May 1 2010, 10:57 PM
Fair point.
May 2 2010, 06:58 AM
Ok, so I must know. How much combat will we see? And will we need all hands fighting instead of cowering in a corner, trying to blend in with the scenery? I guess Roger could just drop tasers entirely and go all infiltration.
May 2 2010, 07:06 AM
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 1 2010, 11:58 PM)

Ok, so I must know. How much combat will we see? And will we need all hands fighting instead of cowering in a corner, trying to blend in with the scenery? I guess Roger could just drop tasers entirely and go all infiltration.
'Cause we're on a boat (motherfucker!), we can probably get away with one or two of us hanging behind (especially if these people are hackers and/or drone riggers, though I don't think we have any of the latter).
With someone who's a dedicated EW person keeping the airwaves clear, I think it's not particularly necessary for hackers to get close to the action at all especially if get, as I'll recommend, a submarine drone with a retrans unit and good ECCM.
May 2 2010, 07:13 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 2 2010, 12:06 AM)

'Cause we're on a boat (motherfucker!), we can probably get away with one or two of us hanging behind (especially if these people are hackers and/or drone riggers, though I don't think we have any of the latter).
With someone who's a dedicated EW person keeping the airwaves clear, I think it's not particularly necessary for hackers to get close to the action at all especially if get, as I'll recommend, a submarine drone with a retrans unit and good ECCM.
See, I was thinking the boarding party could just bring a bust-a-move along packed with a Jammer, ECCM, and a Retrans Unit. (maybe chameleon coating too)
Good to know I don't need to try too hard at combat.
May 2 2010, 07:22 AM
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 2 2010, 01:13 AM)

See, I was thinking the boarding party could just bring a bust-a-move along packed with a Jammer, ECCM, and a Retrans Unit. (maybe chameleon coating too)
Good to know I don't need to try too hard at combat.
But with a submarine, the hackers can get the ship locked down before the boarding party even boards
EDIT: I was actually originally eying the GTS Tower, but since we don't have a drone rigger, we don't need a tiny aircraft carrier, and a submarine is less delicate and less detectable (though an EW submarine will probably be pretty easy to spot)
Also, because I never used this when I should have:
Cherry's got some much 'ware in her head that she sneezes fiber

May 2 2010, 08:41 AM
May 2 2010, 02:08 PM
For the record: Assigned missions may (probably will) vary from this, but "independent duties" will more than likely follow the routine laid out in Cyberpirates for a pirate raid.
You find suitable targets, you search for them, you approach, you raid and capture...Then you gotta figure out how to fence the damn stuff.
Now, to this GM, much of the verbiage in CP about rep and stuff is bullshit. But the framework still works okay.
May 2 2010, 02:16 PM
Totally randomly: I was gonna post another copy of the "Who does what listing", but got lost as I tried to post it.
Anybody who wants to copy my format and keep it updated? Maximum of 1 karma in it for you.
First come first serve though.
Xahn Borealis
May 2 2010, 03:11 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 1 2010, 09:11 PM)

I believe the consensus was that we needed Electronics, Medical, Armorer, and Nautical Mechanic.
Do you mean Hardware for Electronics? Tools are bought for individual technical skills, not skill groups.
May 2 2010, 06:01 PM
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ May 2 2010, 08:11 AM)

Do you mean Hardware for Electronics? Tools are bought for individual technical skills, not skill groups.
Should. It's not like there's really a way to make a physical kit for computer, software, or data search.
May 2 2010, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ May 2 2010, 09:11 AM)

Do you mean Hardware for Electronics? Tools are bought for individual technical skills, not skill groups.
Yeah, sorry. As Faraday said, it's not like there's a whole lot of tools you need for Software, Computer, or Data Search.
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 2 2010, 02:41 AM)

