The masses wanted to see it, and here it comes! Jolly Roger's final stats sheet, bio, and description!
Vital Stats[ Spoiler ]
Name: Dr. Angus Audrey
Alias: Jolly Roger
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Metatype: Human
Role: General Medical Support and Subtle Hacker
Brief Description: Jolly Roger is first and foremost a medical professional, but he's got an excellent hacking ability as well. His style is very subtle, however, and in fact he has little ability to deal with Black IC or enemy hackers. He can hold a pistol, but likes tasers a lot more. A little better than your average Joe Sixpack at talking and knows his way around workshops involving weapons, armor, and boats. Oh, and he has a very keen sense of awareness along with excellent learning retention, doubly so for academic knowledge.
Body 3
Agility 2
Reaction 3
Strength 2
Charisma 2
Intuition 5
Logic 5 (7)
Willpower 3
Edge 5
Magic 4 (3)
Physical and Personality Description[ Spoiler ]
Physical/Personality Description:
Angus is a human of middling height and weight, (175 cm/68 kg) anglo-saxon features, and dark red hair. He tends to wear simple clothing on casual days, jeans, t-shirt with form-fitting half-body suit underneath, and leather jacket and shoes. He puts on SecureTech armor parts when going out on the street (they're the subtle variety). He spoofs his lifestyle on a regular basis these days, so he'll pick up a number of different clothing articles for fancy nights out.
Angus is usually quiet, calculating, and perceptive. He does, however have a strong curiosity streak that has gotten him in trouble more than once. One particular incident involved him being scorched by Psychotrophic IC while hacking around in a high level system. The experience left him wary of Black IC and his mind tends to lock up when getting hammered by BTLs, drugs, or other psychologically jolting nasties.
His one big peeve is anti-meta groups, Humanis especially, despite being a human himself. Anyone echoing the kind of "idiotic, bigoted, and cowardly bullshit" that such groups espouse will be debunked, scoffed at, or otherwise coldly recieved. He *can* keep his mouth shut if truly necessary, but he has to fight himself.
Background[ Spoiler ]
Born 24 April, 2048 to the Audrey family in a rich section of Albany, New York, Angus Audrey was already singled out for brilliance, being given an early genetic tweak for intellect. His childhood involved a fair amount of freedom, (relative) luxury, and the start of grooming for leadership. His father, Walter Audrey, the chairman and CEO of a Biotech company that had survived through the worst of the 21st century, also happened to be a Humanis member and chapter leader for upstate New York. Angus didn’t particularly agree with his father on human supremacy, but was smart enough not to make a fuss.
At 14, Angus began his college career, double majoring in Medicine and Computer Science. Due to his budding, but as-of-yet unnoticed magical ability, he was able to finish his bachelor’s in only 3 years even while dipping his toes into the hacking community, taking the handle of “Jolly Roger”. He proceeded to get his masters in a single year and his Doctorate of Medicine in 2.
During his time in college, he met a number of other colleagues who agreed with his distaste for Humanis. A number of them were also hackers, and so they would occasionally break into racist networks or deface their AR ads. During one run on a Humanis network, they hit a red site and got picked up by Black IC. His friends were able to get out in time, but he ended up getting locked down by psychotrophic IC and burned, he carries the mental scar to this day and would lock up if he got caught in similar circumstances.
After achieving MD and then some in less than a decade, his Father allowed him some freedom to “ease back into the real world” before taking him into the business. Angus already had offers from several corp recruiters and decided to pick up a clinical position with Docwagon. He worked with the outfit for a year (including training) and did well there. Every slotter that wound up on his table got off it alive.
Early 2072, he operated on a shadowrunner by the name of “Spanner”. Having some medical training herself, he knew he was real lucky to be alive, mostly thanks to the presiding surgeon. He gave Angus a commcode and a couple words. "Call this guy when you're in a bind. Tell him Spanner sent ya." The commcode was that of Kevin Roberts, although he didn’t have use of it until a few weeks later…
Not long after getting the commcode, Angus got an Order 1147, “Employment Terminated at-will, no reason given.” The order came a couple pay grades above him, and all contact within the company is cut off. Attempts at finding other (legitimate) employment turned out fruitless. It quickly became apparent that his father was behind this, wanting his son to “come back to roost”.
Angus won’t take this lying down. For the last few months, he’s been spoofing a lifestyle across the eastern seaboard from New York down to Miami, where the promise of employment beckons.
