2010, 04:30 AM
If we're going to do mods of DH's rather than the Socratic method, let me put in for
-Full skinlink (5000)
-ECM 10 (10000)
-Improved Sensor Array (1000) (Slots used 26/30)
-Atmospheric Sensors 3 (75)
-Directional Mic x 5 (375)
-Laser Mic 6 x 2 (600)
-Olfactory Sensor 6 (3000)
-Radio Signal Scanner 6 (300)
-Barometric (200)
-Liquid Analyzer (2000)
-Nonlinear Junction Detector 6 (600)
-Radar 6 (1200)
-Sonar Active 6 (1200)
-Sonar Passive 6 (1200)
-Radiation (100)
-Thermometric (20)
-Ultrawideband Radar 4 (2000)
-Special Machinery (Something Salvagey)
-Winch (enchanced) 5000
Total cost
We also should have some sort of Nexus, maybe, unless everyone's fine running stuff on their own 'links.
I'd also like a large purchase:
Large landing drone rack (20000)
Saeder-Krupp Mk-17D Neptune (22000)
-Microwave link 8 x 2 (one for the boat) (3200)
-Retrans 6 (4000)
-Smart Jammer Area 4 (4000)
-ECM 5 (5000)
Total = 58200
That would be our EW drone! With luck, we can use it to help subord ships before we even board them!
By the way, why doesn't the armor go all the way to 20?
EDIT: I just realized that some sensors take more than 1 capacity...anti-camera devices dropped. Also, Ultrawide band added per Faraday's suggestion.
May 18 2010, 04:34 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 17 2010, 09:30 PM)

By the way, why doesn't the armor go all the way to 20?
I dunno. I guess they needed some way to keep concealed armor from being ridiculous.
Also, you should make room for an ultrawideband scanner in the improved sensor array. I personally would love to see what's in a potential target before going after it. Also, ECM is nice, but a little...illegal and conspicuous.
May 18 2010, 05:16 AM
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 17 2010, 10:34 PM)

I dunno. I guess they needed some way to keep concealed armor from being ridiculous.
Also, you should make room for an ultrawideband scanner in the improved sensor array. I personally would love to see what's in a potential target before going after it. Also, ECM is nice, but a little...illegal and conspicuous.
That's why we keep it off most of the time. I figured we would turn ECM on only when going in for the kill, or defensively.
May 18 2010, 05:26 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 17 2010, 10:16 PM)

That's why we keep it off most of the time. I figured we would turn ECM on only when going in for the kill, or defensively.
I'm more concerned with the authorities finding it while doing a boat inspection or something. Also, the manual override function may be a good idea if we don't want to get hijacked ourselves.
May 18 2010, 05:32 AM
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 17 2010, 10:26 PM)

I'm more concerned with the authorities finding it while doing a boat inspection or something. Also, the manual override function may be a good idea if we don't want to get hijacked ourselves.
That's true, though we can always true and hide it or something. Besides, I doubt that the Caribbean League (for example) is going to be enforcing much in the way of laws. Plus, high seas!
May 18 2010, 06:32 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 17 2010, 10:32 PM)

That's true, though we can always true and hide it or something. Besides, I doubt that the Caribbean League (for example) is going to be enforcing much in the way of laws. Plus, high seas!
Yeah, I thought about adding ECM to my "want" list, but I'm not sure how easy it is to hide the equipment. But yeah, CL is pretty...erm... lax about that sort of thing. Bribes can also go a long way to "hiding" forbidden gear.
Xahn Borealis
May 19 2010, 01:49 PM
Bio and revised sheet by tomorrow night, RL took a great steaming dump all over me and told me it was hail. Then told me to get a shovel.
May 19 2010, 02:05 PM
May 20 2010, 06:04 AM
Do people think we should have a little public armory? Like, have 5-10 pistols, SMGs, and/or assault rifles just to have around?
May 20 2010, 08:40 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 19 2010, 11:04 PM)

Do people think we should have a little public armory? Like, have 5-10 pistols, SMGs, and/or assault rifles just to have around?
Always wanted one of those.

Although who's gonna use it... I dunno. >.>
May 20 2010, 11:34 AM
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 20 2010, 03:40 AM)

Always wanted one of those.

Although who's gonna use it... I dunno. >.>
Nik might use it if his pistol is lost or damaged. Being out in the open ocean, replacing weapons that are lost, for whatever reason, isn't as easy as going to your friendly neighborhood fixer back in Seattle, NYC, wherever.
Xahn Borealis
May 20 2010, 01:02 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 20 2010, 07:04 AM)

Do people think we should have a little public armory?
I think you mean communal. "And here's where we keep the guns! Help yourself!"
May 20 2010, 03:26 PM
I'm confused. Min, do you mean armory as in "place to store guns" or as in "place to fix guns"?
May 20 2010, 04:15 PM
Communal gun-rack, placed conveniently next to a hatch so we can all run out while the buzzer goes off grabbing a gun on the way out all cinematic like.
May 20 2010, 06:56 PM
Armorys tend to both store and maintain.
May 20 2010, 07:12 PM
Yeah, but one is another shop (by the sounds of it) while one can be handwaved.
May 20 2010, 07:18 PM
QUOTE (Penta @ May 20 2010, 08:12 PM)

Yeah, but one is another shop (by the sounds of it) while one can be handwaved.
The armorer workshop is already planed.
May 20 2010, 07:47 PM
Oh...Oh yeah...
*cry* Chargen/Boatgen has gone on for a month...My brain is leaking.
May 20 2010, 08:13 PM
Yeah, I just meant have a bunch of communal guns for generic gun purposes.
May 20 2010, 08:18 PM
Oh, psssh. That costs no slots at all.
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