I see Aquaman as more of an old school rigger than a drone rigger - either way, he still isn't the kind of guy who calls for us to have a tiny aircraft carrier.
May 2 2010, 07:39 PM
Commander: (Digital Heroin? His character is going to be a face-y type and Master, making him CO makes sense)
Master: Digital Heroin
XO: BigPapa? Minchandre?
Engineering Officer: Xahn Borealis
Gunnery Officer: GrimWulf
Marine CO: Dumori, Grinder
Thaumaturgical Officer: fazzamar, spudrocks
Intelligence Officer: Grinder, tutori?, BigPapa?
Quartermaster: Dumori
Medical Officer: Faraday/Hudson(?) (Multiple interest from both - Penta)
Navigation Officer: Xahn Borealis
Communications Officer: Minchandre, Faraday
I dropped Belvidere and remmus because they haven't posted for so long. Otherwise, it's fairly unchanged, except that Intel Officer is now apparently a super popular position.
Also, because no one's suggested themselves for Commander yet, I've suggested Digital Heroin, whose character seems to fit the post pretty well.
May 2 2010, 07:44 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 2 2010, 12:39 PM)

Dropped Belvidere and remmus because they haven't posted for so long. Otherwise, it's fairly unchanged, except that Intel Officer is now apparently a super popular position.
Also, because no one's suggested themselves for Commander yet, I've suggested Digital Heroin, whose character seems to fit the post pretty well.
Forgot me as comms officer. I'm the subtle one.
May 2 2010, 07:51 PM
And Minchandre wins 1 karma, not applicable to chargen. Thanks!
May 2 2010, 07:58 PM
QUOTE (Faraday @ May 2 2010, 12:44 PM)

Forgot me as comms officer. I'm the subtle one.

Sorry, I couldn't find a post between the old list and the current one where you suggested yourself as Comms. List updated.
May 2 2010, 11:05 PM
By the way, I just ran the numbers to convert SR4 speed into knots: 1 speed (which is 1/3 m/s) is the same as 0.65 knots (to make life easy, probably use a conversion factor of 2/3 - e.g., the top speed of a Harland and Wolff Classique III is 35, which translates to 23 knots.
...Wow, Shadowrun watercraft are pretty fast.
Also, for reference, 1 knot is a little more than 1 mph (1 knot = 1.15 mph) and about 1.85 km/hr.
May 2 2010, 11:13 PM
It's also (ChromeTiger looked at the windows and gave me a guesstimate) about 85-100 feet long.
Xahn Borealis
May 2 2010, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 2 2010, 08:27 PM)

I see Aquaman as more of an old school rigger than a drone rigger - either way, he still isn't the kind of guy who calls for us to have a tiny aircraft carrier.
Don't I have a say? It's my character.

But, yeah, I would like to have a drone or two one day, but I'll be your pilot for the foreseeable future.
May 3 2010, 12:50 AM
Speaking of drones, I have been tinkering with my character due to our GM saying we should have some ability to survive combat. As a side effect, I ended up having enough money for a cute little teddy bear...with chameleon coating, a retrans unit, gecko tips, and a smoke projector. I'm hoping I can use "alternatives" to normal, everyday smoke, such as warp, breathtaker, or nausea gas. I also have managed to squeeze more hacking capability out of him and focused less on B&R skills. He's still got Naughty nautical Mechanic 2, though.
May 3 2010, 02:02 AM
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ May 2 2010, 04:34 PM)

Don't I have a say? It's my character.

But, yeah, I would like to have a drone or two one day, but I'll be your pilot for the foreseeable future.
No, you don't get any say in your own character
I was just inferring based on the fact that your character had no drones or autosofts.
May 3 2010, 01:49 PM
Okay...I came into school very early to do stuff with other people in one of my classes.
Nobody showed.
So...I'm applying my brainpower to stuff for this.
Thoughts on a possible ship:
This is hardly a voice of God thing, just an idea I had because dammit I have nothing to do for 8 hours now.
<Needs a catchy name>
Length overall: 120' (36.58 meters)
Speed: 23 knots (SR4 speed: 35) (A workable speed, actually, for a yacht)
Beam: 24.57 feet
Draft: 6 feet (unloaded)
Design concept: The H&W Classique III is a great yacht, but at 85-100' long (based on the size of the windows) may be too small for some clients.
This yacht is basically an upsized, upengined Classique III; designed somewhat conventionally, this design is intended for midsized corporate clients, or for clients who have higher-than-usual entertainment needs.
SR4 stats:
See H&W Classique III. +1 to Body (so 25 body).