Active Skills[ Spoiler ]
Biotech Group 4
-First Aid (6)
Electronics Group 4
-Computer (6)
Influence Group 1
Cybercombat 1
Electronic Warfare 3
Hacking 6 (9)
Gymnastics 3 (4)
Nautical Mechanic 2
Perception 3
Pistols 3
Swimming 2
Knowledge Skills[ Spoiler ]
English (N)
Spanish (3)
--Academic-- (Including +1 from college education)
Chemistry 3
Cybertechnology 3
Genetics 2
Magic Theory 2
Matrix Theory 3
Medical Theory 6
Nanotech 2
Operating systems 3
Nautical Mechanics 2
Corp (Docwagon) 3
Hangouts (Matrix) 2
Regional (New York) 4
Humanis Policlub 1
Magic[ Spoiler ]
--Adept Powers--
Improved Technical Ability (Computer) 2
Improved Technical Ability (First Aid) 2
Improved Technical Ability (Hacking) 3
Improved Physical Ability (Gymnastics) 1
Enhanced Perception 1
Combat Sense 1
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
Biocompatibility (Bioware)
Black Market Pipeline: Warez
College Education
Restricted Gear
Prejudiced (Outspoken, Humanis Policlub Members)
Records On File
Augmentations[ Spoiler ]
Cerebral Booster 2 (Alpha)
Encephalon I (Alpha)
Datajack (Beta)
Synthacardium 3
Essence cost=.999
Gear: 250,000
[ Spoiler ]
Hacking Ware[ Spoiler ]
Hermes Ikon (Response 6, Signal 5)
-Optimized (Exploit)
-Simsense Accelerator
-Hardening 4
Novatech Navi (System 6, Firewall 6)
Common Use Programs:
Analyze 6
Browse 6
Command 6
Edit 6
Encrypt 6
Scan 6
Armor 6
Attack 3
Data Bomb 5
Decrypt 6
Defuse 6
Exploit 6
Medic 2
Sniffer 6
Spoof 6
Stealth 6
Track 3
Armor and Weapons[ Spoiler ]
Street Ensemble: (8/7, Encumb: 6)
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit (4/1, half encumbrance effects)
-Nonconductive 6
-Fire Resistant 6
Leather Jacket (2/2)
-Chemical Protection 5
PPP Arm & Leg Casings, Shin Guards, Vitals Protector, and Forearm Guards (+2/+4)
x2 Yamaha Pulars (1 In Concealable holster, 1 in Quick-draw holster, 6 clips of ammo)
-Personalized Grip
-Barrel Reduction
-Laser Sight (Top Mount)
-Gecko Grip
EX-Defiance Shocker (Hidden in pieces among his person, 2 clips of ammo)
-Easy Breakdown (Manual)
-Personalized Grip
-Laser Sight (Top Mount)
General Gear[ Spoiler ]
Ammunition Pouch
Earbuds 2
-Audio Enhancements 3
-Select Sound Filter 3
x2 Laser Links (Rating 6)
Glasses 4
-Vision Enhancements 3
-Flare Comp
-Image Link
Medkit 6
Gas Mask
Fake SIN 4
Fake SIN 2
Tool Kit (Electronics)
x5 Storage Datachips
x6 Doses of Breathtaker
Drones[ Spoiler ]
Base Stats: Device Rating 3, Body 1, Handling 0, Acceleration 3/10, Max Speed 10
Software: Pilot 2, Sensor 1, Covert Ops 1
Mods: Gecko Tips, Chameleon Coating, Retrans Unit (Signal 4), Smoke Projector (Loaded with Breathtaker)
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Patches 4/4- A former fellow student at Roger's medical college, Patches ended up being punted to the street when his parents stopped paying the tuition a couple months prior to the completion of his Doctorate Thesis. (Adjustable rate mortgage went up, and they couldn't afford much else after that. Student loans were not an option because of certain "demographics".) Since he could not get work as a legitimate doctor, Patches found willing work at a shadow clinic in Philladelphia. In the mean time, Roger has kept in touch with his old college buddy and they have exchanged favors back and forth for a few years. More than once has Roger gotten an inexpensive and more importantly, *quiet* augmentation in exchange for medical research data, messing with undesirable records, or even just helping with another operation.
Kevin Roberts 2/4 - Not really much contact. See Backstory.