Standard features: Improved Amenities (Luxury); Satellite Uplink
As designed, the crew complement was 3, passengers 12. This can be extended if you take out the luxury amenities. Even downgrading to High gets you an extra 5 people (for 17 passengers). Middle gets you another 10 (for 22 passengers).
That said, for our purposes only the outward stuff matters - what can't be seen can be modified severely if you guys feel like you want to devise a floorplan (even in MS paint!) or something.
May 3 2010, 02:34 PM
More babble, because It's My Game and I Can Babble If I Want To...Or something.
Because I love to read, bios are required, and because this is a writing-heavy (duh) sort of game, I've been fairly accepting on how you format it and how detailed it is...I really just want to see how well you write.
That won't change.
However, what I'm going to offer?
There's the bio, the narrative thing where you can use the 20 questions from Runner's Companion as a base. But basically, it's the background and personality of your character.
That's required, that gets no karma.
However, should you go above and beyond and do the 20 questions, all of them, as a separate document? That's worth 1 karma once you've emailed them to me and I've read em.
If I'm inspired enough to do 5-10 "Supplemental questions" specific to the character, answering all of the supplementals gets 1 karma extra. (Why the imbalance? Because some of the stock questions are easy and only require a sentence, if that. Some of mine might only require a sentence, but usually they require a degree of thought.)
Minichandre, because he was insane enough to do it all already, thus gets 2 karma. I could swear there are others who've also done it all, but I can't find their answers.
May 3 2010, 04:43 PM
Name: Dominik Koslov
Alias: Nik
Age: 23 (Born Oct 5th 2049)
Sex: Male
Metatype: Ork
Role: Hermetic Mage (Specializes in Utility with a touch of Combat)
Attributes[ Spoiler ]
Body 6
Agility 4
Reaction 3
Strength 4
Charisma 3
Intuition 3
Logic 5
Willpower 5
Edge 2
Magic 4 (bought 5, lost 1 to essence loss)
Starting Nuyen: 3D6 x ¥50 + ¥150 (had ¥371 left divided by ¥100 (round down) * ¥50 for low lifestyle) in certified credsticks
Biography[ Spoiler ]
Dominik was born an ork in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston on Oct 5th of 2049 to a lower-class Russian family of 4; Nikolai (father), Tasha (mother), Katya (sister), and Sasha (brother). He joined a Russian street gang the Red Anarchists (RA) at a young age (12). The RA was affiliated with the Vory so Dominik picked up a fair bit of information about the crime syndicate. He discovered his Talent at the age of 15 (late bloomer) by spontaneously healing his lifelong friend Franky, saving his life. In light of his recently discovered powers, Dominik felt that he could make more money on his own than working with his gang. When trying to leave the gang Dominik ended up killing the gang leader (Spikes) and his two lieutenants ensuring that they will not come after him. By the age of 17 he found himself a very busy man doing work for the Vory and various other businesses. The time in the Red Anarchists has desensitized him to violence and as a result he doesn't have objections to doing wet-work, but he prefers to do work more stealthily since bodies tend to draw more attention. He did mostly B&E and stealth sensitive work on small teams, nothing involving much danger. At one point he got arrested after being caught in a sting operation designed to catch the local runners and spent a short time (4 months) in a juvenile detention center getting a regular SIN, since juvenile records are sealed he couldn't be issued a criminal SIN, (he was sloppy and accepted work from just about everyone and eventually got caught for it). After he got out he was much more careful and worked almost exclusively through Redd Foxx, a street-level fixer at the time. Over the years as Redd began moving up to more of a low-level fixer, Dominik started doing work that would be more qualified as shadowrun work consistently. Things were going well for Dominik for a few years, that was until on a raid on an local corporate warehouse went horribly bad. When the dust cleared Dominik’s leg was so badly injured replacement was the only choice. Getting a tip from Redd Foxx that the warehouse's owners were looking for him, Dominik decided to go for a change of scenery for a while to let the heat cool down. Other than the time served as a juvenile, Deminik has been very careful to not get in trouble with the law, or leave incrementing evidence at jobs.
Physical and Personality Description[ Spoiler ]
Dominik is a stereotypical ork when it comes to size, but you can definitely tell he's of Russian decent when looking at him. He’s right around 1.9 meters tall and 128 kg. He likes to wear nice cloths but his current situation has forced him to wear clothing that is less conspicuous. Dominik keeps his living area very organized, it appears to be a disaster, but it's organized chaos, he knows where everything should be. Just like his living space, Dominik tends to be a little scattered, but he is keeping track of everything that is going on. He tends to be reserved but polite, except when it comes to women, but even then he is simply curt. His slight bias against women often causes him to offer to take over a job/task a woman is doing because he feels he could do it better, even if he is less skilled, fortunately it usually comes across as him wanting to help to less perceptive people. He doesn’t tend to be overt about being a caster to avoid drawing unwanted attention from local crime syndicate, corp, and government "recruiters", other than on a need to know basis, i.e. his teammates. He has a relatively heavy Russian accent despite never being to Russia, being around Russians your whole life will do that. He has a slight gambling problem and has a bad tendency to not know when to quit. One of his most prized possessions is his customized Colt 2066 with the engraving of a pair of dice showing snake eyes on the slide, which he keeps on him at all times.
Skills[ Spoiler ]
Conjuring Group 2
Spellcasting 5
Astral Combat 3
Counterspelling 3
Perception 3
Infiltration 3
Shadowing 2
Pistols 5
Dodge 2
Swimming 1
Nautical Mechanic 1
Criminal (Vory) 2
Magic Background 2
Gambling 4
Boston Gang Identification 4
Procedure (Lone Star) 2
Criminal Hangouts (Boston) 3
English N
Russian 5
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
Magician 30
Biocompatibility (Cyberware) 20
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) -20 (Biased against women, a trait he picked up from his father and gang-mates)
Records on File -20 (He was incarcerated when he was a teen, so Lone Star has records on him)
SINner -10 (Received when incarcerated when he was a teen, but got a regular SIN since he was a minor)
Compulsive - Mild -10 (Can't stop gambling once he starts until he runs out of cash, can resist gambling... just can't stop once he starts)
Magic[ Spoiler ]
Increase Reflexes
Improved Invisibility
Magic Fingers
Force 4 Bound Water Spirit with 4 services
Cyberware[ Spoiler ]
Obvious Full Leg (Bod:6 Str:4 Agi:4)
+Cyber Holster (Holds Colt Government 2066)
+Smuggling Compartment, Large (Holding Binoculars, 2 clips of regular ammo, 1 clip of subsonic ammo)
Cybereyes Rating 2
+Image Link/Recorder
+Low-Light Vision
+Thermographic Vision
+Vision Enhancement Rating 1
Gear[ Spoiler ]
Sustaining Focus rating 3 (Bound, Healing)
Colt Government 2066
+Custom Look (1) : A pair of dice showing snake eyes engraved into each side of the slide.
+Ceramic Components (1)
+Smartgun System Internal
+14 Hi-C Plastic Rounds
+28 EX-Explosive Rounds
+28 Gel Rounds
+28 Subsonic Rounds
+56 Regular Rounds
+11 Spare Clips (enough for all the rounds)
Lined Coat
+Thermal Dampening 2
+Insulation 2
+Chemical Protection 2
Form-Fitting Body Armor Shirt (I know these are cheesy, so I went with just the shirt)
2 Fake SINs Rating 1
Optical Binoculars (every mage should have em)
20 Standard RFID tags
Tag Eraser
Sony Emperor Commlink w/ Renraku Ichi OS
Res:2 Sig:3 Fire:2 Sys:2
Analyze 2
Browse 2
Command 1
Edit 2
AR Gloves
Earbuds rating 1
Subvocal Mic
1 x Conjuring Materials a.k.a. Spirit Binding Material Force 4
2 x Conjuring Materials a.k.a. Spirit Binding Material Force 2
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Franky 5/1 - Auto Mechanic that works for a small auto repair shop in Boston. Used to be best friends with Dominik as kids but aren't quite as close anymore. Still close friends though.
Redd Foxx 3/4 - Fixer that Dominik has worked with for 8 years. Despite the long standing relationship, Redd Foxx is very professional and as a result, Dominik and Redd only consider each other acquaintances. Got the name thanks to the car he drives, a replica of a 120+ year old truck painted red.
May 3 2010, 04:58 PM
Are there any open spaces left, or are you guys full?
May 3 2010, 05:08 PM
I'd say we have...1 more space at best. I'll be honest, I've lost count. If we go for 13, though, instead of 12, that's okay, I think. I just wonder what roles we don't have covered.
May 3 2010, 05:20 PM
I have a couple of ideas:
A troll ex-gladiator combat-monster, close combat guy, he kinda has trouble in real life (if it rings any bells, think Apachai Hopachai from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi)
A mystic adept samurai or shinobi maybe, just a wild guess
A japanese human-looking female elf face, maybe mage, not sure
if it's possible, maybe an AI for the ship
these are some wild guesses, nothing 100%, if there's a hole, I can maybe cook something up to fill it up
May 3 2010, 05:22 PM
I don't believe anyone's called for Cabin Boy yet...
And Penta, I submitted a 20 Q's. If you have more for me just send em my way.
May 3 2010, 05:41 PM
QUOTE (horvagab @ May 3 2010, 06:20 PM)

I have a couple of ideas:
A troll ex-gladiator combat-monster, close combat guy, he kinda has trouble in real life (if it rings any bells, think Apachai Hopachai from History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi)
A mystic adept samurai or shinobi maybe, just a wild guess
A japanese human-looking female elf face, maybe mage, not sure
if it's possible, maybe an AI for the ship
these are some wild guesses, nothing 100%, if there's a hole, I can maybe cook something up to fill it up
Heres my look at what we have and waht penta has said
The Troll not a good plan trolls aren't allowed GM ruling
Mystic adept-sounds good
AI-nope again GM ruling
Face-sounds ok
Hole wise I think we are a bit lacking on the sam-side seeing as we'll be engaging in boarding operations though any direct combat mulitiplyer woul work a drone rigger with aerial drones and such could also work.
Xahn Borealis
May 3 2010, 05:54 PM
How many spellslingers have we got? Nik makes one, but I'd like to think we've got more magical support than that, if only to provide Counterspelling.
Also, Penta, is it ok if we skip question 2 from Runner's Companion, the "what would your parents say?" one? I've always thought that one was a bit useless, as when are your parents likely to show up, and it always takes the most thought for me, after the name
May 3 2010, 06:11 PM
QUOTE (GrimWulf @ May 3 2010, 01:22 PM)

I don't believe anyone's called for Cabin Boy yet...
And Penta, I submitted a 20 Q's. If you have more for me just send em my way.
If only I could find em...PM me your email, your character name...Something I can search googlemail with.

Heh. I *knew* someone would ask about that question...I personally would prefer an answer, they can often be funny to read. But yeah, that question is a bit out there, you don't necessarily have to answer it.
May 3 2010, 06:16 PM
I dont think I'll answer directly all the questions however I'll answer a majority. Just wondering what naitive style do you want them in I cant get past the urge to write it IC in part maybe in the form of his service file.
May 3 2010, 06:18 PM
Unfortunately, I'm not awarding fractional karma - integers or bust! That said...If you want to forego the karma...I would prefer it written OOC. I get the urge to write it IC, say as part of his service file, but that would be confusing to read.
May 3 2010, 06:22 PM
I'll do both XD or at least cover both angles.
May 3 2010, 10:13 PM
Vis-a-vis holes in our group, we're still missing a proper face. Also handy would be a proper engineer (yes, Xahn, I know your guy has 4 Nautical Mechanic, but it might be nice to have someone who's a dedicated fixing-things-guy).
A drone rigger would also be nice, though I see that as less necessary.
Xahn Borealis
May 3 2010, 10:17 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 3 2010, 11:13 PM)

Vis-a-vis holes in our group, we're still missing a proper face. Also handy would be a proper engineer (yes, Xahn, I know your guy has 4 Nautical Mechanic, but it might be nice to have someone who's a dedicated fixing-things-guy).
A drone rigger would also be nice, though I see that as less necessary.
I could take a spesh or some bonus ware?
May 3 2010, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 3 2010, 11:13 PM)

Vis-a-vis holes in our group, we're still missing a proper face. Also handy would be a proper engineer (yes, Xahn, I know your guy has 4 Nautical Mechanic, but it might be nice to have someone who's a dedicated fixing-things-guy).
A drone rigger would also be nice, though I see that as less necessary.
The character I'm fleshing out has 6 charisma and all that jazz, so the face part should be covered. Once I turn in my paper on Wednesday, I'll try and get the character rounded off and posted.
May 3 2010, 10:39 PM
QUOTE (Xahn Borealis @ May 3 2010, 03:17 PM)

I could take a spesh or some bonus ware?
No, no, Aquaman's's just, what if we need special driving
and fixing stuff at the same time?
QUOTE (RedFish @ May 3 2010, 03:24 PM)

The character I'm fleshing out has 6 charisma and all that jazz, so the face part should be covered. Once I turn in my paper on Wednesday, I'll try and get the character rounded off and posted.
Oh, I didn't realize; sorry.
May 3 2010, 10:40 PM
Double post!
May 3 2010, 10:56 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 3 2010, 11:39 PM)

Oh, I didn't realize; sorry.
No need to apologize - I haven't been terribly active the last few days, and I believe I had mentioned 2-3 character concepts so far, and none of them was a face. All in all I have more reason to apologize. I won't though
Xahn Borealis
May 4 2010, 01:39 PM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 3 2010, 11:39 PM)

No, no, Aquaman's's just, what if we need special driving and fixing stuff at the same time?
Well, everyone's got at least NautMech 1 as a rule, so with teamwork tests, that could deal with small things or whatever, but there's no reason why Aquaman can't put the boat on autopilot and fix it up in person. However another mechanic would definitely come in handy.
May 4 2010, 02:22 PM
Okay, in another editioon of It's My Game (And I can babble if I want to):
1. Okay, so. We clearly have at least 12 people in the chargen process.
Hence, after this post? If you haven't posted yet saying hi or something, the door's closed. Not red closed, just "Reserves only". This is in an attempt to keep things manageable.
2. With that said, I'd like to please wrap up character generation in a week. After chargen is wrapped, we'll spend some time doin the boat.
We can start the boat now, but my hope is that you guys can wrap up the shipgen in 2 weeks from whenever we start it.
3. No later than 1 June, we'll start play, I'm hoping.
May 4 2010, 02:40 PM
Xahan, don't forget Oscar the sea shaman!!
May 4 2010, 02:44 PM
Am I still in, or on reserve list? I'm fine either way,still not sure what kind of char to do, maybe a rigger who can fix stuff as well?
May 4 2010, 02:47 PM
You're in, though please move quickly.
May 4 2010, 05:41 PM
Okay, I'll try to get a rigger working in the week. Maybe a chaos mage rigger, or is that too much?
May 4 2010, 05:44 PM
...Too much.
May 4 2010, 06:30 PM
An Oni yakuza, who has experience smuggling stuff, a magician, who's on lend from the Yakuza to the guy who buys the ship and us as well. Some face, breaking and entering and illusion skills probably then. Sort of a quartermaster character if you wish.
May 4 2010, 07:45 PM
QUOTE (horvagab @ May 4 2010, 02:30 PM)

An Oni yakuza, who has experience smuggling stuff, a magician, who's on lend from the Yakuza to the guy who buys the ship and us as well. Some face, breaking and entering and illusion skills probably then. Sort of a quartermaster character if you wish.
I dunno about everyone else, but I don't want a Yakuza inside man on our boat. Also, you'll want to read through the thread (I know it's 20+ pages) cause the GM gives a bit of backstory, and considering the backstory, I can almost guarantee that he'll reject the 'on lend from the Yakuza' thing. Oh, and I think he's shot down metavariants too, although I might be misremembering on that one.
May 4 2010, 07:55 PM
Kay, I'll do that, should have done in the first place. Back to the drawing board then.
Xahn Borealis
May 4 2010, 08:35 PM
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